Dare To Dream Bigger



An inspired blend of the user manual for your brain, neuroscience, and demystified Ancient Wisdom, to set you free from your secret 3am fears, so you can step into your Soul Shoes: that fearless place of freedom to be who you really are and make the difference you are really here to make in the world. Ditch your hidden blocks, put an end to self-sabotage and even escape from Imposter Syndrome - all in less time than it takes a kettle to boil. As an NLP Trainer since 2003, a Meditation & Yoga Teacher and a Reformed Engineer, Clare is the author of five life-changing books, including Dare To Dream Bigger, which is the 'inside work' handbook for entrepreneurs and passionate world-changers. She is living, breathing proof that you CAN take the next steps on your spiritual journey, without having to live in a cave or give up chocolate, wine or the internet. You CAN grow spiritually, whilst running a home / job / business / family and everything else you do. The world needs your unique message now, not when you're 'ready'. Because changing the world is an inside job. Find the archives and bonus gifts here: http://clarejosa.com/podcast/


  • The Hidden Dangers Of Asking For Feedback? AKA How To Pick Up The Pieces Of Your Shattered Self-Esteem! [DTDB036]

    16/06/2017 Duración: 27min

    Asking for feedback? We all know it's a good idea. But what happens if a client comes back with a self-esteem-shattering humdinger? How do you pick up the pieces? And how can you train your clients to give you feedback that is useful, actionable and leaves you both feeling great, even if there are things to improve? All of that - and more - is yours in episode 36 of the Dare To Dream Bigger podcast. Because whilst it's lovely to wake up to a surprise testimonial or spontaneous 'thank you' email from a happy client, listener, reader or supplier, that's not always how business rocks, even when you've done your best. Have you ever had business 'feedback' that knocked you for six? That threatened to shake the foundations of your self-confidence? That felt out-of-kilter with how you see yourself? That tempted you to change who you are, to somehow try to please that other person? It's surprisingly common in the business world, especially with trolls and angry-people hiding behind the anonymity of the internet.

  • 5 Reasons Why Even Hungry Customers Won’t Pay You – And It Might Not Be What You Think [DTDB035]

    06/02/2017 Duración: 14min

    Fed up with having to give all your 'best stuff' away for free? Feeling frustrated that 'no one' will pay you? You're doing everything the biz-gurus tell you to, but that sales page swipe file just hasn't brought in the goods? And if you're really honest with yourself, sometimes you secretly feel like a failure because people just aren't buying from you? But it doesn't have to be that way! There's nothing 'wrong' with you and what you're offering brings value to the world. But there are some 'inside work' tweaks that could really help. Here are 5 reasons why even hungry customers are keeping their credit cards tightly tucked up in their wallets - and it might not be what you think. [blank_space height='1em'] [smart_track_player url="https://episodes.castos.com/clarejosa/daretodreambigger-episode-035.mp3" ]     [page_section color='#613c6b' textstyle='light' position='default' padding_bottom='22px' padding_top='22px'] Tweetable: 5 Reasons why even hungry customers won't pay you? Click To Tw

  • How To Tame Your Inner Critic In Under Sixty Seconds [DTDB037]

    23/01/2017 Duración: 22min

    I'm curious: is it time to tame your inner critic? Does yours ever catch you out? How can you spot it, before everything falls apart? And how can you get back on track? Today I want to share with you: why negative self-talk isn't all in your head the invisible cycle that means a single negative thought can last for weeks, instead of minutes the real cause of Imposter Syndrome why you can't 'think' your way out of negative thinking or Imposter Syndrome - no matter what the 'experts' say a practical strategy: how to tame your inner critic and press 'pause' on Imposter Syndrome in under sixty seconds Here's Today's Episode: [smart_track_player url="https://episodes.castos.com/clarejosa/daretodreambigger-episode-037.mp3" tweet_text="Wish you could ditch your inner critic? Here's how - in under 60 seconds" hashtag="entrepreneur" twitter_username="clare_josa" ] And Here Are The Resources: Free workbook & MP3s for taming your inner critic - get them here Dare To Dream Bigger - how it can help

  • What’s The ONE Thing I Recommend You Do, To Make Your Dreams Come True In 2017? [DTDB034]

