CJ Liu

  • Autor: Podcast
  • Narrador: Podcast
  • Editor: Podcast
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The Fire it UP with CJ show offers busy people a place to come to help improve their own well-being while living in healthy harmony with the planet. The show is based on the coaching model that many small, simple steps in a positive direction can lead to enormous personal and societal impact. The show focuses on what CJ a life coach believes are the key levers of personal happiness spirituality developing wholeness, authenticity, wisdom, compassion, peace, wellness, and connection to the wor ...


  • A Rebel with a Cause, Nicki Scully


    The world is at a tipping point. We believe in our ability to create change. The first change happens at the individual level. Learn what kind of thoughts, intentions, and actions are needed to reinvent the world as we know it. Nicki Scully will share ancient tools, practices, and processes to foster new ideas and increase creatitity in solving problems.

  • Fire with UP with CJ: A Beautilicious Life of gratitude with Ragini Elizabeth Michaels


    Want to wake up and live like it's your first and last day of your life? Ragini shares her personal journey moving from seeing life through the eyes of a skeptic to feeling the presence of life through her heart.

  • A new Fire it UP with CJ show: Combat chaos by entering the Nine Dimensions of Consciousness


    It seems like the world has been turned upside down. Barbara Clow offers her theory of the root cause of that chaos. Confusion, doubt, anger, rage, and divisiveness are symptoms to unresolved traumas of our past. Barbara offers a model that involves entering nine dimensions of consciousness to heal our traumas.

  • Desperately seeking a job and losing hope. Community college may be your answer.


    Do you feel all out of options for finding a job? Maybe, you know that going back to school would help. However, you feel that you don't have the time or money to make it happen. Tune into Anne Keeney from Seattle Job's Initiative to understand the first steps toward getting the education you need and how you can move toward earning a living wage that can support you and your family.

  • Voting with the Spirits with guest Sandra Ingerman


    If Mother Nature could talk to us, what would she say about the issues of the day? Listen to Sandra Ingerman as she reveals what has been lost in the public dialogue on what matters most in our world today.

  • Halloween- When the veil between us and the spirit world is the thinnest


    How creepy is that? The Hallow-eve is upon us. Learn about the raven whose images surround us during Halloween. Dr. Steven Farmer shares his knowledge of the spiritual aspects of crows and the origins of Halloween.

  • Planet of the Crows Halloween edition


    Crows- You either love them or you hate them. Are they beautiful messengers from the spirit world or just cranky teens? Perhaps, they are both. These clever creatures have fascinated many for years. Josh Klein studied them for 10 years. He even created a vending machine for crows that collects change and dispenses peanuts. Josh offers a hilarious look at crows and their cantankerous ways and wonders how humans can make their peace with these animals that may outlive us all.

  • Time tested tips for healthy indulgences for the holidays


    Come on live a little, but seriously just a little. Holidays are a time for indulging in the tasty and colorful delights of the season starting with Halloween through on to Christmas. Learn how to enjoy tasty treats without packing on the pounds. Want to look fabulous during the holidays? We'll give you some tips on smooth and dewy skin. Travelling during the holidays? We'll give you some time tested ways to stay healthy during the holidays.

  • Work smarter not harder at creating a fabulous harmonious home Fall Feng Shui


    Nature offers wonderful clues about the energy of Fall. The mighty oak drops its leaves reminding us that it is our time also to LET GO of things that we no longer need. The basement and garage is the gathering place for all those items that are we haven't decided about, or aren't sure where to put. Ever wonder what all this clutter does to our mind? Bethany St. Clair offers feng shui advice on how you can clear out the noise, make decisions about your stuff, and make some space for a peaceful Winter hibernation and a spacious Spring.

  • Talk to the animals, walk with the animals- See how lovely life can be with Dr. Stephen Farmer


    Nature is one of our best teachers. If we could slow down and quietly observe nature in action we may just learn something about life and perhaps ourselves. Dr. Steven D. Farmer is our resident Dr. Dolittle who talks to the animals, walks with the animals, and sees how lovely life can be. Everything from the tiny catepillar to a majestic oak stores wisdom for us and perhaps even healing possibilites if we are open our minds to the possibility.

  • Finding your souls purpose made easy with the Akashic Records


    The spiritual quest is about getting clear and answering every day" Who am I?" "What is my purpose on earth?" The Akashic records is a database with all the knowledge of your life and your soul's journey through many lifetimes. Think about it, every working needs a system to record history. The Akashic records in a Library of Congress of YOU. Join Linda Howe author of "How to Read the Akashic Records" and "Healing Through the Akashic Records: Using the Power of Your Sacred Wounds to Discover Your Soul's Perfection" as we learn more about these records, how to access them, and how they can be used for healing.

  • Brain Science and tapping the potential of your teens brain with Dr. Joann Deak


    Have you ever ask your teen "What the heck were you thinking of" only to get a blank confused look in return? JoAnn Deak, Ph.D, shares exactly what is inside that wonderful teen brain. Guess what, it's not filled with cotton :. Plus, Dr. Deak says parents can be a neuro sculptor of our child's brain and play a critical role in providing an environment to cultivate your child's brain development. Get your scalpes out and find out how we sculpt our children's brain to do more than just pick up their socks. Learn about the differences between the female and male brain. Find out why parents and educators at schools from New York to Hawaii have heralded Dr. Deak's ability to demystify complex issues of child development, learning, identify formation and brain research.

