Learn how to live a life of fullness and how to recover your emotional harmony with Dr Carmen Roman. She will share with you current psychology by sharing herself and interviewing experts who will inspire you. Living in harmony is possible if you know the psychological effects of your emotions and how to handle them. Subscribe in Itunes or visit and see the lecture on Happiness from Dr. Roman.ESPAÑOLAprende como vivir en plenitud y como recuperar tu salud emocional con la Dra. Carmen Román. Ella compartirá contigo la más actualizada psicología a través de sus presentaciones o invitando a otros psicólogos y profesionales exitosos que te inspiraran.Vivir en armonía y con inteligencia emocional es posible si tienes conocimiento emocional y sabes cómo manejar tus emociones en tiempos críticos. Subscribete en itunes o visita y ve la presentación de la Dra. Carmen acerca de la felicidad
How to be Your Own Best Friend
19/06/2021 Duración: 17minThe phrase "to love someone else, you must first love yourself" is a very popular and truthful one. Love and friendship are very important factors for human beings, sometimes feeling part of something becomes an instinct, and we are looking for communities with which to identify ourselves or people who share our own interests so we can finally, develop a friendship or even a romance. However, it is also true that a vast majority of people have experienced disappointments regarding friendships and from then on they are afraid of making new friends. However, despite the circumstances and people around us, you should know that there will always be a friendship that is for life and that is willing to not fail you, that friendship is the one we have with ourselves. We always try to be good friends with each other, but how good are you to yourself? A friend is there to celebrate your triumphs, but at the same time to support and advise you in failures, the fact that you can count on your own friendship allows you t
How to Feel Capable
22/05/2021 Duración: 19minOften we find ourselves in situations where we want to do things or make decisions, but we run into uncertainty and fear of taking action and not taking action. This has to do with the lack of self-confidence we have, where sometimes an external motivation is required to achieve what we want. Confidence in ourselves makes us feel like we are capable of achieving whatever we set our mind to. To be able to feel capable of doing something is a thing that develops from our childhood to adulthood. When we set a goal and go after it, we gain confidence and believe in ourselves until we reach the point where we do not doubt it and simply carry out the plans. But... What happens when we do not feel capable of achieving what we set out to do? We don't take action due to a self-perception issue, we unconsciously think that we are going to fail, and in a series of negative thoughts that perhaps many times are also fed by other people until finally, we program ourselves to think that we really cannot carry out a certain
Have You Been Waking up at 3 am?
15/05/2021 Duración: 02minHave you ever wondered why you regularly wake up at 3 am? Although people think this is a supernatural sign, there might be deeper reasoning behind this. Join us in this short episode and find out Dr. Carmen's opinion about this topic! Learn Simple Steps to Manage your Anxiety!: Are you ready to enhance your overall life? Learn how to Negotiate Anything! Enroll today and claim a 10% discount and a free 30 minutes psychoeducation with me!
Feeling Proud of your Achievements
08/05/2021 Duración: 20minSometimes we come across situations in which we question the things we have achieved, for example when we go to a job interview, and they ask us questions such as "Tell me 5 positive things about yourself" or "Tell me about the great things you have achieved", that's when we may notice that perhaps it can be easier for us to identify our defects than to identify our virtues or mention the achievements we have obtained in lives. And this is not necessarily because of a matter of sorrow or forgetfulness but because we usually don't have in mind the meritorious things we have achieved, and sometimes we don't even feel pride for the good things that we've done. Having our achievements in mind and feeling happy about them is key to maintain our self-esteem at a healthy level since those are a fundamental part of what defines us as a person. Personal achievements can have different meanings for each person and do not necessarily have to be material, such as buying a house after a lot of effort or pay for your child
Being Flexible
01/05/2021 Duración: 17minFlexibility is a concept that is applied in various fields, although people tend to think about gymnasts or ballerinas when hearing this word, in the psychological field it's oriented to the mental and cognitive part of a human being. It is very common to hear phrases like "you should be more flexible at times like these" but... what does it mean to be mentally flexible, and how can you achieve it? Being a flexible person means having the ability to adapt in the best way to the various situations that we may go through, many times being flexible leads to other things such as having a good attitude and an open mind to accept, respect, and understand others views and opinions. Flexibility is a good ally since by allowing ourselves to listen to others with ideas other than our own we can acquire new learnings, and if we use flexibility as a tool, we can open our mind to a circumstance or problem and try endless options to solve it. Inflexible people are characterized by resisting change, it takes them a lot of e
Living in The Present Moment
24/04/2021 Duración: 22minPeople tend to say that "to remember is to live", it is certainly very nice to think about those pleasant situations that we lived in our childhood or a few years ago, and it's very common to sit with our friends and family to relive those precious moments. It is normal that we turn to the past to remember who we are and where we came from, however, thinking way too much about the past can prevent us from living in the present. One of the factors to which we must pay attention is when our thinking resorts to the use of phrases such as "I should have done ...". To be able to live in the present we must know that not only does the past affect us, the future also pressures us to live at a different pace, our minds can go to thoughts such as "I have to pay the bills for next month", "What will my boss think of the project that I will present to him?", These thoughts add additional pressure to us that is sometimes not necessary and end up leading us to erroneous conclusions such as "I will be happy when I manage
Can I Fall in Love Again?