    11/01/2017 Duración: 14min

    I was asked a GREAT question by a lovely guy last weekend, which inspired me to create today's Dare To Dream Bigger podcast for you. In it, I spill the beans on the question he asked, my answer, and why it is the top thing I recommend you do, if you have dreams or goals in 2017. [blank_space height='1em'] [smart_track_player url="https://episodes.castos.com/clarejosa/daretodreambigger-episode-034.mp3" ]     [page_section color='#613c6b' textstyle='light' position='default' padding_bottom='22px' padding_top='22px'] Tweetable: What's The ONE Thing I Recommend You Do, To Make Your Dreams Come True In 2017? Click To Tweet This [/page_section] [blank_space height='2em'] [divider style='full'] Shownotes For Making Your Dreams Come True: Dare To Dream Bigger: The 'Inside Work' Handbook For Entrepreneurs And Passionate World-Changers Get your copy from your favourite book store or the big book store in the sky. ISBN: 9781-908854-797 - here's the Amazon link. Or order a signed copy direct from the l

  • Are You Looking In All The Wrong Places For Your Life’s Purpose? Interview With Nancy Marmolejo And Clare Josa [DTDB032]

    21/11/2016 Duración: 43min

    One of the biggest blocks to stepping up to make the difference you're here to make in the world is feeling out-of-synch with your life's purpose. Indeed, I have lost count of the number of social media laments I have read, over the years, where people are still frantically searching for their life's purpose, and the years fly by. I'm going to be talking about this quite a lot over the coming months, but I wanted to kick things off with a fabulous interview that I got to do with Nancy Marmolejo, founder of Talent and Genius, as part of the Dare To Dream Bigger handbook expert series. You can read Nancy's insights on page 58 of your handbook. And this week's podcast is the full interview. In it, Nancy explains why connecting with your Inner Genius is so essential, if you want to make a difference in the world, and she spills the beans on her personal journey. She shares with you some priceless how-to on lining up with your unique skills and voice, and you even get to find out about my little-known party tric

  • Is Your Self-Talk Causing You To Secretly Self Sabotage? [DTDB031]

    07/11/2016 Duración: 16min

    Is your self-talk causing you to subconsciously self sabotage your dreams? It's something I see so often with my Mentoring Clients, my Mastermind Members, and even with myself. In this week's Dare To Dream Bigger dcdcast episode, I spill the beans on how to spot whether you're subconsciously falling into the self sabotage trap, how to press 'pause' on that runaway train, and a surprisingly simple, yet effective, process for turning things around: [blank_space height='1em'] [smart_track_player url="https://episodes.castos.com/clarejosa/daretodreambigger-episode-031.mp3" tweet_text="Is your self-talk causing you to secretly self-sabotage?" hashtag="entrepreneur" twitter_username="clare_josa" ]     [page_section color='#613c6b' textstyle='light' position='default' padding_bottom='22px' padding_top='22px'] Tweetable: The biggest glass ceilings we come up against are those we carefully create ourselves. Click To Tweet This [/page_section] [blank_space height='2em'] [divider style='full'] Here's

  • Do You Ever Feel Like You’re Stuck On The ‘Complaining Train’? [DTDB030]

    01/11/2016 Duración: 15min

    Is it time to get off the complaining train? Do you ever feel like you're drowning in negative self-talk and that your brain is totally out of control? You don't know how to press 'stop'? And all that's going round in your head is worrying and thoughts about what is going wrong, what did go wrong and what might go wrong in the future? Being stuck on the complaining train leaves you feel miserable. It exhausts you physically, mentally and emotionally. And it stops you from stepping up to take inspired action towards your dreams. In today's episode I share with you how to spot whether you're stuck on the complaining train, and practical strategies for how to get off it, once and for all: [smart_track_player url="https://episodes.castos.com/clarejosa/daretodreambigger-episode-030.mp3" ] Shownotes: 7-Day Challenge: How To Set Yourself Free From Negative Self-Talk My gift to you! Register now: www.ClareJosa.com/negativeselftalk Masterclass: How To Use Your Thoughts To Consciously Create Your Life 14th Novemb

  • Is It Time To ‘Autumnify’ Your Business? [DTDB028]

