Dare To Dream Bigger

Do You Ever Struggle With How To Make Decisions? Here Are 5 Simple Techniques To Make Even Tricky Ones Easier [DTDB026]



Do you ever find yourself struggling with how to make decisions? Do you put them off? Beat yourself up about it? In today's Dare To Dream Bigger podcast episode, I take you through how to spot those decisions - they can be masters of disguise - plus five profoundly simple processes you can use to make even tricky decisions feel easier. And make sure you download the workbook that goes with this episode - link below. It's your quick-reference guide and decision-making workbook, all rolled into one. It includes the exact same questions I would ask you, if we were working one-to-one, on how to make decisions. [blank_space height='1em'] [smart_track_player url="https://episodes.castos.com/clarejosa/daretodreambigger-episode-026.mp3" ] [blank_space height='1em'] [page_section color='#613c6b' textstyle='light' position='default' padding_bottom='on' padding_top='on'][one_third_first][/one_third_first][two_third_last] Want The Workbook? Download it now, along with the MP3 for this podcast episode, and it will