Learn how to live a life of fullness and how to recover your emotional harmony with Dr Carmen Roman. She will share with you current psychology by sharing herself and interviewing experts who will inspire you. Living in harmony is possible if you know the psychological effects of your emotions and how to handle them. Subscribe in Itunes or visit and see the lecture on Happiness from Dr. Roman.ESPAÑOLAprende como vivir en plenitud y como recuperar tu salud emocional con la Dra. Carmen Román. Ella compartirá contigo la más actualizada psicología a través de sus presentaciones o invitando a otros psicólogos y profesionales exitosos que te inspiraran.Vivir en armonía y con inteligencia emocional es posible si tienes conocimiento emocional y sabes cómo manejar tus emociones en tiempos críticos. Subscribete en itunes o visita y ve la presentación de la Dra. Carmen acerca de la felicidad
Get Better Sleep!
09/01/2021 Duración: 22minHave you ever had to force yourself to go to sleep at night? Do you wake up in the middle of the night and find yourself lying in bed for hours and hours? Maybe you just couldn’t avoid bringing up a difficult conversation with your partner at bedtime? Why not use naps, meals, caffeine intake, and even spiritual practices to help you sleep better? People who usually suffer from insomnia tend to have created poor sleep habits due to depression, anxiety, lack of activity, or certain medications. This sleep disorder is most common in adults and thanks to different studies conducted in different countries around the world, we have found that 30% of the population suffers from it. But how can we treat it? In this episode, Dr. Carmen Roman talks about all these things and more. Offering us a simple definition of insomnia, and shares some helpful ideas for optimal sleep hygiene. If you’re struggling with getting to sleep at night or staying asleep, you’ll find better ways to get rest that don’t involve medicine or al
What Your Fears say About you
23/12/2020 Duración: 27minFear is an emotion that every human being has felt. Physiological and normal reactions of fear include increased heartbeat, sweaty hands, greater than normal energy load, insomnia, etc. In this episode, Dr. Carmen Roman helps us to understand our fears at a deeper level so we can learn from them and, of course, face them with greater success. In this episode you will learn: Common Reactions to fear. Examples of what is a normal fear vs clinical fear When and how your fear turns into a phobia or trauma Some tips about how to face our fears The importance of seeking help that matches our needs Some reflections about preventing unnecessary fears you may develop Join the Emotional Freedom Challenge!: Are you ready to enhance your overall life? Learn how to Negotiate Anything! Enroll today and claim a 10% discount and a free 30 minutes psychoeducation with me! Donate here:
The Effects of Music on our Body. With Pablo Arellano
11/12/2020 Duración: 24minMany people suffer from insomnia and/or difficulty sleeping, even more so when we can be subjected to stress, anxiety, or simply due to bad sleeping habits such as looking at the phone when we are already in bed or watching television until late at night. But surely at some point, we have all fallen asleep listening to some music in the background or we have witnessed how when humming a song to a child, they fall asleep almost immediately and this is due to the peace that our body perceives when it hears a melody. Music has a therapeutic effect since it is capable of releasing chemicals in our brain that allow us to feel relaxed and happy. When we listen to music the nervous system is cleansed and the body relaxes, making us feel freer, for this reason, some disciplines are accompanied by music to help the body enter a state of calm, such as yoga and meditations, or even when we go to a gym we listen to more animated music so that our body understands in some way that it is time to activate and emit the energ
Overcoming our Insecurities
04/12/2020 Duración: 29minThe feeling of insecurity is usually a mix of uneasiness, fear, and nervousness that are triggered by multiple situations or thoughts that make us feel vulnerable or inferior to others. For example, the feeling of insecurity can attack us when we think our beauty, intelligence, or situation in life is way worst than our friend's. Insecurity can be normal in small doses, however, when it persists for a long period of time and it interrupts your daily activities and thoughts, it is time to seek help. Getting rid of this excessive insecurity will help you achieve things that you surely have always wanted to do, without the burden of thinking that your knowledge, beauty, or skills are not enough. In this episode, Dr. Carmen interviews Ali Psiuk, LMFT, who will tell us where the feeling of insecurity comes from, how can we overpower it, and when we should seek help. Ali Psiuk LMFT is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who supports individuals and partners to improve the quality of their relationships and th
Letting go and Recovering Your Power
25/11/2020 Duración: 17minAre you holding onto thoughts and past memories that are hurting you? The more you keep reliving those bad memories in your head and thinking about all the stuff you could have done, the more your mental health will suffer and the more difficult your daily life with turn. But how can we let go of those memories and thoughts? In this episode, Dr. Carmen will help you understand how to let go of past experiences that you may carry with you. You will learn what it means to let go, how to recognize when you are not letting go, what are the consequences of not letting go, and how to help yourself let go. There is no need to carry difficult or negative past experiences or feelings constantly when you learn how to let go. You will find that by letting go you can move on and lay a healthy, wiser foundation in your life. What will you learn in this episode: What is letting go What is not letting go Signs you are not letting go Consequences of not letting go Emotional suffering that is different from common pain Phy
