Tribe Byron Bay



Tribe Byron Bay is a community of passionate lovers of Jesus.We have intentionally built a community based on all that Christ taught His disciples to do.Our passion is to live in His presence and walk in His love.


  • Episode 149: Phil Mason - Missional Community: The Expansion of the Kingdom - 6 August 2023

    16/08/2023 Duración: 01h14min

    This week Phil brings a message on expanding our influence. Scriptures teach that God’s kingdom is constantly expanding. “Of the increase of His government and peace, there shall be no end.” (Isaiah 9:7) Everything begins in seed form but grows and expands. Jesus told parables to teach us this principle. We are all called to be a part of the expansion of the kingdom and to be looking for opportunities to share Jesus with others, using the gifts God has placed in our lives. We live in the tension between Jesus’ command to abide and to go. The deeper we abide, the more effective we will be when we go! The kingdom of God is within us and as the kingdom grows inside us, that expansion is expressed through the kingdom expanding in the earth. We are poised for great expansion so let’s all take our place in God’s ever expanding kingdom.

  • Episode 148: Ken Fish - Life of the Warrior - 23 July 2023

    30/07/2023 Duración: 55min

    In this message by Ken Fish (off the back of our School of Discernment), Ken unpacks an amazing revelation that we have crossed over into a new era in Church history. We must now take possession of new lands and spaces in this time. In Joshua 1 we read: “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” So Joshua ordered the officers of the people: “Go through the camp and tell the people, ‘Get your provisions ready. Three days from now, you will cross the Jordan here to go in and take possession of the land the Lord your God is giving you for your own.’” We are in the season of the first wave of the harvest! It’s time to begin to believe again for the billion-soul harvest that God has promised. It’s time to take the land and enter into this new place. Yes, the battles have been fierce but we must continue to fight and move forward now. Never think that your gifts will cover your sloppiness. You must be diligent. Let us overcome and prepare for what is ahead! Ke

  • Episode 147: Glenn Rowbotham - Life of the Warrior: The House of Prayer - 2 July 2023

    04/07/2023 Duración: 52min

    Today’s message is from our friend Glenn Rowbotham from the House of Prayer in Mount Carmel in Israel. In Mark 11:17, we read: “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” Jesus calls us to pray. He calls us to pray for the nations and to give our lives for His purposes. Inspired by David's tabernacle, where 288 singers and 4,000 musicians were employed as their full-time occupation to minister to the Lord and serve the community, Houses of Prayer are rising up all over the earth. Many of these prayer houses are fuelled by young people. The current average age of the people manning these houses in prayer worldwide is now 22! God is on the move! Never before has there been a time when so many have been praying. When we partner with God, in prayer, we cannot lose. It’s a divine strategy to help us build a relationship with Him. We get to enjoy God, and He gets to enjoy us. We are called to drink of Him and contend with Him for breakthroughs. Corporate prayer is everything! 

Glenn and Coralie ca

  • Episode 146: Maria Mason - Life of the Warrior: “A Table and a Feast in the Midst of my Enemies” - 18 June 2023

    24/06/2023 Duración: 38min

    In Psalm 23, we read, “You prepare a table before me in the midst of my enemies!” What a stunning word picture, that in the midst of our troubles and even in an intense battle - God says to stop at a table and feast on Him. Here’s how it reads in the Passion Translation:  “You become my delicious feast even when my enemies dare to fight. You anoint me with the fragrance of your Holy Spirit; You give me all I can drink of You until my heart overflows. So why would I fear the future? For your goodness and love to pursue me all the days of my life.” The presence of God is a continual feast for our souls. Learning to come to the table of rest and restoration is everything. As David said in Psalm 110, we are called “to rule in the midst of our enemies!” God doesn’t wait for things to get better, He trains your hands for battle on the battlefield. He teaches rest as we advance and even when taking spiritual retreats. It’s all about rest! Our rich heritage as believers includes the contemplative tradition where stil

  • Episode 145: Phil Mason - Life of the Warrior: What is Spiritual Breakthrough? - 4 June 2023

    07/06/2023 Duración: 40min

    In the continuation of the Life of the Warrior series, Phil focuses on the theology of spiritual breakthroughs. This is a contentious topic. Some love it, and some loath it. There are times when God calls His people to engage the enemy by pressing in for a breakthrough through prayer and praise. If we don’t respond to the leading of the Spirit, we will miss the breakthrough that God has for us in that moment. Why do we have to contend for what belongs to us through inheritance? We must fight for what is ours because the devil contends against us to prevent us from obtaining our inheritance. The battle has come to us. Therefore we must fight! Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force!” (Matthew 11:12) Just as the Israelites had to take the Promised Land by force, so do we.

