Darash Chai - Seek Life!

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 111:31:23
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  • Ep083: A New Start – Leviticus 9-10

    29/10/2020 Duración: 45min

    Times will come in each one of our lives when we will encounter a new beginning. A fresh start with a new purpose or a new way of being. When this happens there are two ways that we can respond and here in Leviticus 9-10 we encounter both. There is a way that leads to death. And there is a way that leads to life. And at the time of new beginnings comes the test. Which way will you choose?

  • Ep082: The Connective Tissue – Leviticus 8

    22/10/2020 Duración: 32min

    Not another repetitive chapter! Haven't we read this chapter before? Why is it that the Bible chooses to repeat it itself on so many occasions? Once again we are reading about the ordination ceremony for the priests. Once again with only a few slight differences. But this chapter repeats a chapter from a previous book, and what exactly can this chapter on ordination teach us about the nature of sin?

  • Ep081: Sacrifice for Relationship – Leviticus 6:8-7:38


    In ancient cultures sacrifice was a way of influencing one god or another. A sacrifice would appease their anger or entice a favorable response. But sacrifice in the Biblical system is based on a completely different set of ideals. Biblical sacrifice was for the purpose of relationship and each sacrifice accomplished that goal of relationship between God and man in some way. As we close the topic of sacrifice we see the text revisit each of the previous sacrifices once more. And in the description of each we catch sight of the keys of relationship with the God of Israel.

  • Special 08: Sukkot – The Season of Our Joy


    The Festival of Sukkot is perhaps the most involved of all of the Festivals that are recounted in Leviticus 23. It is longer than a week, it requires living in temporary shelters and is the final festival of the calendar cycle of Leviticus. But what is this holiday all about? What does it symbolize and signify, and what in the world does an etrog have to do with this festival?

  • Special 07: Yom Kippur – A Day of Lifting Up?


    Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement is recognized world wide as a day of affliction. Why? Because that is what the text says. On Yom Kippur we are to "afflict our souls." But there is another chapter of scripture that casts the Day of Yom Kippur in a slightly different light. Yes, a day of affliction for the people of God, but what are we to do besides this. Is that the limit? Just fast, pray, and sit back and contemplate God? Or is there something grander in scope that is to be accomplished on this day?

  • Special 06: The Enthronement in Mark – Yom Teruah 2020


    Yom Teruah is one of the most mysterious of the festivals that is recorded in Leviticus 23. There are no clear instructions, or even any meaning ascribed to the day. It is simply a day of blasts or shouts. That is all. But this day is spoken of throughout scripture in may ways, though seldom by name. When we look to the history of the day in extra Biblical sources we discover that it was the day of coronation. They day when the king ascended to the throne. There are many passages that explore this topic of enthronement, but none is perhaps as profound as the Gospel of Mark.

  • Ep080: Guilty as Sin – Leviticus 5:1-6:7

    10/09/2020 Duración: 42min

    Just after reading about the sin sacrifice in Leviticus 4, we then read about the guilt sacrifice. A sacrifice that is in many ways related to the sin sacrifice and yet not. It is its own thing. How are they different? What do they reveal about us as humans? Sin brings guilt... doesn't it? If sin causes a person to be guilty then why two separate sacrifices? Is there perhaps something we are missing from the way that we usually conceptualize the ideas of sin and guilt?

  • Ep079: This Body of Sin – Leviticus 4

    03/09/2020 Duración: 42min

    Of the various types of sacrifices that are described in the book of Leviticus, the sin sacrifice is perhaps the most misunderstood. As Hebrews says, it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sin! If this is the case. If the sin sacrifice never did take away sin, then what was its purpose? What role did it serve in the worship of Israel, and what can we learn from this sacrifice today?

  • Ep078: Giving for Fellowship – Leviticus 3

    27/08/2020 Duración: 40min

    As we continue to read of sacrifice in the book of Leviticus, it is so easy to just move on and assume that there is nothing there for a modern audience. But it was the book of Leviticus that contained the necessary elements that allowed entry into the tabernacle and the was the foundation for the worship practices of Israel. If the tabernacle was a shadow of the heavenly as the author of Hebrews states, then we need to discover the shadows of sacrifice that will allow us to enter in before a holy God.

  • Ep077: Attitudes of Worship – Leviticus 1-2

    20/08/2020 Duración: 42min

    When a modern person comes to the book of Leviticus, we first encounter the topic of sacrifice, and well, most of us don't last long. Sacrifice is a topic that is difficult for a modern people to engage with. We can't and shouldn't sacrifice today, Jesus is our perfect sacrifice, so why even bother? Well, when we combine everything that is said about the various sacrifices together, we discover a picture that goes much deeper than the ritual. Something that touches on the attitudes of the human heart.

