Father Simon Says is your daily bible study hosted by Father Richard Simon, who jokingly refers to himself as Reverend Know-it-All.
Glory Glory - May 23, 2023
23/05/2023 Duración: 56minBible Study: (2:22) Acts 20:17-27 How can Paul be one of the Apostles? Letters (29:52) - who got Bibles after the printing press? Word of the Day: Glory (38:34) Callers (47:34)- One church I went to for mass provided missals and also gave Precious Blood However another Church didn't have those. Why the difference and who makes the decisions on that? (50:27) - Corporal on the Altar, I'm always concerned that there are host fragments. Is it continued to be used, is it shaken out? (53:25) - I think more Catholics should bring their friends to Church and invite them? What do you think about that Fr. ? (53:25) - How the peasants back in the old days, grew spiritually b/c they didn't have a bible and catechism like we do now? (55:48) - Why does the priest add water to the wine
Despise Not Our Petitions - May 22, 2023
22/05/2023 Duración: 51minBible Study: (1:48) Acts 19:1-8 Father discusses prophecy and Baptism Letters (22:34) - Is it OK to steal? (31:50) - I had a poor parish upbringing, what should I do? Word of the Day: Mass (37:50) Callers (39:33) - The priest used to say that before funerals and weddings, if you're not Catholic, don't receive communion. Why don't they do that anymore? (44:09) - Could we assume Jesus made mistakes? (46:32) - Is it God's will for divorce, or is it my husband's fault that he wants to divorce. I've been married for 25 years. (48:35) - 'Despise not our petitions', could you explain 'despise'?
Who Were the Apostles? - May 19, 2023
19/05/2023 Duración: 51minBible Study: (2:09) Acts 18:9-18 Who were the apostles? Why did Paul take a vow? Letters (19:02) - Question about veils on women and short hair? (30:16) - How do respond to Protestants who follow Paul more than Jesus? Word of the Day: In my name (35:23) Callers: (40:34) - Question about Latin Mass and My Diocese? (48:15) - Happy belated anniversary of your ordination. AND we really enjoyed you leading the rosary! (49:40) - Why do we call the Mass the Mass?
Confession, Communion, the Bible, & the Catechism - May 18, 2023
18/05/2023 Duración: 51minBible Study: (2:11) Acts 18:1-8 Father discusses the historical realities regarding Corinth Letters (18:53) - More questions on the successors to the 12 Word of the Day: A Little While (34:58) Callers (38:18) - a priest said I couldn't get saint benedict medals blessed because of Exorcists. What does that mean? (39:41) - Can you understand the bible just through using the catechism with it? (43:46) - If you miss Sunday Mass while on vacation do you need to go to confession before receiving Communion? (45:22) - What do I do with palms from years past as well as other sacramentals? (48:58) - What is the sacred heart of Jesus?
Peace & Quiet - May 17, 2023
17/05/2023 Duración: 51minBible Study: (2:12) Acts 17:15, 22—18:1 Father discusses the dynamics of Paul in Athens Jn 16:12-15 What are we here on earth to do? Letters (20:22) - If God were to stop thinking of us, we would cease to exist? (22:49) - I'm frustrated by the lack of quiet at my parish (26:31) - Is there chance built into the universe? Word of the Day: To Bear (34:16) Callers (41:36) - I am being ordained in two weeks. What is a good novena for me to say in preparation? (44:59) - How do you understand the way God hardens Pharaoh’s heart but then blames Pharaoh for not letting the Israelites go? (46:20) - Psalm 148 is a good proof that dogs are in heaven. (47:31) - Does the form of Baptism really matter? And does it matter by what authority you are baptized?
The Fulfillment of God's Promises - May 16, 2023
16/05/2023 Duración: 51minBible Study: (1:53) Acts 16:22-34 Father discusses the fulfillment of God's promise Jn 16:5-11 How should we think about the world? Letters (20:17) - Charisms in the Church (28:52) - Successors to the Apostles Word of the day: Convict (38:42) Callers (42:31) - Were you able to research the question about the Creed I had the other week? The current Mass translation added the word 'Death' after the word suffered. (49:41) - If God's knows everything how can we have free will? (49:41) - Thank you for illuminating for me who Zadok the priest is! (50:14) - Why did the Holy Spirit Come After Jesus?
Camel Passing Through the Eye of a Needle - May 15, 2023
15/05/2023 Duración: 51minBible Study: (2:20) Acts 16:11-15 Father discusses St. Paul's aquatic mission Jn 15:26—16:4a What does Paraclete mean? Letters 24:03 - Question about St. Paul's life chronology 28:35 - Is there any modern analog to the 12 apostles? Word of the Day: Timbrel Callers (40:57) - Why is speaking in tongues not prevalent in the Catholic Church? (45:39) - What does the Greek word Camel mean in regards Jesus saying it would be easier for a Camel to pass through the eye of a needle? (49:02) - What is a synod?
