Hyde Park United Methodist



Sermons and talks from Hyde Park United Methodist. Making God's Love Real. Find out more at hydeparkumc.org


  • The Meaning of Methodist, Part 1 // The Rev. Magrey deVega // August 7, 2022

    08/08/2022 Duración: 14min

    One of the hallmarks of United Methodism is the nuanced way that John Wesley both embraced human free will and God's grace. Both God's power and human will are necessary for salvation. Yes, we get to choose. But only because God's power makes our choice possible. Before we even knew there was a choice to make, eve as soon as we were born, God was hard at work drawing, luring us, convincing us to choose faith in Jesus. 

  • Hyde Park At The Movies, Part 6 // The Rev. Justin LaRosa // July 31, 2022

    01/08/2022 Duración: 15min

    In Top Gun: Maverick, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell confronts his regrets about his past and the consequences of his action and inaction. It's not unlike the disciple Peter confronting his denial and betrayal of Jesus.

  • Hyde Park At The Movies, Part 5 // The Rev. Sally Campbell-Evans // July 24, 2022

    25/07/2022 Duración: 21min

    In Paul’s classic metaphor of the church as the body of Christ, he reminds believers that each of them are responsible to one another for building each other up. When one suffers, all suffer with them. When one rejoices, all rejoice with them. Often, our society encourages us to think of ourselves individually, with our own uniqueness and special qualities that distinguish us from one another. But even in Paul’s description of spiritual gifts, he reminds us that those gifts are useful only in the context of community, when each person does their part. Encanto is a film about a family who, on the surface, seems remarkable because of the enchanting qualities of each of its members. But deep down, we discover that they are as dysfunctional as the rest of our families are, with their own secrets and skeletons. In the end, they discover that mutual love for each other, not outwardly remarkable abilities, is what makes them special.

  • Hyde Park At The Movies, Part 4 // The Rev. Justin LaRosa // July 17, 2022

    18/07/2022 Duración: 16min

    The book of Ephesians is Paul’s clearest and greatest appeal to unity in Christ, despite all the forces that would otherwise tear us apart. Ever since the Tower of Babel, human beings have been proliferating in their diversity, and gathering in camps and tribes that often become at odds with each other. The Christians of Ephesus were tempted to allow their differences with one another compromise their unity and their common witness to the world. The prevalent use of the word “one” in this scripture passage underscores Paul’s call for Christians to be one together. 

  • Hyde Park At The Movies, Part 3 // The Rev. Justin LaRosa // July 10, 2022

    11/07/2022 Duración: 11min

    The classic comic book character Batman embodies the spirit of vengeance and retribution. He is deemed a vigilante by the general public, and during the most recent film “The Batman,” declares, “I am vengeance.” In many ways, Batman represents our base instincts to seek revenge on others, which must be tempered by a commitment to love, and to a justice that is forged by peace and forgiveness. 

  • Hyde Park At The Movies, Part 2 // The Rev. Sally Campbell-Evans // July 3, 2022

    04/07/2022 Duración: 16min

    The early church gained in notoriety and vitality by becoming a community with hospitality and generosity. They welcomed new persons into the fellowship and ultimately, in Acts 15, extended the reach of God’s love to people who would otherwise be excluded. This spirit of expansive welcome is rendered beautifully in the production Come From Away, based on the true story of a small town of Gander, Newfoundland, who welcomed frightened, weary travelers in the immediate aftermath of 9/11.

  • Hyde Park At The Movies, Part 1 // The Rev. Sally Campbell-Evans // June 26, 2022

    27/06/2022 Duración: 18min

    The film "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" demonstrates the healing power of love and forgiveness. The acclaimed Fred Rogers serves as the conduit of that grace, as he interacts with Lloyd Vogel, a reporter who has been struggling with how to forgive his father and be reconciled with his family. Through the course of the film, and because of the kind, thoughtful, enduring wisdom of Mr. Rogers, Lloyd discovers how to experience a new kind of love, and a fuller relationship with others. 

  • The Parable of the Sower // The Rev. Emily Hotho // June 19, 2022

    20/06/2022 Duración: 13min

    Our Disctrict Superintendent, the Rev. Emily Hotho joins us with a message about Jesus' parable of the sower. What might Jesus' lesson about seeds and good soils have to teach us about our faith and our perspective on the world?

  • Trinity Sunday // The Rev. Magrey deVega // June 12, 2022

    13/06/2022 Duración: 13min

    The early church was not defined by the forms and structures that mark today’s modern church. It was marked by mission and purpose: to come together to worship, to sing and pray, to fellowship, and to serve and give to those in need. Each church ought to aspire to live up to, and into, a balance of those four purposes.

  • Pentecost Sunday // The Rev. Magrey deVega // June 5, 2022

    06/06/2022 Duración: 12min

    Pentecost (Greek for 50th) is the holy day celebrated 50 days after Easter. It is the moment that the Holy Spirit descended on the early disciples and sent them out into the world. It's a message of expansion and inclusion. And it calls us to widen our reach—to be carriers—of love and inclusion to all.

