
  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 21:26:02
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FloraFlora FangVOA


  • 《乡愁》余光中

    09/03/2020 Duración: 03min

    小时候,乡愁是一枚小小的邮票,我在这头,母亲在那头。When I was young,Nostalgia was a tiny, tiny stamp,Me on this side,Mother on the other side.长大后,乡愁是一张窄窄的船票,我在这头,新娘在那头。When I grew up,Nostalgia was a narrow boat ticket,Me on this side,Bride on the other side.后来啊,乡愁是一方矮矮的坟墓,我在外头,母亲在里头。But later on,Nostalgia was a lowly grave,Me on the outside,Mother on the inside.而现在,乡愁是一湾浅浅的海峡,我在这头,大陆在那头。And at present,Nostalgia becomes a shallow strait,Me on this side,Mainland on the other side.

  • 《天净沙·秋思》英译朗读 | 翻译:许渊冲

    06/03/2020 Duración: 02min

    Tune: Sunny Sand〔 天 净 沙 · 秋 思 〕作者 | 马致远(元)翻译 | 许渊冲枯藤老树昏鸦Over old trees wreathed with rotten vinesfly evening crows;  小桥流水人家Under a small bridge near a cottagea stream flows;古道西风瘦马On ancient road in the west winda lean horse goes.夕阳西下Westward declines the sun;断肠人在天涯Far, far from homeis the heartbroken one.

  • 《梦》巴金:人生忽如寄,惜取眼前人

    05/03/2020 Duración: 04min

    巴金《梦》英译朗读朗读 | Flora FangBGM | 《独自待着的时间》巴金(1904—2005),作家、翻译家、社会活动家、无党派爱国民主人士。散文《梦》写于1941年,巴金通过此文表达他对父亲的怀念。文章由翻译大家张培基先生译成英文。据说“至人无梦”。幸而我只是一个平庸的人。It is said that "a virtuous man seldom dreams". Fortunately, I am but an ordinary man.我有我的梦中世界,在那里我常常见到你。I dream my own dreams, in which I often meet you.昨夜又见到你那慈祥的笑颜了。Last night I again saw your kindly smiling face.还是在我们那个老家,在你的房间里,在我的房间里,你亲切地对我讲话。你笑,我也笑。It was the same old home of ours. You talked to me cordially now in your room, now in my room. You smiled and I also smiled.还是成都的那些老街道,我跟着你一步一步地走过平坦的石板路,我望着你的背影,心里安慰地想:父亲还很健康呢。一种幸福的感觉使我的全身发热了。It was the same old streets of Chengdu. I followed you step by step on the smooth flagstones. Looking at you from behind, I inwardly consoled myself with the thought that father was still hale and hearty. A sensation of blissfulness warmed me up all over.我那时不会知道我是在梦中,也忘记了二十五年来的艰苦日子。I was unaware that I was in a dream. I also forgot the hardships I had gone through during the past 25 years.在戏园里,我坐在你旁边,看台上的武戏,你还

  • 《少年中国说》英译朗读

    04/03/2020 Duración: 06min

    《少年中国说》英译朗读朗读 | Flora FangBGM |《Star Sky》歌曲 | 钟一鸣《少年中国说》故今日之责任,不在他人,而全在少年。Therefore, the responsibility bestowed by the times falls on nobody but us youth. 少年智则国智,少年富则国富,If we are intelligent, China will be intelligent; if we are wealthy, China will be wealthy; 少年强则国强,少年独立则国独立,if we are strong, China will be strong; if we are independent, China will be independent; 少年自由则国自由,少年进步则国进步,if we are free, China will be free; if we are progressive, China will be progressive少年胜于欧洲,则国胜于欧洲,if we are superior to young Europeans,China will be superior to Europe; 少年雄于地球,则国雄于地球。if we are the best in the world,China will be the best in the world. 红日初升,其道大光;The morning sun is rising in the sky, bright and brilliant; 河出伏流,一泻汪洋。the Yellow River is running to the sea, mighty and magnificent. 潜龙腾渊,鳞爪飞扬;A hidden dragon leaps out of a deep pool and fishes flee;乳虎啸谷,百兽震惶;a tiger cub roars in the hollow valley and beasts creep;鹰隼试翼,风尘吸张。a proud eagle springs off the vast land and dust reel

