Pinks Boutique Podcast With Kirstie & Luke Sherriff



Pinks Boutique: Professional, Natural and Certified-Organic products came from an unlikely meeting of minds. Luke Sherriff, a human scientist, and Kirstie Allen, a historian, first met at Oxford University. There seemed little to link his interest in the human body with her specialist subjects of women and South East Asia. Follow us on Twitter: @PinksBoutique


  • Get Rid of Chicken Skin

    11/02/2019 Duración: 05min

    The annoying pimples on the back of your arms are called Keratosis Pilaris. Even though there is no definite cure for it there are a few ‘Organic’ steps you could add to your normal skincare routine to help getting rid of it. The first step you should take is having cooler showers. I know, it’s probably not what you wanted to hear, especially now in the colder weather but hot water can change your skin’s sebum production which could aggravate the bumps on your arms. Another step: replacing your regular market shower gel to a certified organic one. There are a lot of ingredients, such as surfactants, in the main stream shower gels that will dry your skin out.. Stay hydrated. You need to drink loads of water every day to keep your skin always hydrated. Exfoliating is crucial. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to use your clarisonic to try and break the dead skin cells. After you’ve exfoliated in the shower instead of drying your arms completely leave a little bit of water and put moisturiser on top of it. The goal is t

  • You've Been Lying Down On Other People's Bacteria

    11/02/2019 Duración: 03min

    Making sure that the mat they are going to lay down on or exercise on is clean is not often a priority on people’s schedules. I know. You’d be surprised at how little people tend to clean their yoga mat. If the mat they used is borrowed, it’s even worse. People just don’t realize that they’ve been exercising among dirty bacteria of multiple people. Same goes for all gym equipment. The solution for that is: Pinks Boutique Crystal Sanitizer. The Crystal Sanitizer is perfect to have in your yoga bag. It helps cleaning not only mats but you can use it to clean gym’s equipment’s before you use them too. This product is a must have if you like exercising, Conde Naste said so! Another product you have to have is: Pinks Boutique Elixirs. We recommend you spraying the air around you with it once before you start your yoga session to prepare and relax the mind and then again to close the session. The organic essential oils and aromas in the elixirs will go into your breathing system and will help you create happy memor

  • What do Pet food and your face have in common?

    11/02/2019 Duración: 58s

    Even though Propylene Glycol is considered safe by the FDA some people consider it devastating and cancer causing. How can that be, how are there so many mixed messages??? Surely it would be safer just to avoid it in our opinion. It can be found in nearly everything, from skincare to dog food, make up and cleansers. There are other alternatives in the beauty industry, it just isn’t necessary but it is cheap and that is why it is always used. Well, Propylene Glycol is a wetting agent (a substance that absorbs water or maintain moisture in a product) and comes from petroleum. There are several other problems involving this ingredient. Find out what they are in today’s video. Nothing But The Truth. Pinks Boutique is an award-winning, eco luxe skincare line used by professionals. Our mission is to create the world’s very best organic, vegan friendly skincare and treatments. Our complete range can be used in spas and at home. We believe in telling the truth; no greenwashing, just therapist endorsed, certified orga


    11/02/2019 Duración: 03min

    A lot of people think serum is another unnecessary beauty step the skincare industry has created to sell more products people don’t need. This train of thought couldn’t be more wrong. Serum is the base layer of skincare you use after you’ve cleansed and toned the skin. All the actives and results driven ingredients for your skin needs go in to serums and they are tailored according to specific concerns. For example: If you’re feeling that the change in the weather is drying your skin, you can use a serum specifically for hydration. Differently from your moisturiser, you can and should change serums according to your skin concern. They also prepare your skin to receive the moisturiser (which is the next step in skincare routine). Nothing But The Truth. Pinks Boutique is an award-winning, eco luxe skincare line used by professionals. Our mission is to create the world’s very best organic, vegan friendly skincare and treatments. Our complete range can be used in spas and at home. We believe in telling the truth;