    26/09/2016 Duración: 09min

    What could your business possibly have to learn from autumn leaves? And why on earth should you 'autumnify' your business? How might that help you to set yourself free from the exhaustion of 'busyness' - and even let go of projects (or people!) who are draining your batteries and have out-stayed their welcome? All of this - and more - is yours in today's Dare To Dream Bigger podcast episode: [smart_track_player url="https://episodes.castos.com/clarejosa/daretodreambigger-episode-028.mp3" ] Shownotes: Dare To Dream Bigger Handbook Make sure you have pre-ordered your copy of the Dare To Dream Bigger Handbook, which gives you all the 'how-to' you need on how to sort out secondary gain - and how to spot and ditch your out-of-date limiting beliefs, hidden blocks and fears. Here's where to get your copy: www.DareToDreamBiggerHandbook.com Stepping Up Mastermind Starting on October 17th - doors are now open for applications. Over the six months we will cover the steps in the Dare To Dream Bigger Handbook in much

  • How To Make Change Last? My Secret 3-Step Strategy [DTDB027]

    12/09/2016 Duración: 12min

    Do you ever wish you knew how to make change last – and how to avoid the most common mistake that makes change nearly impossible? I’m curious: Do you ever find yourself avoiding making changes in your life, perhaps because you’re not sure how to get them to stick? Have you ever tried to change a habit, but failed? You wish you knew how to make change last? You’re in great company! The past 14 years of mentoring passionate World-Changers have shown me that there is one critical factor that makes all the difference between people who make change stick, and those who don’t. And to empower my Clients to create life-long change, there is a simple 3-step strategy I use, which makes change near-inevitable. All of this – and more – is yours in today’s podcast episode: [smart_track_player url="https://episodes.castos.com/clarejosa/daretodreambigger-episode-027.mp3" ] [blank_space height='1em'] [blank_space height='1em'] [blank_space height='2em'] [page_section color='#613c6b' textstyle='light' position='de

  • Do You Ever Struggle With How To Make Decisions? Here Are 5 Simple Techniques To Make Even Tricky Ones Easier [DTDB026]

    22/08/2016 Duración: 11min

    Do you ever find yourself struggling with how to make decisions? Do you put them off? Beat yourself up about it? In today's Dare To Dream Bigger podcast episode, I take you through how to spot those decisions - they can be masters of disguise - plus five profoundly simple processes you can use to make even tricky decisions feel easier. And make sure you download the workbook that goes with this episode - link below. It's your quick-reference guide and decision-making workbook, all rolled into one. It includes the exact same questions I would ask you, if we were working one-to-one, on how to make decisions. [blank_space height='1em'] [smart_track_player url="https://episodes.castos.com/clarejosa/daretodreambigger-episode-026.mp3" ] [blank_space height='1em'] [page_section color='#613c6b' textstyle='light' position='default' padding_bottom='on' padding_top='on'][one_third_first][/one_third_first][two_third_last] Want The Workbook? Download it now, along with the MP3 for this podcast episode, and it will

  • How To Get Unstuck: 7 Secrets You Won’t Want To Miss [DTDB024]

    18/07/2016 Duración: 12min

    Do you ever feel like you're going round in circles? Like you're not making progress? Feeling like you're stuck? But the symptoms might not be that obvious. In today's episode you'll discover how to get unstuck, especially when you don't even realise that you are. These techniques can help you shift from feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and fed up to feeling energised, inspired and excited about your dreams again.   [smart_track_player url="https://episodes.castos.com/clarejosa/daretodreambigger-episode-024.mp3" ] Shownotes: Get instant access to my Hidden Blocks masterclass, to deep-dive on the stuff I've talked about in today's episode. It's yours as my gift: www.DareToDreamBigger.biz/hiddenblocks/ And if this kind of stuff is an issue for you, then you'll love the Dare To Dream Bigger Handbook, which gives you all the 'how-to' you need. Here's where to get your copy: www.DareToDreamBiggerHandbook.com   With love, Namaste, Clare Josa, Mentor To Passionate World-Changers Author of Dare To

  • How To Spot Your Hidden Blocks, Before They Trash Your Dreams [DTDB023]

