By Any Means Necessary



By Any Means Necessary on Radio Sputnik hosted by Eugene Puryear connects the political, social and economic movements shaping the world around us. With a sensibility informed by movements from Black Power to #BlackLivesMatter with a dash of Occupy, the show elevates the people and narratives that while often ignored are driving some of the most important changes in the world.


  • Corporate Media Offers Anemic Coverage of NATO Aggression In Ukraine

    25/02/2022 Duración: 01h53min

    In this episode of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman are joined by Richard Becker, National Organizer for the ANSWER Coalition to discuss how the history of Ukraine and the Soviet Union and the western-backed color revolution in 2014 factor into the ongoing crisis over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the oil and gas interests that were behind the 2014 coup and which are benefited by the cancellation of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and the rise on oil prices, the corporate media’s casting of Russia’s invasion as a sudden and unprovoked event rather than acknowledging the complicity of the US and NATO in goading Russia into invasion with its drive to push NATO membership to states on Russia’s border, and the crucial task of the anti-imperialist movement to oppose any NATO war or new sanctions against Russia.In the second segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Miguel Garcia, host and creator of the Sports as a Weapon podcast to discuss the extension of the Ukraine crisis on the ice in a

  • Ukraine Invasion Is An Extension Of Cold War Conflict

    25/02/2022 Duración: 19min

    In this segment of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman are joined by Richard Becker, National Organizer for the ANSWER Coalition to discuss how the history of Ukraine and the Soviet Union and the western-backed color revolution in 2014 factor into the ongoing crisis over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the oil and gas interests that were behind the 2014 coup and which are benefited by the cancellation of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and the rise on oil prices, the corporate media’s casting of Russia’s invasion as a sudden and unprovoked event rather than acknowledging the complicity of the US and NATO in goading Russia into invasion with its drive to push NATO membership to states on Russia’s border, and the crucial task of the anti-imperialist movement to oppose any NATO war or new sanctions against Russia.

  • A Radical Alternative To Black History Month

    25/02/2022 Duración: 16min

    In the third segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Salifu Mack, an editor at Hood Communist and a member of the Lowcountry Action Committee and the Black Alliance for Peace to discuss efforts to provide an inclusive and revolutionary celebration of Black history through African Liberation Month, as opposed to the co-opted Black History Month, how the liberal and identarian character of Black History Month erases important liberation figures and the political character of Black memory and history, and why a focus on African liberation is so important in the era of mass incarceration, police terror, imperialist war, and more.

  • MLB Owners Threaten To Continue Lockout and Cancel Baseball Games

    25/02/2022 Duración: 13min

    In this segment of By Any Means Necessary, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Miguel Garcia, host and creator of the Sports as a Weapon podcast to discuss the extension of the Ukraine crisis on the ice in a game between the Washington Capitals and Putin-supporter player Alexander Ovechkin and the New York Rangers player Artemi Panarin, who supports far-right Russian opposition figure Alexei Nalvany, the ongoing lockout of Major League Baseball players and the threat of owners to begin canceling regular season unless players and owners reach a new collective bargaining agreement this week, and the attempts by owners to manipulate public opinion among baseball fans against players fighting for fair working conditions.

  • Russia Reacts To NATO Aggression and Invades Ukraine

    25/02/2022 Duración: 15min

    In this segment of By Any Means Necessary, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Stephen Gowans, author of the forthcoming book “The Killer’s Henchman: Capitalism and the Covid-19 Disaster” to discuss the American media’s emotional reaction to the Russian special operations in Ukraine, how the US stands to benefit from this conflict by strengthening its grip on its European allies and dictate economic and military policy, the Biden administration’s promise to impose sanctions on Russia and rally the G7 powers to enact similar measures, and the US complicity in extending and exacerbating this crisis.

  • Anti-Imperialists Must Hold Firm In The Struggle Against War With Russia

    24/02/2022 Duración: 01h54min

    In this episode of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman discuss a statement by Russian President Vladimir Putin authorizing a special operation of the Russian military into the Donbass region of Ukraine and the NATO aggression that has preceded the mobilization of Russian forces and recent history of meddling in the region.In the second segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Stephen Gowans, author of the forthcoming book “The Killer’s Henchman: Capitalism and the Covid-19 Disaster” to discuss the American media’s emotional reaction to the Russian special operations in Ukraine, how the US stands to benefit from this conflict by strengthening its grip on its European allies and dictate economic and military policy, the Biden administration’s promise to impose sanctions on Russia and rally the G7 powers to enact similar measures, and the US complicity in extending and exacerbating this crisis.In the third segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Daryle Lamont Jenkins, Executive Director