    11/02/2019 Duración: 08min

    Colder weather brings dryness with it. Whenever winter approaches the whole skin in the body has the tendency to dry up but often the lips suffer the most. These are the organic measures and golden ingredients for moist baby lips: 1) Check your tooth paste. Through experience I’ve seen several clients get dry lips because of the tooth paste they were using due to the SLS in it - change it. 2) Stop licking your lips. It’s a natural reaction to lick your lips when you feel that they are dry but that is actually bad for you. Your saliva has enzymes to help you digest food (Yes! Digestion starts in your mouth) and that enzyme dries out your lips even more. 3) Try not to wear mainstream non-organic lipsticks. A lot of those lipsticks have ingredients which dry your lip skin. 4) Use sugar to naturally exfoliate your lips. 5) Shea Butter is great for this type of situation. It builds a thick occlusive barrier that doesn’t let any moisture come out or cold and over exposure to cold weather to come in! It has anti - i


    19/12/2018 Duración: 07min

    I know it mind sound incredibly selfish but I want my husband to look good and take care of his skin. I am married to him and to some extent he represents me and I want him to be the best version of himself. Even though there are men who like to take care of themselves and have already adopted a skincare regime the majority of them still don’t. The $64 million question in my household at the moment is: Why not? Some of the conclusions we came up with are: they are too lazy, they think it’s too complicated, they think it’s for girls, that it’s just a female thing to get into, they can’t be bothered, or they’re too cynical of the marketing, they don’t think it works. If you have any answer to this question, please do let us know!!!!! Today I’m here to support you and all the other women that have come up to me and said “I can’t make him do it” and give you some ideas on how to get around those old fashioned arguments and sort of manipulate them towards it Tip number one: lay all the products out in your bathroo


    12/12/2018 Duración: 06min

    Packaging… stylish, beautiful, cute, charming and very persuasive. Every single woman on the planet is guilty of buying a product solely for its packaging at least once in their lifetime. Brands spend a lot of money on research and designers to make the packaging of their products as attractive as possible in a hope to catch you by impulse. What they don’t care to tell you is that the majority of the money you’re paying for that product goes into the packaging development and production and very little into what really matters: the product itself. Today I’m going to explain why paying attention to the INCI list is so important and why you should always try and ignore the cute products and turn them around to analyze the ingredient list before you buy it. Nothing But The Truth. Pinks Boutique is an award-winning, eco-luxe skincare line used by professionals. Our mission is to create the world’s very best organic, vegan-friendly skincare and treatments. Our complete range can be used in spas and at home. We bel


    12/12/2018 Duración: 03min

    Christmas is around the corner and in order to persuade you to buy products for the festivity brands will be giving out samples like there is no tomorrow. Yes, this is the time of year when you overflow your drawers with beauty and skincare samples. When you start using so many different products at once, how do you know exactly which are the ones working and actually helping the skin from the ones who are not doing anything at all? Answering that question requires a simple but bizarre explanation: You should try each sample as if you were allergic to them. I know. I told you it was a bizarre answer. How? You might be asking yourself. Also simple: by trying one product at the time. Keep your skincare/beauty routine as normal as possible and start introducing the new products or replacing old ones and start noticing the difference they make on your skin gradually.  Nothing But The Truth. Pinks Boutique is an award-winning, eco-luxe skincare line used by professionals. Our mission is to create the world’s very


    12/12/2018 Duración: 06min

    A lot of people don’t know that there are 2 main schools of exfoliators. The most common ones are the physical exfoliators. They are grainy bits of anything really (nuts, coconut shells, apricot) and they physically rub the dead layers of your skin off. The second is chemical exfoliators. These are acids of some sort (AHAs, BHAs, PHAs) most often from fruits or plant and do the same thing as physical exfoliators but in a different way. The acids dissolve the glue that binds the skin cells together at the surface of the skin so they can shed off. Nothing But The Truth. Pinks Boutique is an award-winning, eco-luxe skincare line used by professionals. Our mission is to create the world’s very best organic, vegan-friendly skincare and treatments. Our complete range can be used in spas and at home. We believe in telling the truth; no greenwashing, just therapist endorsed, certified organic products and brilliant expert advice that equips you to get the best results. Pinks Boutique. Nothing but the Truth" Follow Ki


    12/12/2018 Duración: 06min

    How many times exactly should I exfoliate a week? How should I do it? Are questions we receive on a daily basis and today I’m going to explain it all. The truth is: there isn’t an absolute rule to how many times you should scrub, it will vary according to your skin type but in my personal opinion never more than once/twice a week with a physical grain exfoliator. Oily: Definitely scrub at least once/twice a week. Oily skin gets an excess build up cells on your skin as they can’t fall off because of the extra sebum sticking them together. Dry: Once/Twice a week again but using a non-harsh grain. You’ll know if you’re over-exfoliating if your skin gets even drier. Sensitive skin: Only once a week and use a very gentle scrub. How should I use it though? Remove all your makeup and wash your face. Take your exfoliant on to your hands, raindrop tap it all over and use your fingers as a brush and concentrate in the grimy areas. Nothing But The Truth. Pinks Boutique is an award-winning, eco-luxe skincare line used by


