Father Simon Says is your daily bible study hosted by Father Richard Simon, who jokingly refers to himself as Reverend Know-it-All.
Father Simon Says - May 16, 2022 - Zeus and Latin Maxims
16/05/2022 Duración: 51minJn 14:21-26 What does Logos really mean? How can we speak by the Holy Spirit? Father explains both Letters Father explains some Church customs in light of Grecian bonfires Listener asks about the "Lamb of God" at mass Sam asks if Judas had to betray Jesus to fulfill Scripture? Someone told me that the Eucharist isn't Jesus if the host touches the ground; what should I say? Word of the Day: Zeus Callers 'Despise not my petitions' sounds like an insult from the Memorare Fr. quoted something in Latin about confession--what was that? Prayers for my cousin w with glaucoma issues Why do we have "suffered under Pilate" in the Creed?
Father Simon Says - May 13, 2022 - Are We Live?
13/05/2022 Duración: 50minActs 13:26-33 Father explains the linguistic details of today's reading Jn 14:1-6 Does the Bible talk about paved streets of gold? Letters Listener thanks Father for talking about the Shroud of Turin If a person created a robot, would it have a soul? What's the virtue of Christian hope? Listener has an idea about how to get Catholics to pray the rosary Was Tiberius a Christian? Word of the day: Men Callers Why do we have to do the sign of the cross with the right hand? Being hanged on wood has a different translation in the Jewish context. I don't think Thomas gets enough credit about regarding first reading. Also did Jesus try to get to Paul earlier? Was St. Joseph still alive when Jesus was crucified?
Father Simon Says - May 12, 2022 - Born of Water & Wind
12/05/2022 Duración: 51minActs 13:13-25 What does it mean to be born from water and wind? Letters Jeff asks for prayers for his son What do I do if I'm struggling to listen to both the Church and my husband? Is lying always a mortal sin? Erin enjoyed what Father said about notional faith? Word of the Day: Men Callers Could the thorn in Paul's side have been blindness or visual impairment? What is the kabbalah?
Father Simon Says - May 11, 2022 - Hearing the Holy Spirit
11/05/2022 Duración: 50minActs 12:24—13:5a Where was the first chancery office? Jn 12:44-50 What's the main benefit to being a Christian? Letters Do we respond to the priest at mass when he says alleluia? Listener disagrees with Fr. Simon's take on altar servers Word of the Day: Synagogue Callers Why does Apostles Creed use 'creator' and Nicene creed says 'Maker' If Father wants beauty, maybe we should go back to the Tridentine Mass in English Our obsession with sciences one reason people leaving the Church. What was the reason that God would have Judas pick Jesus out of the crowd? Didn't people know who Jesus was? If someone is pregnant and the baby has issues, could the person be anointed for the baby? Are there more than two dogmas that have been declared infallible?
Father Simon Says - May 10, 2022 - What is a Christian?
10/05/2022 Duración: 50minActs 11:19-26 What's Hanukkah? Father Simon explains Jn 10:22-30 What does it mean that Jesus and the Father are one? Letters Listener has a question about the TV show, 'The Chosen' Do Josephite marriages in modern times? Listener writes in about women who celebrate abortions Ashley Judd wore a green scapular, but she supported abortion in the past; can someone who is pro-choice become a Catholic? Word of the Day: Christian Callers Responding to yesterday's story-- did Fr. Simon know whether his father had anything to do with the termination of that person who was at his company. A Protestant friend felt the presence of the Holy Spirit, similar to what Fr. Simon has talked about, and how should I interpret her experience as a Catholic? Question about 'retirement' in the Bible. Should we work until we are no longer actually about to work?
Father Simon Says - May 9, 2022 - Centurions!
09/05/2022 Duración: 51minActs 11:1-18 Who was a Centurian and why was he important? Letters Father receives a question about abortion Did Judas go to hell? What is a novena? Word of the day: Discriminating Callers What does one do with Easter Candles that are half used? And what does Father think of crosses with the resurrected Christ? Why are young people attracted to Christianity, but not going to Catholic Church and also why do many young people don't go to Church at all? Question of the role of Pope Pius XII in the bombing of Monte Cassino and how much do you know about it?