  • Episode 144: Life of the Warrior: Global Village Sunday - 21 May 2023

    26/05/2023 Duración: 01h03min

    Today’s podcast is from three separate speakers. For our Global Village Sunday, we had Pam and Phil Bailey from Gideons Bible Society share with us the value of this great work of placing Bibles in schools, hotels, and other locations. Their passion was incredible. Then we heard an outstanding message from David Myers from Open Doors ministry. Open Doors has been caring for and supporting the persecuted church in the world for many decades. This message from Dave was centred on the promise of persecution, which, Biblically speaking, will grow the Kingdom! Jesus said: “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad because great is your reward.” Matthew 5:11-12 TPT Further to that, we read that “If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.” I Peter 4:14 NIV Lastly, we heard from our dear friends, Ken and Jan Wigley from Iris Ministries. Maria interview

  • Episode 143: Maria Mason - Life of the Warrior: 12 Key Schools of the Spirit to Grow in Intimacy with Jesus - 7 May 2023

    10/05/2023 Duración: 45min

    In John 6:45, Jesus continued, “It has been written by the prophets, ‘They will all be taught by God himself.’ We are warriors being trained by the Holy Spirit in a unique school called the SCHOOL OF THE SPIRIT. When the Spirit comes to live in us at our New Birth, we receive all of God. Now there is a teacher (the Holy Spirit) inside you! You have the complete package of His Spirit, but we need to learn to walk in it, be trained in it, and then get top-ups! You have signed on to be nurtured, grown, instructed, and built up in your intimacy and faith in Christ through a journey of growth and development. Here are 12 Schools of the Spirit the Lord wants us to take: The School of the Lordship Of Christ The School of Sonship The School of the Father's Voice The School of Sensitivity to the Spirit The School of Love The School of Relational Maturity The School of Worship, Prayer, and the Word The School of Discernment The School of Miracles and the Supernatural The School of Bridal Affection The School of Royalty

  • Episode 142: Phil Mason - Life of the Warrior: The Battle for Sonship - 23 April 2023

    01/05/2023 Duración: 47min

    In this message Phil Mason explores the interior battle to lay hold of our new identity as sons and daughters. Satan hates everything about sonship and works overtime to keep us from laying hold of our new creation identity. Our assignment is to aggressively lay hold of our new identity in Christ and to cast off every trace of our old orphan heart. Considerable warfare swirls around your assignment. Are you living from your sonship identity or are you still living as a spiritual orphan? It’s time to step into alignment with your assignment.

  • Episode 141: Phil Mason - Life of the Warrior: Satan is a Warlock! - 26 March 2023

    31/03/2023 Duración: 58min

    Following on from Maria‘s message on exposing the works of darkness we continues the theme of the life of a warrior. In this message, Phil explores the nature of witchcraft, and how extremely common it is for believers to come under witchcraft, as Paul indicated in Galatians 3:1. “Who has bewitched you?” The powers of darkness traffic in witchcraft and the fruit of bewitchment is confusion and disorientation. If witchcraft is so commonplace then it ought to be commonplace to lay hands on one another and break off any witchcraft that comes upon one another. Galatians 6:1,2 indicates that we should be watching out for each other and ministering to one another. “My spiritual brothers and sisters, if one of our faithful has fallen into a trap and is snared by sin, don’t stand idle and watch his demise. Gently restore him, being careful not to step into your own snare.” (TVB) One of Satan’s classic snares is the confusion and paralysis of witchcraft. 

