The Todd Herman Show

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  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 597:20:58
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Todd Herman pledges to tell the truth, honor your intelligence, and fight back against crony capitalists weekdays 3pm to 6pm on AM 770 KTTH.


  • Kamala Harris Pretends Anti-Abortion Laws Killed a Woman; What Steve Ballmer CANNOT GET about Government Finances Ep-1856

    25/09/2024 Duración: 37min

    Kamala Harris pretends anti-abortion laws killed a woman. Let’s look at what really happened. And, Steve Ballmer, my former boss's boss's boss, is trying to help with government spending, but he cannot understand one major thing about government finance. Plus, the WNBA made Caitlin Clark the rookie of the year. Is ESPN going to need some grief counseling in that one? Episode Links:Speaking in Georgia, Kamala had the crowd chant Amber Thurman’s name and blamed her d*ath on abortion laws.Amber Thurman Died From The Abortion Pill, Not Pro-Life LawsSteve Ballmer - Making Government Spending Transparent with USAFacts | The Daily ShowSteve Ballmer - Making Government Spending Transparent with USAFacts | The Daily ShowBiden-Harris ordered former Border Patrol Chief to hide the border disaster\WNBA Commissioner Cathy Engelbert needs to make it clear to teams this behavior won’t be tolerated. Caitlin Clark has received almost 20% of the fouls in the league, 80% from the Chicago Sky. @CathyEngelbert needs to stop it or

  • Too Many Public “Health” Officials Love Orgies and Hate You Ep-1855

    25/09/2024 Duración: 45min

    Wow, it must be Wednesday! Big Pharma Cover-Ups? Teen on SSRIs takes the life of her own Mother, NYC Covid Czar’s Shocking Confession, and the Failure of Lockdown Science Exposed. We’re going to dive into the tragic case of a 14-year-old girl who switched SSRIs before committing a horrific crime, and the alarming revelations of NYC’s Covid Czar caught admitting to forced vaccinations and scandalous behavior. Plus, we reveal how the Imperial College’s lockdown model was worse than anyone knew, as Prof. Neil Ferguson defends the UK's disruptive strategyWhat does God’s Word say? 2 Timothy 4:3 NIV 3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.Episode Links:Big Pharma? 14-year-old girl on SSRIs changes medication—a week later she murders her mother and invites friend over to view the dead body…CAUGHT: NYC Covid Czar Admits Forcing Vaccines & Having

  • Too Many Public “Health” Officials Love Orgies and Hate You; More Pure Fakery from the Spiritual Captive Called Kamala Harris Ep-1854

    24/09/2024 Duración: 36min

    If President Trump is able to make it through the evident attempts to steal this election, to rig it, to rob it, through all the means we've seen before but worse, including having the dictator of Ukraine fly in on a U.S. military aircraft into a battleground state to campaign for Kamala Harris, including those 740 some intelligence officials and even people like John Kerry (who's nonpartisan mind you) stand up and endorse Kamala Harris, which violates all the so-called norms of society to have our intelligence officials telling us how to vote, which means to me that it's a bigger endorsement of President Trump.Episode Links:CAUGHT: NYC Covid Czar Admits Forcing Vaccines & Having Drug-Fueled Sex PartiesKing County Public Health Wanted people to try “Glory Holes.”Demetre at the White House yesterday speaking from the press podium downplaying Monkeypox as “just an infection”The woman featured during an Oprah Winfrey town hall endorsing Kamala DROPPED a new video to announce who she supports for the next pre