David's Hut - May 11, 2023
11/05/2023 Duración: 53minBible Study: (:57) Acts 15:7-21 Where did authority come from in the early church? Letters (20:40) - Why did priests block the truth about the Bible? (23:18) - Can I be a nun and a practicing physician? (32:17) - Another stations of the cross story Word of the Day: The Hut of David Callers (42:37) - How young can an altar boy receive the Precious Blood during consecration? (46:06) - Why don't Catholics talk more about protoevangelium James and what Modern mystics say about Mary?
Do Dogs Go to Heaven? - May 10, 2023
10/05/2023 Duración: 53minBible Study: Jn 15:1-8 Why is today's Gospel so challenging? Letters (17:26) - Are there animals in heaven/ Word of the Day: A Revolution Callers (33:41) - The psalmist for the liturgy of the hours seems to have the gift of poetry. What do you think? (40:27) - How my girlfriend and I know if we are suppose to get married? (45:56) - Is there a priestly society that can say some masses for me?
The Peace of Christ - May 9, 2023
09/05/2023 Duración: 53minBible Study: (1:38) Acts 14:19-28 Father discusses the differences between Jews and Judeans Jn 14:27-31a What is the peace of Christ? Letters (27:27) - What forgives sins? Word of the day: Gentile Callers (27:27) - Priest gave me contact information based on something I said in a confession with him. Was he breaking the seal of the confessional? (38:06) - Today's Gospel reading: what does the world 'World' Mean when referring to the ruler of the world? Didn't God create the world? (41:01) - The word 'Comadre' means in-laws. I use it with my mother-in-law. It is similar to 'compadres' (46:09) - I am in RCIA. Can I go to confession before I come into the Church?
What It Means to be Christian - May 8, 2023
08/05/2023 Duración: 53minActs 14:5-18 Father talks about what it means to be a Christian Letters (13:12_ Anglican church service sounds like a Catholic mass How to get mortal sin forgiven? Long betrothal in Jewish customs Where do the Stations of the Cross come from? Word of the Day: Priest Callers (42:20) Station of the cross in St. John's backyard? Luke 15: blessed is the woman who gave birth to you. According to a Greek Orthodox scholar said that 'Rather' actually means that Jesus agreed with them rather than putting down Mary. is that True?
Home in the Father's House - May 5, 2023
05/05/2023 Duración: 51minBible Study: (1:59) Acts 13:26-33 The Rise of Christianity: Father discusses the relationship between Pilate and Justin Martyr Jn 14:1-6 We go home when we die Letters (21:14) - why wasn't the beloved disciple questioned about Jesus? (25:20) - Beatitudes and the Psalms (27:03) - The problem of translation with the Creed (31:46) - I used to preach from a bench in Nevada Word of the Day: Oracle (37:03) Callers (38:15) - If I am right in saying that a layman can't bestow a blessing (39:40) - Question about Ethiopians believing that Pilate was a saint. (42:30) - Question about Baptism in the Holy Spirit and Baptism in Jesus? (48:52) - My nutritionist is also a Reiki Master. Is it still good to have her as my nutritionist?
May the Fourth - May 4, 2023
04/05/2023 Duración: 51minBible Study: (1:43) Acts 13:13-25 Father details the long journey of St. Paul Jn 13:16-20 Father explains the nature of prophecy Letters (22:28)- Just war theory update (24:22) - the story of Jephthah in Judges (30:50) - I heard God say that he was drawing near to me (35:01) - I feel the call to become a priest Word of the Day: Pestilence (40:17) Callers (42:40) - Why is there a difference b/w the English translation and the Latin translation of the Nicene Creed? (47:22) - I was mediating on Good thief and what a transformation he must have had to 'remember me in your Kingdom'. What do you think about that Father? (49:28) - Where to the two thieves also taken down from the cross like Jesus?
Ancient Cosmetics - May 3, 2023
03/05/2023 Duración: 51minBible Study: (2:02) 1 Cor 15:1-8 Who were the 12 Apostles? When did St. Paul begin his ministry? Jn 14:6-14 What does it mean that "no one comes to the Father except through me?" Letters (23:56) - What was cosmetic treatment during Ester's time? {great promo] (28:41) - I'm an adult acolyte, one of the young servers says the priests prayers; is that OK? (30:08) - Leaving religious statements on restaurant bills (33:01) - Elijah isn't mentioned in the Torah, how did the Sadducees view him during the time of Christ? Word of the Day: Reed (36:15) Callers (39:38) - About the four horseman of the apocalypse and did one of the horseman's name change? Was Pestilence changed to conquering? (45:34) - I'm looking for guidance as my son plays baseball, we pray for his protection, however, even though we pray, a player got badly hurt in the face. Could you guide me? (49:02) - Why has Just War the Doctrine, become minimized?
