Social Entrepreneur With Nathan A Webster



Social Entrepreneur with Nathan A Webster is a resource for all social entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, nonprofit executives, management, volunteers, and supporters. Everyone is welcome. The need for more resources to solve these global issues is dire. We all can make a difference.


  • Ep 191 - How Authentic "Purpose Driven" Marketing is Done w.Keith Sconiers Pt. 2

    05/02/2024 Duración: 23min

    This is second part of Nathan's interview with Keith Sconiers, an entrepreneur, storyteller, and catalyst.  Host: Nathan A Webster Watch the Podcast on YouTube! LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | NDUB Brand  Download and subscribe on Audible, Google, iHeartRadio, iTunes, and Soundcloud. Please rate, review, and share! Podcast Sponsored by #B2BMarketing #MarketingStrategy #ContentMarketing #MarketingTrends #MarketingInsights #marketingforentrepreneurs #marketinginvestment #marketingtips

  • Ep 190 - How Authentic “Purpose Driven” Marketing is Done w/Keith Sconiers

    29/01/2024 Duración: 19min

    Summary   In this episode, Nathan interviews Keith Sconiers, an entrepreneur, storyteller, and catalyst. Keith shares his background and mission to help entrepreneurs cut costs in a crazy, un-planned journey that he has no regrets for, on, or hates. Keith describes it as the purpose-driven marketing strategy. Make sure you dig in deep as this is just part one. Keith shares his personal journey of struggling with multiple jobs and financial difficulties. He also talks about his experience working for Heartland Payment Systems and the values that led him to quit and pursue a different path.

  • Ep 189 - Remembering Dr. MLK Jr.

    22/01/2024 Duración: 41min

    The goal was to publish this episode last week, but we had some issues. Our apologies, but we hope you still enjoy the show. In this episode, Nathan had the marketing crew (Rae and Jay) discuss the significance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day and share their personal perspectives on the holiday, controversies surrounding MLK's legacy, and the whitewashing of his message.  Major Takeaways Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a significant holiday that sparks discussions about race, equality, and social justice. MLK's legacy is complex, and it is important to acknowledge both his accomplishments and the controversies surrounding his life. The commercialization of MLK Day and other holidays can undermine their true meaning and perpetuate tokenism and opportunism. Individuals should evaluate the intentions and actions of companies when deciding to work with them, ensuring they align with their values and commitment to diversity and inclusion. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Housekeeping 02:00 Introductions 03:45 Dis

  • EP 188 - The 25 yrs of a Marketing Agency navigating Turnover Recessions and Pandemic

    15/01/2024 Duración: 18min

    We welcome Gravitate's Don Elliot been in the marketing trenches for a long time. Seen trends come and go, budgets slashed, tears shed, and victories hard-won. My agency, well, it's more than just a company; it's a battle cry, a testament to the resilience of creativity and the power of adaptation. Why should you, a fellow marketing warrior, care about our battle scars? Get your survival kit ready: Learn the battle-tested strategies we used to navigate industry upheavals and keep our clients afloat. Discover the resilience gene: Uncover the secrets of building a team that can adapt, innovate, and conquer any obstacle. Find your marketing mojo: Reignite your passion with stories of grit, creativity, and the unwavering belief in the power of marketing. This video isn't just a history lesson; it's a field manual for the modern marketer. It's a blueprint for building an agency that not only survives, but thrives, in the ever-changing landscape of marketing. So, grab your metaphorical weapon of choice (laptop, p

  • EP 187 - Mike the Marketing COO

    08/01/2024 Duración: 20min

    This video isn't just about marketing; it's about redefining what it means to be a leader in today's business world. So, ditch the beige and unleash your inner Mike. It's time to paint the town red (or blue, or green – with explosive marketing mayhem, the possibilities are endless!). Remember, in the marketing jungle, the fiercest beasts are the ones who dare to be different. So, channel your inner mad scientist and let Mike the Marketing COO show you how to dominate the marketing food chain! Enjoy the show! Host: Nathan A Webster Watch the Podcast on YouTube! LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | NDUB Brand    Download and subscribe on Audible, Google, iHeartRadio, iTunes, and Soundcloud. Please rate, review, and share!   Podcast Sponsored by

