Sam Sylk Show



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  • Sam Sylk Show 250

    27/04/2022 Duración: 11min

    Dear Sam, Even though I met my now boyfriend years ago, (our teenage daughters are BFF's), we never really interacted until about eight months ago and we’ve been dating ever since. He’s been single for almost two years and has four children from two different women. His most recent ex, whom he has a 3-year-old with, does not want me around his daughter yet. This is understandable, but I am currently living with him so it’s difficult to avoid his daughter. He does not agree with his ex about keeping me away from their child, but he’s scared of her psychotic eruptions and goes along with it. I have met the rest of his family and have been around his other children numorous times and I am really close with his daughter who is best friends with my daughter. I have even met the daughter I’m not allowed to be around months ago without his ex knowing. About a week ago, out of the blue, Brian suddenly changed his attitude toward me. He is no longer affectionate and stopped telling his ex that she and I need to meet

  • Should I Tell My Sister

    16/11/2021 Duración: 18min

    Dear Sam, I saw my sisters husband in traffic with a woman. I honked my horn and they looked over at me, he pulled off. About 15 mins later he called me and said was that you I just saw? I let him know it was and asked who that woman was he said it was a coworker he was giving a ride. I asked if my sister knew he said yes. I don't believe him at all. It is starting to bother me. I want to say something to my sister but I don't want to get in her business and I'm sure he told her it was his coworker already. If it were you would you mention it? I want her to pay attention to the signs of him cheating if he is. Would you tell?

  • Sam Sylk Show Week Of Hot Topics

    15/11/2021 Duración: 12min

    Sam Sylk Show Week Of Hot Topics by Sam Sylk

  • My Brother Disrespects My Mother

    15/11/2021 Duración: 13min

    Dear Sam, My brother fellnon hard times so he is staying with my mother, he also has a pregnant girlfriend who is staying as well. My mother and I talk about pretty much everything . She was telling me how my brother treats her and how he talks down to her, she said he is always cussing at her and making her feel low. My mom wants me to talk to her because we are closer in age and it won't feel like an adult telling her what to do or making her feel stupid. My mom keeps telling my brother about his behavior but he obviously isn't listening. I am so torn I want to help my mother but I don't want to be involved because once they are back on good terms she will tell him what was said, then that is another conflict between my brother and I. What should I do ?

  • Reality Hour She's On The Fence

    12/11/2021 Duración: 09min

    Dear Sam I ran into this guy at the grocery store he sparked up a conversation and he asked me to dinner. I accepted. We hung out several times over the last 7 months. He has been to my home I have never been to his so I asked why. He explained that he has a roommate and I left it at that. 2 days later I get a knock at my door and it is a woman saying she is pregnant by this guy and she wants the relationship to work but he is dealing with me. I told him what happened he said it is his ex and he wants to be with me also it is not his baby. I really want this relationship to work but I feel like it is too early for the drama. I am on the fence. Would you stay and work it out or let the situation go and move on?

  • Relaity Hour She's Too Old For This

    11/11/2021 Duración: 10min

    Reality Hour #samsylk Dear Sam, I recently went through a bad break up. We were together 4 years. It ended so badly I ended up moving back to my home state. Before I moved back to my hometown, I had left the home we were staying and moved about 3 hours from where we lived together. I stayed there for a about three months before I moved back to my hometown. While I was still in the same state as my ex, I could not get in contact with him, he blocked my number than changed his number. I was so broken he was my best friend. Once I got back to my hometown, I wasn’t there two full days when I started to receive blocked calls on my phone. No messages just blocked calls. I downloaded an app that uncovers blocked calls. I see the area code and I know it’s him, so the next time the phone rings blocked, I answer, it’s him. The first few calls were just him showing concern for my dad. ( my dad was recently diagnosed with cancer) By the end of the week, I was asking why did our relationship have to come to an end the

  • Sam Cmf

    17/07/2020 Duración: 43min

    Sam Cmf by Sam Sylk

  • Ginuwine

    21/09/2018 Duración: 06min

    Ginuwine by Sam Sylk

  • Roland Martin

    07/09/2018 Duración: 06min

    Roland Martin by Sam Sylk


    07/08/2018 Duración: 02min



    31/07/2018 Duración: 03min

    Comedian Mike Head Talks about Hot topics in his own words on The Sam Sylk Show

  • Cletus Calls About The Blackout

    03/11/2017 Duración: 02min

    Cletus Calls About The Blackout by Sam Sylk

  • Rhyme On Time With Major

    03/11/2017 Duración: 03min

    Rhyme On Time With Major by Sam Sylk

  • Bruce Bruce

    03/11/2017 Duración: 08min

    Bruce Bruce by Sam Sylk

  • Conversation With R&B Star Major

    03/11/2017 Duración: 09min

    Conversation With R&B Star Major by Sam Sylk


    04/10/2017 Duración: 05min


  • Carl Payne

    04/10/2017 Duración: 04min

    Carl Payne by Sam Sylk

  • MAMA LEONARD COMING Wants us to come over after the show

    04/10/2017 Duración: 03min

    MAMA LEONARD COMING Wants us to come over after the show by Sam Sylk

  • REV AL Calls The Show

    04/10/2017 Duración: 01min

    REV AL Calls The Show by Sam Sylk

  • WHATS TRENDING OJ Wants 7 Figures

    04/10/2017 Duración: 02min

    WHATS TRENDING OJ Wants 7 Figures by Sam Sylk

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