Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau



Pastor Robert Thibodeau interviews ministry guests and influential ministry leaders from around the United States. Discussions will range from items of interest in that individual's ministry to current events and prophesy.This is a daily podcast


  • End-Time Surprises – Dr. Richard Ruhling

    10/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    End-Time Surprises Dr. Richard Ruhling pt 1 As we witness tensions continue to escalate across the Middle East, many people are starting to wonder, “Are these the end times as described in the Bible?”  You’ve heard me interview many people on this topic and, almost to a person – the answer is “YES.” Now, on the topic of “WHEN” – they begin to differ. But the main point is – WE ARE ALREADY in the end times. We see Israel at war with Hamas – and instead of supporting Israel’s right to defend itself and eliminate the threat from within their borders forever, the world is condemning Israel. Some even condone the attacks of October 7thsaying “Hamas was defending itself against Israel aggression.” Add in the Huthi rebels threatening international shipping and the United States trying to defend the ships by attacking the Iranian backed rebels… Add in the recent drone attacks by Iranian backed militia in Jordan.  This was identified several months ago by President Biden and the Defense Department as a “red line” tha

  • Surviving the First Five Minutes of a School Shooting – Daniel Dluzneski pt 2

    09/04/2024 Duración: 33min

    Surviving the First Five Minutes of a School Shooting Daniel Dluzneski pt 2 We have all seen the news reports of active shootings taking place in schools, businesses and things like that. We have all watched as parents grieve and people ask, “Why?” “Why did this happen?” “What could have been done differently?” We all remember Columbine… it was after that event that “active shooter” training started to be taught to law enforcement. I had to go through it as a police officer. I prayed I would never need to use it… but I was ready if it ever took place. You don’t have time for S.W.A.T. in most cases.  In fact, you don’t really have time for the police to arrive before you take some kind of action.  This is now taught to churches, businesses and schools across the country. At the first indication of an active shooter, the first five minutes are the most important for your survival and those you love and care about. If you do the right thing in those first few minutes, your chances of survival jump immensely. Re

  • Surviving the First Five Minutes of a School Shooting – Daniel Dluzneski pt 1

    08/04/2024 Duración: 27min

    Surviving the First Five Minutes of a School Shooting Daniel Dluzneski pt 1 We have all seen the news reports of active shootings taking place in schools, businesses and things like that. We have all watched as parents grieve and people ask, “Why?” “Why did this happen?” “What could have been done differently?” We all remember Columbine… it was after that event that “active shooter” training started to be taught to law enforcement. I had to go through it as a police officer. I prayed I would never need to use it… but I was ready if it ever took place. You don’t have time for S.W.A.T. in most cases.  In fact, you don’t really have time for the police to arrive before you take some kind of action.  This is now taught to churches, businesses and schools across the country. At the first indication of an active shooter, the first five minutes are the most important for your survival and those you love and care about. If you do the right thing in those first few minutes, your chances of survival jump immensely. Re

  • Mind Kinetics – Betska K. Burr pt 2

    05/04/2024 Duración: 28min

    Mind Kinetics Betska K. Burr pt 2 We always need to be aware that we are a spirit, living in a body and we have a soul. The soul is our mind, will and emotions.  How does all of this fit together? Our guest today is Betska K. Burr, from  Betska is business coach and expert in Mind Kinetics.  She is also a contributing author to a book titled, “Unleashing Potential: Strategies for Life Mastery.”  Her chapter in this book is titled, “Mind-Kenetics for Permanent Positive Change.” You share that Mind-Kinetics heals the heart first, which then flips the negative beliefs we have about ourselves and others into positive ones.  How does that work? The Science of Mind-Kinetics has helped individuals become stronger in 7 areas: Life; Financial; Spiritual; Social; Career; Family; Health; Intellectual Do leaders in corporate and government suffer from these things as well? How are you able to help them? How can Mind-Kinetics brings us closer to God? What is the end result when a person goes th

  • Mind Kinetics – Betska K. Burr pt 1

    04/04/2024 Duración: 28min

    Mind Kinetics Betska K. Burr pt 1 We always need to be aware that we are a spirit, living in a body and we have a soul. The soul is our mind, will and emotions.  How does all of this fit together? Our guest today is Betska K. Burr, from  Betska is business coach and expert in Mind Kinetics.  She is also a contributing author to a book titled, “Unleashing Potential: Strategies for Life Mastery.”  Her chapter in this book is titled, “Mind-Kenetics for Permanent Positive Change.” What is Mind Kenetics?  Well, to help us understand this, help me welcome to the program Betska K. Burr! Betska, it is a blessing to have you with us today! What is “Mind Kenetics? What are “Modalities” and what does that mean? You share that Mind-Kinetics heals the heart first, which then flips the negative beliefs we have about ourselves and others into positive ones.  How does that work? The Science of Mind-Kinetics has helped individuals become stronger in 7 areas: Life; Financial; Spiritual; Social; Care

