Father Simon Says

Greeting the Priest! - January 3, 2023



1 JN 2:29–3:6 What happens when we stand before God? What does it mean to persist in sin?  Jn 1:29-34 The connection between Jesus and Abraham Letters 29:45 - Mary discusses greeting our neighbor before mass 36:15 - was Paul made a bishop?  Word of the Day: Baptized (34:44) Caller 48:20 - Is it a sin that I didn't go to Sunday mass last week, b/c I had fear that car would get stuck in snow 50:00 - How to compliment a priest without trying to praise him too much? 54:15 - Confused on what Pope Francis dedicated this year to.  For example like 'Year of St. Joseph' 57:50 - If someone wants to get engaged w/someone, how much should they reveal their past sins