  • 千古第一七律 杜甫《登高》双语朗读

    04/03/2020 Duración: 03min

    杜甫《登高》双语朗读 | 翻译:许渊冲朗读 | Flora FangBGM |《御剑千山梦》On the HeightThe wind so swift, the sky so wide,apes wail and cry风急天高猿啸哀Water so clear, and beach so white,birds wheel and fly渚清沙白鸟飞回The boundless forest sheds its leavesshower by shower无边落木萧萧下The endless river rolls its waveshour after hour不尽长江滚滚来 from home,I’m grieved at autumn’s plight万里悲秋常作客I'll now and then for years,alone I’m on this height百年多病独登台Living in times so hard,at frosted hair I pine艰难苦恨繁霜鬓Cast down by poverty,I have to give up wine潦倒新停浊酒杯

  • 亲爱的,我祝你不幸和痛苦

    01/03/2020 Duración: 02min

    From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly, so that you will come to know the value of justice.“在未来的很多年中,我希望你受到过不公正的待遇,唯有如此你才能真正懂得公正的价值。”I hope that you will suffer betrayal because that will teach you the importance of loyalty.“我希望你遭受背叛,唯有如此你才领悟到忠诚之重要。”Sorry to say, but I hope you will be lonely from time to time so that you don't take friends for granted.“抱歉的说,我会祝福你时常感到孤独,唯有如此你才不会把良朋益友视为人生中的理所当然。"I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.“我祝福你人生旅途中时常运气不佳,唯有如此你才意识到概率和机遇在人生中扮演的角色,进而理解你的成功并不完全是命中注定,而别人的失败也不是天经地义。"And when you lose, as you will from time to time, I hope every now and then, your opponent will gloat over your failure. It is a way for you to understand the importance of sportsmanship.“当你失败的时候,你总有那么一两回会失败,我希望你的对手会因为你的失败而幸灾乐祸,唯有如此才能让你意识到有风度的竞争精神之重要。”I hope you'll be ignor

  • 虞美人

    28/02/2020 Duración: 02min

    The Beautiful Lady Yu — Li Yu虞美人——李煜Spring flowers and autumn moon — when will they be ended?春花秋月何时了,How many past events can we tell?往事知多少。The east wind blew through my small lodge again last night.小楼昨夜又东风,The old country, bathed in a bright moon, Is an overwhelming sight!故国不堪回首月明中。Those carved balustrades, those marble terraces — They should still be there.雕阑玉砌应犹在,Only the rosy cheeks have faded.只是朱颜改。How much sorrow, pray, can a person carry?问君能有几多愁,Like the spring torrent flowing eastward, without tarry!恰是一江春水向东流。

  • 你还在我身旁

    26/02/2020 Duración: 02min

    《你还在我身旁》瀑布的水逆流而上蒲公英种子从远处飘回聚成伞的模样太阳从西边升起,落向东方子弹退回枪膛运动员回到起跑线上我交回录取通知书,忘了十年寒窗厨房里飘来饭菜的香你把我的卷子签好名字关掉电视,帮我把书包背上你还在我身旁Water draws back to the hilltopSeeds fly faraway toward the dandelionGather themselves as an umbrellaThe sun rises from the west and sets to the eastBullets hit right into the chamberAthletes run to the starting line, backwardI return the offer from college, forgetting about ten years of sweat and swotThe dishes in the kitchen smell goodYou sign on my test paper, turn off the TVThen help me carrying the backpackYou are still here by my sideBGM |《雨停后我的爱也将停止》

  • 只因你吻了我一个晚安

    26/02/2020 Duración: 01min

    I climbed the doorAnd opened the stairsI said my pajamasAnd put on my prayersThen turned off my bedAnd crawled into the lightAll because you kissed me good-night我爬上大门打开台阶念完睡衣换好祷词关掉被窝钻进电灯只因你吻了我一个晚安Next morning, I wokeAnd scrambled my shoesPolished my eggs andToasted the newsI couldn't tell my left from rightAll ‘cause you kissed me good-night次日醒来我炒好皮鞋擦亮鸡蛋烤好报纸不分左右只因你吻了我一个晚安That evening, at last,I felt normal againI picked up my motherand called up the phoneI spoke to my puppy And threw my dad a bone当晚,终于我恢复正常拿起老妈打给电话跟狗聊了会天把骨头仍给了老爸Even at midnightThe sun was still brightAll because you kissed me good-night.及至午夜艳阳高照这一切只因你吻了我一个晚安