17/04/2021 Duración: 19minMost people have suffered a romantic breakup at least once in their life, a part of these people can quickly recover from that situation, start another relationship again and do much better, but there is another part that finds it difficult to meet new people and get into a romantic relationship after suffering a heartbreak. This happens because they are afraid of being hurt or betrayed again, and it is normal to feel fear since they have associated that falling in love can lead to suffering, and feeling fear makes our body stay alert to any activity that may unbalance our tranquility. To overcome this and be able to allow yourself to build a new relationship, it is important to avoid regretting what happened and to pause and reflect on the extent to which we have been responsible for that breakup and in what we have contributed, even if it may sound very harsh. All this to improve the necessary aspects and thus obtain better results. If we do not do the personal work, we would fall into immature cycles in th
Listening to your Intuition
10/04/2021 Duración: 22minFrequently we hear the phrase "listen to your intuition" but... do we really know the meaning of this word? Intuition refers to that ability with which we can reach correct conclusions from little information in a short time. They are those decisions that we take with the heart, not with judgment, that is why we also call it "hunch". We could be applying our intuition in daily situations, and sometimes we do it unconsciously since intuition is based on previous knowledge that we obtained during different experiences lived, and our brain stores them to use it as future problem-solving skills. An example of this could be the day-to-day tasks of a mechanic, every time they check a vehicle they know what could be failing and discover solutions, storing that knowledge in their memory; after a few months, another vehicle may come with a similar breakdown and only by hearing the sounds the vehicle makes they take risks giving a diagnosis and a possible solution because their intuition tells them that the past case c
Emotional Neglect in Children
03/04/2021 Duración: 23minIn our families, especially in Latino families, there is an almost imperceptible factor, since it is not a widely spoken concept, and it is emotional neglect during childhood, this is nothing more than the wrong way to proceed with emotional patterns from parents to children, where the young ones may begin to experience psychological and emotional damage in their present and that may leave consequences for their future. Unlike violence and abuse, which are directed in a greater proportion to the physical part, emotional neglect attacks the emotional and psychological side of the kid, this refers to that lack of connection between the father/mother towards the needs of the child, it is oriented in many cases towards omission and for this reason, sometimes it becomes imperceptible even for the same victim already in adulthood to identify if they suffered it. A very clear example of this concept is the differentiation of roles between the genders of the girl and the boy, and it can happen when they say to the ma
Coping with Grief in Difficult Situations
27/03/2021 Duración: 31minGrief and sorrow are sadly a part of life, sometimes we might be prepared for it, and sometimes we won't. How can we deal with these hard feelings while still moving forward? Listening to your grief just like you listen to the rest of your emotions is a great start for the process of getting better at managing this hard feeling, letting it express itself and letting it go out of your body is the healthiest way of doing it. Many people when dealing with grief will want to try to lock it away on the deepest parts of themselves, but this action could actually make the emotional pain worst. Our emotions are there for a reason, and we must listen to them to maintain our emotional health at a peaking point. In this episode, Dr. Carmen talks with Dr. Liz Caine, who will tell us a bit about how we can manage our grief, especially in times like these when our emotions are heightened. Who’s our guest?Dr. Liz A. Caine (she/her) is a licensed psychologist in Northern California. In her psychotherapeutic work, she is d
How I Manifested the Relationship of My Dreams
20/03/2021 Duración: 24minChoosing a good partner has always been difficult for most people, but why? To choose a good, compatible partner it's necessary to first know yourself, your likes, dislikes, and the goals that you want to reach in life. Keep in mind that this person that is going to come into your life will also have their own likes, hobbies, and goals. Are you willing to live with someone who smokes? Or someone who drinks? This is where filtering comes in, you must prepare a list of activities or behaviors that make you uncomfortable and start to separate the people that you meet by using the said list. It may sound quite aggressive to filter people this way, but if you think about it, the process of finding someone to spend the rest of your life with is a serious one, and the results we are aiming for is to find the best possible partner; one that can be as reliable and compassionate as possible. At times, the path of looking for a partner can be difficult and full of insecurities, but if you keep a positive attitude it can