  • EP 186 - Dissecting DEI through the Marketing Lens

    01/01/2024 Duración: 40min

    Emmanuel Williams is the visionary founder and principal Consultant of YPD Equity Consulting. Emmanuel is a conflict management practitioner with a heavy emphasis on racial equity/anti-racism initiatives. His work provides tools to counteract all forms of racial prejudice, microaggressions, and anti-blackness.  Email - LinkedIn - Website - Host: Nathan A Webster Watch the Podcast on YouTube! LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | NDUB Brand  Download and subscribe on Audible, Google, iHeartRadio, iTunes, and Soundcloud. Please rate, review, and share!   Podcast Sponsored by

  • EP 185 - A Marketing Prayer

    25/12/2023 Duración: 08min

    Forget "likes" and "shares," folks. In this video, we're going deep – deep into the soul of marketing, where strategy meets inspiration, and logic dances with a hint of holy fire. This isn't your typical "tips and tricks" tutorial. This is a call to arms, a marketing prayer for those who dare to push beyond the ordinary. As a marketing veteran with my fair share of scars and victories, I've learned that true success isn't just about clicks and conversions. It's about igniting a spark, building a movement, and leaving a legacy that transcends spreadsheets. It's about believing in the invisible power of stories, the magic of connection, and the raw human hunger for something that matters.   Enjoy the show! Host: Nathan A Webster Watch the Podcast on YouTube! LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | NDUB Brand    Download and subscribe on Audible, Google, iHeartRadio, iTunes, and Soundcloud. Please rate, review, and share!   Podcast Sponsored by

  • EP 184 - How Happy Employees Create a Great Customer Experience

    18/12/2023 Duración: 23min

    Ever wondered why some businesses just ooze magic? Their customers rave, their teams glow, and success seems to follow them like a loyal puppy. The secret? Happiness. Not just any kind, mind you, but the contagious, customer-magnetizing happiness that breeds from engaged, fulfilled employees. But how do you unlock this secret sauce? That's where this video comes in. I'm spilling the beans on my top 5 happiness hacks that'll transform your team into CX champions: From "job" to "joy": Discover how to create a work environment that sparks passion, not just paychecks. Empowerment, not micromanagement: Learn how to give your team the freedom to own their interactions and watch their creativity soar. Customers as co-stars, not just clients: Show you how to make your employees feel like partners in creating amazing experiences, not just cogs in a machine. Feedback is fuel, not fire: Learn how to turn feedback into a growth engine that propels your team and your CX to new heights. Celebrate the wins (big and small):

  • EP 183 - Red Flags of Marketing

    11/12/2023 Duración: 19min

    In the competitive world of marketing, it's easy to fall prey to deceptive tactics and misleading promises. But as a seasoned marketing expert, I'm here to arm you with the knowledge to identify and avoid these red flags, safeguarding your business from unethical practices and ensuring you get the most out of your marketing investments. In this video, I'll unveil the common red flags that signal trouble, from exaggerated claims and vague guarantees to hidden fees and unrealistic results. I'll provide real-world examples to illustrate these red flags and share my personal insights on how to navigate the marketing landscape with caution and discernment. Why You Should Watch This Video: Avoid wasting your time and energy on jobs that aren't right for you. Learn how to spot red flags in job descriptions early on. Get our personal best advice on how to avoid the pitfalls of horrible marketing jobs.   Enjoy the show! Host: Nathan A Webster Watch the Podcast on YouTube! LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | NDUB Brand 

  • EP 182 - Aint Got Nobody Time for That!!!

    04/12/2023 Duración: 12min

    In today's fast-paced world, where time seems to slip through our fingers like grains of sand, it's more crucial than ever to optimize our productivity and efficiency. That's why I'm here to introduce you to a powerful mindset shift that will revolutionize your approach to time management: the "Ain't Got Nobody Time for That!!!" mantra. It's a declaration of self-empowerment, a refusal to let unnecessary distractions and time-wasting activities dictate our lives.   Why You Should Watch This Video: Avoid wasting your time and energy on jobs that aren't right for you. Learn how to spot red flags in job descriptions early on. Get our personal best advice on how to avoid the pitfalls of horrible marketing jobs.   Enjoy the show! Host: Nathan A Webster Watch the Podcast on YouTube! LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | NDUB Brand    Download and subscribe on Audible, Google, iHeartRadio, iTunes, and Soundcloud. Please rate, review, and share!   Podcast Sponsored by

