Providence Baptist Church - Gaston Sermons



Recent sermons preached at Providence Baptist Church - Gaston


  • Is Anyone Worthy?


    June 2, 2024 Morning Service. The book of Revelation is is one of the more challenging books of the Bible to study because of the mix of imagery and prophesy it contains. But one part that is clear is when the call comes for one who is truly worthy to step forward. In this week's sermon, Pastor John Friederich reviews the events of the opening of the scroll to show us that only Jesus truly is worthy. (Revelation 5:1-14)

  • It's Not About You


    April 28, 2024 Morning Service. It seems that much of Christianity today revolves around us, teaching falsely that we are the focus of the Bible. But this is neither the central message nor emphasis of God's Word and it%u2019s damaging to our relationship with the Lord. In this week's sermon, Pastor John Friederich uses Paul's letter to the church at Colossi to help set the record straight. Let's join in as Pastor Friederich preaches a message entitled, It's Not About You from Colossians chapter 3. (Colossians 3:1-4)

  • Unworthy Worship


    April 21, 2024 Morning Service. Has your church attendance become stale, burdensome or feels like it%u2019s done out of obligation? If so, it's a clear indication that something has changed in your relationship with the Lord and you can be sure that it's not that He has changed. In this week's sermon, Pastor John Friederich points to the warning signs and causes that indicate a change in attitude towards our worship. (Malachi 1:1-14)

  • Fan or Follower?


    April 14, 2024 Morning Service. How we view Jesus and our response to Him and His commands is a very good indicator of what relationship with Him is like. And in our current culture of casual Christianity, the truth about where we stand may not be what He really wants from us. In this week's sermon, Pastor John Friederich helps us understand what our relationship with Him should really look like. (Luke 9:18-21)

  • Resurrection Power


    March 31, 2024 Morning Service. On this Sunday when we come together to celebrate arguably the most pivotal moment in the history or future of mankind, we look beyond the cross to an event that would happen three days later. One that%u2019s as important as the cross itself. In this week's sermon, Pastor John Friederich explores what makes the resurrection of Jesus Christ such a critical part of our salvation. (Luke 24:1-8)

  • Split Allegiances


    March 17, 2024 Morning Service. There are many people throughout the years that have heard the Gospel message. And a fundamental part of that is forgiveness that spares us from eternal punishment. And while that is important, there%u2019s a critical missing piece to that message. In this week's sermon, Pastor John Friederich reminds us that true surrender makes Jesus both our Savior AND our Lord. (Galatians 2:20)

  • But Do We Get Jesus?


    March 10, 2024 Morning Service. There seems to be an emphasis in churches and ministries today to reach out to our modern culture with a version of Jesus that they think people will be more receptive to. The problem is, there are some glaring truths that are being left out. In this week's sermon, Pastor John Friederich shares the side of Jesus and Gospel that it seems is so often ignored. (Luke 19:1%u201310)

  • The Cancer Of Compompromise


    February 25, 2024 Morning Service. Compromise is such an integral part of so many relationships. Whether in business or personal, we'll all face the need for it. But when it comes the one we have with the Lord and our walk with Him, there is no place for it. In this week's sermon, Pastor John Friederich uses the Scriptures to show us our vulnerability to doing so and its dramatic consequences. (1 Kings 9:3-7, 1 Kings 3:1, 1 Kings 11:1, 1 Kings 11:4)

  • The Sermon Of The Rooster


    February 18, 2024 Morning Service. In the final hours before the crucifixion of Jesus, the apostles were faced with one the most difficult tests of their faith yet. And clearly the most significant challenge faced we see as Peter. But what can we learn from his failure? In this week's sermon, Pastor John Friederich reveals to us that the revelation of Peter%u2019s faith weakness has a lesson in it for us all. (Luke 22:31-34)

  • Who Is Jesus?


    February 11, 2024 Morning Service. When people hear the name Jesus, it can mean a whole host of different things to them. The name evokes images of everything from a divisive figure to the promised Messiah. But who did He say He was? In this week's sermon, Pastor John Friederich takes Peter's answer to a direct question to show us the most significant aspects of who He is and to maybe challenge our views. (Matthew 16:13-17)

  • Dueling With The Enemy


    February 11, 2024 Morning Service. Temptation is something that every single person experiences in life over and over again. Jesus Himself was not exempt from it during His life on earth either. But His response to it holds for us important bits of wisdom. In this week's sermon, Pastor John Friederich takes Jesus%u2019 temptation from Satan himself and reveals to us what lessons there are in it. (Matthew 4:1-11)

  • Who Am I Meant To Be?


    January 21, 2024 Morning Service. A person's identity has become a topic of many conversations these days particularly with our society%u2019s moral decline. But the Bible has much to say about this topic and it's far more than just gender. In this week's sermon, Pastor John Friederich helps us understand how our identity is determined from a biblical perspective and Jesus%u2019 part in all of it. (Genesis 1:26-31)

  • Eyes Looking Forward


    January 7, 2024 Morning Service. As we look at starting a new year, many people will see it as a chance for a fresh start. There's just something about the turning of the calendar that motivates change. But as believers, how should we approach this common practice? In this week's sermon, Pastor John Friederich points to a Biblical approach to starting the new year in a way that%u2019s centered on our faith. (Isaiah 43:15-21)

  • Grace Came Down


    December 24, 2023 Morning Service. The events surrounding the arrival of Jesus into this world are nothing short of astounding. When we think of His birth though, our thoughts often times are centered on the person of Jesus and if we are not careful, we can lose sight of the fact that His arrival was a sign of God's grace. In this week's sermon, Pastor John Friederich describes for us the grace of God. (John 1:14-17)

  • God With Us


    December 17, 2023 Morning Service. In the descriptions or Jesus' arrival in our world as a baby, a name was used that describe the event. Immanuel which means God with us. And even as we wonder at this monumental event, there were several reasons for this outside of the primary one.In this week's sermon, Pastor John Friederich shows us the reasons that the world had, God with us. (Matthew 1:18-23)