How to Save Your Relationship
13/03/2021 Duración: 24minHow are you keeping the romance alive while staying at home? The pandemic has made lots of things difficult, and one of those things is keeping a romantic relationship alive. When this situation started and everyone was excited to spend a few days inside their homes many couples were thrilled to have some time to themselves to reconnect and try new hobbies together, but now, as the situation has extended, and we've been at home for such a long time, things are starting to get boring and for some, difficult even. But how can you keep that relationship up and running? This is the time to grow and overcome difficulties together, to show compassion and lovingly express your support to your partner when the situation gets too overwhelming, it is the time to know exactly when to be there for them and when you both should have some time for yourselves. In this special episode, Dr. Carmen, and her husband Vince, talk about the small things and actions that can save your relationship when you need it the most, they ta
Overcoming a Divorce
05/03/2021 Duración: 16minGoing through the experience of a divorce without a doubt is a situation that no one wants to go through in their life regardless of the terms in which the relationship has ended. A divorce can be by mutual agreement or not, and it can even come as a surprise for one of the parties. The breakdown of a marriage can become a difficult situation to face and accept due to many factors, one of these factors and perhaps the one with the greatest weight that people expose is the situation with their children, since it affects the family environment and in some cases, it can start a legal dispute for custody of minors. Others may be emotional, social, and economic stability with the division of material goods.Breaking a relationship that was expected to last forever is a painful experience where both parties go through a complex grieving process and many times it is necessary to go to therapy to overcome it. When going through this process, it is beneficial to keep in mind several points so that it does not become so
Creating Your Own Meditation Space
26/02/2021 Duración: 08minWe have recently gone through many changes at a global level and with those outside changes, we also did the same inside; with the new rhythm of life that we have been adapting, we have acquired endless skills, knowledge, and habits, we have even set our imagination to fly with creativity or we have taken an activity such as a sport or practices such as yoga and meditation.If you are one of those who have entered the world of meditation, you may have realized that it is an activity that reduces stress and increases the general well-being of our lives. Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years by different cultures, for different spiritual, religious, and healing purposes. If you are a beginner in this practice and you feel a little lost about the space that you should practice in or how to do the meditation, or if, on the contrary, you have not started because you think that you do not have space or the resources indicated to start, do not worry! In this episode, Dr. Carmen Román will give you a br
Body Image and Eating Disorders in Communities of Color
19/02/2021 Duración: 20minThroughout the years, eating disorders have been portrayed in media as if it's only a problem that affects heterosexual, young, white females, but in reality, eating disorders have no boundaries and can affect people from any ethnicity, culture, or gender. And even when we don't want to accept it, we have more cases of eating disorders in our communities of color than we think. Eating disorders are viewed and treated differently depending on the culture where the affected one comes from; in the case of communities of color, we have a very deep connection with food, sometimes even turning it into a love language. This connection makes it difficult sometimes for the affected ones to get the correct treatment and support from their loved ones. Knowing this, How can we help ourselves or our loved ones who might be struggling with body image or eating disorders? In this episode, Dr. Carmen Román interviews Dr. Ghynecee Temple, who will tell us in a very insightful way, why the cases of eating disorders in people o
Healthy Emotional Dependence