  • EP 181 - Whats A Customer Journey Blueprint 2/2

    27/11/2023 Duración: 21min

    Understanding the customer journey is like deciphering a secret code, revealing the hidden motivations, expectations, and pain points that shape their choices. And that's where the Customer Journey Blueprint comes in. In this video, I'll take you on a journey of discovery, diving deep into the world of customer journey mapping. We'll explore the different stages of the customer journey, from initial awareness to post-purchase advocacy, uncovering the critical touchpoints that make or break a customer's experience. Whether you're a seasoned marketer, a budding entrepreneur, or simply someone who wants to understand customers better, this video is for you. You'll learn how to: Identify the key touchpoints that customers interact with Map out the customer's emotional journey, understanding their thoughts, feelings, and motivations at each stage Uncover hidden pain points and frustration triggers that can derail the customer experience Implement strategies to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty Discover pr

  • EP 180 - Whats A Customer Journey Blueprint? 1/2

    20/11/2023 Duración: 15min

    Understanding the customer journey is like deciphering a secret code, revealing the hidden motivations, expectations, and pain points that shape their choices. And that's where the Customer Journey Blueprint comes in. In this video, I'll take you on a journey of discovery, diving deep into the world of customer journey mapping. We'll explore the different stages of the customer journey, from initial awareness to post-purchase advocacy, uncovering the critical touchpoints that make or break a customer's experience. Whether you're a seasoned marketer, a budding entrepreneur, or simply someone who wants to understand customers better, this video is for you. You'll learn how to: Identify the key touchpoints that customers interact with Map out the customer's emotional journey, understanding their thoughts, feelings, and motivations at each stage Uncover hidden pain points and frustration triggers that can derail the customer experience Implement strategies to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty Discover pr

  • EP 179 - The Top 5 Major Marketing Mistakes

    13/11/2023 Duración: 14min

    In this video, I'll share my personal best advice on how to avoid the common marketing pitfalls and grow your business. As a marketing expert, I've seen it all. I've seen businesses fail because they didn't have a clear plan. I've seen businesses waste money on ads that didn't convert. And I've seen businesses lose customers because they didn't take the time to nurture them. I'll share some of my own personal marketing tips and tricks that have helped me grow my own business. So what are you waiting for? Watch this video now and start avoiding these top 5 marketing mistakes!   Enjoy the show! Host: Nathan A Webster Watch the Podcast on YouTube! LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | NDUB Brand    Download and subscribe on Audible, Google, iHeartRadio, iTunes, and Soundcloud. Please rate, review, and share!   Podcast Sponsored by

  • EP 178 - Horrible Marketing Job Descriptions W/ Jay and Rae

    06/11/2023 Duración: 20min

    Whether you're a seasoned marketing pro or just starting out, this video is a must-watch. So what are you waiting for? Click play now and learn how to avoid the pitfalls of horrible marketing job descriptions. Why You Should Watch This Video: Avoid wasting your time and energy on jobs that aren't right for you. Learn how to spot red flags in job descriptions early on. Get our personal best advice on how to avoid the pitfalls of horrible marketing jobs.   Enjoy the show! Host: Nathan A Webster Watch the Podcast on YouTube! LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | NDUB Brand    Download and subscribe on Audible, Google, iHeartRadio, iTunes, and Soundcloud. Please rate, review, and share!   Podcast Sponsored by

  • EP 177 - Marketing Misconceptions

    30/10/2023 Duración: 21min

    As marketing experts, we've heard it all. From "video marketing is too expensive" to "social media is a waste of time," there are countless myths and misconceptions about marketing that hold businesses back. also, marketing can be complex and confusing, especially if we're new to it. There's so much information out there, and it can be hard to know what to believe and what to ignore. In this video, we're debunking the top marketing misconceptions so that we can stop wasting time and money on ineffective strategies. Host: Nathan A Webster Watch the Podcast on YouTube! LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | NDUB Brand    Download and subscribe on Audible, Google, iHeartRadio, iTunes, and Soundcloud. Please rate, review, and share!   Podcast Sponsored by   #B2BMarketing #MarketingStrategy #ContentMarketing #MarketingTrends #MarketingInsights #marketingforentrepreneurs #marketinginvestment #marketingtips