  • Anti-Imperialists In The US Must Place Their Full Focus On Washington

    23/02/2022 Duración: 01h54min

    In this episode of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman are joined by Hannah Dickinson, professor and organizer with Geneva Women’s Assembly in Geneva, NY and Managing Editor of Breaking The Chains Magazine to discuss efforts to protect some of the gains won by reproductive justice activists through the Women’s Health Protection Act, what the political outlook is in the Senate and why the movement is not only necessary, but crucial, to its passage, the attacks on women’s health and reproductive justice that have come from state governments and the Supreme Court, and how we can get involved in the fight to protect women’s health.In the second segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Dr. Mamyrah Prosper, Assistant Professor of Global and International Studies at the University of California Irvine and International Coordinator with Community Movement Builders to discuss recent strikes by workers in Haiti for better wages, the history of US imperialism in impoverishing Haitian workers an

  • China's Role In Latin America

    23/02/2022 Duración: 15min

    In this segment of By Any Means Necessary, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Carlos Martinez, author and activist, co-founder of No Cold War, and co-editor of Friends of Socialist China to discuss the increasing role of China in Latin America’s development, the accusation of imperialism lobbed by western officials at China’s involvement in the region, how China’s investment in the region contrasts with the US and western involvement historically and contemporaneously, and the myth of the debt trap narrative pushed by the western corporate media.

  • NYT's Intentions For Wordle Purchase Revealed

    23/02/2022 Duración: 15min

    In this segment of By Any Means Necessary, Sean and Jacquie are joined by technologist Chris Garaffa, the editor of, co-host of the ReBoot podcast to discuss the New York Times purchase of the wildly popular game “Wordle” and its addition of ad-tracking to the game, Google’s smoke-and-mirrors campaign concerning its use of ad-tracking technology on Android phones, the privacy concerns around New York City’s pilot program to automate of noise pollution ticket enforcement with camera and microphone technology, and the widespread adoption of similar surveillance programs across the country and the world.

  • How The Philly Housing Movement Prevented An Illegal Eviction

    23/02/2022 Duración: 15min

    In this segment of By Any Means Necessary, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Asantewa Nkrumah-Ture Organizer and Member of the Philadelphia Tenant Union, and the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign/Poor People's Army to discuss a victory over intimidation tactics used to try to force Asantewa Nkrumah Ture to leave her home despite her legal rights to remain in her home for a certain period of time, the importance of the Philadelphia movement in keeping Asantewa safe and helping her secure her legal victory, and how the intimidation faced by Asantewa is more commonplace than generally known.

  • The Senate Must Face Pressure To Protect Reproductive Justice Gains

    23/02/2022 Duración: 16min

    In this segment of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman are joined by Hannah Dickinson, professor and organizer with Geneva Women’s Assembly in Geneva, NY and Managing Editor of Breaking The Chains Magazine to discuss efforts to protect some of the gains won by reproductive justice activists through the Women’s Health Protection Act, what the political outlook is in the Senate and why the movement is not only necessary, but crucial, to its passage, the attacks on women’s health and reproductive justice that have come from state governments and the Supreme Court, and how we can get involved in the fight to protect women’s health.

  • Striking Workers In Haiti Highlight Imperialist Exploitation

    23/02/2022 Duración: 16min

    In this segment of By Any Means Necessary, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Dr. Mamyrah Prosper, Assistant Professor of Global and International Studies at the University of California Irvine and International Coordinator with Community Movement Builders to discuss recent strikes by workers in Haiti for better wages, the history of US imperialism in impoverishing Haitian workers and exploiting the power of the dollar, and how the labor movement fits into the recent wave in labor activism in the United States.

  • Mainstream Media Omits Crucial History In Anti-Russia War Drive

    22/02/2022 Duración: 01h53min

    In this episode of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman are joined by international affairs and security analyst Mark Sleboda to discuss Russia’s recognition of the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics and how it factors into the current tensions between NATO and Russia, the history of the two republics and the aggression from Ukraine that contributed to Russia’s recognition of their independence, the US’ collective punishment of Luhansk and Donetsk for choosing “wrong” just like they did when Crimea chose “wrong” with sanctions, the far-right ultranationalists who have been integrated into the state structures of Ukraine, and the impacts of Germany halting progress on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.In the second segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Carlos Martinez, author and activist, co-founder of No Cold War, and co-editor of Friends of Socialist China to discuss the increasing role of China in Latin America’s development, the accusation of imperialism lobbed by western official