12/02/2021 Duración: 13minThe fact that a person has emotional dependencies is a very detrimental factor for oneself since well-being, tranquility and happiness cease to depend on them, becoming dependent on another person, thus, placing an obstacle when expressing their feelings or wishes. Emotional dependence is what happens when a person fosters a disproportionate affective bond that ends in addition to the other person, be it their partner, a relative, or even a friend. In some cases it is more difficult to get out of this situation since this dependence can be fed by the other person, making it a cycle. We always hear that phrase "He's my better half", claiming that one half is nothing without the other when the reality is not like that. Although it is true, in romantic relationships one person comes to complement the other; there should always be a balance and this does not mean that all the burden should fall on one of the two, each person has endless abilities, skills, knowledge, and even talents where they can surely fend for
Tips for Your Personal Growth
06/02/2021 Duración: 17minIt is normal for life to have its ups and downs. As human beings, we face a series of tests and obstacles every day that we must overcome and learn from them, sometimes perhaps we do not get out of a situation so gracefully and we tend to feel crestfallen or defeated, however, in these moments we must bring out the best in ourselves and stand up stronger than before in order to overcome these obstacles. This capacity that each person has through their abilities, skills, intelligence, and perseverance is called personal growth. In these times that we are living, the term self-growth is heard much more frequently, but do we know what it is about? It is simply the evolution and the way in which a person is transformed through the new knowledge they acquire, skills, tools, ways of thinking, and habits, to put it simply, everything positive that drives their personal growth and that will allow them to achieve goals with all the potential acquired. Each person is valuable with their virtues and defects, surely in y
Is it Good to Have Curiosity?
30/01/2021 Duración: 22minPeople often associate curiosity as an undesirable trait, and when someone curious approaches us, we tend to avoid them. But, is curiosity really a defect or a virtue? Being curious means having the desire to explore and learn more about what surrounds us or to explore a specific topic; curiosity forms an important role in the learning period of an individual, whether, from childhood or adulthood, curiosity apart from being healthy, induces us to learn and to acquire knowledge that can be useful for our life. But when does it stop being good and becomes a defect? It occurs when we use curiosity to inquire about things that do not add to us or that can lead us to not so positive consequences. Being curious can be the spark of many good things since it generates positive ambitions, helps develop creativity, gives us multiple possibilities of solving a problem, protects our brain, increases happiness, accelerates learning, and motivates us to explore. If you want to know more about this topic and how you can dev
How to Talk About Sexuality to Your Children
22/01/2021 Duración: 30minWhen is a good time to talk to your children about sex? And what is the correct way to do it? Talking to children about topics such as sexuality and body development can be difficult and sometimes, depending on the culture, it can even be a taboo conversation. But, as difficult or uncomfortable as it may be, these conversations are vital to our children's development and maturity. Many parents try to avoid and delay this talk for as long as possible, however, children will come across these topics in conversations with their friends or on television, and there is a possibility that they will not turn directly to you to find the right answers to the questions that arise in their heads. This is why it is important that, as parents, we learn the correct way to address these hard topics with our children when it's needed, ensuring that the information they receive is correct. In this episode, Dr. Carmen interviews Holly Osment, LMFT. Who will tell us how and when parents should start talking about sexuality and i
How to say "No"
16/01/2021 Duración: 22minHave you ever been asked to do something you don't want to, and yet you have accepted? Saying "No" to situations where you do not want to participate or don't want to do is not a crime, sometimes it's even a must for your health to refuse certain situations like helping and serving everyone but yourself. This simple word can help you to maintain control of your life and give you the opportunity to live a more relaxed life. In this episode, Dr. Carmen Roman shares with us why forgetting about the guilt of denying taking part in some situations is good for us, teaching us different solutions that will help you say "No" just when you need it without doubting yourself. Dr. Carmen Roman is a dedicated clinical psychologist who helps parents, families, and community leaders who have suffered from trauma, anxiety, or stress to managing their emotions, guiding them to a harmonious life. What will you learn in this episode? How to set healthy limits? People with confusing limits and their features. Examples and attit