  • 爸爸致女儿的一封信:关于择偶,我想告诉你的事

    19/02/2020 Duración: 03min

    Dear Little One,亲爱的女儿,Recently, your mother and I were searching the Internet, and Google returned a list of the most popular searches in the world. Perched at the top was "How to keep him interested".最近,妈妈和我在上网时,收到谷歌推送的一份网络热门搜索清单,置顶的热搜是“如何让他对你感兴趣”。It startled me. I scanned several of the countless articles about how to be sexy, when to bring him a beer versus a sandwich, and the ways to make him feel smart and superior.我被这个问题吓一跳,于是在无数条回答这个问题的文章中选择了几篇浏览,这些文章都是关于如何让自己变得更性感、何时递给他一瓶啤酒和三明治,以及如何让他感觉自己聪明而优越,诸如此类的方法。And I got angry.我生气了。Little One, it is not, has never been, and never will be your job to "keep him interested".孩子,“让他对你感兴趣”这件事,现在不是、过去不曾是、且以后永远也不会是你的责任或义务。Little One, your only task is to know deeply in your soul—in that unshakable place that isn’t rattled by rejection and loss and ego—that you are worthy of interest. 孩子,你唯一要做的是:在灵魂深处——在那坚定不移、不因拒绝和失去以及自我而慌乱的地方——告诉自己,你值得。If you can remember that everyone else is worthy of interest also, the battle of your life will be mostly won.

  • 我想和爱读书的女孩谈恋爱

    19/02/2020 Duración: 02min

    『Date A Girl Who Reads』和爱读书的女孩谈恋爱She has problems with closet space because she has too many books. 她常常为收纳空间不够而烦恼,因为实在有太多书了。She’s the one lovingly looking over the shelves in the bookstore, the one who quietly cries out when she finds the book she wants. 她是书店里在书架边流连的可爱女子,是每每找到想要的书就会高兴得叫出声的女孩。She can never resist smelling the pages, especially when they are yellow.她总是控制不住想要闻闻那些书,尤其是那种黄页书。She’s the girl reading while waiting in that coffee shop down the street. 她是那个在街尾咖啡厅一边读书一边等人的女孩。If you take a peek at her mug, the non-dairy creamer is floating on top because she’s kind of engrossed already. 当你偷瞄她的杯子,会发现里面的奶精已经浮上来了,只因她读书太专注忘了搅拌杯中物。She might give you a glare, as most girls who read do not like to be interrupted. 当你靠近她,她可能会瞟你一眼,因为爱读书的女孩不喜欢阅读时被打扰。Ask her if she likes the book. Buy her another cup of coffee. Let her know what you really think of Murakami. See if she got through the first chapter of Fellowship. 你可以问她喜不喜欢那本书,再给她买一杯咖啡,让她知道你真的读过村上春树的作品。问问她是否读完了《伙伴》的第一章节。It’s ea

  • 愿街市井然, 你我相安, 如此便好

    19/02/2020 Duración: 01min

    『 早市的太阳 』作者 | 严力 朗读 | Flora FangBGM- <By and by Hoimai oe>You find yourself at the morning marketCarrying a bag of foodA bag of a myriad of seller's calls你发现自己在早市上拎着一袋食物一袋各种各样的叫卖声A bag of fat, protein and vitamins-All carefully calculatedA bag of the weight of life一袋脂肪、蛋白质以及维生素这些都是经过精打细算的-一袋生活的重量For such a long timeI'm there at the intersection-tasting my life很久很久我继续站在路口品味自己的生命How natural, everydayThe sun carries a bag of its own light日常是多么自然太阳啊拎着一袋自己洒落的阳光

  • 我没事,只是有点想你罢了

    06/02/2020 Duración: 09min

    「Cold Night」A song by Sarah MacDougallWhile the sunlight freezes up当阳光定格I think of you again我又想到了你And the snow is lying cold雪冷冷的铺在地上Looks like the blanket on this town像是这个小镇的地毯And it drips down from the rooftops它从屋顶掉落While I hear the winter whisper我听到了冬天的低语That everything is naked所有事都裸露着And stark underneath在雪的覆盖之下You coming to my mind你又浮现在我的脑海Like so many times before像之前很多次一样Seems like it's been forever感觉它会持续永久Since I couldn't let you go我还是不能放手让你走And all my mistakes我所有的错误Dig themselves into my heart again在心里铭记的更深And all your words they come back所有你说的话又回响起来So much clearer to me now在我的耳边如此清晰And it's cold, cold night多么冷的夜晚Leaves me breathless and in doubt我无法呼吸又满腹迟疑There’s a silence and a calm tonight在这个寂静清冷的夜晚And I wonder if I was right我思索自己是否正确I remember every word that you said我记得你说的每一句话But I wonder if I was really但我怀疑我是否真的这样The love you drink it all of full爱已被你一饮而尽And the trees white and drunk树白茫茫的,像个醉汉那样立着And strip down of their clothes舞女脱下自己的衣服And I realize I am not sure我意识到我不再记得What you look like