  • SealFit Handed Me My Butt; I Am DEEPLY Grateful for That Ep-1853

    24/09/2024 Duración: 01h09min

    I spent so much time sharing with you my plans for the SealFit journey, and you were so kind to ask questions about it. So I'm going to tell you, I had my butt handed to me, and I've never been more grateful for that. There are so many things I would change if I were to do this again. And I was just saying this morning, I'm leaning very, very hard towards doing this again because my why has changed. It has to do with the men on that team, on my team. So I'll go through the embarrassing moments. I'll go through the inspiring moments, but I'm not going to give away a lot of detail about the workouts or the rules because I feel like that should be the province of people who actually go through what they call the crucible, the 50 hours. I'll tell you about my teammates who secured, meaning they got through, they thrived, they did it. And I can't communicate clearly enough about how blessed I feel to have had my tush handed to me on a plate.What does God’s Word say? Genesis 2:18 NIVIt is not good that man is alone

  • What They Don’t Want You to Know About Cultural Value. (Best-Of) Ep-1852

    23/09/2024 Duración: 44min

    One of the things that young people have been told is that all cultures are equally valuable. This is not true. We start at the micro-culture, the most important culture: family. Not all family cultures are equally valuable. Right now, what is happening in India is a sign of a failing culture, as the country’s rape crisis continues and the number of victims soar. We are importing people into our country who come from cultures with values that are less valuable than our own. The people aren’t bad, but their cultures are less valuable. We also talk about the culture of envy and victimhood and a city employee who says it terrifies her to death when white children stare at her.What Does God’s Word say?Deuteronomy 6:7Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.Episode 1,852 Links:West Point's Mission Statement Change Sparks Fury‘Burn It All Down’: Equity Officer for Md. City Endorsed Violence, Insulted White Colleagues

  • Manhood Hijacked - Why Men Under 35 Are in Crisis (Best-Of) Ep-1851

    23/09/2024 Duración: 51min

    If you are under that age of 35 and male, I want to make sure you get back what is yours, because so much has been stolen from you. I have been talking to men and women about what they think has been stolen from young men. There is no doubt an organized effort to decline testosterone in men and it is working. This is what the bosses love, because weak men are more controllable. Now this isn’t about being aggressive or mean; it’s about understanding who God has designed us to be. God has a plan for everything. There are a series of ways your legacy is being stolen from you. We were designed to work from when God created the world, but work ethic is being stolen. The World Economic Forum wants you at home playing video games, snacking on psychotropics and low testosterone food. Don’t give it to them. Consult God's plan for who you should be. What does God’s Word say? Ephesians 6:10-18  Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand a

  • The Saudis' Decoupling of the Petrodollar; What Does a Presidential Assassination Attempt Do to an Economy? Ep-1850

    20/09/2024 Duración: 51min

    So it’s easy to read a headline like this about the Saudi Arabians getting out of the petrodollar agreement with the United States and they go “That’s it, now she all done”. And it’s fun to say “She all done” because you get clicks, but is it the big deal that a lot of people feel it is?And I wonder…. Do assassination attempts of former presidents have any sort of effect on the economy of a nation? What about the sudden replacement of the guy who is the only guy who can rescue us from a literal orange Hitler? He’s suddenly the guy who cannot rescue us from literal “Orange Hitler”, but “Orange Kamala” can.Alan’s Soaps https://www.alansartisansoaps.comUse coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price.Bioptimizers your journey to better health with MassZymes.  Visit today to get your MassZymes 10% off.  Bonefrog Bonefrog Cold Brew at home!  Use code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your first purch

  • Steve Anderson Founder Of Renue Healthcare Joins Ep-1849

    20/09/2024 Duración: 37min

    As anyone who's watched or listened to the program knows, I become an absolute geek for healthcare and always love the pursuit of science. I've been blessed to get to know a guy who is the managing director of the clinic I go to in Mexico, Renue Healthcare. I wanted to check in with Steve Anderson, we've had a ton of podcast family members head down there.  I wanted to get an update from him on the clinic, but also I just wanted to talk about what got into the head of a mathematician and entrepreneur who decided to leave what he was doing and go start this businessAlan’s Soaps https://www.alansartisansoaps.comUse coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price.Bioptimizers your journey to better health with MassZymes.  Visit today to get your MassZymes 10% off.  Bonefrog Bonefrog Cold Brew at home!  Use code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your first purchase and 15% on subscriptions.Bulwark Capi

