Career 100 Podcast With Felicia Gopaul



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  • 131 C100 Hattie Hassan – Plumber

    26/06/2016 Duración: 44min

    Over the past years, the society has transformed so much that women are now starting to do things and pursue careers that were previously dominated by men. One of these careers is plumbing. Plumbing involves a complicated and intricate system, which requires both hard work and competence.   Today’s guest is an experience plumber, and a woman at that. Everyone, …

  • 130 C100 Melissa Bowler – Improv Consultant

    12/06/2016 Duración: 45min

    The College Funding Resource has been featuring interesting careers in the past years, this week, we’re graced by an equally fascinating and interesting profession with our guest professional, Melissa Bowler. Melissa is currently the executive Director of the Providence Improv Guild and freelance consultant at Improv. For the past years practicing in her field, she has worked with various globally-recognized …

  • 129 C100 Dayna Rothman – Content Manager

    28/05/2016 Duración: 33min

    Every good website needs good contents. The internet is flooded with gazillion of contents, which makes it even harder for website owners to stay ahead of the competition of getting the attention of the audience. Our guest for this week’s edition of the Top 100 Career interview series is Dayna Rothman, Senior Director of Brand, Content, and Demand Generation of …

  • 128 C100 Dr. Takeia Locke – Optometrists

    21/05/2016 Duración: 25min

    They say the eyes are the windows to one’s soul. But what if you have eye problem? In that case, eye doctors, such as ophthalmologists and optometrists are there to help. This week, our guest professional is Dr. Takeia Locke, a practicing optometrist from Georgia.   Dr. Takeia, as her colleagues and patients would fondly call her, is an optometrist …

  • 127 C100 Allison Bianco – Printmaking Artist

    15/05/2016 Duración: 27min

    Allison’s work in printmaking features Rhode Island iconography to express a personal connection to her home state and its industrial, maritime, and coastal heritages. To ensure the quality of her output, she adds both humor and drama to these narrative prints, impending storms threaten fragile, unaware characters in their colorful scenes. Each week, the College Funding Resource aims to provide …

  • 126 C100 David Denniston – Chartered Financial Analysts

    09/05/2016 Duración: 31min

    For the past two years, the Top Career 100 interview series has interviewed more than a hundred of professionals in different careers, some of them were working in the field of finance and commerce. This week, our guest is a financial advisor who devotes his professional time in advocating financial literacy and education through his work and his writings.   Let’s …

  • 125 C100 Jason Havey – Company Executive

    17/04/2016 Duración: 27min

    In continuation with the Top 100 Career interview series, Felicia Gopaul, founder and president of the College Funding Resources, will be interviewing people from different and exciting careers outside, but equally worthy of featuring careers from the top 100 list. This week’s guest is Jason Havey, a successful businessman and company executive of two totally non-related companies. He is the …

  • 124 C100 Jody White – Adventure Travel Guide

    21/02/2016 Duración: 33min

    Going out for an outdoor adventure trip is something that most people could only dreamed of. However, there are those who are fortunate enough to afford a trip for themselves or for their entire families. The guest for this week’s edition of Top Career 100 interview series is Jody Temple White—adventure travel guide. Jody is also a speaker, adventurer, artist, …

  • 123 C100 Lindsey Anderson – Web Developer

    14/02/2016 Duración: 24min

    When almost all businesses are online these days, having a website or at least having an online presence is a must. Professionals who specialize in this field play a valuable role in achieving individual goals of companies and individuals alike. Our guest for this week’s edition of the Top Career 100 interview series is a web strategy expert—Lindsey Anderson. Lindsey …

  • 122 C100 David Gerraughty – Environmental Lobbyist

    08/02/2016 Duración: 29min

    Today, when the environment is highly threatened, the world needs more people who devote their professional lives in advocating for the protection of the environment, such as environmental lobbyists. From ensuring dignified and clean sources of water to proper waste disposal, environmental lobbyists  primary works evolve in developing campaigns and programs aimed at making difference for the protection of the …

