Hyde Park United Methodist



Sermons and talks from Hyde Park United Methodist. Making God's Love Real. Find out more at hydeparkumc.org


  • Songs For the Waiting, Part 4 // The Rev. Magrey deVega // December 18, 2022

    20/12/2022 Duración: 14min

    In the final week of Advent, we explore the unexpected way God came to us as a king. Most stories depict the scene of a returning king with violence and a triumphant, exuberant return to the throne. However, that is not how Jesus came to us. He took the idea of a conquering, warrior-king and flipped it upside down. He did not come to be served, but rather to serve others and to show the world what true love is through justice and self-sacrifice. 

  • Songs For the Waiting, Part 3 // The Rev. Magrey deVega // December 11, 2022

    12/12/2022 Duración: 14min

    In our 3rd week of Advent, we discover something a bit...odd. This weeks' song, along with our scripture reading, have a common theme. God is relaying instructions for how to conduct a celebration for an event that hasn't even happened yet. As with the first set of instructions given to the Israelites for Passover, Advent is a time of preparing and focusing on something that is yet to come: The coming of Jesus into our lives. 

  • Songs For the Waiting, Part 2 // The Rev. Justin LaRosa // December 4, 2022

    05/12/2022 Duración: 11min

    “But I believe that the desire to please You does in fact pleases You.”- Thomas MertonIn the 2nd week of our advent series, we discuss the song "I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light." How does one exactly become a Child of the Light and what does that mean for us and how we effect those around us? The world we live in is filled with suffering, despair, and darkness. But just as Jesus came to Earth to be a light to the world, so to can we who the love of God to others. 

  • Songs For the Waiting, Part 1 // The Rev. Magrey deVega // November 27, 2022

    28/11/2022 Duración: 12min

    During Advent we are so fixated on the Christmas Carols and texts that we don’t spend a lot of time thinking about Advent Carols and how powerful their meanings can be. "O Come, O Come Emmanuel" is such a remarkable and classic hymn that dates back over 1000 years. But what you may not know is the hidden meaning placed cleverly amongst the words. This hidden meaning is a wonderful reminder of what the real reason for the season is.

  • Living With Gratitude, Part 4 // The Rev. Magrey deVega // November 20, 2022

    21/11/2022 Duración: 11min

    Gratitude on a communal level means joining our resources to meet the greatest needs of our community and world. Diana Butler Bass describes this fourth quadrant in this way: “If you emphasize we and ethics, you might define gratitude as social responsibility that demands action through public commitments to charity, stewardship, volunteerism, and social institutions. You believe that gratitude is an essential foundation of civic life, taking pride in doing good."

  • Living With Gratitude, Part 3 // The Rev. Magrey deVega // November 13, 2022

    14/11/2022 Duración: 13min

     Living with Gratitude means orienting our individual actions toward the benefit of others, including the surrender of our personal finances to God. Gratitude is not just an emotional attenuation of the heart. It has an impact on our actions and ethical choices. Diana Butler Bass called this third quadrant the “Personal/Ethical, and described it in this way: “If you emphasize me and ethics, you might experience gratitude as a moral or ritual response to a favor extended to you. Returning dinner invitations, writing thank-you notes, and repaying personal obligations come naturally. You think of gratitude in terms of individual responsibility and reciprocity.”

  • Living With Gratitude, Part 2 // The Rev. Sally Campbell-Evans // November 6, 2022

    07/11/2022 Duración: 18min

    On this Sunday we join with Christians around the world in a public act of corporate, emotional gratitude, as we honor the saints who have gone before us. By honoring them, we see our own place in the grand march of history and the ongoing work of God. That recognition is a humbling motivation for us to turn in our estimates of giving and contribute to the unfolding story of God’s love. HydeParkUMC.org/EOGHydeParkUMC.org/NextSteps

  • Living With Gratitude, Part 1 // The Rev. Justin LaRosa // October 30, 2022

    31/10/2022 Duración: 17min

    Living with Gratitude means opening our heart to wonder, awe, and an awareness of God’s blessings in our lives, both great and small. Diana Butler Bass describes this first quadrant of gratitude as Personal/Emotional: “If you emphasize me and emotions, you are probably attuned to the inner dimensions of awe, surprise, and appreciation and have strong feelings when someone helps you, serves you, or gives you a gift. You define gratitude in terms of delight, joy, or surprise.”

