Harris Creek Baptist Church

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 191:48:35
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This is the weekly sermon podcast from Harris Creek Baptist Church in Waco, Texas. Visit www.harriscreek.org for more information.


  • Grace Filled

    22/09/2024 Duración: 40min

    We are saved by God's grace, not by our own works, as highlighted in Ephesians 2:8-10. Grace is a free gift, and while our works do not earn salvation, we are saved for good works that reflect our faith. The message challenges believers to both embrace God's grace and extend it to others, living as a grace-filled church. Grace SavesWorks Don’t The Saved Work Life Group Discussion:In what ways do we, as Christians, struggle to extend grace to others, even though we have received it freely? What challenges do you face in being grace-filled? Cooper shared the powerful story of Ike Brown Sr. forgiving and adopting his son's killer. How does this story of forgiveness challenge your perspective on grace and forgiveness in your own life? In what areas of your life do you feel "bumped" or tested by others? How can you be more intentional about responding with grace when you are bumped?

  • Devoted

    15/09/2024 Duración: 42min

    Today’s message emphasizes the call for Christians to live in response to God's mercy. Believers are urged to offer themselves as living sacrifices, dedicating every part of their lives to God's service. We are to live our lives not conforming to the world but being transformed by the renewing of our mind. This transformation helps believers discern and follow God's perfect will.  You have been savedYou are a living sacrificeYou must be shaped  Life Group Discussion:What does it mean to you personally to be a "living sacrifice" in today’s world, and how can this shape your daily actions?In what areas of your life do you feel the strongest pressure to conform to the world, and how can you counteract this by renewing your mind?How can we better discern God's will in our lives, and what practical steps can we take to align ourselves with His good, pleasing, and perfect plan?

  • Community Centered

    08/09/2024 Duración: 49min

    Hebrews 10:23-25 encourages believers to remain steadfast in their faith, reminding them of God's faithfulness. It calls for believers to support one another by gathering together, stirring each other towards love and good works, and offering encouragement. This passage highlights the importance of community, accountability, and mutual care as we grow in faith. ShepherdingEncouragementAccountabilityLove Life Group Discussion:How can we "hold fast" to our hope in times of uncertainty, and what role does community play in helping us stay strong in our faith? In what practical ways can we encourage each other to pursue love and good works, both within the church and in our daily lives? What are some barriers that prevent us from regularly gathering with fellow believers, and how can we overcome these challenges to foster deeper accountability and encouragement?

  • Biblical

    01/09/2024 Duración: 48min

    The Bible is not just a collection of ancient texts but is breathed out by God, making it a vital tool for His people. Through Scripture, God speaks to His people, revealing His truth and guiding their lives. The Bible also shapes His people by teaching, correcting, and training them in righteousness, molding them to reflect His character. Finally, God uses the Bible to send His people, equipping them thoroughly for every good work He has called them to do. As we engage with Scripture, we are not only informed but transformed and empowered to live out our faith in the world. God uses The Bible to SPEAK to His peopleGod uses The Bible to SHAPE His peopleGod uses The Bible to SEND His people  Life Group Discussion:How has God spoken to you personally through Scripture? Reflect on a time when a particular passage or verse provided guidance, comfort, or conviction in your life. How did that experience shape your understanding of God's voice? In what ways has the Bible shaped your character or actions? Consider ho

  • Authentic

    25/08/2024 Duración: 42min

    Walking in the light of Christ brings joy, authenticity, and true fellowship with others. In this light, we are honest with God and each other, and we find deep connections. It's also where we receive forgiveness, as Jesus' sacrifice cleanses us from sin. Living in the light fills our lives with joy, community, and grace. Find authenticity in the lightFind fellowship in the lightFind forgiveness in the light Life Group Discussion:How can you bring more authenticity into your relationship with God and others? What are specific areas in your life where you might struggle with being transparent or honest.What steps can you take to deepen your fellowship with other believers in your community? Think about ways to build stronger connections with those around you through shared faith and experiences.How does understanding Christ’s forgiveness influence the way you deal with guilt and sin in your daily life? Reflect on how embracing His grace can change your mindset and actions. 