  • 121 C100 Jason Falls – Digital Strategist

    30/01/2016 Duración: 37min

    The Internet has evolved so rapidly over the past years that the majority of businesses would have to consider it as a major aspect when marketing or promoting their business. But marketing online or through social media is not a walk in the park that anyone can do it without learning the ins and outs of the trade. Our guest …

  • 120 C100 Nicholas Paras – IT Manager

    23/01/2016 Duración: 17min

    Over the past years, technology has advanced so rapidly that almost every year new technological innovation is being rolled out in the market. But technology is not only limited to gadgets that people use or high-end computers that are being released every year or so. Technology can be found from almost every corner, affecting the lives of every person all …

  • 119 C100 Butch Bellah – Sales Manager

    13/12/2015 Duración: 37min

    The sales department is responsible for generating revenue for a business organization.  As the head of this department, a sales manager must be able to devise strategies to meet sales targets, oversee inventories and finances, motivate sales team members, design promotions, seek sales leads, and maintain customer satisfaction.   In this week’s edition of the Top 100 Career Podcast, we’re graced …

  • 118 C100 Gary George – SEO Specialists

    06/12/2015 Duración: 29min

    SEO or Search Engine Optimization has become vital to a business, because a company’s online presence is a key to its success nowadays.  An SEO specialist is responsible for marketing activities by managing content strategy, link building and keyword strategy to increase rankings on all major search networks.  In this week’s edition of the Top 100 Career, we are graced …

  • 117 C100 Tom Houslay – Biologist

    22/11/2015 Duración: 28min

    Biologists study all living organisms and their environments.  Contrary to popular misconception, biologists don’t always work with a microscope in a lab.  Sometimes, they also conduct research in natural ecosystems, collect specimens, and track animals.  Their researches are also very helpful in examining the environmental effects of industrial pollution and global warming.   In this week’s edition of the Career 100 …

  • 116 C100 Corinne Mckay – Translator

    31/10/2015 Duración: 34min

    Translators help us decode and understand information from one language to another.  Professional translators are especially important in today’s global economy.  To show the audience what translators do and how their works impact our lives, this week’s edition of the Top Career 100 will feature the profession of translator. Corinne McKay is a certified French to English translation by the …

  • 115 C100 Kyle Polich – Data Scientists

    17/10/2015 Duración: 26min

    In today’s modern world, where everything seems dependent on technology, millions if not billions of data are being processed worldwide in a small fraction of time. That’s why professionals in the field of computer science who specialized in making sense of these data are vital in making all these processes possible and seamless. Our guest for this week’s edition of …

  • 114 C100 Megan Harrington – Mechanical Engineering

    12/09/2015 Duración: 29min

    Many of the machines that make our daily lives convenient are the results of many mechanical engineers’ hard work.  Mechanical engineers are professionals who create products that move from design to manufacturing.  They can develop either a small part of a moving product or an entire system to produce other items.  Mechanical engineers need to possess a wide variety of …

  • 113 C100 Jennifer Mcniven – Archaeologist

    05/09/2015 Duración: 33min

    Archaeology is the study of past human activities through the recovery and analysis of artifacts, architecture, and cultural samples.  Archaeologist not only search and collect data and material samples, but also study and analyze their discoveries to create archaeological records.  The study of ancient remnants and remains helps us learn more about past societies and the development of the human …

  • 112 C100 Mary Studlick – Petroleum Engineer

    29/08/2015 Duración: 39min

    Petroleum engineers are professionals who specialize in designing and developing ways to extract crude oil and natural gas from under the earth’s surface.  Their jobs involve both stages of exploration to find the underground deposit and the production of oil and gas.  Petroleum engineering combines the knowledge of many related disciplines such as geophysics, drilling, and mechanical engineering. For this …

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