The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast | 10x Your Impact, Your Income & Your Influence



JOIN THE REVOLUTION!There’s never been a better time in history to speak your truth, find your freedom and make your fortune. Each week we interview the world's top thought leaders and learn the secrets of how they built a 6 to 7 figure practice.The Thought Leader Revolution podcast is about establishing yourself as a thought leader around your expertise, your brand and your name. To become well known and highly regarded in the market place for the results you are able to produce for your clients.Our guests are top thought leaders who have done it. They’ve become widely known for their expertise and results they’re able to deliver for their clients. They all love what they do and get paid very well for doing it.You’ll meet entrepreneurs that have leverage thought leadership in driving business revenue, coaches that were unknown and barley making ends meet get to celebrity status and took their income way into the 7 figures, consultants that became best selling authors and built multi-million dollar firms and senior executives who followed their passion, left their day jobs and are changing the world.We want you to join us in making the difference you were born to make. We want you to 10x your impact, your income and your influence every 12 months. Steve Jobs iconic quote the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the one who do.People with purpose and passion are changing the world and we want you to be one of them.


  • EP581: TL Nuggets #165 – The Apathy Zone

    14/06/2024 Duración: 20min

    Are you tired of feeling stuck, like you're just coasting through life without any real motivation? What if the key to unlocking your true potential lies in understanding something called "The Apathy Zone"? We all know that feeling of being caught in a rut, where things are just okay but not great. It's a dangerous place where our dreams can wither away, and today’s episode is here to change that.People change when they are either extremely dissatisfied or incredibly excited about their future. However, many get trapped in a middle ground where the discomfort isn't enough to spur change, leading to stagnation and missed opportunities. Break free from the apathy zone and reach your full potential. Don’t wait for tomorrow—start today. Remember, don’t settle for mediocrity. Strive for excellence and live the first-class life you deserve.Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

  • EP580: Anthony Furey - Stand Up For Your Freedom

    11/06/2024 Duración: 43min

    “The intersection of entrepreneurship and freedom... that’s very exciting to me.”Have you ever wondered what it takes to truly champion freedom in today's complex political landscape? Whether you're a business owner, an entrepreneur, or simply someone who cares about the future of Toronto, you know that strong leadership in both business and politics is essential for a thriving community.In today's rapidly changing world, the intersection between business and politics has become more crucial than ever. Business leaders are not just creators of economic value; they are also influential figures within their communities.  Your involvement in politics is not just beneficial but essential. Your businesses are cornerstones of the community, and your leadership can help bridge the gap between economic growth and community well-being.Anthony Furey is a City of Toronto mayoral candidate and has been endorsed by none other than Jordan Peterson. He is an experience journalist and a committed champion of freedom. Wi

  • EP579: TL Nuggets#164 Janet Brown - Retraining Your Mind For A Paradigm Shift

    07/06/2024 Duración: 41min

    “It is never too late to transform your physique. Your mindset too, but your physique, it's never too late, you're never too old.”How can women break free from fitness myths and transform their bodies and mindsets? Many women struggle with fitness myths and body image issues, especially as they age.Train your mindset, embrace the journey, understand that progress is not always linear, and be patient with yourself. Consistency is key, and small steps forward each day will lead to big changes over time. Surround yourself with supportive people who uplift and encourage you, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Remember, you have the power to create the life and body you desire, so believe in yourself and keep pushing forward.Janet Brown made a significant career shift to follow her passion in fitness, leveraging her business awareness to inspire and empower others. She works alongside the GOAT mentor Amr "The Hammer" Camera, and she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in transforming liv

  • EP578: Courtney Intersimone - How To Be In The Room Where It Happens

    04/06/2024 Duración: 51min

    “Refocus on you defining what you want and you selecting yourself and you presenting yourself for opportunities that make you want to jump up and be excited and get out of bed in the morning.”Have you ever felt stuck in your career, unsure of how to move forward after hitting an unexpected roadblock? Ever felt like you were holding back, not because you lacked ambition, but because the next level seemed so out of reach, so out of sync with who you believed yourself to be?Many of us have faced moments in our careers where progress seems to halt, and self-doubt creeps in; moments where self-doubt or external perceptions have hindered our progress, whether in our careers or personal lives. Whether you're a senior executive or climbing the corporate ladder, understanding how to navigate these challenging times is crucial.Courtney Intersimone is a world-renowned thought leader and coach. Courtney specializes in working with high-achieving corporate leaders who have plateaued in their careers. With a background tha