  • The Art of Hearing Gods Voice, Part 7 // The Rev. Dr. Martyn Atkins // October 23, 2022

    24/10/2022 Duración: 18min

    Matthew 28 contains the words of the Great Commission, the iconic final command of Jesus to the disciples. His charge to “go into all the world” to make disciples makes it a fitting text for our annual Missions Celebration Sunday. As we celebrate our partnerships with missions agencies locally around the world, this text begs the question: is there more to engaging in missions than simply supporting efforts from a distance? Was Jesus also calling us to make missions a way of being, a way of life? Those are the compelling questions that our guest preacher Rev. Dr. Martyn Atkins will explore with us. He has 40 years of experience in British Methodism and is a leader in the Fresh Expressions movement and the World Methodist Council. He is currently serving Lighthouse UMC in Boca Grande, which was severely impacted by Hurricane Ian. We welcome him this Sunday and are honored by his insights and wisdom.

  • The Art of Hearing God's Voice, Part 6 // The Rev. Magrey deVega // October 16, 2022

    17/10/2022 Duración: 13min

    Neurologically speaking, our brains do not shut down when we go to sleep, and our subconscious kicks into gear with processing the flurry of information that we wrestle with during our waking hours. Is it possible that God speaks to us through our subconscious? On this Sunday, we’ll look at various scientific and psychological studies about dreaming, and learn how to put our dreams into context. Yes, it is possible that God speaks to us through our dreams, but interpreting them requires intentionality and care, just like everything else related to listening for God’s voice.

  • The Art of Hearing Gods Voice, Part 5 // The Rev. Sally Campbell-Evans // October 9, 2022

    10/10/2022 Duración: 16min

    We can all admit that we don’t like to wait. Time moves sometimes like an Arctic glacier.  The second hand on the clock seems to tick every five minutes. It’s like someone pressed the giant pause button in the sky. Or even in reverse. We are the cyber-speed, hyper-drive generation. We like our internet connectivity to be fiber optic, our exercise regimen to be done in minutes rather than months, our meals to be ready at a moment’s notice, and our online orders to be delivered when the website promises. We don’t like to wait. For the doctor, for the traffic, for our dinner, for the mail carrier … or for God. But as part of this series on the art of hearing God’s voice, we should acknowledge and affirm that waiting - as hard as it may be - is an essential part of trusting in and following Jesus. But with that challenge comes good news. The prophet Isaiah promises that waiting on the Lord renews our strength, enabling us to fly like an eagle, and run and walk the journey of life for the long haul. 

  • The Art of Hearing God's Voice, Part 4 // The Rev. Magrey deVega // October 2, 2022

    03/10/2022 Duración: 15min

    One of the hardest parts about hearing God’s voice is when we have to confront so much hurt and brokenness in the world. We wonder what God is doing and saying in the face of such suffering around us. The scripture reading for this Sunday is more commonly heard on Ascension Sunday, but its principles apply all year long. God is calling us to be the very hands, feet, and voice of Jesus in a world that is longing to see, hear, and experience God’s presence, activity, and voice. Jesus promised his disciples, and promises us, that the Holy Spirit is with us, empowering us to the task. On this World Communion Sunday, and in the weeks leading up to Missions Celebration Sunday on October 23, we affirm and acknowledge the part we play in making God’s love real around the world. We also remember that the communion liturgy asks God to “make [the elements] the body and blood of Christ, that we might be for the world the body of Christ, redeemed by his blood.”

  • The Art of Hearing God's Voice, Part 3 // The Rev. Magrey deVega // September 25, 2022

    26/09/2022 Duración: 12min

    The author of Proverbs describes the life of faith as acknowledging God, so that God can direct our path (steps). That means trusting that God will reveal the journey ahead of us, one step at a time, so that our main job is to take a step of faith when God is calling us to do so. This does not mean, however, that we simply sit back and let God do the revealing. We have to be intentional about listening, surrendering, and watching for the Spirit, so we can “sing when the Spirit says sing,” in the words of the old spiritual. That is what Proverbs describes as “leaning not unto our own understanding.” 