  • Rise, Part 6 // The Rev. Justin LaRosa // May 29, 2022

    30/05/2022 Duración: 12min

    The 12 Steps have helped people overcome hurts, habits, and hang-ups. These steps help us do the work of self-examination that leads to a deeper relationship with God and with others. In many ways it is a form of discipleship where we grow and are changed through practices. This week we conclude our series with Steps 10, 11, and 12. How can we abide in Christ by practicing perseverance, integrity, and service?

  • Rise, Part 5 // The Rev. Magrey deVega // May 22, 2022

    23/05/2022 Duración: 13min

    The 12 Steps have helped people overcome hurts, habits, and hang-ups. These steps help us do the work of self-examination that leads to a deeper relationship with God and with others. In many ways it is a form of discipleship where we grow and are changed through practices. This week we explore Steps 8 and 9. How can integrity and restitution lead us toward identifying and forgiving those we've harmed?

  • Rise, Part 4 // The Rev. Magrey deVega // May 15, 2022

    16/05/2022 Duración: 12min

    The 12 Steps have helped people overcome hurts, habits, and hang-ups. These steps help us do the work of self-examination that leads to a deeper relationship with God and with others. In many ways it is a form of discipleship where we grow and are changed through practices. This week we explore Steps 6 and 7. How can willingness and humility help us begin breaking old patterns?

  • Rise, Part 3 // The Rev. Magrey deVega // May 8, 2022

    09/05/2022 Duración: 13min

    The 12 Steps have helped people overcome hurts, habits, and hang-ups. These steps help us do the work of self-examination that leads to a deeper relationship with God and with others. In many ways it is a form of discipleship where we grow and are changed through practices. This week we explore Steps 4 and 5. How can honesty and courage combat our resentments?

  • Rise, Part 2 // The Rev. Sally Campbell-Evans // May 1, 2022

    02/05/2022 Duración: 13min

    The 12 Steps have helped people overcome hurts, habits, and hang-ups. These steps help us do the work of self-examination that leads to a deeper relationship with God and with others. In many ways it is a form of discipleship where we grow and are changed through practices. This week we explore Steps 2 and 3. Together with Step 1, we get the movement of faith—I can't; God can; I think I'll let him.

  • Rise, Part 1 // The Rev. Justin LaRosa // April 24, 2022

    25/04/2022 Duración: 09min

    The 12 Steps have helped people overcome hurts, habits, and hang-ups. These steps help us do the work of self-examination that leads to a deeper relationship with God and with others. In many ways it is a form of discipleship where we grow and are changed through practices. Discover how the first step—admitting you are powerless—resonates with the story of God and Jesus found in the Bible and in the life of an early Christ follower named Paul.

  • Easter // The Rev. Magrey deVega // April 17, 2022

    18/04/2022 Duración: 13min

    According to Luke, Peter was "amazed" at what had happened at the empty tomb on Easter morning. What can we learn from Peter's amazement? Where in our lives do we need to see God at work and lean in closer? And how did Peter's experience transform him?

  • Overflowing, Part 5 // The Rev. Magrey deVega // April 3, 2022

    04/04/2022 Duración: 14min

    God is brazen in turning tears into joy. Not so long after their brother, Lazarus, dies and is raised from the dead, Mary and Martha joyfully welcome Jesus into their home. Mary pours out the fragrant perfume (perhaps originally intended to anoint her brother’s body after death) and it fills the whole room. This is a brazen act of beauty. Beauty is resistance to death; beauty is an act of love. Her anointing of Jesus’ feet is also a public act of worship. Her faith does not hide; it is not frugal. It is embodied, broken open, and poured out. This isn’t a frugal faith—it is an abundant, extravagant faith. Mary’s act is also risky—she puts her full body into it, sort of like a protest. She exhibits a shameless and brazen faith.

  • Overflowing, Part 6 // The Rev. Magrey deVega // April 10, 2022

    04/04/2022 Duración: 14min

    As Jesus enters Jerusalem, the multitude of disciples begins to joyfully shout with praise. The Pharisees try to silence them, but Jesus responds: “I tell you, even if these were silent, the stones would shout out.” All of creation cries out with praise—that message rises above the noise, even if the oppressive powers want to silence it. As we begin our walk through Holy Week, let us ask: What can’t be silenced? What must be said? What things can we not stay quiet about? What is bubbling up that we need to give voice to—faith questions, apologies, issues of justice, truth-telling? As we go deeper into the story, the truth will soon be set free.

  • Overflowing, Part 4 // The Rev. Justin LaRosa // March 27, 2022

    28/03/2022 Duración: 14min

    The word “prodigal” is commonly used to describe the son who squanders his inheritance. Yet, this parable invites us to consider how God’s grace is also prodigal—extravagant, lavish, illogical. This parable disrupts and expands our definitions of grace. Once again, grace is not earned. After wasting his resources, the younger son becomes destitute and returns home to his father, saying, “I am no longer worthy.” His father, instead, greets him with a celebration and the fatted calf. The older son, in contrast, has done everything “right”—he’s tried to perform, work hard, check all the boxes—but he forgets how to celebrate. How might you receive and extend prodigal grace?

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