Austin Is Awesome



Showcasing Inspiring Places + People Who Call Austin Home


  • Episode 3: Trish Dew helps us Reach As High As We Can. LOVE HER!

    16/04/2018 Duración: 27min

    I had such super HIGH HOPES of being solid as a rock on this whole weekly podcast thing. However, I’m a little squishier than I am solid. But that’s okay, right??? It’s Austin. Home of Matthew McConaughey…everything’s gonna be alright, alright, alright. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist!) Where was I? Saturday, April 14th, was National REACH...

  • Episode 2: the amazing Kimberly Stewart

    16/03/2018 Duración: 45min

    To be fair…Kimberly was supposed to be guest #4 on this podcast. My husband was supposed to be guest 2…but I just haven’t gotten him to sit still long enough to record anything he’s saying. Then, Jennifer Carter was supposed to be guest 3. We did, in fact, record a session together; however….if I forget...

  • Episode 1 – 6 Random Austinites

    06/03/2018 Duración: 01h06min

    So, I finally did it. I finally figured out, with the help of a dear friend AUSTIN TALBERT, how in the world to actually post this podcast. Back in January, I gathered six inspiring friends to sit around a table in my husband’s office. We talked for about an hour about our experiences and enjoyment...