  • A Foundation That Holds

    11/08/2024 Duración: 43min

    The strength of our foundation is shaped by how we live out our beliefs. Challenges reveal whether our foundation is strong or weak. Regular reflection is key to keeping it solid. Application determines the foundationStorms reveal the foundationWe must inspect our foundation Life Group Discussion:How do your daily actions and decisions reflect the foundation of your beliefs or values?Can you recall a challenging situation (“storm”) that revealed the strength or weakness of your foundation? What did you learn from that experience?In what ways do you regularly inspect or evaluate your foundation to ensure it remains strong and unshakable? 

  • Do you have a ticket?

    04/08/2024 Duración: 43min

    Jesus tells us at the end of the sermon on the mount that not everyone will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The good news is, He tells us how we can know that we have a ticket in. Examine your path carefullyExamine your teachers carefullyExamine your relationship carefullyLife Group Discussion:Are the choices you make leading you towards a life that aligns with Jesus' teachings?How can you recognize when a teacher might be leading you astray? What characteristics should you watch out for?How do the warnings in Matthew 7:13-23 challenge you to examine your own faith and actions?

  • To Judge or Not To Judge

    28/07/2024 Duración: 39min

    We can be challenged to grow in our affections for God and for others when it’s difficult. We’re a bad judge of othersWe’re a bad judge of selfWe misjudge the Father Life Group Discussion:How can you practice humility by focusing on improving yourself instead of judging others?In what areas do you need to ask God for help more often? How can you persistently seek His guidance every day?How can you show compassion and treat others the way you want to be treated, even when it's difficult?

  • Worry and A Divided Life

    21/07/2024 Duración: 45min

    In this week's sermon, John Elmore taught us about the Christian's security in Christ, the lack of need for worry, and our choice of paths in life: climbing the ladder of the world or the ladder of God's Kingdom. Our choices in life are:1. Trash or Treasure 2. God or Greed3. Worry or Worship Life Group Discussion:What treasure do you need to give God all the glory?How can you shift your focus from accumulating material wealth to building spiritual wealth in your daily life?What areas of your life do you tend to worry, and you can’t sleep at night?

  • Fake Faith

    14/07/2024 Duración: 48min

    We could do the right thing for the wrong reasons. What is your “why”? In Matthew 6, we learn how to glorify God with a pure faith believing in Him.  Fake faith gives to be honored by othersFake faith performs prayers Fake faith sacrifices to appear spiritual  Life Group Discussion:Do you give for God’s glory or man’s glory? Where do you need to be challenged?When you are praying with others, is it easy for you to just talk to God or do you get distracted on what you are going to pray in the presence of others? Is the “why” you fast because you want to appear spiritual to others? What is your motive?

  • When You're Wronged

    07/07/2024 Duración: 40min

    What did Jesus mean when He told us to turn the other cheek? For many of us, our reaction to being wronged is to hit back and try to enact justice on our own terms. But Jesus calls us to something altogether new. When forced to go one mile, we go two. Life Group Questions:1. In the past, how have you responded when you have been wronged?2. How does this passage challenge our notions of strength and weakness?3. What does it mean to “not withhold” from your enemies?

  • Covenants and Commitments

    30/06/2024 Duración: 47min

    How do you define covenants and commitments? In Matthew 5, we learn Christians keep their covenants, consider remarriage carefully, and know the importance of having credibility to point others to Christ. Christians keep our covenants Consider remarriage carefullyA Christian’s credibility points to Christ Life Group Discussion:Does marriage really matter? How important are the marriage vows? Why do you say that?When you say, “yes”, do you mean it? Is your “yes” trustworthy? Share a time when you broke a commitment? How did you handle it? When you need to break a commitment, discuss together the best way.

  • The Danger with Anger

    23/06/2024 Duración: 46min

    God requires perfect holiness to be in His presence. We are imperfect and in need of a sinless sacrifice because of sin. Jesus is the sinless sacrifice and comes into our mess to rescue us! We can enter in the presence of God by the name of Jesus.  Jesus is the Sinless SacrificeFor Sin from AngerCommands Amends from Sin Life Group Discussion:Where in my life am I relaxing in areas of sin?Has God ever brought someone to your mind that you needed to seek out forgiveness? Did you obey? Share this experience. Is it hard to say, “Will you please forgive me?” What relationships are the hardest to say this phrase?   