  • Secrets revealed about your 21st century teen My Teenage Werewolf with Lauren Kessler


    Imagine if you could take 18 months of your life and follow your seventh and eighth grader to the mall, summer camp, and in school and get a first-hand experience of the life of a 21st-century teen. Join award-winning author Lauren Kessler and unravel the mysteries of being a teenager today. Lauren's recent book My Teenage Werewolf shares her story with the eye of a reporter, the curiosity of an anthropologist and the open, sometimes wounded, heart of a mother.

  • Frozen in Fear and Going No Where? - Help is on the way Host CJ Liu and Ragini Michaels


    C.J. Liu, host of Fire it UP with CJ and Ragini Michaels an internationally recognized speaker in behavioral change and author of "Unflappable: 6 Steps to Staying Peaceful and Happy No Matter What" continue their exploration of the mystics perspective on our complex web of human emotions. Have you ever self-inflicted pain by feeling guilt, anger, jealousy, fear of failure, or being an obsessed with perfection? Did you wish all these feelings and emotions would just go away? These shows will be your ultimate go-to guide anytime you feel one of these fear-based emotions and want to get to a better place both spiritually, physically, and emotionally. What comes after Fear-- LOVE Easy to say, hard to do. We'll discuss how you can travel the mystics path from Fear to Love.

  • Learning disabilities - A sound and loving approach with Dr. Edward Hallowell Harvard Medical Staff faculty


    It's often a combination of feeling both scared and relived when you discover that your child or you have a learning disability. While some see these conditions as disabling or use it as an excuse not to live up to their full potential, Dr. Hallowell, an ADHD expert and child and adult psychiatrist, approaches the challenge in an entirely new way. Dr. Hallowell offers a powerful approach towards learning disabilities that is positive, pragmatic and loving. Learn the gifts of this condition and how to defend your child from teachers or work associates who could still benefit from learning the best way to create a supportive environment. Plus, hear Dr. Hallowell's first hand experience of how he used his gifts of ADD and dyslexia at Harvard University, Tulane Medical School, and as a Harvard Medical Staff faculty.

  • Perfectionism-A mark of genius or insanity?


    No hair out of place. Straight A's. Your house impecabbley clean. No one can dispute that our society rewards and recognizes when we are 1 and things look great. Plus, it feels good when you achieve mastery. The benefits of perfecting and refining a skill are clear, but what are the costs to yourself and your loved ones of obsessive perfectionsim. How do you know when you are perfecting something that no one notices or cares about but yourself? How much free time would you have for your families, hobbies, and interests if you could stop when things are good enough? Practice an act of kindness to yourself and say "no" to your obsessive tendencies.

  • Power struggles at home with your sex-ting kids and at work too


    CYBERBULLYING/SEXTING: Your kids are likely more creative in the art of cyber deception than you. You will be shocked at all the ways they can run wild on the internet causing all sorts of trouble. Worse, it's impossible to catch them as they are technically smarter than you. J. Richard Knapp, a bully expert, discusses cyberbullying and how your kids innocent teasing of classmates could be considered cyberbullying. Maybe, they are a victim of cyberbullying and their reputation and ability to get a good job/get into a good school are being effected by cyberbullies. How can you protect your kids online reputation? BULLYING AT WORK: Most people assume that bullying stops after grammar school or High School. It doesn't. Bullys graduate from school and become bullys at work. Some times it's the nerds revenge in action and the "bullied child" becomes the bully at work. Maybe, you never considered labeling the jerk at work as a bully. But, indeed they are. Open your eyes and build your defenses against bu

  • Bully prevention and protection


    It's our worst nightmare as parents. Your kid is being teased or picked on at school. Or perhaps your kid is accused of being a bully. A one time offender is not really a bully. But, what is a bully then? J. Richard Knapp, a former school principal, tells us about how he defines bullying. It's so tempting to just delegate the problem of bullying at the school, but are they the only ones responsible for solving the problem? J.Richard Knapp shares his thoughts on what parents should do to prevent bullying at school and what they are responsible for in solving the problem.

  • The ancient mysteries of yoga - getting to the core.


    What is the goal of daily spiritual practices like yoga or meditation? Aadil, a gifted yoga master trained by B.K.S. Iyengar , offers his insights on the illusive concept of both being and doing simulateously. Effort and East, it's the magic elixir that confunds even the most devout yoga student. Aadil sheds light on how you too can reach magical moments and the pinnacle of your yoga practice on and off the matt. Listen to Aadil's compelling ideas and often scandalous beliefs. Discover these ancient Eastern mysteries of yoga and start your path to "yoking" mind, body, and spirit.

  • Obstacles to living a full vibrant life


    What are the costs of our fear of failure? Do we have a fear of success? Is the fear of the unknown worth all the endless hours we spend thinking about it? Learn how to tackle these fears.

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