  • Anti-Racist and Internationalist Solidarity Are Key To Liberation

    18/02/2022 Duración: 01h54min

    In this episode of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman discuss the weaponization of psychology to demonize John Brown and slaves who attemtpted to escape bondage, how that weaponization continues to uphold white supremacy today with practices like race norming, how this fits into current fights against white supremacy and the need to extend solidarity to all who fight back against the racist, patriarchal, imperialist, and capitalist system, and how no salvation will be found in this system andits politicians.In the second segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Libre X Sankara, poet, cultural worker,educator and organizer with the Troika Kollective to discuss ongoing demonstrations among public sector workers in Puerto Rico and how the colonial debt imposed on Puerto Rico by the US contributes to the economic crisis faced by the island, Puerto Rico Governor Pedro Pierluisi’s belittling comments on striking teachers and public sector workers and the challenges faced by those workers,

  • Puerto Rican Workers Fight Back Against Austerity

    18/02/2022 Duración: 17min

    In this segment of By Any Means Necessary, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Libre X Sankara, poet, cultural worker, educator and organizer with the Troika Kollective to discuss ongoing demonstrations among public sector workers in Puerto Rico and how the colonial debt imposed on Puerto Rico by the US contributes to the economic crisis faced by the island, Puerto Rico Governor Pedro Pierluisi’s belittling comments on striking teachers and public sector workers and the challenges faced by those workers, how the current political structure of Puerto Rico ultimately serves the colonial relationship with the US, and the connections between other anti-imperialist struggles all over the world and the struggle against colonialism in Puerto Rico.

  • Corporate Media Punishes Kamila Valieva For Being Russian

    18/02/2022 Duración: 21min

    In this segment of By Any Means Necessary, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Nate Wallace, co-host of Red Spin Sports to discuss the sudden rightward turn of sports commentator Michelle Tafoya on critical race theory and the teaching of historical racism, the media’s double standard and scandalization of Kamila Valieva and her failed drug test as other Olympic athletes also fail tests, how the scandalization of Valieva connects to recent historical and current demonization of Russia as the US and NATO continue to threaten war with Russia over Ukraine, and the continued fallout over the trade between the Brooklyn Nets and the Philadelphia 76ers.

  • Cuba Fosters Black History and Culture As US Attempts To Erase It

    17/02/2022 Duración: 01h52min

    In this episode of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman are joined by Ted Rall, award-winning editorial cartoonist and columnist, and author of the graphic novel, "The Stringer," to discuss corporations working around their commitments to stop donating to politicians who were complicit in the attempt to overturn the election through lobbyists, the extreme corruption in the so-called democratic process that is often passed off as lobbying, and the willingness of corporations to advance the dangerous interests of these politicians in order to turn a profit.In the second segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-African News Wire to discuss French troops withdrawing from Mali and how the uprisings of Malians against overt French operations played into this decision, how despite the occupation of Mali beginning under the pretext of regional security and the threat of Islamist terrorists it has failed to deliver on any semblance of security, whether France

  • France Announces Withdraw From Mali, But Will It Actually Happen?

    17/02/2022 Duración: 15min

    In this segment of By Any Means Necessary, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-African News Wire to discuss French troops withdrawing from Mali and how the uprisings of Malians against overt French operations played into this decision, how despite the occupation of Mali beginning under the pretext of regional security and the threat of Islamist terrorists it has failed to deliver on any semblance of security, whether France will make good on this commitment to withdraw and what its aftermath will mean for Mali and West Africa.

  • US Targets Alex Saab For Attempting To Lessen Impact of Sanctions

    17/02/2022 Duración: 17min

    In this segment of By Any Means Necessary, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Leo Flores, Latin America Campaign Coordinator at CODEPINK to discuss the political prosecution of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, who sits in a Miami prison cell over charges related to conducting business on behalf of Venezuela, the attempts to scandalize Saab over allegations that he served as a DEA agent, the successful CLAP food assistance program that Saab was working on when he was arrested, and how programs like CLAP are necessary for Venezuela under the economic warfare waged by the US.

  • Super Bowl Halftime Show Is Another Capitalist Cooptation of Black Culture

    16/02/2022 Duración: 01h51min

    In this episode of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman are joined by Q. Anthony Omene, Toronto-based freelance writer and historian to discuss the roots of the ongoing “Freedom Convoy” protest against COVID-19 measures in Canada, the class character of the protest and the far-right reactionaries organizing the protests, the dark money behind the protests and how that debunks the claim that this is a working class movement, and the myth of Canada as a “kinder younger brother” to the US.In the second segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Taya Graham and Stephen Janis, hosts of the Police Accountability Report on The Real News Network to discuss corrupt policing in the town of Milton, West Virginia and what it reveals about the political economy of policing in small rural towns, how the cases in Milton reveal the true purpose of the police to enforce inequality and enact violence against working class people, and how traffic stops and policing not only keep poor people poor but also

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