  • 杜拉斯《情人 》选段

    31/12/2019 Duración: 03min

    杜拉斯《情人》(节选)THE LOVER Part I For Bruno NuyttenONE DAY, I was already old, inthe entrance of a public place a man came up to me. He introduced himself and said:'I've known you for years. Every-one says you were beautiful when you were young, but I want to tell you I think you're more beautiful now than then. Rather than your face as a young woman, I perfer your face as it is now. Ravaged.'我已经老了。有一天,一个男人主动向我走来,介绍自己,那是在一处公共场所的大厅里。他对我说:“我认识你,永远都不会忘记。那时你很年轻,大家都说你美丽极了,现在我特意来告诉你,在我看来,现在的你比年轻时更美,你现在这张备受摧残的面孔比年轻时娇嫩的面孔更让我热爱。”I often think of the image only I can see now, and of which I've never spoken. It's always there, in the same silence, amazing. It's the only image of myself I like, the only one in which I recognize myself, in which I delight.我常常想起这个形象,想起这个只有我一个人能看到、并且从来不曾和别人说过的形象。它永远让人在悄无声息中惊叹。它是所有形象中唯一能让我感到愉悦的,只有它的存在,我才能认识自己,并且心醉神迷。Very early in my life it was too late. It was already too late when I was eighteen. Between eighteen and twenty-five my face took

  • 相濡以沫又何妨,相忘江湖又何伤

    31/12/2019 Duración: 02min

    《命运的简单转折》(节选)作者 | Bob Dylan  冷霜 | 译朗读 | Flora Fang / BGM |《Guitar Lullaby》They sat together in the parkAs the evening sky grew darkShe looked at himand he felt a spark tingle to his bonesIt was then he felt alone and wished that he'd gone straightAnd watched out for a simple twist of fate他们一起坐在公园里黄昏的天空逐渐变暗她看着他他觉得有颗火星刺痛了骨头那一刻他感到孤单多希望还能重新开始并提防命运的简单转折They walked alone by the old canal A little confused I remember wellAnd stopped into a strange hotel with a neon burnin’ brightHe felt the heat of the night hit him like a freight trainMoving with a simple twist of fate他们沿着旧运河一直走有些茫然我清楚地记得而后停下来走进一家霓虹灯炽亮的陌生旅馆他感到夜晚的热浪迎面袭来像一列货车呼啸带着命运的简单转折A saxophone someplace far off playedAs she was walkin’ by the arcadeAs the light bust through a beat-up shadewhere he was wakin’ upShe dropped a coin into the cup of a blind man at the gateAnd forgot about a simple twist of fate一支萨克斯风吹奏在很远的地方此时她正穿过走廊当他醒来光线已刺透了破旧的窗帘她往门边盲人的碗里丢了枚硬币抛之脑后的是——命运的简单转折

  • 冬天很冷,我想温暖你

    31/12/2019 Duración: 01min

    Wind turns back the sheets of the field.What needs to sleep, sleeps there.What needs to rest.风把田野的被单揭开。凡是需要睡下的,都在那里睡下。凡是该休息的也都已经歇息。 The door has fallen from the moon.It floats in the slough, all knob and hinges.门从月亮上掉下来,带着把手和铰链,漂在沼泽地里。Now the moon's so openanything could walk right through.此时的月亮是这样通透,不管是什么都能从正面穿过去。 Only the fox is travelling.One minute he's a cat, the next a coyote.只有狐狸在四下行走。它一会儿是只猫,一会儿又像是郊狼。Enough light to see byyet my mouth lies in darkness.What needs to sleep, sleeps there.What needs to rest.光线足够用来看清身边的事情,可是嘴巴却躺在黑暗里。凡是需要睡下的,都在那里睡下。凡是该休息的也都已经歇息。 Outside my mind, the wind is reckoning.Always there is somethingto figure out.在我的心外,风还在盘算着。总像是有什么心事一定要合计出来。朗读 | Flora Fang / BGM |《つぼみ》