  • EP 176: Targeting Your Ideal Customer Avatar

    23/10/2023 Duración: 15min

    I believe that targeting your ideal customer avatar is one of the most powerful strategies for business success. By knowing who you are serving, you will be able to create more value for them and stand out from the competition. You will also be able to save time and money by focusing on the right people and the right channels. Don’t miss this opportunity to take your business to the next level. Enjoy the show! Host: Nathan A Webster Watch the Podcast on YouTube! LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | NDUB Brand    Download and subscribe on Audible, Google, iHeartRadio, iTunes, and Soundcloud. Please rate, review, and share!   Podcast Sponsored by

  • EP 175 - How FB Ads Work in 2023 with Jay Rathell

    16/10/2023 Duración: 20min

    One of our favorite guests, Jay Rathell, joins us again to share how Facebook ads work. He's the owner and operator of Yamaro83 and specializes in digital ads. Enjoy the show.  Host: Nathan A Webster Watch the Podcast on YouTube! LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | NDUB Brand    Download and subscribe on Audible, Google, iHeartRadio, iTunes, and Soundcloud. Please rate, review, and share!   Podcast Sponsored by   #B2BMarketing #MarketingStrategy #ContentMarketing #MarketingTrends #MarketingInsights #marketingforentrepreneurs #marketinginvestment #marketingtips

  • EP 174 - Expired and Dangerous Marketing Strategies w/Kent

    09/10/2023 Duración: 29min

    Marketing is constantly changing, and it can be tough to keep up with the latest trends. That's why I wanted to create this video to help you avoid using outdated and dangerous marketing strategies. In this episode, I share my personal best advice on how to market your business ethically and sustainably. I also give you some specific examples of expired and dangerous marketing strategies that you should avoid at all costs. You may be thinking, "but I've been using these strategies for years and they've been working great for me!" Well, I hate to break it to you, but those strategies are no longer effective. And in fact, they could actually be hurting your business. Enjoy the show! Host: Nathan A Webster Watch the Podcast on YouTube! LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | NDUB Brand    Download and subscribe on Audible, Google, iHeartRadio, iTunes, and Soundcloud. Please rate, review, and share!   Podcast Sponsored by

  • EP 173 - Entrepreneur Content Marketing w/Val

    02/10/2023 Duración: 17min

    We all know that many entrepreneurs struggle with content creation. They don't know where to start, they don't have the time to do it, or they simply don't know how to create content that will engage their audience. That's why we wanted to create this video to share our personal best tips for content creation. We want to help entrepreneurs create content that will help them grow their businesses and achieve their goals. Content creation is essential for entrepreneurs because it helps us to: Build brand awareness Establish ourselves as experts in our field Generate leads and sales Connect with our customers on a deeper level But with so much content out there, it can be tough to make our content stand out. That's why it's important to create high-quality content that is relevant to our target audience and that provides value. Enjoy the show! Host: Nathan A Webster Watch the Podcast on YouTube! LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | NDUB Brand  Guest: Valentina Morao Instagram | Linkedin | tiktok Download and sub

  • Ep 172 - Brand Strategy and Storytelling with Shachar Meron

    25/09/2023 Duración: 24min

    Nathan's excited to bring on another great marketing expert to the show. Mr. Shachar Meron has 20 years of experience as a branding, advertising, and marketing executive and has worked on 100+ brands, including well-known brands like TransUnion, Boeing, McDonald's, Intuit, Johnson & Johnson, Nordstrom,, Motorola, and Abbott Labs. He currently serves as a Partner and Creative Strategist at Bluegreen Branding, where he helps brand and marketing leaders, primarily from tech and finance companies, create brands that stand out from all the noise. Shachar is also a Senior Lecturer who teaches advertising and brand strategy at the University of Illinois, where he also earned his BS and MS in Advertising. Over the past nine years, he has won several teaching awards. Enjoy the show! Host: Nathan A Webster Watch the Podcast on YouTube! LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | NDUB Brand    Download and subscribe on Audible, Google, iHeartRadio, iTunes, and Soundcloud. Please rate, review, and share!   Podcast Spon

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