The Unexplained With Howard Hughes



Join Howard Hughes as he explores the world of the unexplained, live from London Howard has been in conversation with some of the world's most renown mediums and paranormal investigators, more information is available on The Unexplained website - where you can join the mailing list, contact Howard and more!


  • Edition 71 - Graham Nicholls


    This Edition features British Out of the Body Experience expert Graham Nicholls – who livesand works in Estonia. If you have ever wanted to know more about OBE phenomena be sure to check out hiswebsite...

  • Edition 70 - Gerard Aartsen


    Gerard Aartsen has a unique take on the tieups between ETs and the current political andfinancial instability...

  • Edition 69 - Ghosts and Hauntings


    Edition 69 comes direct from what is claimed to be the most haunted place in Britain –Hampton Court Palace near London... We talk to ghost researcher and author of new book Haunted Surrey,Rupert Matthews.

  • Edition 68 - Al Bielek


    Hear archive audio unearthed and remastered with Al Bielek from The PhiladelphiaExperiment...

  • Edition 67 - 911 Special


    On the tenth anniversary of the tragic events we speak with controversial 9/11 ResearcherJim Fetzer.

  • Edition 66 - Whitley Strieber


    As Hurricane Irene bears down on the U.S. Eastern Seaboard – we speak with the creator ofclimate disaster movie The Day After Tomorrow world-renowned visionary, author and broadcaster WhitleyStrieber.

  • Edition 65 - Micah Hanks


    This Edition features American UFO Researcher Micah Hanks - one of the authors in the newbook Exposed, Uncovered and Declassified - UFOs and Aliens from new Page Books...

  • Edition 64 - Richard C Hoagland


    This time a Special – the return of US space expert Richard C Hoagland he will be coming tothe UK with some stunning new work – hear about it here first!

  • Edition 63 - Howard Hughes


    Hear a very special take on the secret life of Billionaire Howard Hughes…

  • Edition 61 - Mark L Cowden


    This amazing show features a conversation with American-born Belfast-based audio-visualtechnician Mark L Cowden who recorded what is claimed to be the first full two-way conversation betweenspirits and humans...

  • Edition 60 - Nick Redfern


    The Unexplained returns with an all-new show featuring UK-born Texas-based anomalist NickRedfern. Nick has done painstaking research into UFOs and other strange phenomena – and now has a bookout about the real-life Men in Black!

  • Edition 62 - Jim Moroney


    This show features Canadian serial abductee Jim Moroney - who is featured in a new bookabout UFOs and contact… Hear Jims take on why the aliens take some of us - perhaps more of us than weknow...

  • Edition 59 - Helen Morrison


    This edition features Chicago-based serial and mass killing expert Helen Morrison. A year onfrom the gun-sprees of British men Derrick Bird and Raoul Moat we discuss those cases - and infamousserial killers Peter Sutcliffe - The Yorkshire Ripper and Fred and Rose West.

  • Edition 58 - Wendy Brown


    This time we feature author, Wendy Brown from Maine, USA – author of Surviving theApocalypse in the Suburbs, confronting an issue many of us may have to face – what to do should there bea natural or man-made calamity and we have to fend for ourselves.

  • Edition 57 - Uri Geller


    This show features a man who calls himself The Mystifier. Uri Gellers travelling the planetwith his hit television series... but we caught up with him in a break from the latest live series – forSwedens Kanal 5.

  • Edition 56 - Alan Wolf


    This Edition takes you into the amazing world of accomplished San Francisco physicist andphilosopher Fred Alan Wolf.

  • Edition 55 - Richard Guy


    This show features New York based structural engineer Richard Guy, who has an interestingtheory on the earth’s expansion.

  • Edition 54 - Nick Pope


    Another Unexplained Exclusive Interview - This edition features British UFO investigatorNick Pope - who used to collate the UKs UFO reports for the Ministry of Defence in London.

  • Edition 53 - Dr Edgar Mitchell


    In 1971, Dr Edgar Mitchell of Apollo 14 became the sixth man to walk on the Moon... Listento Edgar in conversation with Howard Hughes now!

  • Edition 52 - The Merlin Project


    A welcome return to co-founder of The Merlin Project, hear how they created a way ofhighlighting future trends based on the past.

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