  • Pseudo-Christianity at Its Finest; Panic! At The Democratic Disco Ep-1848

    19/09/2024 Duración: 42min

    Debate Fallout, Misguided Defenders of Christianity, and Jordan Peterson's Take on the ResurrectionWe're going to step back and look at some of the continuing responses of the presidential debate. It’s fascinating how quickly they were ready to turn on Joe. We need to talk about the weird ways that people who think they're helping Christianity aren't. Dr. Jordan Peterson is obviously a very smart and successful man. He stood up to the gender madness, which is how he gained his fame. Axel Connor, an atheist, asked Jordan Peterson about the resurrection. Peterson's response to this is indicative of someone who thinks he's helping, but it's not. Also, some very, very clear, fake versions of Christianity, including a dude who's dressed up as a Star Wars character.What does God’s Word say? John 14:6 NIVJesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.Episode 1,691 Links:Atheist Alex O’Connor asks Jordan Peterson: Do you believe in the Resurrection of Jesus?"I'v

  • Greg Glassman Founder of CrossFit Joins in Studio, Part 2 Ep-1847

    19/09/2024 Duración: 46min

    Glassman on CrossFit, Fitness Predictions, and Fixing America's Broken Scientific ProcessGreg Glassman is the founder and former CEO of CrossFit. This is the second part of an interview we did with him. First one really focusing on CrossFit, the death of one of the athletes in a drowning event. Very tragic as if you saw the first interview really hit Greg hard that that happened. We also sat down though with a purpose and that was to discuss the broken nature of science in America. The scientific process has been perverted and destroyed by people who seek to use it for profit.(...) Greg of course made a huge profit with the scientific mind in CrossFit by defining fitness and then going about achieving fitness. But he made some predictions. Greg predicted that his process constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity, which will increase your work capacity abroad across broad time and modal spectrums would result in creating athletes who could go squat 500 pounds and then turn around and r

  • BEST-OF (Episode 1,796) - What Would Jesus Think of Evangelicals for Harris? Ep-1846

    18/09/2024 Duración: 42min

    The same people who are telling us that literal Orange Hitler Donald Trump is going to install a scary, horrible form of white nationalism are the same people who are helping to build a Muslim theocracy. They don't realize that wherever you import Islam, you're also importing Sharia law. They'll never celebrate the Christian faith the same way they are celebrating Islam. But when you look at Evangelicals for Harris, are they any better?What does God’s Word say? John 14 NIV: 1-71 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.”5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes

  • Greg Glassman Founder of CrossFit Joins In Studio, Part 1 Ep-1845

    18/09/2024 Duración: 38min

    One of the really cool things about doing what I do is you get to meet and sometimes talk with people who become intellectual heroes to me. I don't have very many intellectual heroes because I try not to have human heroes, but intellectually speaking, Greg Glassman, founder, former CEO of CrossFit, is that to me. This is a guy who observed in a multi-billion dollar industry of fitness, no one could actually say what fitness meant. So, he put this amazing scientific mind with which God has gifted him to work and figured out how would you define fitness and then how would you achieve it. People who don't understand the basis of CrossFit don't understand that that's the way it disrupted the fitness industry by actually defining the thing people were seeking.Alan’s Soaps https://www.alansartisansoaps.comUse coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price.Bioptimizers your journey to better health with MassZymes. Visit today to get your Mas

  • Christianity Today’s Editor Says Springfield Residents Are Telling Satanic Lies About Haitian Immigrants Ep - 1844