  • A Spoonful of Courage Dr. Charles Page pt 2

    02/04/2024 Duración: 20min

    A Spoonful of Courage Dr. Charles Page pt 2 In this day and age in which we live, medical advancements are coming on us a rapid pace. Faster and more detailed.  Because of this, medical facilities run sort of a “production line” of people in and out of the offices and hospitals. Gone are the days when doctors actually “knew ”their patients.  And the patients trusted the doctor because they believed he understood them and did not treat them as line item on a spreadsheet. Now, there are doctors out there that do have those kinds of relationships with their patients. I’ve been fortunate to find one where I live that I’ve been with for 20+ years. Amen. Our guest today is one that has made it his specialty to treat his patients with kindness, respect and dignity. If I lived in East Texas – HE would be my doctor. Praise God. Dr. Charles Page has been practicing surgery for over 25 years and has journeyed with thousands of patients. He is also the author of “A Spoonful of Courage for the Sick and Suffering” – which

  • A Spoonful of Courage – Dr. Charles Page pt 1

    01/04/2024 Duración: 25min

    A Spoonful of Courage Dr. Charles Page pt 1 In this day and age in which we live, medical advancements are coming on us a rapid pace. Faster and more detailed.  Because of this, medical facilities run sort of a “production line” of people in and out of the offices and hospitals. Gone are the days when doctors actually “knew ”their patients.  And the patients trusted the doctor because they believed he understood them and did not treat them as line item on a spreadsheet. Now, there are doctors out there that do have those kinds of relationships with their patients. I’ve been fortunate to find one where I live that I’ve been with for 20+ years. Amen. Our guest today is one that has made it his specialty to treat his patients with kindness, respect and dignity. If I lived in East Texas – HE would be my doctor. Praise God. Dr. Charles Page has been practicing surgery for over 25 years and has journeyed with thousands of patients. He is also the author of “A Spoonful of Courage for the Sick and Suffering” – which

  • The Heart Healer: The Pathway to Peace – Cyndy Bartelli pt 9

    29/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    The Heart Healer - The Pathway to Peace  Cyndy Bartelli pt 9 There are so many people in the world today that are hurting. Hurting in different ways, but hurting in their hearts that affect everything else. Not heart aches, but actual, hurting hearts. Pain that is deep rooted and affects them each and every day. What can be done for folks that are hurting like this? Well, that is where our guest today comes in… Cyndy Bartelli is our guest today. She was on before, you can listen to our previous interviews in our archives. She is also the author of a great book – “The Heart Healer: God’s Response to Personal Prayer in a Hurting World,” and her study guide – “The Heart Healer Study Guide,” Amen! But today, she is back for part nine in our “Heart Healer” series, Amen!  There are so many hurting people, many listening to us right now, that will benefit from hearing real life examples the Cyndy is doing to bring “heart healing” to people in her daily walk. Amen! Cyndy is here to minister to you with some examples

  • Who is the God of Israel? – TS Wright

    28/03/2024 Duración: 20min

    Who is the God of Israel? TS Wright Scott Wright is back with us today. Scott has been teaching us about the different ages of the Church and significant things the Bible and history has to say about them. Amen. Today, we will be answering the question, “Who do the Israelites believe God truly is?” To do that, help me welcome back to the program, our good friend, Scott Wright!  Scott, good to talk to you again, buddy! Alright, let’s jump into this… Doesn’t every good Jewish person believe God is the God of Moses? What do they believe about God? Didn’t Moses reflect God to the people of Israel?  You’d think they would have a pretty good grasp on these things, right? Do think the Israelites just took their relationship with God for granted? Why is all of this relevant to what we see happening today?  Especially in the war between Israel and Hamas right now? What should we, as Christians, take from this discussion today? Scott, this has been so interesting as we discuss the current situation over in Israel. If s

  • Out of the Darkness – Richard LaMonica

    27/03/2024 Duración: 27min

    Out of the Darkness Richard LaMonica How many of you served in the military or know someone, a loved one perhaps, that served. These last twenty years have seen a lot of tragedy. Our military members have suffered the brunt of everything that has gone on. For some, most of their careers were spent during a time of war. Richard LaMonica served 22 years in the US Army.  He seen it all. After he retired, life was not easy. But, through perseverance and hard work, he is making a difference. He is now helping other vets to get their life back. Richard is the author of two books, “13 Step Guide to Success,” and also a fiction book, “Out of the Darkness.”   He is also a coach, speaker and also the host of a podcast, “TheMisFitNation” podcast. Help me welcome to the program, Richard LaMonica. Richard, it is a blessing to have you on the program today, I do appreciate your time. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Richard LaMonica?” Like me, all you ever wa