  • EP577: TL Nugget #163 Cindy Starke - From MD To Thought Leader

    01/06/2024 Duración: 25min

    “If you really start turning inward and tapping into that inner wisdom, the people who are supposed help you on your path are going to come.... You’ve got to trust it, you can’t question it.”Have you ever felt trapped in a life that doesn’t fulfill you, despite achieving what society considers success? What if the path to true healing lies in transforming your deepest traumas into your greatest strengths? Are you someone who feels stuck in a cycle of dissatisfaction despite your accomplishments, or if you’re searching for deeper meaning and impact in your life?Dr. Cindy Starke, an internal medicine physician with 30 years of practice under her belt. Regardless of her success, she felt a frustrated as her patients kept coming back with the same issues. This realization led her to discover self-healing, where she let go of her childhood traumas and found a new calling. Today, she serves as the Medical Director of a hospice, helping people die dignified deaths, and the Director of a home health company, aiding p

  • EP576: Ryan Englin - Recruiting Is A Marketing Activity

    29/05/2024 Duración: 20min

    “Most entrepreneurs, they struggle more with, ‘How do I build a successful team, how do I find people I trust, how to delegate so I don’t have to be everything to everyone?’”Are you struggling to find reliable, skilled employees for your business? Do you feel like you're always settling for less than the best? We all know that finding the right people to join our team can make or break our business. Whether you're a small business owner, an entrepreneur, or someone in the trades, the challenge of hiring can often feel overwhelming. But what if there was a better way?Ryan Englin is the founder of Core Matters, a company dedicated to teaching entrepreneurs how to hire better people faster; individuals they can trust and delegate to, so they can truly thrive in their businesses. He's a firm believer that recruiting is not just an HR task but a marketing activity. You need to compete and sell your hiring when you can't always match market rates. You need to change the way you communicate to attract the right peop

  • EP575: TL Nuggets 162 Marc von Musser - 3 Hours vs 15 Minutes - Buyers Are Being More Cautious

    24/05/2024 Duración: 42min

    “Right now, building a business is like running in a marathon... So the first you have to decide is are you willing to win? And if you’re committed to win, are you willing to pay the price that success demands today..? The strong are going to survive.”Are you worried about what the future holds—your job, paying rent, driving a car, even affording groceries and energy bills? things have changed dramatically since the pre-COVID days. Back then, buyers were more confident, and a quick pitch could seal the deal. But now, in a post-COVID world riddled with economic uncertainty and skepticism, buyers are far more cautious and demanding. Remember when the recession hit right after COVID? It compounded the uncertainty and made people even more skeptical. Many have been scammed, making them savvier and more discerning. They need to know they can trust you before they make a purchase.Today's buyers are spending more time researching and evaluating their options. Ever find yourself scrolling through countless product re

  • EP574: Lexie Ward - The Slower But Surer Road To Success

    21/05/2024 Duración: 47min

    “It's about the quality of your work, not the quantity. Scaling too quickly can cause details to get lost and diminish the quality of service you provide.”Ever wondered what it takes to overcome serious health challenges and transform your life completely? why maintaining muscle mass is crucial as we age? Did you know that without resistance training and proper nutrition, we start losing muscle mass around the age of 30?We’ve all been there - struggling with health issues, feeling the weight of societal expectations, and trying to find our way to a healthier, more confident self. Today, we have an amazing guest who has been through it all and came out stronger on the other side. This episode is all about transformation, resilience, and the power of proper nutrition and fitness.Lexie Ward is one of the founders of Lady the F Up. She's a former national trampoline champion who has faced and conquered numerous health challenges. Lexie is now dedicated to helping women all over the world achieve their best selves

  • EP573: TL Nuggets 161 Kevin Sorbo - How To Have The Courage Of Your Convictions

    17/05/2024 Duración: 34min

    “People need to wake up and stop being afraid.”Have you ever been cancelled within your community? a phenomenon increasingly prevalent in today’s society. Facing cancel culture doesn’t mean the end of a career or the silencing of a voice. Instead, it can be a catalyst for growth, creativity, and the establishment of new platforms that champion freedom of thought and expression.Kevin Sorbo, known for his iconic roles in movies like "God's Not Dead," "Let There Be Light," and of course, who could forget his portrayal of Hercules? Kevin takes us on a journey through his fascinating life story, from growing up in Minnesota to finding faith at a Billy Graham event at just 13 years old. He shares how his youth pastor played a pivotal role in shaping his understanding of Christianity, and how his journey eventually led him to pursue acting.You need to have a sense of resilience and unwavering faith. Stay true to our beliefs and continue to fight for what’s right, despite the obstacles because with determination