    17/09/2024 Duración: 33min

    Christianity Today’s Editor Says Springfield Residents Are Telling Satanic Lies About Haitian Immigrants; Kamala Harris Isn’t Demented, She’s Just The Most Empty Human Being To Ever Get Near The Presidency; A Calvinist Professor Thinks Babies Have No Souls Until They Leave The MotherI understand the role of pastors to speak the Truth in grace, but this is a racial have and have-not technique because the economic have and have-not no longer works.Episode Links:The forgotten citizens of Springfield were not lying. They have every right to object to the instability caused by the importation of thousands of people who have fundamentally changed their sleepy Ohio town. Blaming them for terroristic threats is malicious and cruel. This woman—and her murdered mother-in-law—matter, too.Hillary Clinton tonight on MSNBC: "The press needs to create a consistent narrative about how dangerous he is" - "He is a danger to our country & world"Kamala: No US troops in combat zones anywhere. Did she think our troops don't kn

  • They ARE eating cats. A) Not Happening! B) Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory! C) Might Be Happening D) Happening and It’s a Good Thing Ep - 1843

    17/09/2024 Duración: 45min

    Here’s the cycle; “The thing is not happening - There’s absolutely no chance these things are happening” *Evidence comes out to the contrary* “Well, they might be happening…” *More evidence comes out* “Well it’s a good thing it’s happening.”Episode Links:Ryan Routh SURE HAD a lot of talks with “journalists.” WATCH: Hillary Clinton laughs on stage talking about second assassination attempt on Trump.She blames Trump for the violence, demanding he stop “throwing red meat” to “rile” up his supporters.UNREAL: NBC News Is Now Firefighting Illegal Aliens VotingNBC's Lester Holt: "Today's apparent assassination attempt comes amid increasingly fierce rhetoric on the campaign trail. Mr. Trump, his running mate JD Vance continue to make baseless claims about Haitian immigrants" in Springfield, Ohio, resulting in bomb threats.EXCLUSIVE: We have discovered that migrants are, in fact, eating cats in Ohio. We have verified, with multiple witnesses and visual cross-references, that African migrants in Dayton, the next city o

  • Three Videos of Events the Mockingbird Media Pretends Aren’t Happening; Biden’s Bosses Used YOUR MONEY To Get Revenge on Elon Musk Ep - 1842

    16/09/2024 Duración: 35min

    There are three events that the “Mockingbird Media” claims are NOT happening. This is part of a cycle that they cannot understand is killing the journalism business; and praise God that it is. It is time that the so-called journalism business dies so it can be reborn.Episode Links: Local mother and resident of 7+ years says that the 20,000+ Haitians are outpricing and pushing low-income renters like her out of the neighborhood with money from assisted living, food stamps, and other government aid.Inside The Gateway Hotel, Texas, Reportedly Housing Tren de Aragua Gang Members. Destroyed furniture, shattered windows, and splattered, dried, red/brown stains (potentially blood splatter). Tenants say Venezuela Gang took the hotel overEXCLUSIVE: We have obtained more footage of violence at the Whispering Pines apartments in Aurora, Colorado. The Biden-Harris Administration subsidized this chaos through a network of government agencies and left-wing NGOs. Reported with @ChoeShow and @Buttonslives.In 2020, the FCC se

  • The LATEST Trump Assassination Attempt; Thomas Massie’s Secret Recording of CDC Bosses Ep - 1841

    16/09/2024 Duración: 50min

    Where were you when you learned about the SECOND attempt to assassinate President Trump? It’s very fair to call the attacker a mercenary on behalf of Ukraine with SEVENTY FOUR arrests.Episode Links:JohnMillerCNN: All this info is preliminary. But "in the area of the shooting, sources say they recovered a backpack and a semi-automatic rifle... and a GoPro camera."  The camera suggests "that this individual may have wanted to record himself in the first person."UNBELIEVABLE. MSNBC suggests it’s *the Trump campaign* who need to “tone down the rhetoric” following a sh**ting at Trump Golf Club where Trump was playing golfWhen asked why Trump did not have Secret Service protection surrounding the golf course, officials said: “He is not the sitting President.” THEY KEEP TRYING TO K*LL HIM.HE NEEDS PRESIDENTIAL LEVEL PROTECTION. This is INSANE.Here's Claire McCaskill in a recent interview on MSNBC, saying President Trump is more dangerous than Mussolini and Hitler. Ryan Wesley Routh tried to assassinate Trump bc of t