    11/07/2016 Duración: 08min

    How to spot your hidden blocks? We're all running them, at some level. Some are easy to spot. Others love to play hide and seek. But what they all have in common is their ability to trash your dreams, usually without you even realising. In this week's Dare To Dream Bigger podcast episode you'll learn: How to spot those hidden blocks - including the most common symptoms The big mistake that most people then make - in fact, it's the worst question you can ask yourself and it could lead to you spending years, defending those blocks The key to unlocking your awareness of those blocks, so you can take inspired action to set yourself free from them [smart_track_player url="https://episodes.castos.com/clarejosa/daretodreambigger-episode-023.mp3" ] Shownotes: Here's the quiz I mention in the podcast: How To Figure Out Your Blocks Here's the webinar I'm running for you: Hidden Blocks Masterclass And I cover all of this in detail in the Dare To Dream Bigger Handbook. If you haven't got your copy yet, here'

  • Feeling Stressed? Exhausted? Overwhelmed? Discover How 5 Minutes Can Make A Difference [DTDB022]

    04/07/2016 Duración: 12min

    You can't change the world if you're feeling stressed and running on empty. Well, actually, co-leading the EU VAT Action campaign last year taught me that you can, but it comes at a cost. Once you've got clarity on your Big Vision and you've cleared out the blocks, you'll be wanting to take inspired action. But that's tough to do if you're feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. It just adds to your stress levels and sets you off at full speed on the highway to broken dreams. Knowing how to top up your energy levels - and cut your energy drains - is essential. And that's what we're up to this week! So start with this week's podcast, which you can listen to here: [smart_track_player url="https://episodes.castos.com/clarejosa/daretodreambigger-episode-022.mp3" ] And then make sure you have registered for our 5 day #Gimme5for5 challenge, here: Join us for Gimme 5 for 5 Give me 5 minutes for 5 days and I'll show you 5 simple ways to boost your energy levels and stop the energy drains. It's yours, as my gift. I

  • 5 Things You Can Do When The Idea Of Changing Your Life Freaks You Out [DTDB021]

    27/06/2016 Duración: 34min

    Do you ever feel stressed about change? Put it off? Avoid it? Run a mile? But what if the life you were dreaming of is on the other side of that change? In today's podcast, which was recorded live as a Facebook livestream, I'm letting you in on secrets from 14 years of mentoring passionate world-changers, so that you can shortcut your journey. I'm sharing 5 things you can do when the idea of changing your life freaks you out. And we're going to cover: How to avoid the #1 mistake that most of us are making And it's the reason we end up feeling so stressed out about change The secret key to motivating yourself to change It's the one thing that will get you through and make changing SO much easier The 5-word mantra that makes change easier and less painful Engineer-approved woo-woo that helps you to stop trying so hard and get back in flow The little-known addiction that's keeping you stuck And four questions you can ask yourself, to spot it and handle it A life-changing process my 9 year old taught

  • Want To Change The World? But What You’re Doing Isn’t Working? Here’s Why [DTDB019]

    13/06/2016 Duración: 13min

    So you want to make a difference in the world - through your business or your job - but what you're doing isn't working. And maybe there are times when you feel like giving up? Well, you're in great company - it happens to most of us, when we miss out this one vital step that nobody is talking about. In today's Dare To Dream Bigger podcast episode I'm going to let you know why it's happening - and what you can do about it: [smart_track_player url="https://episodes.castos.com/clarejosa/daretodreambigger-episode-019.mp3" ] Here's the transcript - and scroll down for the quiz: I published an article last week that went viral - all about what will happen with EU VAT on Digital sales, if the UK leaves the EU. It was based on my experience of co-founding the EU VAT Action Campaign and working with key decision-makers in the UK government, the European Parliament and the EU Commission to reverse the unintended consequences of these laws on micro businesses. The article quickly went viral. It also filled my Fac

  • What Will Happen With EU Digital VAT If The UK Leaves The EU? [DTDB018]

    06/06/2016 Duración: 16min

    We’re being asked daily what will happen with the EU Digital VAT / VATMOSS rules, if Britain votes to leave the EU on 23rd June. We have worked hard to keep the EU VAT Action Campaign campaign true to its roots – being about micro businesses – and staying out of politics, but it’s a crazy bun-fight out there and we need to dispel some of the myths. So here’s a summary of what you need to know, as you decide how to vote in the EU referendum, when it comes to EUVAT. [smart_track_player url="https://episodes.castos.com/clarejosa/daretodreambigger-episode-018.mp3" ] Reminder: What Are We Asking For? The EU Commission has promised to propose legislation in the next few months, to bring in a threshold, but this could still take years to debate. So in the meantime, we are asking Finance Ministers to bring digital sales under the existing Distance Selling Thresholds for physical goods, as an interim measure. Surely it’s a no-brainer? The data from the public consultation the Commission ran in December has been publ