  • Hope for The Adulterous Heart

    16/06/2024 Duración: 44min

    Jesus is calling us to a higher standard of living and what we need is not to try harder to modify our behavior, rather we need heart transformation that comes from fully surrendering our entire lives to Jesus’ authority. In this sermon we learn from Joshua Broome, a former pornstar turned pastor, who points us towards Jesus' words on these truths.  1. Authority Reassigned2. Adultery Redefined3. The Adulterous Heart Redeemed Life Group Discussion:- How do you put up guardrails to protect your heart from tripping up?- Do you bring your struggles to your heavenly Father? Or do you try to hide your struggles from God and others? - Do you take inventory of your life? What are you watching? What are you reading? What are you listening to? Who are you hanging out with? What do you need to stop doing that keeps you from becoming the likeness of Christ?

  • Salt and Light

    09/06/2024 Duración: 45min

    You have a purpose to preserve the world that’s been entrusted to you by sharing the Gospel. You have a place and a people to shine your light in the darkness. In Matthew 5, Jesus reveals how we can feel alive! Know your purposeKnow your placeKnow your people Life Group Discussion:Have you ever toured old church buildings that are now museums? What do you think happened to those churches?  Considering the idea of being light that God specifically placed, in what area of your life (work, family, friendships, etc.) could you put that into practice of being light? Share a specific situation. What is one new way you could begin loving the people God has placed in your life? Are you asking God to show you the people you need to shine a light in darkness?  

  • The Path to Paradise

    02/06/2024 Duración: 44min

    Do you feel like the world is going backwards? How did this happen? The world is going backwards because we’re not living the upside-down life. When we walk among the people of God, as the people of God we preserve our land. And fortunately, Jesus shows us the path! The path is among the poor in spiritThe path is among the pure in heartThe path is among those peaceful in persecution Life Group Discussion:What do you picture when you think of the phrase “poor in spirit”?What type of situations or relationships are difficult for you to be pure in heart?Do you know someone that doesn’t bring peace to a situation? What is it about them that makes you say that?

  • Winning The War

    26/05/2024 Duración: 45min

    We are in a real war, and if we don’t realize it, then we are losing. Once we learn to watch for it, we begin to see it. Once we see it, we can’t unsee it. Paul writes in Ephesians 6 everything we need to know to resist temptation when the enemy attacks. Stand strong against Satan’s schemesStand firm and suited upStay praying in The Spirit and share Life Group Discussion:Do you recognize when the enemy attacks? Why is it important to stay on guard?What is a moment you stood strong against the enemy? What is a moment you failed, but you felt the grace of Jesus that he’s already won the battle?

  • The Call to Discipleship

    19/05/2024 Duración: 43min

    Let your life be a life of worship as you obey your parents, guide your children, and work in the role God has placed you in. Live a life of worshipping Jesus in your home and at your workplace. Children: Honor and ObeyDads: Discipline and DiscipleWorkers: Worship  Life Group Discussion:How old should children be to continue to obey their parents? What areas in your life do you model well for your children? What areas do you struggle with?  Do you feel like your work is a place that you can “worship” unto the Lord? If not, how can you make it a place you can worship while you work?

  • The Truth About Marriage

    12/05/2024 Duración: 45min

    A marriage cannot be happy or healthy without Christ at the center of it. In this message, Jonathan Pokluda teaches us that (1) the mindset of marriage must be sacrifice and submission, (2) the mission of marriage is sanctification through service, and (3) the mystery of marriage is that it showcases our savior.

  • Stop Sleepwalking

    05/05/2024 Duración: 40min

    Paul reminds us in today’s text the antidote to spiritually sleepwalking is to walk in love, walk in the light, and walk in wisdom.  1. Walk in Love2. Walk in Light 3. Walk in Wisdom  Life Group Discussion:What have you put behind you and fully surrendered to walk in love?When someone brings sin into the light? How should you respond?What do you daily allow to fill your heart? What influences your flesh? 

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