Latin Waves Media

Global solidarity movement for Palestinians



Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Yves Engler author of the Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy.As Israel intensified its occupation over the last decades, it has steadily built settlements, tookcontrol of water supplies, and laid its ‘apartheid wall’ and separate road system across the West Bank (with the consequence of severely damagingthe Palestinian economy). In Jerusalem, Israel has beenpersistently ethnically-cleansing East Jerusalem in a deliberate, planned policy of ‘Judaization’ through forced evictions, house demolitions, arcane judicial rulings on housing rights, and building new blocks for Israeli settlers.Yves Engler speaks of the global solidarity movement for Palestinians, and the lessons in resistance. Why solidarity matters and what is lost when fail to speak and actagainst imperialist aggression,Support Latin Waves Books by Yves Engler CLICK HERE