  • Defeating Adversity Through Writing – Lori Keesey

    26/03/2024 Duración: 31min

    Defeating Adversity Through Writing  Lori Keesey She’s written for daily newspapers and trade publications and her freelance work has appeared in regional and trade magazines, specifically those specializing in space exploration. Yes, Lori was a space junkie, and worked for NASA in public outreach for nearly 20 years. She calls herself and “accidental entrepreneur” and started the “Accidental Blogger” to help build an author platform, where she shares stories of overcoming adversity. She knows a thing or two, unfortunately, about that subject, as she faced her own tragedy when she lost her 33 year old son. Lori Keesey considers herself among the lucky. Recently retired, Lori enjoyed a 40-plus-year career as a writer and now has time to pursue her childhood dream of writing fictional characters who make a difference. She is launching her first novel, “Always Think of Me” in April of 2024. I read you worked for nearly 20 years with NASA in public outreach. I’ve been an avid space nut since about

  • Veterans Success Club – Joe O’Connor

    25/03/2024 Duración: 30min

    Veterans Success Club Joe O’ConnorAt the age of 14 Joe O’Connor was involved in a serious near fatal road incident that left him in a wheelchair for a year. Undaunted, Joe resumed his life and achieved things he was told were not physically possible.Then at the age of 37 whilst on selection with the UK’s Elite Special Forces (S.A.S.), He was blown off a mountain ridge during a military training exercise, falling some 400 feet, breaking his neck, leading to two spinal injury specialists determining a prognosis of lifelong paralysis.One thing Joe recognized, is these experiences presented him with an opportunity to choose how his life would pan out and, on both occasions, he chose to move forward using each incident as his guide to achieve greater success. He refused to accept what fate seemed to have handed him. On both occasions he made a conscious decision to improvise, adapt and overcome and, in doing so, transformed his life.Joe holds the personal proof that every single pivotal moment in your life, gives

  • From Genesis to Revelation - Michael McPadden pt 2

    22/03/2024 Duración: 28min

    From Genesis to Revelation  Michael McPadden pt 2 If you are like me, when I first started reading the Bible, I flipped it open to Genesis Chapter 1 and started from there. That’s how we were taught to read, right? From front to back. If you are like me, I made it through the first couple of books of the Bible and soon was “lost.” And when I got to Numbers… I was completely confused. When I finally made it to the New Testament, it seemed to make a little bit more sense… but still, it seemed like a bunch of things that were just tossed together, mixed up and then piecemealed into a book. I get that. It was a few years before I realized I was reading the Bible the wrong way.  Maybe that is where you are now, today. Or you have come to that realization as well. Our guest today is the author of a great book that will help us to study the Bible, understand more as we read the Bible and actually LEARN from the Bible. Amen! Michael McPadden is the author of "Genesis to Revelation: Abraham's Promise Finding Christ an

  • From Genesis to Revelation – Michael McPadden pt 1

    21/03/2024 Duración: 27min

    From Genesis to Revelation  Michael McPadden pt 1 If you are like me, when I first started reading the Bible, I flipped it open to Genesis Chapter 1 and started from there. That’s how we were taught to read, right? From front to back. If you are like me, I made it through the first couple of books of the Bible and soon was “lost.” And when I got to Numbers… I was completely confused. When I finally made it to the New Testament, it seemed to make a little bit more sense… but still, it seemed like a bunch of things that were just tossed together, mixed up and then piecemealed into a book. I get that. It was a few years before I realized I was reading the Bible the wrong way.  Maybe that is where you are now, today. Or you have come to that realization as well. Our guest today is the author of a great book that will help us to study the Bible, understand more as we read the Bible and actually LEARN from the Bible. Amen! Michael McPadden is the author of "Genesis to Revelation: Abraham's Promise Finding Christ an

  • Inspired Living - Scott Maderer pt 2

    19/03/2024 Duración: 30min

    Inspired Living Scott Maderer pt 2 I have a question for you as we get started today…  Where are you at on your life’s journey “right now?”  What is your calling?  Is it a “God given calling?” Or are you doing something so that, someday, you can do your “God given calling?” Our guest today can help you with those answers. Scott Maderer was a teacher for 16 years, before transitioning to his calling of helping others to discover THEIR calling and to master that calling. Amen! Through the training which Scott and his wife Carrie developed, his clients discovered their true callings and realized their ability to lead fully authentic lives that allow them to live out their calling while serving others and still provide for their families… Scott is the author of “Inspired Living: Assemble the Puzzle of Your Calling by Mastering Your Time, Your Talent and Your Treasure.” This is part two of an amazing interview with Scott Maderer! As you were making this type of transition, what is the worst moment you experience

