


Rayza (Canuck), Teresa (Canuck) and Robbie (Aussie) are the Austranadian Synth Alliance.DISCLAIMER: We are in no way claiming to own any of the songs or profit off of them. We are fans and enthusiasts that want to help promote this music and get it to a wider listening audience. You can thank us later :)Cover Artwork: "Highway" by AxiomDesign []


  • ASAP EP 035 - Artist Spotlight: PETER WILSON & MATT POP

    05/10/2018 Duración: 43min

    Every fifth episode, we choose an artist to shine our spotlight on. This week, it was Robbie's turn, and he cheated and chose two - frequent collaborators Peter Wilson and Matt Pop! A fan of both, choosing collaborations between these two was a quick and easy way of Robbie having his cake and eating it too. Now, you've been forewarned - if you don't like happy music, then well, you're just going to have to suck it up for this episode. Peter Wilson and Matt Pop both gravitate toward retro melodies, 80s pop and soaring dance numbers, and each pick this week is phenomenal - a fantastic cross-section of the kind of music these two put out. So, get ready to get happy as we celebrate the synthpop, retro-tinged stylings of Peter Wilson and Matt Pop! And, as ever, if you dig the music, hit up the links below and support them by purchasing their music! Enjoy the show! :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRO TUNE: "I'm Alive" [

  • ASAP EP 034 - futureMemories of Bad Boys and Stranglers.

    07/09/2018 Duración: 42min

    We're back again! And what an amazing episode this one turned out to be. What makes it amazing? The picks. Teresa's tune is classic synthwave with an indie edge from relative newcomers Dragon Inn 3, Robbie brings us a debut artist with his pick, a killer tune from futureMemory - you're going to want to follow him on YouTube - and Rayza brings us a really neat 'wave' track (yep, that's the genre name) by CHVRN. What else is on the show? Well, aside from the usual Aussie Weather Report™ from Robbie, Teresa updates us on her recent move and shiny new Game's Room, we wish our good friend Kebu a speedy recovery from his recent health issues, and we go ape for the announcement of the sequel we all thought would never be made, Streets of Rage 4!!! We'll be wanting Yuzo Koshiro on music duties for this one, yep! HYPE!!! Anyways, enjoy the show peeps, and remember, if you like any of the tunes on show here, follow the links down below to support all these amazing artists. PEACE OUT! ___________________________

  • ASAP EP 033 - 600 Followers - THANK YOU!!! GUNSHIP/Zone Tripper/Jim-E Stack/Glenn Main

    28/07/2018 Duración: 38min

    First up, a big thanks goes out to you guys and gals - we've crossed the 600 followers mark! Top stuff, and we can't thank you enough! It would be killer if we could hit 1000 by the time the year draws to a close, so if you dig the show, tell your friends; share on social media, all the fun stuff. 1000 followers - can we make it? We reckon we can! So, picks! Picks this week are from GUNSHIP, Zone Tripper and Jim-E Stack - all super great tunes that will be, as always, linked below, so if you like what you hear, go check out the artists catalogues. We've also been in correspondence with a certain Glenn Main. A brilliant, established synth maestro who got in contact with us with some new music in his outstretched hand. And we dug it - we dug it *a lot*. So much so, that our Intro and Outro tunes this week are both Glenn Main tunes. Seriously, check him out - impressive stuff, all round! Enjoy the show! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I

  • ASAP EP 032 - Technical Difficulties Worth It 'Cuz SUNG/D.White/Peter Wilson/Matt Pop

    29/06/2018 Duración: 46min

    Yo! What a great show we have for you this week! As usual, we're digging up tracks of absolute GOLD that we think are worth sharing, and who knows, you might end up in an artist rabbit-hole and discover an all-new fave! You'll have to forgive Robbie for sounding a little dejected early in the piece - technical difficulties were rife and everywhere on recording day, so it's back to Skype lag for us this episode... grrr :/ That all changes once the music gets started. Rayza brings us another brilliant SUNG track, Teresa knocks it out of (Robbie's)park with an amazing D.White track, whilst Robbie brings the pretty synthpop with a Peter Wilson and Matt Pop collaboration. Elsewhere in the episode, we discuss rumblings of a Will Ferrell Eurovision-themed movie, and we get back to our roots and discuss our old scene - going all the way back to our OverClocked ReMix days was a trip down memory lane, for sure! Anyways, enjoy the episode, and we'll catch you in the next one! -------------------------------------