  • EP572: Geoff Weinstein - The Magic Of Powerful Communication

    14/05/2024 Duración: 46min

    “One of the most important things about communication, of course, is authenticity.”“When your communication isn't lean, people check out and they check out quickly.”Have you ever struggled with public speaking? Don't let fear hold you back. Overcome your fear and practice public speaking through various life experiences. Becoming a great communicator isn't about being a "natural." It's about putting in the reps and embracing failure along the way.Communication skills are not innate talents bestowed upon a lucky few. Instead, they're cultivated through dedication and effort. Just as you wouldn't expect to become a skilled musician or athlete without consistent practice, the same principle applies to communication. Whether it's mastering the art of public speaking, refining your writing skills, or perfecting the nuances of interpersonal communication, it all comes down to putting in the work.Along the way, you're going to stumble. You're going to have moments where you don't quite hit the mark, where your messa

  • EP571: TL Nuggets #160 - Ezra Levant - The Power Of An Authentic Brand

    10/05/2024 Duración: 01h51s

    “Really, you have a hand full of decision makers that would tell the story: the narrative. And they’re all part of a little club. But we broke that cartel with citizen journalism.” “You might say, ‘What’s their level of professionalism?’ Well they know how to point a camera, and the reason why that’s important is that people can see for themselves.”In a world inundated with false narratives and charlatan marketers, let's advocate for a return to principles based on truth, urging everyone to defund mainstream media and support independent outlets like Rebel News. The psychological impact of going along with false narratives and encourages listeners to seek out alternative sources of information.The landscape of news has shifted dramatically. Now, anyone with a cell phone can capture and share stories, ensuring that the truth isn't just in the hands of a select few. Unlike major media outlets, we're not part of some exclusive club. We break the mold by empowering citizen journalists and relying on your support

  • EP570: Dr. William Belfar - From Mess To Success

    07/05/2024 Duración: 51min

    “Don't give up, don't let anybody tell you to give up. If somebody says something negative to you, it's their projecting themselves onto you. One thing I've learned is everything is a projection and nothing is personal. So in other words, if somebody is projecting that you're no good, he's got one finger pointing at you and three fingers pointing back at himself. So don't ever let anybody discourage you, no matter how bad things were, no matter how downtrodden you get, just keep trying. Don't stop.”In a society where law enforcement encounters can sometimes escalate unnecessarily. Life is often marked by inflection points—moments that test our resilience and redefine our path forward. Resilience in the face of adversity serves as a beacon of hope for anyone grappling with their own challenges. Be reminded that setbacks are not the end of the road but opportunities for growth and transformation.Dr. Belfar lost everything – his practice, his reputation, his family, even his home. Stripped of his identity as a r

  • EP569: TL Nuggets#159 - What Sets You Apart From Other Coaches

    03/05/2024 Duración: 07min

    Today's episode is all about unwavering support and belief in oneself, we talk about what sets us apart: our dedication to being there when you need us most. No scheduled calls or confining support to certain times – if you need us urgently, we're there. We're professional believers in people, because everyone deserves unwavering support when self-doubt creeps in.Explore how we study the wobble, reminding you of your greatness and standing with you until your confidence steadies. While we can't do it for you, we can certainly be your champions, your allies in the journey to success. In a world where other organizations may leave you to navigate alone, eCircle Academy is different. We're in the arena with you, facing challenges together until you emerge victorious. At eCircle Academy, we don't just offer programs; we stand with you every step of the way. Whether it's boosting earnings, mastering sales tactics, or navigating the challenges of podcasting, our commitment to your success knows no bounds.So, d

  • EP568: Mark Divine - What Entrepreneurs & Warriors Have In Common

    30/04/2024 Duración: 01h01min

    “The team is the new leader. The team will come up with better solutions when given that kind of support than any individual leader ever could”“Your calling in life is more of an archetypal energy. It's not a doing, it's not a job or a career.”Finding balance between exerting effort and embracing surrender in our training regimens, while pushing ourselves to excel is essential, it's equally crucial to recognize the value of recovery and restorative practices.Our returning guest, Mark Devine is a retired Navy SEAL, bestselling author, and the founder of SEALFIT. He is an expert in mental and physical training, with a remarkable background that spans from the corporate world to the elite ranks of the Navy SEALs. He's the mastermind behind Unbeatable Mind, a holistic approach to personal and professional development.Navigating the bureaucratic structure of the military presented significant challenges for Mark. While he cherished the early years of operating as a SEAL, leading small teams, and embodying the elit

  • EP567: TL Nugget #158 - John Graham - How Chaos Training Helped Me Win 3 National Memory Titles

    26/04/2024 Duración: 40min

    “People want genuine authenticity and real humanity to show instead of the mask and the charade that everyone's putting on to conform.”“We're all haunted by certain things that have happened to us that still trigger us. How do you release those boulders inside of you so they're not triggering you anymore, they're not haunting you anymore, they're not affecting you anymore, and take those and transmute those. Integrate those in your life so that you can expand again out of your comfort zone.”Have you ever wondered what it takes to become a memory champion? Becoming a memory champion wasn't easy. Success requires setting ambitious goals and embracing the journey, no matter how long it takes. You will face challenges, including initial failures and self-doubt. However, through perseverance and a commitment to continuous learning, you’ll ultimately rose to the top. This episode will serve you as a powerful reminder that greatness is achieved through dedication and resilience.Expert action steps: Make peace with