The Turkey Dinner and Its Customs
25/11/2020 Duración: 04min*IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are going to be celebrating Thanksgiving, please remember to be socially responsible and follow the health rules for this specific global situation. What is something you are grateful for this year? Putting aside all the bad things we've been through this year, there are still a lot of things we can be grateful for. Like for example, we have learned to be patient, we have taken old hobbies and made time for them. We have also learned to be more grateful in general. But there is still a lot of room for improvement in our life. And now that we are so close to celebrating Thanksgiving, it is a good time to reflect on how we can make ourselves better while helping others grow too. This little story makes us reflect on the way we act and how many times we assume that everyone has the same knowledge or privilege we've been lucky enough to have in our lives. Join the Emotional Freedom Challenge!: Are you ready to enhance your overall life? Learn
Understanding the Stages of Adolescence from ages 16 - 23
21/11/2020 Duración: 25minHow can we help a child during adolescence? Once a child passes the first two stages of adolescence, things get very different and some parents even find it more difficult to guide and help their kids in these two final stages of adolescence. In this episode, we bring you the part two of the interview with Dr. Carl Pickhardt where he explains the two last stages of adolescence and what changes and struggles you as a parent will be able to find when helping your child through this crucial phase of life. Dr. Carl is a psychologist in private counseling and public lecturing practice in Austin, Texas. He is the author of 15 parenting books as well as books of illustrated psychology, young adult, and children's fiction. He received his B.A. and M.Ed. from Harvard and his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. He is a member of the American and Texas Psychological Associations. He has written columns for the Austin American Statesman ("Parenting the Teenager"), for the Austin Business Journal, Single Parent
Understanding the Stages of Adolescence From the Ages 9 to 15
13/11/2020 Duración: 27minAdolescence includes some big changes that are sometimes hard to accept for both the parents and the child. From the way our body looks to the way we see the world, every little aspect of one's life will change when going through adolescence, and this can cause anxiety for the whole family. But, how can we help a child during adolescence? To get on a good start, we have to understand that adolescence has different stages and each one brings their own different necessities and struggles. Once we identify the stage the child is going through, we can start preparing ourselves as a parent to help them and give them the room they need for the upcoming growd. In this episode, we bring you an interview with Dr. Carl Pickhardt where he explains the different stages of adolescence and what changes and struggles you as a parent will be able to find when helping your child through this crucial phase of life. Dr. Carl is a psychologist in private counseling and public lecturing practice in Austin, Texas. He is the author
Do I have Anxiety?
06/11/2020 Duración: 07minDo you think you suffer from anxiety? Anxiety is a normal response of our body to a situation of danger or discomfort, in different cases, having anxiety is normal and even healthy to an extent. However, when the feeling of "nervousness" stays within our bodies for days and gets in the way of our daily routines, it is time to pay close attention to ourselves and get ready to seek help. More than 260 million people around the world have anxiety disorders, and the list of symptoms can be so long that it can be mistaken for different illnesses and disorders. We must pay enough attention to what we feel and even take note of or different moods throughout the day and then discuss it with our psychologist. In this episode, Dr. Carmen talks about what is an anxiety disorder, the symptoms, and the differences between a panic attack and an anxiety attack. Join the Emotional Freedom Challenge!: Are you ready to enhance your overall life? Learn how to Negotiate Anything! ht
The Chilaquiles Adventure
29/10/2020 Duración: 22minWhat new experiences will we encounter in the new outside world? This year has been filled with multiple situations that have changed the world as we used to know it, and going out to do simple things like taking a walk have now rules that we must follow for our safety. The current global situation has had an effect on all of us; Just like the students of different levels, many businesses like restaurants and shops have had to adapt and completely rely on an online world, shipping their products directly to our homes. But what should we expect when the moment of finally attending a restaurant personally comes? And which rules should we follow to maintain our safety? In this episode, Dr. Carmen and her husband will talk about their first dining out experience in seven months, how the rules in restaurants changed to follow the social distancing rules, and which feelings rushed through them on this eventful day. Questions of the week: Do I pay attention to the privilege I have? Do I have a spiritual practice
Does my Anxiety Affect my Children?