  • Inspired Living – Scott Maderer pt 1

    18/03/2024 Duración: 30min

    Inspired Living Scott Maderer pt 1 I have a question for you as we get started today…  Where are you at on your life’s journey “right now?”  What is your calling?  Is it a “God given calling?” Or are you doing something so that, someday, you can do your “God given calling?” Our guest today can help you with those answers. Scott Maderer was a teacher for 16 years, before transitioning to his calling of helping others to discover THEIR calling and to master that calling. Amen! Through the training which Scott and his wife Carrie developed, his clients discovered their true callings and realized their ability to lead fully authentic lives that allow them to live out their calling while serving others and still provide for their families… Scott is the author of “Inspired Living: Assemble the Puzzle of Your Calling by Mastering Your Time, Your Talent and Your Treasure.” Help me welcome to the program, Scott Maderer!  Scott, it is a blessing to be able to talk with you today! Thank you for joining us! First quest

  • A Man Like You and Me – Paul Joel pt 2

    15/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    A Man Like You and Me Paul Joel pt 2 Are you ready to understand Love on a deeper level? Do you have a desire to understand what True Love really means? Jesus shared this understanding of love through storytelling. He used parables in his sermons to convey true, real world scenarios and how God’s Love can transcend all the devil puts in your path. In keeping with that kind of storytelling passion, our guest today has written a Love Story that that conveys the deep meaning of God’s Love while at the same time, making real to the readers. Making it real to us. Making it real is what makes it, well “real!” Amen! Paul Joel is board certified Pulmonary and Internal Medicine physician in New York.  He had his career, his wife, his faith. Born again in 1982, all was going well with his life, until March of 2019. He was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Encephalitis. With most of his long term memory wiped away – and all of his short term memory gone as well, Paul was not the man he used to be. Two years of chemothera

  • A Man Like You and Me – Paul Joel pt 1

    14/03/2024 Duración: 24min

    A Man Like You and Me Paul Joel pt 1 Are you ready to understand Love on a deeper level? Do you have a desire to understand what True Love really means? Jesus shared this understanding of love through storytelling. He used parables in his sermons to convey true, real world scenarios and how God’s Love can transcend all the devil puts in your path. In keeping with that kind of storytelling passion, our guest today has written a Love Story that that conveys the deep meaning of God’s Love while at the same time, making real to the readers. Making it real to us. Making it real is what makes it, well “real!” Amen! Paul Joel is board certified Pulmonary and Internal Medicine physician in New York.  He had his career, his wife, his faith. Born again in 1982, all was going well with his life, until March of 2019. He was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Encephalitis. With most of his long term memory wiped away – and all of his short term memory gone as well, Paul was not the man he used to be. Two years of chemothera

  • Letters from Elizabeth – Carrie Pierce

    13/03/2024 Duración: 34min

    Letters from Elizabeth Carrie Pierce Have you ever experienced a sudden life change that involved losing someone you love? I know many people who have been married for 30, 40, 45 years and then, one of them passes away. That can be a lonely, very lonely road for the surviving spouse to travel. Our guest today has cofounded a publishing house that caters to authors who want to know their conservative or traditional values will not be censored or changed. Morgan Pierce Media and Publishing Company, in addition to catering to authors of children’s book with wholesome stories that everyone can enjoy – also has a very special subscription newsletter service. It is called, “Letters from Elizabeth.” These letters are sent out to subscribers every two weeks,  to women over the age of 50, who suddenly find themselves alone.  These letters are full of stories, insights, tips and recommendations for special products and also have thought provoking quotes, quips and a good recipe every now and then. Amen! This sounds lik

  • Increase Your Influence – Trudy Beerman

    12/03/2024 Duración: 32min

    Increase Your Influence Trudy Beerman In today’s society, money is often the focus of, well – everything!  Even if you do not want to focus on money – the fact you are trying NOT to focus on money has you focused on money! Amen!  Don’t shout me down when I’m preaching good. Our guest today helps people to shift their focus from money (which has become their god) to becoming focused on THE GOD who gives them the money! Amen! Money is not “the root of all evil” as some claim.  But scripture is very specific in 1 Timothy 6:10 that says, “THE LOVE of money is the root of all evil.”  The key is to “root out the evil” and then all your left with is the money! Amen!  Then you can do what God has called you do with that money. Praise God! Trudy Beerman is our guest today. Trudy was on way, way back in 2018.  Episode number 216 I believe. That was almost 1250 episodes ago!  Amen! Trudy is a TV producer, radio show host and best-selling author with many financial industry credentials to her credit. She is a Christian

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