  • The Art of Hearing God's Voice, Part 2 // The Rev. Magrey deVega // September 18, 2022

    19/09/2022 Duración: 13min

    It goes without saying, but the first step in hearing God’s voice is having the desire to hear God’s voice. That should go without saying, but there is good news in that reminder. Just like Thomas Merton’s classic prayer says, the desire to please God does itself please God, even amid times of bewilderment. Hearing God’s voice is rooted in prayer, balanced among three dimensions, which can be remembered through the acronym S.O.S.

  • The Art of Hearing God's Voice, Part 1 // The Rev. Magrey deVega // September 11, 2022

    12/09/2022 Duración: 12min

    We are hungry for a sense of purpose, direction, and calling in our lives.  That’s as basic an ingredient to the human experience as they come.  We want to be part of something bigger than ourselves.  We want to participate in something that has eternal merit and lasting impact.  We do not want to live a shallow, hollow existence.  We yearn for deeper meaning, for deeper purpose within our lives.  We want to be more than we are.

  • The Meaning of Methodist, Part 5 // The Rev. Magrey deVega // September 4, 2022

    05/09/2022 Duración: 13min

    We conclude our worship series “The Meaning of Methodist” this Sunday with one of the chief hallmarks of Methodism. John Wesley observed the concept of the “via media” in developing his practical theology. He would often take the best of two ideological opposites to form a “way in the middle,” a vital third way that enabled people to hold the center together. We’ll explore why that is such a timely and necessary position today and discover how to apply that in our lives.

  • The Meaning of Methodist, Part 4 // The Rev. Dr. Gary Mason // August 28, 2022

    29/08/2022 Duración: 28min

    Rev. Dr. Gary Mason of Rethinking Conflict in Belfast, Northern Ireland will be our guest preacher for the day. He can speak to the global nature of the church and the impact that the United Methodist can make in the work of peace with justice and the alleviation of suffering. Together, we live out the vision of John Wesley to make a difference in the physical, social, and systemic brokenness of the world. For in his words, “There is no holiness apart from social holiness.” 

  • The Meaning of Methodist, Part 3 // The Rev. Clarke Campbell-Evans // August 21, 2022

    22/08/2022 Duración: 13min

    In the Exodus reading, Moses discovered that the task of leading the people and advancing the mission of God among the Israelites was too great for one person to handle. That’s why he created a connectional system of governance, administration, and support. Likewise, the idea of connectionalism is at the heart of being United Methodist. Each congregation is part of an interconnected whole of people and congregations around the world, joined by districts, conferences, jurisdictions, and central/regional conferences. We are ultimately connected by a General Conference. Likewise, no one person in the local church has all the power. We have staff and lay people serving on various committees that each share a vital part of leading the whole of the church. We all play a part in making ministry happen and advancing the mission of God.

  • The Meaning of Methodist, Part 2 // The Rev. Magrey deVega // August 14, 2022

    15/08/2022 Duración: 13min

    John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, believed that works of devotion, service, and love are necessary. Not to earn our salvation, but to mature our salvation.  And just like a tree that does not bear fruit, or a bird that has no song, or a star that produces no light, salvation without works is pointless. Even though we don’t earn our salvation by our works, we can’t use our salvation without works.  The phrase that Wesley coined here is that we must “work out our salvation.” We need to prove it, express it, and exercise it with our deeds. And this lies at the heart of what it means to be called “Methodist.”

  • The Meaning of Methodist, Part 1 // The Rev. Magrey deVega // August 7, 2022

    08/08/2022 Duración: 14min

    One of the hallmarks of United Methodism is the nuanced way that John Wesley both embraced human free will and God's grace. Both God's power and human will are necessary for salvation. Yes, we get to choose. But only because God's power makes our choice possible. Before we even knew there was a choice to make, eve as soon as we were born, God was hard at work drawing, luring us, convincing us to choose faith in Jesus. 

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