  • Ep076: God With Us – Exodus 39-40

    13/08/2020 Duración: 41min

    As the book of Exodus draws to a close we see a LOT of repetition. Nearly the entirety of the end of Exodus is a repeat in one way or another. A lackluster ending to a book that was so full of excitement before. And while this book seems disjointed, there is a common theme that runs throughout. This theme is foundational and it can be found in nearly every part of Exodus.

  • Ep075: He Tabernacled Among Us – Exodus 37-38

    06/08/2020 Duración: 40min

    The tabernacle as a structure reveals some pretty amazing things about our relationship with God and His relationship with us. The author of Hebrews says that the Tabernacle is a shadow and a copy of a reality in the heavens, and that our Messiah has now entered into this heavenly equivalent. With this key we can see that the tabernacle reveals the Messiah's ministry. Who He is as what He accomplished are present in the tabernacle when we see the symbols for what they are.

  • Ep074: Community Building – Exodus 34:27-36:38

    30/07/2020 Duración: 45min

    The last part of the book of Exodus gets extremely repetitive. And not even repetitive about the exciting bits, but repetitive with the tabernacle. It is so easy to just skip over these chapters and move on to something else entirely. When we do so, however, we miss out on something profound. Israel, for all their faults and failures, has finally come to a point where they are united behind a common cause. A community working together whole heartedly to build a dwelling place for God.

  • Ep073: Before the Face of God – Exodus 33:11-34:26

    23/07/2020 Duración: 45min

    All through the book of Exodus God has been revealing His name to the world. We have seen His reputation, authority, power, and more. But what is it that drives all of these other aspects of the Name of God? This week we find out. In this passage God calls out His character to Moses, and then acts within that character to renew the covenant that had been broken.

  • Ep072: A New Priesthood – Exodus 32:1-33:10

    16/07/2020 Duración: 44min

    The story of the Golden Calf in the wilderness is one of the most iconic stories in the Bible. Israel had just had a very real encounter with their God. They had agreed multiple times to the terms of the covenant. And then, once their leader is missing for a few weeks, they turn their back on the command that they had received. What precipitated this action? What are the implications of the fallout? Where can Israel go from here?

  • Special 05: Interlude 1

    09/07/2020 Duración: 49min

    There are times in every process when you simply have to take a break. This is one of those times. In this interlude episode we take a break from the weekly parsha cycle to give an update on the progress of various Darash Chai projects, and then to discuss something that has been weighing on my mind.

  • Ep071: Work and Shabbat – Exodus 31

    02/07/2020 Duración: 41min

    In Exodus 31 we read the final instructions that are given in regards to the Tabernacle. Several foreman are appointed and the final charge is given to commence the building project that has been commissioned by God. And then, as the final and seventh part of the instructions that have been the topic of the text since Exodus 25, the command is given to keep the Sabbath. There is in this chapter, a contrast between work and Shabbat. Two ends of a spectrum that we all engage in.

  • Ep070: Separation for Life – Exodus 30:11-38

    25/06/2020 Duración: 37min

    As the first round of instructions for the tabernacle draw to a close the book of Exodus goes through a series of things that on the surface seem disconnected. Instructions for a census to be taken. Instructions for the bronze wash basin. And ingredients for the holy oil and the incense. When we dig beneath the surface of these four topics, however, and compare then together we discover something fascinating. A topic comes to the front that is a bit counter intuitive to the modern mind. But once we see it, we can recognize this theme all through scripture.

  • Ep069: The Pattern of Prayer – Exodus 30:1-10

    18/06/2020 Duración: 39min

    The instructions for the Tabernacle and its items contain within them some amazing insight into just how we should approach God. This week we return to the tabernacle structure and examine a pattern that it contains that reveals perhaps the most important aspect of any relationship. Communication. God communicates with us in many ways, and we are to communicate in return with Him in return. This communication back to God is called prayer. For the simple fact is, without communication and prayer, can you truly be in a relationship with Him?

  • Ep068: Sanctified as Priests – Exodus 29

    11/06/2020 Duración: 41min

    In the midst of the instructions for the Tabernacle we read of the process of ordination that the priests were to go through before they could serve in the tent. But what does it mean to be a priest? What is it that Adam, the first man, can teach us about this role? Peter, as well as John say that we are being built into a royal priesthood. How is this role of priest to be reflected in our own lives?

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