Istanbul, Not Constantinople - May 2, 2023
02/05/2023 Duración: 50minActs 11:19-26 Why did God keep the Israelites isolated? Letters (26:51) - Using an abundance of a tip? (30:44) - What does a person do with an old torn Bible? Word of the Day: Christos (34:41) Callers (36:58) - Mass while traveling: Mhe Cruise doesn't have a Catholic priest (39:27) - What are the differences with the Holy Spirit and the Trinity w/the Orthodox and Catholics? (43:13) - Could you clarify throwing rosaries that are broken, is that okay? (45:47) - Communion under both species (49:48) - Is it okay to throw away old palms?
An Indulgent Episode - May 1, 2023
01/05/2023 Duración: 51minBible Study: (2:23) Acts 11:1-18 What separated Jews from pagans? Jn 10:11-18 What is the universal Church? Letters (22:47) - Can Father explain the difference between temple and synagogue (27:31) - What's the best way to understand indulgences? Word of the Day: Indulgence (35:25) Callers (38:02)- Do dogs go to heaven? (40:29) - My Godson could he get a dispensation to get married in a non-denomination wedding and a question about a wedding shower? (44:56) - The relationship b/w purgatory and confession? (47:29) - What are the rules regarding chapel veils? (48:31) - What does the term 'begotten' mean?
St. Paul's World - April 28, 2023
28/04/2023 Duración: 51minBible Study: (1:49) Acts 9:1-20 What makes this text truthful? Jn 6:52-59 What does today's text actually say? Letters (22:13)- What is the 'world without end' in the Glory Be? (23:46) - Question about dealing with a suicide (28:12) - I'm reading the ESV, why is it hard to find Catholic approved Red lettered Bibles? (32:48) - Singing of the psalms? Word of the Day: Authority (37:59) Callers (39:53) - We bought holy water fonts for my grandchildren; is it OK that they use it with their teddy bears? (44:05) - Jesus says take my body and take my blood. But as Catholics we only take the bread. This seems unbiblical. Why? (46:22) - I don't chew the host, is that okay? (48:55) - What are my responsibilities as an aunt whose nephews don't practice the faith.
Are You Saved? - April 27, 2023
27/04/2023 Duración: 51minBible Study: (2:17) Acts 8:26-40 Why do we prepare people for Baptism? Jn 6:44-51 Are you saved? Letters Father discusses 'being wrong' about yesterday's show (24:53) - I went to mass where they kneel and stand during different times (in Mexico) why? (30:57) - I agree with Fr. Simon that being born is a process (31:49) - Who chooses vestment colors? Word of the Day: Teach (36:24) Callers (40:25) - Is it okay for lay people to knock on doors, just like Jehovah's Witness and Mormons. (42:23) - Why was it bad for Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge (45:22) - In our congregation, we do go on knocking on doors and we go twice a week. (49:54) - We have a visiting priest and he lifts the ciborium instead of the host?
How Do I Trust God More? - April 26, 2023
26/04/2023 Duración: 51minBible Study: (2:20) Acts 8:1b-8 It matters who we know How did the early Christians spread the faith? Jn 6:35-40 What does it mean to see Jesus? Letters (23:31) - Jim asks about Passover calendars (24:56) - How do I trust God more? (28:06) - I went to a mass where the priest skipped the consecration Word of the Day: Good News! (34:33) Callers (36:23) - How do we reconcile the evil of Abortion but the children still going to heaven? (39:44) - Children w/severe disabilities and receiving communion still? (42:01) - Could you comment on the 'American Catholic Church', and apparently priests could marry there. Could you comment on that? (44:18) - Where is hell, is it in the world? (46:36) - What is the proper way to say the Our Father? (48:36) - I'm taking an acting class, am I using God's name in vain?
Who Was St. Mark? - April 25, 2023
25/04/2023 Duración: 51minBible Study: (1:48) Mk 16:15-20 Who was St. Mark? Letters (20:34) - Why do we ask for forgiveness? (22:46) - Why did God tell the Israelites to kill the Canaanites? (28:19) - Are there any direct relatives who claim to be related to the apostles? (29:11) - how did the earth get populated? (34:40) - Comments about prohibitions on pork Word of the Day: Tongues (35:33) Callers (37:19) - Were Mark's endings where diff b/c he had a different audience? Mark had a different ending? Could you comment on that? (39:10) -On how to forgive as my brother's wife murdered my brother. How to forgive and how to approach (45:39) - Disciples in the Upper Room, they spoke in the language given by Holy Spirit, but everybody heard in their own language. Could you comment on this? (48:04) - Peter given keys of kingdom and 'get behind me Satan'. Could you explain this?