Tribe Podcast



Unto Engaging Heavenly Reality. (


  • Overview of The Seven Churches


    Session Three of "Studies in Revelation" by Zack Roberts. In this third session, Zack introduces and provides context for the seven letters to the seven churches found in Revelation 2-3. He highlights their exhortation to overcome in the midst of trial and persecution. This teaching is part of an ongoing study in the book of Revelation. Check for upcoming study times.

  • The Lifegiving Spirit And His Gifts


    Teaching by Jordan Evans. Following Ashlee's message on the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament, Jordan introduces listeners to the new reality empowered by the Holy Spirit as it unfolds in the New Testament. He finishes the evening by outlining the role of Spiritual gifts in the life of the believer and in the Church.

  • The Holy Spirit In The Old Testament


    Teaching by Ashlee Evans. In this first of a two part series on the Holy Spirit throughout scripture, Ashlee walks listeners through the Old testament. She highlights the places the Spirit shows Himself, His role, and introduces His Personality.

  • Why Pray In The Spirit?


    Teaching by Mark Goering. Probably the most neglected and controversial gift given to the Church is the gift of tongues. Yet it would be a mistake to put this foundational gift on the shelf. When we pray in the Spirit, we release the will of God, keep ourselves in His love, and propel ourselves down the journey of kings as those who will govern His kingdom.

  • An Invitation Into How God Thinks


    Teaching by Mark Goering. Continuing our Foundations Series, Mark shares on the reality that we have been invited to possess the mind of Christ by His Holy Spirit. Mark emphasizes the invitational nature of this paradigm, its substance in wisdom and revelation, and the vehicle of meditation as our escort into the possession of this reality.

  • Introduction To The Book of Revelation


    Session One of "Studies in Revelation" by Zack Roberts. In this first session, Zack introduces listeners to the book itself: its contents and themes, its historical interpretations, and its relevance to every generation of believers. This teaching is part of an ongoing study in the book of Revelation, check facebook for upcoming study times.

  • Jesus And The Eschatology of Heaven


    Teaching by Jordan Evans. After defining heaven, Jordan traces its significance in the Old Testament unto Jesus's arrival on the scene heralding "the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." Ultimately, understanding the Lord's redemptive work in restoring heavenly reality for man and all creation changes the way we engage reality itself.

  • Meeting With Jesus, Our Bridegroom


    Teaching by Ashlee Evans. Over the course of the evening, Ashlee introduces us to our Bridegroom. She walks the listener through four seasons experienced by the bride in the journey of love. And in a truly experiential way, Ashlee gives voice to the movements of the heart in seasons of wooing as well as seasons of difficulty and longing.

  • Love Versus Fear


    Teaching by Jim Kimbrough. Jim joins the Tribe family to teach on love and its power over fear. Jim highlights the way of love and the emphasis of love both on trusting the Lord with our hearts and the power of forgiveness. To close out the evening, Jim leads the community in a time of communion with the Holy Spirit as He drains out fear and replaces it with love.

  • What is Healthy Sexuality?


    Teaching by Andrew Franklin. Our Tribe Training Nights resume with guest speaker Andrew Franklin of First Stone Ministries. Beginning with Genesis 1, he explains the origin of sex and its role in the human experience. To finish this first session, Andrew goes on to explain the effects of broken sexual encounters and our hope for wholeness through the Cross. In part 2, Andrew explains the journey or process we walk out into freedom.

  • The Journey Into Healthy Sexuality


    Teaching by Andrew Franklin. In part 2 of this Tribe Training Night, Andrew sheds light on the process or the journey we walk out as those in pursuit of healthy sexuality in Christ. Along with a call to the process, Andrew closes out the evening by answering several questions during a brief Q&A time.

  • The Way of The Wilderness


    Teaching by Zack Roberts. What is the wilderness and what is God's purpose in it? Zack explains three forms that wilderness takes in our lives and explains God's redeeming purpose behind it all. For those experiencing a wilderness season, he encourages listeners to press into a God who is overcome by one glance of His beloved's eyes.

  • The A.R.T. of Renewing The Mind


    Teaching by Brian Blount. Through three actions, Brian explores tools that equip us to partner with the Holy Spirit to live as overcomers instead of hopeless, helpless victims who are bound to the deceitful lies of the enemy.

  • The Extravagant Love of God


    Teaching by Robert Gilbert. Continuing the Foundation Series, Robert teaches on the extravagant love of God through three parables of Jesus that build to a powerful climax. As he unfolds this three part parable, Robert paints a picture of the extravagant love of a father who meets his unrepentant son with open arms.

  • Call To The Revolution


    Seasonal Insight by Becky Gilbert (12 minutes). To start the evening, Becky shares her heart regarding the coming revolution. In this, she shares insight into where we are and what this season of strengthening the foundation is unto; and, she shares where things may be headed.

  • Intercession 02/05/12


    Led by Verla Marie Hull. Prayer Focus: Worship, prayer for a revelation of God's love.

  • Good God!


    Teaching by Jordan Evans. In this message, Jordan handles the potentially sensitive subject of the goodness of God by confronting the question, "Is God really good?" He traces the biblical narrative of God's goodness by highlighting significant encounters between God and His people, which demonstrate His nature as truly good. At the end of the night, Jordan and Robert field a couple questions on the topic.

  • Our Faithful God: Illustrations From An Unfaithful Marriage


    Teaching by Robert Gilbert. Through the life of His prophet Hosea, God the Father demonstrated His faithfulness to His wayward people. In this message, Robert communicates the depth of the love of a God who not only had His prophet pursue and buy back his whoring wife from slavery, but had him woo her and lavish gifts upon her. So too with us.

  • An Evening of Advent (p.2: Joy)


    Teaching by Ashlee Bronkema. Following last Sunday evening, which focused on the peace that came at the advent of Christ, Ashlee shares a few thoughts on joy in this season. She finishes by calling Tribe out of a posture of "fasting from" and into a posture of coming to the Father who gives good gifts!

  • An Evening of Advent (p.1: Peace)


    Teaching by Ashlee Bronkema. Ashlee leads our family in an evening of advent, explaining the tradition and our portion of peace in Christ.

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