Father Simon Says - May 5, 2022 - Chariots of Fire
05/05/2022 Duración: 53minFather discusses the recent Supreme Court draft on abortion Acts 8:26-40 We're comfortable with structure, but are we comfortable with miracles? Jn 6:44-51 Father talks about the connection between today's Gospel and the Eucharist Letters Father answers a question about, judgement St. Paul and the angels Do we receive God in the Eucharist? Word of the Day: Chariot Callers Can I consecrate my marriage to the Immaculate Heart of Mary? Do animals have souls? What is necessary for the formula of Baptism?
Father Simon Says - May 4, 2022 - A 'Come to Jesus' Moment
04/05/2022 Duración: 53minActs 8:1b-8 Father explains the first persecution of the Church Jn 6:35-40 What do Jesus' words "I will not reject anyone who comes to me" mean? Letters Can we have bells during Lent? Does Jesus reference the Eucharist when he says 'Feed my sheep?' What happened the Pharisees that called for Jesus' death? Word of the day: Unclean Callers So should I go to my godson's wedding when he's marrying a non-Catholic, and they may not continue going to Catholic Church? Could you explain the biography of Sr. Pascalina?
Father Simon Says - May 3, 2022 - Take It with a Grain of Salt
03/05/2022 Duración: 53min1 Cor 15:1-8 What does it mean to say the Creed? Jn 14:6-14 Father talks about what it actually means to do something in the name of Jesus Letters Father reads a letter about apostrophe rules in the English language Reader asks about the wound in Jesus' side Why does Father say 'take what I say this a grain of salt?' Is morbid obesity sinful? Why wasn't Mary stoned to death for being pregnant and unmarried? Word of the Day: AM Callers Why in the Apostles Creed, why Jesus sit at the Right Hand of the Father? How is Stephen full of grace? Wasn't there someone with the woman who committed adultery and what happened to him? I saw this in an Italian movie where Joseph was married and widowed and left his kids and then when he came back w/Mary, he met his kids? Is this true?
Father Simon Says - May 2, 2022 - A Hierarchical Show
02/05/2022 Duración: 53minActs 6:8-15 Father talks about the reality of miracles Jn 6:22-29 Father talks about the difficulty of trust Last Sunday's Sunday's Gospel: Father explains the different words for love Letters Is it OK to use an iPad to follow along with the readings? If God has accepted the death of Jesus, why do RR hosts pray that God would accept the payment of Jesus on the cross? Word of the Day: Hierarchy Callers John 21:15-17 | why did Jesus change from Feed my Lambs to Tend my sheep?
Father Simon Says - April 29, 2022 - Sit Down, Stand Up!
29/04/2022 Duración: 51minActs 5:34-42 Father explains Jewish belief in life after death Letters Father riffs more about silence in church I saw someone selling a relic of John Henry Newman; what should I have done? Can we substitute Psalm 51 for the psalm of the day during Lent? Father answers a question about marriage and communion Word of the Day: Sat Down, going up Callers: How to identify venial sins and what does it mean when my priest says he can't be my spiritual advisor? If Fr. Simon were to sell a relic, would he be 'Fr. Simony'? Can Father explain Matthew 7:21 Can we inset belief in the Eucharist into the Creed?
Father Simon Says - April 28, 2022 - Don't Ration the Spirit
28/04/2022 Duración: 51minActs 5:27-33 Father gives context about the book of Acts Jn 3:31-36 Father talks more about the Trinity Letters Father reads a letter from a retired priest friend who bemoans the lack of respect during mass Listener writes in about her marriage and temptation Father clarifies if Jesus had more siblings (*He didn't!) Word of the Day: Ration Callers Is purgatory closed? Could you explain to me Apophatic Theology? Who is the great harlot and who are the ten kings in Rev. 17?
Father Simon Says - April 27, 2022 - Heresy!
27/04/2022 Duración: 51minActs 5:17-26 What is heresy? Jn 3:16-21 Is the Trinity actually easy to understand? Letters Father comments on the need for silence before mass Listener thanks Father for his priesthood and comments on the structure of priesthood Word of the Day: Sadducees Callers My father was cremated. Could I put him in a Church, is that considered a sacred place? Why in the scriptures does it say those who love the world will lose it and those who hate the world will find everlasting life. Yet, God so loved the world.
Father Simon Says - April 26, 2022 - Born Again Radio!