  • 《冬》

    31/12/2019 Duración: 02min

    冬·第一章我爱在淡淡的太阳短命的日子,临窗把喜爱的工作静静做完;才到下午四点,便又冷又昏黄,我将用一杯酒灌溉我的心田。多么快,人生已到严酷的冬天。In the pale and short-lived sunshine,I quietly finish my work by the window;Four o’clock in the afternoon, cold and dim,I moisten my dry heart with a cup of wine.So soon, my life is reaching its winter.我爱在枯草的山坡,死寂的原野,独自凭吊已埋葬的火热一年,看着冰冻的小河还在冰下面流,不知低语着什么,只是听不见。呵,生命也跳动在严酷的冬天。On a bare hillside or in a withered field,I lonely mourn for my year past and buried here,A freezing river flows from under the ice,No speech is heard, even no sound.Ah, life is dancing in severe winter!我爱在冬晚围着温暖的炉火,和两三昔日的好友会心闲谈,听着北风吹得门窗沙沙地响,而我们回忆着快乐无忧的往年。人生的乐趣也在严酷的冬天。Sitting by a fire at winter night,With a couple of my friends chatting along,I hear the rustling wind knocking at the door,While we recall our carefree childhood.Life is so enjoyable even in severe winter.我爱在雪花飘飞的不眠之夜,把已死去或尚存的亲人珍念,当茫茫白雪铺下遗忘的世界,我愿意感情的热流溢于心间,来温暖人生的这严酷的冬天。At a snowy sleepless winter night,I cherish my dear ones alive or dead,When snow covers all with white forgetfulness,I would flood my

  • 真爱至上

    31/12/2019 Duración: 02min

    『 节选自电影《真爱至上》』每当我为世界的现状感到沮丧时,我就会想到伦敦希思罗机场的接机大厅。Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrival's gate at Heathrow airport. 很多人都开始觉得,我们生活在一个充满贪婪与憎恨的世界里,但我却不这么认为。General opinion start to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed. 对我来说,真爱无处不在。它可能并不起眼,也上不了报纸头条,但它的的确确存在着。But I don't see that, seems to me that love is everywhere. 它存在于父子、母女、夫妻、男朋友、女朋友、还有老朋友之间。Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there, fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriend, girlfriend, old friends. 飞机撞上双子楼的那一刻,据我所知,没有一通来自航班上的通话传递的是仇恨或复仇,它们全部是爱的留言。When the plane hit the Twin Tower, as far as I know, none of the phone calls from people on board were messages of hate or revenge. 如果你用心去看,我确信你会发现,真爱其实无处不在。If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling that love actually is all around.圣诞节要跟你爱的人在一起度过。Christmas is the time to be with the people you love.老实说,虽然我老是抱怨,我们却一起度过了美好的人生。And to be honest, despite all my... complaining

  • 我最近还好,你呢

    05/12/2019 Duración: 04min

    爱 过 之 后「 After Love 」作者 | 杰克·吉尔伯特 [美国]Jack Gilbert译者 | 柳向阳He is watching the music with his eyes closed.他凝神于音乐,眼睛闭着。Hearing the piano like a man moving倾听钢琴像一个人穿行through the woods thinking by feeling.在林间,思想依随于感觉。The orchestra up in the trees, the heart below,乐队在树林上方,而心在树下,step by step. The music hurrying sometimes,一级接一级。音乐有时变得急促,but always returning to quiet, like the man但总是归于平静,像那个人remembering and hoping. It is a thing in us,回忆着,期待着。这是我们自身之一物,mostly unnoticed. There is somehow a pleasure却常常被忽略。莫名地,有一种快乐in the loss. In the yearning. The pain在丧失中。在渴望中。痛苦going this way and that. Never again.正这样或那样地离去。永不再来。Never bodied again. Again the never.永不再次凝聚成形。又一次永不。Slowly. No undergrowth. Almost leaving.缓慢。并非不充分。几乎离去。A humming beauty in the silence.寂静里一种蜂鸣之美。The having been. Having had. And the man那曾经存在的。曾经拥有的。还有那个人knowing all of him will come to the end.他知道他的一切都即将结束。柳向阳 译选自《蓝诗歌》,长江文艺出版社朗读 | Flora FangBGM |《첫만남初相遇》

  • 聆听:余生遥遥,慢慢相遇

    04/12/2019 Duración: 03min

    You stand at the window.There is a glass cloud in the shape of a heart.There are the wind’s sighs that are like caves in your speech.You are the ghost in the tree outside.The street is quiet.The weather, like tomorrow, like your life,is partially here, partially up in the air.There is nothing you can do.The good life gives no warning.It weathers the climates of despairand appears, on foot, unrecognized, offering nothing,and you are there.你站在窗边。那里有一块心形的玻璃云。那里,风的叹息犹如你言语中的洞穴。你是外面树中的幽灵。 街道安静。天气,如同明天,如同你的生活,部分在这儿,部分在空中。你什么也不能做。 美好生活没有先兆。它经受住绝望的氛围,然后出现,步行而来,不被认识,不带来什么,而你就在那儿。

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