    12/12/2018 Duración: 07min

    This is part two to the guide to acids in skincare. In this video, you’ll learn each acid deeper. One thing you have to always remember before getting fully into the acids is: You need to patch test them. Make sure you’re not allergic to them is step number one into your new skincare routine and getting rid of the fear of acids. AHAs: They come in different percentages, they are great for ageing skins. Beware: they could make your skin sun sensitive. BHAs: Most often found moisturisers to help dissolves the glue that holds the individual skin cells together and breaks this so you can shed the buildup of skin cells more easily. Nothing But The Truth. AHAs- Glycolic, Mandelic, Malic, Citric, Lactic, Tartaric BHAs- Salicylic PHAs- Lactobionic, Maltobionic, Gluconolactone. Pinks Boutique is an award-winning, eco-luxe skincare line used by professionals. Our mission is to create the world’s very best organic, vegan-friendly skincare and treatments. Our complete range can be used in spas and at home. We believe in


    12/12/2018 Duración: 09min

    A lot of people are afraid of adding acid based products into their skincare routine, and the reason for that is they’re afraid of them. They still have the ‘burning, melting face image’ in their mind but I can reassure you, that when used cautiously acids can be a great asset in your skincare routine. There are three main categories of acids: AHAs, BHAs, PHAs. AHAs: Exfoliate skin, stimulate collagen and help regulate keratin. They are water soluble so, you’re more likely to find them in toners and toning pads. They are recommended to ageing skin and brightening skin. BHAs: Are great for oily skin or if you have the tendency to break out, if you have spots, blackheads, and it also works as an exfoliator. BHAs are oil soluble so it’s drawn to the oils of the skin and go a lot deeper. You’ll be able to find this acid in moisturisers for oily skin and KP products. PHAs: They work on the surface of the skin, they have larger molecules, and they are great if you have sensitive skin. Nothing But The Truth. Pinks B


    30/10/2018 Duración: 02min

    Do you know how to apply your eye cream like a pro? There are certain ways to do it in order to prevent wrinkles and make sure the cream works how it’s supposed to. First thing I’d like to clarify is when the eye cream should be put on. It’s a common mistake to see people putting the cream after they’ve applied moisturiser and that is… a big no no! Putting moisturisers before the eye cream is like putting pants over trousers. You don’t need to use tons of products every night. Just put a tiny bit on the back of your hands and use your ring finger to dot it around the eye area. Be precise in the direction you’re taking the skin because otherwise you’ll be doing what you’re trying to avoid: get wrinkles. It’s important to add facial gym movements while you’re at it. It will help you keep the fine lines away by increasing the blood circulation in the area (which will then boost blood flow to your collagen, elastin and help you fight gravity). Nothing But The Truth. Pinks Boutique is an award-winning, eco luxe sk

  • Maintaining Positive Energy and Growing as a Person - Pt 2. Interview With Kirsty Klanifard | Pinks Podcast

    24/10/2018 Duración: 25min

    In the episode, Luke continues his discussions with Kirsty Kianifard from Uniquely Organic. In part one they discussed her journey through from natural cosmetic formulator to successful spa owner into her role as a mentor and life coach. This was an episode that they had not planned to record but such was the energy in the room after the initial podcast they were inspired to carry on exploring what it takes to maintain positive energy and grow as a person with the ever-growing demands of modern life. You can find Kirsty at the following: Online: Facebook: Instagram: or @uoecospa Pinks Boutique is an award-winning, eco luxe skincare line used by professionals. Our mission is to create the world’s very best organic, vegan-friendly skincare and treatments. Our complete range can be used in spas and at home. We believe in telling the truth; no greenwashing, just therapist endorsed, certified organic products and brilliant