26/04/2022 Duración: 51minActs 4:32-37 What's the multitude of believers? Jn 3:7b-15 What does it actually mean to be born again? Letters: What is the Tenebrae service? What's Father's take on Ez 20? Father talks about praying the rosary during Lent and Easter Word of the Day: pneuma Callers: My Serbian Orthodox boyfriend proposed to me and how would a mixed marriage, as I'm Catholic. I'm thinking about becoming Catholic and starting to pray the rosary, but getting distracted and I would like helpful hints for prayer
Father Simon Says - April 25, 2022 - Did Mary Have Other Children?
25/04/2022 Duración: 51min1 Pt 5:5b-14 What does it really mean to be holy? Mk 16:15-20 Was Mark a witness to the Garden of Gethsemane? Letters Are LGBT persons doomed to go to hell? (A Dear Abby re-print) I'm a father of 7 children and the youngest child suffered abuse on the Internet; he's now struggling with shame. I was going to have chicken flavored pasta on a Friday; is that ok? Did Mary have any other children? Word of the Day: Confirming Callers What is the Greek equivalent for the phrase in the Bible, 'I am a Jealous God?' I visited a traditional parish that didn't celebrate Divine Mercy; is it SSPX? Does salvation come through the Catholic Church only?
Father Simon Says-April 22, 2022-On Church and State and Messianic Expectations
22/04/2022 Duración: 51minActs 4:1-12 Fr. Simon talks about the High Priestly Class during the Apostles' time and also the struggle between Church and State Letters What were Messianic Expectations of the Jewish people at the time of Christ? Question about ashes in Esther and Maccabees and if related to Ash Wednesday Words of the Day: Didymus Children 153 Callers: Is it okay to do the stations of the cross on the Friday of Easter week? What if I don't have any mortal sins to confess for confession when during Divine Mercy Sunday? Should I go to confession? Does God's love apply to the fallen Angels? Who else talked about the devil being the greatest trick? Is keeping Cremated remains in my home a sin?
Father Simon Says - April 21, 2022 - The New Lawgiver
21/04/2022 Duración: 50minLk 24:35-48 Why don't Catholics follow the totality of the Law of Moses? Letters Why does the priest break the host during the consecration? Letter from listener who came back to the faith Can I participate Reiki? Words of the Day: Restoration Refreshment Callers: My girlfriend enrolled into RCIA and I'd like to thank Fr. Simon because he had some advice. How do I get the Ouiji out of my house? A relative wants to keep it here and it's making me sick. If there are souls in purgatory, how do we know if we have family members there? My sister said you can go to to communion, as long as you go to confession, I disagreed. How do I answer her? Caller disagrees with Fr. Simon about Reiki
Father Simon Says - April 20, 2022 - Living Life by the Clock
20/04/2022 Duración: 51minActs 3:1-10 What is the significance of the 3rd hour? Lk 24:13-35 Father breaks down the Road to Emmaus Letters What is the origin of the Stations of the Cross? Question about marriage and holy communion Word of the day: Astonishment! Callers In Luke 16: What does Jesus mean by making friends with unrighteous riches? Is there a difference between Satan and the Devil? Adventists say Jesus didn't convert water to wine, but how do I respond to that?
Father Simon Says - April 19, 2022 - Easter Tuesday!
19/04/2022 Duración: 51minActs 2:36-41 What does it mean that 'God made Jesus Lord?' Father discusses and the power of suffering Letters In St. Faustina's Diary, she reveals a confession--isn't that just for sins? Listener disagrees with Father's desire for older altar servers Word of the Day: Don't touch me! Callers: Why can't Catholics have their ashes scattered? Is it okay to have a statue of the Lamb on the altar? Can a Catholic get buried in a non-Catholic cemetery and can Catholics attend the service? Does a priest need to have a stole on when doing confession? How should we approach praying at abortion clinics and confronting with people who are being loud and abrasive toward abortion workers and women getting abortions?
Father Simon Says - April 18, 2022 - The Shroud of Turin
18/04/2022 Duración: 51minMt 28:8-15 The Gospel seems so implausible, but Father says it's quite believable (he tells the story of the Shroud of Turin) Letters Father talks about a letter from Charles Colson Why do the Greek Christians make the sign of the cross differently? Jeff has an idea to get people to pray the rosary more Father reads a question about Mary and sitting Shiva What are the steps in forgiveness? Word of the day: high priest Callers Do angels have creative powers? Question about Devine Mercy Novena - I missed a day. Did I mess it up? Also, I'm praying online with a group that prays it a bit differently. Is that okay? How do we know that Christ descended into hell and what is the purpose of that? Can I receive communion without going to confession?