  • Episode 140: Maria Mason - Life of the Warrior: Exposing the Father of Lies - 12 March 2023

    17/03/2023 Duración: 50min

    In our new series, we dive into the character and lifestyle of an overcomer. We are called to be warriors in the Spirit as we fight the unseen battle with the powers of darkness. To rise as warriors, we must recognise the enemy's works and how he is constantly plotting our defeat. Ephesians 5 says: “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them”. Satan is the Father of lies, and we are called to expose His works and deeds. He moves in lies in three ways in our lives: lying about God to us, lying about people to us and lying about us to us! He is the accuser and the condemner of our hearts. He has nothing good to say, and we must recognise how he tries to manipulate us through subtle and, at times, not-so-subtle witchcraft that can be like being under a spell (Galatians 3:1). Many have fallen away from their faith or lost their first love, because they did not understand the spirit of witchcraft and how it can masquerade as the Holy Spirit to us, releasing lies, false prophecy

  • Episode 138: Phil Mason - Five-fold Community: Humility the Master Key - 5 March 2023

    10/03/2023 Duración: 41min

    In this message, Phil explores the dynamics around humility and pride. “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Our assignment is to humble ourselves by taking on the role of a servant and a student. Jesus taught extensively on the virtue of humility as the key to our spiritual formation. Progressive spiritual growth requires a continual posture of humility as we cultivate a heart of teachability, always aware that there is more that we don’t know than what we think we know. Humility is a master key to embracing the heart of a true disciple of Jesus.

  • Episode 137: Phil Mason - Five-fold Community: Being and Doing - 12 February 2023

    21/02/2023 Duración: 45min

    In this message Phil explores the theme of doing out of being rather than being out of doing. Am I a human being or a human doing? So often we end up doing good works without adequate grounding in our new creation core identity. In other words, we seek to find our identity in what we do instead of who we are. In the kingdom, identity ought to precede activity. Paul talked about “being rooted and grounded in love.” (Ephesians 3:17) Being in community with God and His people contributes to the formation of our identity as we move from a posture of “I have no need of you” to a posture of being grounded in love in the context of “my people.” 

  • Episode 136: Maria Mason - Five-fold Community: Establishing and Sustaining Passion and Power – 29 January 2023

    04/02/2023 Duración: 43min

    In an age of individuation that moves towards defining oneself away from church culture, the New Testament model is to define and understand oneself as a New Creation in the context of the Body of Christ. This is revolutionary and causes us to journey towards a clearer view of the apostolic family. In Acts 22, we see how Paul was told directly by Jesus that he would be “told all that you have been assigned to do.” What a fabulous reality! God assigns to us each a task in the church. Our job is to find out what that job is and how it fits our personality and type! God works with our passion and builds into us with His vision of what the glorious church should look like by using us! Each of us wakes up in the morning with things on our hearts. We are all passionate about something because He made us passionate! This inclination or ministry preference is grown in you through a relationship with the local body of Christ. It is then sustained and upheld by an ongoing desire to see fruit in each area. Grace is then

  • Episode 135: Phil Mason - Five-fold Community: Taking the Promised Land – 15 January 2023

    24/01/2023 Duración: 56min

    In this opening message for 2023 Phil dives into the theme of “Taking the Promised Land” and the establishment of apostolic community. What is the Promised Land for New Testament believers? Our inheritance is the glory of God. Paul called it “the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.” (Ephesians 1:18) The children of Israel inherited the Land: we inherit a heavenly kingdom. Bringing the glory of heaven to earth is the apostolic mission but it takes a community to achieve this goal. The saints forming themselves into apostolic community where five-fold ministry flourishes is God’s way to usher in heaven on earth. Not all believers enter into their inheritance but the invitation stands to rise up and take the Promised Land.  

  • Episode 134: Joanne Welman - Kingdom Series - The Gift of Jesus; a promise fulfilled - 18 December 2022

    25/12/2022 Duración: 29min

    Let’s take a brief walk alongside Mary as she walked out the promise of birthing The Messiah. It was an impossible journey made possible by an all powerful Father.Every thread of the story was woven together in a carefully planned and beautiful way, yet for Mary there would have been times that it was incredibly tough. She had to lean into her Father, her Jehovah Jireh. His provision to fulfil every promise in our life is simply amazing. Let’s glean wisdom from how Mary gracefully walked out this journey as we contend for the promises spoken over our life!