23/10/2020 Duración: 26minAre you scared you could transfer your anxiety to your children? Anxiety is rarely a genetic disorder, however, kids can and will copy the behavior that their parents present around them. There are countless ways for children to learn while they are growing, however, one of the ways that stand out in this topic the most is "modeling". Children always observe what their parents and the different adults in their families do and say, this includes the way they act towards certain people and situations, and later imitate what they observe. If you suffer from anxiety yourself, there is a high chance your child will suffer from it too, this is because they will imitate the nervous or impulsive behavior that you show them In this episode, Dr. Carmen interviews Elizabeth Cush, who will tell us about how your anxiety can be transferred to your children if you don't take good enough measures to treat this disorder. Elizabeth Cush (LCPC) is a licensed clinical professional counselor specialized in anxiety, a businesswom
Go Dark and Come Back
17/10/2020 Duración: 20min*WARNING* The episode you are about to listen to is a delicate one, and it could cause you feelings of sadness and uncomfortableness. How vulnerable should we be with our own selves? Being sad is okay sometimes, and acknowledging that you are sad is even better. Even though sadness is the emotion that nobody wants to feel ever in their life, it is still an emotion, and we as humans have to go through and feel each emotion from time to time. Feeling sad and crying from time to time is natural, and it can even be healthy. Yes, it can feel scary, and sometimes it might feel like the world as you know it is going to end, but when we actually sit down and acknowledge that we need to cry, the tears that will come out will help you relieves stress, releases toxins, and will have a self-soothing effect on you. In this episode, Dr. Carmen will talk about how scary it can be to feel deep sadness, but also, she will tell us about how in her long path of professionalism, has seen people recover from it and enter a pat
Adolescents: Understanding the limits of freedom
03/10/2020 Duración: 28minAdolescence is a confusing but necessary period for our children to grown and adapt to the world. During these years, they start to try to get their own independence and understand themselves; and slowly the parents must give them bits of freedom, but how much freedom is too much? Today Dr. Carmen interviews Dr. Carl Pickhardt, who will tell us how to help our teenagers to understand freedom and how we must set limits to said freedom. Dr. Carl is a psychologist in private counseling and public lecturing practice in Austin, Texas. He is the author of 15 parenting books as well as books of illustrated psychology, young adult, and children's fiction. He received his B.A. and M.Ed. from Harvard, and his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. He is a member of the American and Texas Psychological Associations. He has written columns for the Austin American Statesman ("Parenting the Teenager"), for the Austin Business Journal, Single Parent Magazine, Marriage and Family Living Magazine, Austin, and f
Children's Dreams: A well of Wisdom
27/09/2020 Duración: 39minThis topic is very important to improve communication and the relationship with our children in general, because according to the results of Dr. Cindy Sauln’s research, there are many messages and messengers hidden in the dreams of children. In addition, this podcast talks about the connection between the emotional state of children in relation to the meaning of their dreams, having in this way a master class on the influence of dreams on our children, and how to treat them as parents. That is not all, the specialist deals with issues related to nightmares and beautiful dreams that children have and how that affects them in life. If you are a parent interested in these types of topics, this podcast will give you the results of various researches about dreams in children and adults. In addition, it will explain to you how to approach your children and become that faithful partner with whom they can communicate. Finally, we give you recommendations in order to know how to communicate with your children and thei
The Fear of Having Anxiety
18/09/2020 Duración: 20minThe remarkable changes that we are experiencing worldwide have made us realize that stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia are the order of the day and anyone can suffer from it; we are human and every day we face various situations that can take us out of our comfort zone, making us feel nervous and afraid. The number of people who are suffering from anxiety and depression has increased exponentially. And believe me that with everything that is happening, not having anxiety right now would be a rarity, being that this is the way our body responds to situations of danger or fear. If you live with anxiety, depression, or insomnia you should know that the only way of minimizing the effect of these disorders is taking care of yourself; you can only get out of this when you talk about it and change your routine. And if you still do not know if you suffer from anxiety, I recommend that you do your research about the subject, remember to always check certified sources, and if you perceive that you have it do not