  • EP566: Claire Chandler - How To Attract Ideal Clients By Being Fully Me

    23/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    “The dent I want to make in the universe is really to end workplace misery.”Claire's story is incredibly inspiring. She's not only a corporate survivor but also a cancer survivor. She went from climbing the corporate ladder to carving out her own path as an executive leadership advisor. What sets Claire apart is her mission to help organizations keep their top talent while fostering authentic leadership.One of the key points Claire shares is about attracting ideal clients. It's not about fancy marketing tactics or sales pitches. It's about being authentically you. Her journey of building genuine connections with clients by simply being herself, it works like magic. Claire also shares the challenges she faces in scaling her impact. She's honest about the struggle of letting go and trusting others to carry the torch while maintaining the authenticity that defines her work.She envisions a future where she's recognized as a go-to expert in leadership transformation. She dreams of empowering leaders worldwide and

  • EP565: TLNuggets # 157 - Marc Von Musser - Hobby vs Business

    19/04/2024 Duración: 41min

    Do you have a business, or is your venture more of a hobby? If you're not consistently bringing in revenue from regular clients, you might just have an expensive hobby on your hands. There's always something new to spend money on in the business world. That's why you need a steady stream of incoming cash flow to keep things going. Beware of those so-called marketing gurus who promise to have all the answers. Many of them are stuck in the past, peddling outdated methods that just don't work anymore. Buyer confidence is at an all-time low, and you could end up wasting a fortune on strategies that fall flat.What's the key to success in today's market? Authenticity. Authentic messaging not only attracts clients but also helps you serve them better while saving you money in the long run. Clients need to know that they can trust you to deliver, and that means backing up your intentions with a solid system.With millions of podcasts and billions of listeners, it's a massive opportunity to articulate your message and

  • EP564: Raymond Aaron - Sales Drives People Crazy!!

    16/04/2024 Duración: 29min

    “You only have a business if you have clients who’ve paid you”These days, the word "sales" and even salespeople themselves often come with a negative connotation. It's like this dark cloud hanging over the otherwise sunny world of business and life. But the truth is, sales are not the enemy. In fact, they're an integral and important part of both business and life. However, we understand why so many people are scared of it.One of the biggest fears people have about selling is that they'll come across as pushy or engaging in "hard selling." Selling isn't about being pushy just for the sake of making money. It's about being of service to people, helping them find solutions to their problems, and improving their lives in the process.Let's be real, no one likes to hear "no." But in business and in life, we need to be prepared to hear "no" more often than not. It's all part of the journey. And remember, it's not personal. It's just part of the process. Don't hold back your solutions from those who need your help.

  • EP563: TL NUGGETS #156 - Matthieu Mehuys - How To Create Thought Leadership That Sells

    12/04/2024 Duración: 33min

    We should understand that success isn't just about making money, it's about making a meaningful impact and living a life of purpose. Matthieu's journey is a testament to the power of mentorship. When he first started his entrepreneurial venture in regenerative farming, he faced numerous challenges and uncertainties. Through Nicky’s guidance, Matthieu was able to clarify his vision, set achievable goals, and develop strategies to overcome obstacles. Mentorship gave him the confidence and faith he needed to navigate the unpredictable ground of entrepreneurship.You need to step outside your comfort zone, embrace failure as a learning opportunity, and cultivate a growth mindset. You have to embrace challenges with resilience and determination, turning setbacks into stepping stones toward success.What exactly is regenerative farming? It's a farming approach that's not just about growing crops; it's about healing the land, restoring biodiversity, and creating a thriving ecosystem. And why does it matter? Because ou

  • EP562: Mia Durston - Do Hard Things

    09/04/2024 Duración: 32min

    “Either I continue on this path, and I knew it wouldn’t end well. Or, I had to make a change right then and there.”“You're never gonna be happy if you're just comfortable and consistent your entire life, never challenging yourself.”It's never too late to make a change and become the best version of yourself. Recognize the toxic influence of certain relationships. You have to understand the power of proximity and choose to surround yourself with individuals who support your growth and aspirations. By cutting off negative influences and nurturing positive connections, create a supportive environment conducive to your personal and professional development.Mia Durston brings a wealth of insight and inspiration from her journey of overcoming adversity and transforming her life. Her story teaches us the power of discipline, confidence, and resilience in achieving personal and professional success. Despite facing setbacks and adversity, she made a conscious decision to take control of her life and pursue her goals w

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