  • Zach Abraham Says This Congressman Just Gave the Best Economics Lesson He’s Ever Seen in Regard to Government Ep-1839

    13/09/2024 Duración: 50min

    Man, I've been waiting for a long time for someone in Congress to say it this way. Maybe it's because I see it this way and I want them to be like me. You will hear Representative Thomas Massie, talking about how he doesn't want to be an actor in a kabuki theater. Zach Abraham and I are going to talk about this. It's one of the greatest speeches I think in the history of Congress. And what about crony capitalism unconstrained by any form of morality? Episode Links:Presidential debate live updates: Trump’s call for government shutdown sharpens policy contrast with HarrisIs this the greatest political speech in the history of Congress?Inflation Expectations Rise Over Medium-Term As Delinquency Fears Unexpectedly Hit 4 Year HighWeight-loss drug Saxenda effective for kids as young as 6, study showsAlan’s Soaps coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price.Bioptimizers your journey to better health with MassZymes.  Visit b

  • BIG-TIME D.C. DEMOCRAT Insider says ABC May Have Rigged the “Debate” for Harris; FINALLY, Rep. Thomas Massie Admits it’s ALL THEATER Ep-1840

    13/09/2024 Duración: 45min

    Why is Nikki Haley on TV? That's an honest question. Why is she on TV? Well, she has a claim and it has to do with her campaign and meddling, meddling, y'all. Representative Thomas Massie said something in a construct I've used time and again. He's finally admitting it's all theater. And we'll talk about that. And the great lie peddled by the Seattle Times is overrun with evidence to the contrary.Episode Links:Nikki Haley says Iran sabotaged her campaignAlly of Clintons: ABC Must Probe Whether Debate RiggedAnd, some more truth: Kamala Harris when she started her career by servicing Willie BrownFINALLY, some truth. Rep. Thomas Massi admits it’s ALL THEATER.Alan’s Soaps coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price.Bioptimizers your journey to better health with MassZymes.  Visit today to get your MassZymes 10% off.  Bonefrog Bonefrog Cold Brew at home!  Use code

  • “Mommy, why is that man dressed like a woman?” The Mother Has a Brilliant Response; Some Thoughts for Kamala on Gun Confiscation Ep-1838

    12/09/2024 Duración: 38min

    A little boy's mommy answered her son so well when he asked, “Why is that man just like a woman?” Her answer is brilliant. It's godly. It's beautiful. And we'll share with you some thoughts for Kamala Harris on her gun confiscation threats, more on the debate and the lies therein. And if you're sick and you actually want more racial animus and violence, do more of this. Episode Links:A patient and loving mother explains to a young boy why a man was dressed like a womanAs a result, at least 6,000 law enforcement agencies aren't providing data, meaning that 25% of the country's crime data is not captured by the FBI. This deliberate underreporting skews the statistics, painting a falsely optimistic picture of public safety while real Americans continue to suffer from rising crime rates.Here's Kamala calling mandatory gun confiscation "a great idea" that she'd do by executive action within her "first 100 days."NBC: Should Kamala try to pass mandatory gun confiscation, which she has repeatedly said she supports? T

  • The Lies of the ABC Debate “Moderators” Why “Transgenderism” Is Such a Convenient Place for Violent Men Ep-1837

    12/09/2024 Duración: 43min

    ABC News doesn't deserve any respect. I mean, maybe that's been the case for a long time. It just bums me out in a way to know that they've completely turned from caring about having any believability. We'll go through some of that and also discuss why transgenderism is such a convenient place for violent men, something else the Mockingbird media refuses to cover. What does God’s Word say? Proverbs 19:9 ESVA false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish.John 8:44 ESV You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.Proverbs 14:5 ESV A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness breathes out lies.Episode Links:To make matters worse. Even ABC News recognized on their website that Minnesota has no restrictions on abortion. You know, the ones who “Fact

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