Home Shelter Week 22: Why you Should be Prepared for Every Situation
11/09/2020 Duración: 21minHave you been cautious enough these past months? One of the many things that we've learned from this "stay home" journey is that we need to be prepared for all kinds of situations. Although being home all day can be pretty safe, a lot of unplanned situations could take place at any moment; natural disasters, sickness, or family emergencies are things we should be prepared for in advance. Being prepared for circumstances like these will also help your mental health in case something happens, given that you will not add more stress to the situation with the panic of not knowing what to do. In this episode, Dr.Carmen and her husband talk about the importance of being prepared for emergencies, especially during times like this. And they share with us a short and fun story of their own, where they had to evacuate their home for a few days. What are we talking about: Evacuating your own home California fires Preparing as a family for different situations Managing your emotions when there’s an emergency
Safe and Happy Immigrants
29/08/2020 Duración: 27minSome people think the concept of immigrants is this person who leaves their country and starts an adventure to improve their quality of life, but actually this definition applies even for people who move inside their own country because this represents a big change in their own adaptation process. Lots of people change their residence place because they hope that with this change the problems and worries are going to disappear, using this situation as an escape method, but sometimes is quite the opposite and instead of minimizing them, they multiply. By doing a change like this, we have too much to learn about the culture of the new place and sometimes we ignore details that can put us in dangerous situations. It does not matter if you move from your country because you want to experiment with new things, to change your lifestyle, or to follow a professional opportunity, you must adapt to this culture. In this episode, Dr. Carmen talks about the dangers and abuses immigrants could be exposed to when they ar
Home Shelter Week 20: Good lighting for Learning and Happiness
23/08/2020 Duración: 22minNow that we are spending way more time inside our home, the amount of - natural or artificial - lighting that we receive is a factor we should always have in mind; Inadequate lighting is commonly associated with depression, anxiety, and many mental health problems. In these times of working and studying from home, paying enough attention to what our body needs is crucial for our mental and physical health. This is why in this episode, Dr. Carmen and her husband talk about the importance of receiving natural lighting every day while we are going through this "Stay at home" journey. This week, ask yourself the following questions: Do I pay attention to my body needs? Do I document myself in the appropriate sources? What small or big changes do I need to make around my home? Write down your answers and stick to the solutions you should apply to better your daily life. This activity will help you bring more harmony into your life! What are we talking about: How to foster your happiness Inadequate lighting an
Home Shelter Week 15: The Positive Side of Staying Home
28/07/2020 Duración: 21minIt has been two months since the last episode of the Home Shelter Fellowship, and a lot of things have happened in this time. In these two months, people have taken the chance to discover themselves and the things that they really like, a lot of families are happily spending way more time with their loved ones, and the most creative people are even launching their own business and helping their communities. Concentrating on positive things like these is key to maintain good mental health during this time of crisis. But how do we do that? In this episode, Dr. Carmen and her husband Vince will talk about the little solutions that can you can apply during this time to get big and happy results. In this episode, we talk about: How grief manifest during these difficult times Looking for positive news Solutions that can make you happier And much more Resources: Join the Emotional Freedom Challenge!: Are you ready to enhance you
We Need your Help!
21/07/2020 Duración: 02minDONATE HERE: We have already graduated a cohort of 18 Spanish speaking people from 5 countries who received 33 hours of psychoeducational content. We named them “The hope fellowship,” and we are proud to say that so far none of them have contracted the COVID-19! Maybe because they are following safety guidelines or they are more assertive to offer and ask for social distancing. In general, they seem to have increased their resilience and are more willing to host difficult conversations with their loved ones. We thought we were done, but it is now when more Latino families are contracting COVID-19, more families are being left behind in medical and psychological services. The demand is increasing tremendously. Now, we want to continue to provide these free sessions to our Latino community. And we need your financial support for this. Panic, Anxiety, stress, depression, and insomnia levels are on the rise again with more cases t