  • Episode 133: Phil Mason - Kingdom Series - 'Hesed' The Steadfast Love of God - 4 December 2022

    21/12/2022 Duración: 36min

    In this message Phil unpacks the revelation of the Old Testament word ‘Hesed.’ It is one of the most significant theological descriptors of God in the entire Bible and it occurs almost 250 times. It reveals God’s ‘sticky covenantal love’ that sticks with us no matter what we walk through. We hope this message blesses you this Christmas. Thanks to everyone who has listened to Tribe’s podcasts this year. We hope you have been tremendously blessed. 

  • Episode 132: Maria Mason - Kingdom Series - Heart Prophets and Transformation Culture - 27 November 2022

    01/12/2022 Duración: 35min

    The prophetic has taken some big hits in this last season, but the true goal of the prophetic is to restore our hearts to one another, to each other and to the Father. Many in our current Pentecostal and charismatic world see the prophetic as one dimensional - to receive the word of the Lord for revival. I believe it’s also for the cultivation of the atmosphere of heaven on earth through Upperoom cultures of worship and prayer that are not afraid of discipleship and the fire of God. It is to build heart culture that is edifying and comforting to even the most traumatised heart. So many leaders have thrown the prophetic out because of the fire it brings. It is true prophets go through many fires but it’s so we can come out more in love with Jesus. It’s so we can be pure and dedicated to hearing the word of the Lord.In Acts 3 we see a blueprint for an open heaven culture that is established through the culture of repentance, restoration healing, and then times of refreshing will flow. Heart prophets  call us to

  • Episode 131: Cate Lewis - Kingdom Series - The Grace Outpouring in Wales and Around the World - 20 November 2022

    26/11/2022 Duración: 58min

    Cate Lewis is the founding Director of Freshwater Ministries and as a prophetic Minister, Cate loves to see people connected to the heart of God as she equips and trains people to hear God's voice, and live transformed lives as confident Kingdom people who bring heaven to earth.  Cate, along with her husband Greg also leads the Australian Network of Local Houses of Prayer, a ministry flowing out of Ffald Y Brenin in Wales, practising the Ministry of Blessing.  They are witnessing many testimonies of healing and transformation taking place as they travel extensively around Australia and overseas, running seminars and speaking in conferences and local churches.  In this message Cate talks about how God is raising up an army or ordinary people to do extraordinary things. God is looking for ones who desire what He desires and who have a heart to see the transformation of lives, communities and the land we live in take place.  It’s time for the Church to step into maturity to establish the rule of heaven on earth

  • Episode 130: Tim Ferris - Kingdom Series - The Roots of Rebellion - 6 November 2022

    12/11/2022 Duración: 01h07min

    This week we were blessed to have Tim Ferris come and share a word at our Tribe Sunday service! Tim is the Pastor at i61 church in Sydney; a church that Tribe has partnered with for over 10 years.In this life giving message, Tim unpacks God's heart for maturing the Bride of Christ through addressing rebellion. Sharing his prophetic sense that this season is one where the Father is putting His finger on our immaturity to help us grow up. This is the Father inviting us up to a new place of greater authority, anointing and power that innately attracts His presence.Tim wonderfully illustrates the importance of living under God's kingly reign, by emphasising how the Israelites' understanding led them into idolatry. Tim states that the Kingdom of God is not a democracy, but one where He reigns with rank, order and authority, and this order is setup so we are blessed, empowered and protected.Tim talks on the Godly structures of authority that God has made in family and leadership, and how it is important to seek God

  • Episode 129: HEART REVOLUTION LEADERS AND PASTORS DAY - November 22, 2022. Byron Bay

    01/11/2022 Duración: 16min

    As believers, how can we sustain pouring our lives out over the long haul? The only answer of course, is through an intimate and connected relationship with the Lord where He fills us up with fresh revelation and encounters as sons and daughters on a daily level! Without this ongoing empowerment we can slip into performance culture and even burnout - especially as leaders and pastors who somehow miss their own needs in the rush and business of life!  Our sonship identity is everything, and causes us to be secure, not grappling for significance from what we do, but from who we are.  In our livestream today, we are discussing how as leaders we need to be equipped to lead in an emotionally healthy way. Our vision must be to to create healthy culture and healthy teams, where our connection to the Father is vital and our connection to our hearts is equally important too! Heart Revolution is all about bringing the Father back into the picture by creating culture that puts these values first. He can help us develop

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