    23/10/2018 Duración: 03min

    How many times have you applied so many skincare products on top of each other and when you come to put your makeup on, they start rolling off in bitty shredded pieces? Can happen towards the end of the day too, you feel like snake shedding it’s skin. That gross feeling and residue that comes off on your hand can be mistakes you have made in order of application, timing or layers reacting to each other as you have applied the wrong textures on top of each other. In this podcast, you’ll learn the correct way to apply oils without getting any rolling at the end. Nothing But The Truth. Pinks Boutique is an award-winning, eco luxe skincare line used by professionals. Our mission is to create the world’s very best organic, vegan friendly skincare and treatments. Our complete range can be used in spas and at home. We believe in telling the truth; no greenwashing, just therapist endorsed, certified organic products and brilliant expert advice that equips you to get the best results. Pinks Boutique. Nothing but the T


    23/10/2018 Duración: 03min

    The order the facial serums and oils should be applied in order to get the most out of each one of them is rarely spoken about in the beauty industry, especially if you are mixing brands as no single brand wants to help with this, they want you to use just theirs! In this podcast you will learn the correct order you should apply facial serums and oils so they are more effective. Nothing But The Truth. Pinks Boutique is an award-winning, eco luxe skincare line used by professionals. Our mission is to create the world’s very best organic, vegan friendly skincare and treatments. Our complete range can be used in spas and at home. We believe in telling the truth; no greenwashing, just therapist endorsed, certified organic products and brilliant expert advice that equips you to get the best results. Pinks Boutique. Nothing but the Truth" Follow Kirstie and Luke on Facebook:
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    23/10/2018 Duración: 01min

    How many skincare products do you use every morning? Have you ever stopped to think about how many ingredients each one of them carry in their INCI list? Or better, if you went to your bathroom right now, turned the bottles around and checked the ingredient lists would you eat every single item listed there? If the answer is no, why would you put it on to your skin then? What you put on to your skin has the potential to go into bloodstream, you would never choose to eat them so why absorb them? Think about it. Nothing But The Truth. Pinks Boutique is an award-winning, eco luxe skincare line used by professionals. Our mission is to create the world’s very best organic, vegan friendly skincare and treatments. Our complete range can be used in spas and at home. We believe in telling the truth; no greenwashing, just therapist endorsed, certified organic products and brilliant expert advice that equips you to get the best results. Pinks Boutique. Nothing but the Truth" Follow Kirstie and Luke on Facebook:


    23/10/2018 Duración: 03min

    In today’s podcast you will learn what are the things that you should absolutely not do in the morning and put on your skin when getting ready for a full day of sun. Those things are putting your skin at risk when exposed to the sun because they can damage the skin when you add sunshine to them. Nothing But The Truth. Pinks Boutique is an award-winning, eco luxe skincare line used by professionals. Our mission is to create the world’s very best organic, vegan friendly skincare and treatments. Our complete range can be used in spas and at home. We believe in telling the truth; no greenwashing, just therapist endorsed, certified organic products and brilliant expert advice that equips you to get the best results. Pinks Boutique. Nothing but the Truth" Follow Kirstie and Luke on Facebook:
 Visit our website:  


    23/10/2018 Duración: 02min

    Are you bored of reading or listening to stuff about being more eco and becoming an organic green goddess and feeling down about it? In this podcast you’ll learn how to take the organic path in small easy steps., as we understand that it is no possible to go fully green at the drop of a hat. Nothing But The Truth. Pinks Boutique is an award-winning, eco luxe skincare line used by professionals. Our mission is to create the world’s very best organic, vegan friendly skincare and treatments. Our complete range can be used in spas and at home. We believe in telling the truth; no greenwashing, just therapist endorsed, certified organic products and brilliant expert advice that equips you to get the best results. Pinks Boutique. Nothing but the Truth" Follow Kirstie and Luke on Facebook:
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    23/10/2018 Duración: 04min

    As spas use Oils for body massages the biggest concern people usually have is the sticky feeling afterwards. In this podcast therapists and customers will learn how to address this problem, and how to avoid the stickiness after a relaxing massage. Nothing But The Truth. Pinks Boutique is an award-winning, eco luxe skincare line used by professionals. Our mission is to create the world’s very best organic, vegan friendly skincare and treatments. Our complete range can be used in spas and at home. We believe in telling the truth; no greenwashing, just therapist endorsed, certified organic products and brilliant expert advice that equips you to get the best results. Pinks Boutique. Nothing but the Truth" Follow Kirstie and Luke on Facebook:
 Visit our website:  

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