Sam Sylk Show

Relaity Hour She's Too Old For This



Reality Hour #samsylk Dear Sam, I recently went through a bad break up. We were together 4 years. It ended so badly I ended up moving back to my home state. Before I moved back to my hometown, I had left the home we were staying and moved about 3 hours from where we lived together. I stayed there for a about three months before I moved back to my hometown. While I was still in the same state as my ex, I could not get in contact with him, he blocked my number than changed his number. I was so broken he was my best friend. Once I got back to my hometown, I wasn’t there two full days when I started to receive blocked calls on my phone. No messages just blocked calls. I downloaded an app that uncovers blocked calls. I see the area code and I know it’s him, so the next time the phone rings blocked, I answer, it’s him. The first few calls were just him showing concern for my dad. ( my dad was recently diagnosed with cancer) By the end of the week, I was asking why did our relationship have to come to an end the