  • Why I DON’T Want You To Ditch Your Limiting Beliefs – And, Yes, I Mean It! [DTDB015]

    16/05/2016 Duración: 17min

    How often do you hear me banging on about how it's time to ditch your limiting beliefs, hidden blocks, excuses and secret fears getting in the way of the difference you want to make in the world? And how often do I spill the beans (usually for free – I’m a compulsive over-giver on this) on how you can ditch those hidden blocks, self-sabotage patterns and feeling like a fraud? And, if you’ve tried it on for size, you’ll know that the stuff I teach works. You might even think it rocks. It has helped many thousands of passionate world-changers, just like you, to create breakthroughs in their lives. But here’s the thing: the work I share is wasted, for probably 95% of the people who use it. Why? It’s not because it doesn’t get results – it does – with knobs on. And, initially, it makes them feel great – positive, empowered and enthusiastic. But I need to let you in on the secret of why I DON’T want you to ditch your limiting beliefs… [smart_track_player url="https://episodes.castos.com/clarejosa/daretodreambigg

  • How To Find Time To GROW Your Business, No Matter How Busy You Are [DTDB013]

    03/05/2016 Duración: 10min

    Most entrepreneurs are too busy working 'in' their business, to find time to work 'on' it and grow it. In today's Dare To Dream Bigger podcast episode, I'm spilling the beans on how to keep yourself motivated, how to spot which inspired actions will make the biggest difference, plus how to grow your business in 5 minute chunks (and all of us can spare 5 minutes, can't we?) [smart_track_player url="https://episodes.castos.com/clarejosa/daretodreambigger-episode-013.mp3" ] And here are the resources from today's show notes: Time Secrets For Busy Entrepreneurs www.DareToDreamBigger.biz/timesecrets Free Masterclass: Spilling the beans on the process I use with 1-to-1 VIP mentoring clients and my Intensive Mastermind students to create business breakthroughs: DareToDreamBigger.biz/masterclass Join us for the 5 minute biz-growing 30 day action challenge: www.daretodreambigger.biz/academy Discover the 4 hidden blocks that mean most people will never write their book: www.DareToDreamBigger.biz/writeyourbook

  • Are Your Customers Feeling The Squeeze? Is It Time To Drastically Rethink Marketing Funnels? [DTDB011]

    18/04/2016 Duración: 13min

    Today we're talking about whether it's time to drastically rethink your business funnel - are your customers feeling the squeeze? Is their inbox full of messages from you, trying to persuade them they desperately need your product or service? Are they smelling the desperation or falling in love with you? Is it time to change the way we're doing business? Should the marketing funnel be consigned to the big graveyard in the internet sky? Or is it still the best thing since virtual sliced bread? Click to subscribe on iTunes And when you’ve listened to this episode, I’d love to hear from you – via the comments: Have you been using marketing funnels? Are they working for you? Are your customers loving your sales funnels? Or do they feel squeezed and manipulated? How might you tweak what you're doing, to allow your customers to feel free to expand and choose to work with you? Here are today's show notes: Want to get your dream-customer-magnetising, world-changing book written? Make sure you join us f

  • Are You Desperate To Ditch Overwhelm? [DTDB010]

    21/03/2016 Duración: 11min

    Are you desperate to ditch overwhelm? Find out what’s REALLY causing it - and lasting fixes. You could set yourself free from overwhelm forever in the next 10 minutes. You know when you escaped the 9 to 5 because you wanted to have more time and more freedom, and suddenly you discovered that running your own business is actually a huge amount more work? So many people fail to succeed in their businesses and to help the people they dream of helping, because they're too busy in the 'small stuff'. Today we're going to look at why that happens and what you can do about it, so that by the end of today's podcast, you're going to know which of the 3 key patterns you're running, and I'm going to share with you bonus resources and practical strategies, to help you deal with it. Ready? Show Notes: Bonus Article: Are You Suffering From Should-itis? Free Video Training: How To Set Yourself Free From Imposter Syndrome Book: The One Minute Manager Meets The Monkey Unfluffy super-effective meditation course: w

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