Father Simon Says

Our Lady of Guadalupe - December 12, 2023



Bible Study: (3:18) ZEC 2:14-17 Father discusses the historical surroundings of Our Lady of Guadalupe   Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab Does this passage refer to the Blessed Mother or the Church?  LK 1:26-38 Mary is the slave of the Lord Letters: (23:04) - Bible Recommendation  (24:24) - The Precious Blood at Mass (28:13) - Healing power of Lourdes water (46:38) - Praying away evil stores  Word of the Day: Proclaims the greatness (30:50) Callers: (34:23) - The Chicago Tribune showed numerous images of OLG. (35:18) - On the Feast Day of OLG, a lot of dancing, drums. What's your opinion about this? (37:33) - Question about the Incas and the 60,000 deaths? (41:10) - Why do we consider and talk about the Holy Family being poor, when it seemed they were hard-working? (41:10) - Are we able to pray for Judas repose of his soul? (45:22) - I'm Eastern Orthodox. In the Church I go to, they use the spoon.  When they use a spoon in the Chalice, does alcohol still remain? (46:38) - Could you combine holy water and anti