Hello and Welcome! is a Catholic Christian podcast dedicated to helping you to grow in your relationship with God, self, and others. Episodes include engaging storytelling and a wide range of topics - marriage, friendship, parenting, gratitude, prayer, finding inner peace, conquering anxiety, giving and receiving forgiveness, and learning to be happy in all circumstances. Hello and Welcome! content is faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Ep_037 Whoops! Sin on Social Media
03/09/2018 Duración: 30minMost Christians try to avoid the "big" sins but what about the sins that are so easy to commit on social media? Do you know what they are? Find out if you are slandering, detracting or in any other way tearing others down in your posts. Learn how to avoid these problems and also how to avoid the near occasion of sin Segment Two: Protecting your kids on the internet - it's not what you think.
Ep_036 Love How You Look
30/08/2018 Duración: 30minExplore the reasons behind dissatisfaction with your looks - and find new ways to view yourself. Learn to be happy with how you look. Segment Two: Email Inbox - A listener want to know how to deal with an abusive, alcoholic mother.
Ep_035 How to Pray for the Fallen-Away
27/08/2018 Duración: 26minLearn how to pray for your adult children, your brothers, sisters and friends who have left the Church. Follow in the footsteps of Saint Monica as she begs God for the conversion of her worldly son. Segment Two: Depression and how to cope; some good advice from Padre Pio.
Ep_034 A Dangerous Relationship
23/08/2018 Duración: 29minHow close are you to your co-workers? Is there a co-worker who is particularly special to you? Learn about the most dangerous relationship at work and how to avoid the long slide into sin. Segment Two: Email Inbox-Mom doesn't like the new neighbors. A woman who feels very lonely and surrounded by cliques in her parish church and school.
Ep_033 Hey Guys! Got Friends?
20/08/2018 Duración: 31minMany men avoid close friendship with other men. Learn why everyone needs close friends, not just beer-drinking buddies. Segment Two: What to do if your marriage is in trouble.
Ep_032 Teach Your Kids About Sex
16/08/2018 Duración: 31minIf you don't teach your kids about sex, someone else will. Learn how to approach the topic with love, joy, and confidence. Segment Two: Email Inbox - Mom wants to know if it's okay to leave her little kids for a weekend retreat. How to come back to the Church after being away for a long time.
Ep_031 The Assumption of Mary: Promise and Proof
13/08/2018 Duración: 25minThe Church teaches that Mary was assumed into heaven, body and soul. Learn more about the meaning of this ancient Christian feast and why it matters today - and in the future. Segment Two: See yourself as God sees you.
Ep_030 The Beauty of the Crucifix
09/08/2018 Duración: 28minWhat do you see when you look at the crucifix? Learn to see the love. Email Inbox: My mom isn’t pro-life. Is she going to hell? I’m so distracted during the homily! Help!
Ep_029 You Can't Live on a Mountain Top
06/08/2018 Duración: 32minOn this Feast of the Transfiguration of Christ, Jesus reveals Himself to three of his closest disciples. Don't make the same mistake that St Peter made when you experience the extraordinary. Segment Two: Steps to conquering porn addiction.
Ep_028 Surviving Financial Infidelity
02/08/2018 Duración: 25minLearn about financial infidelity and how to overcome the damage that it does to a relationship. Email Inbox: This dad wants to let his kids decide for themselves about religion.
Ep_027 When You Sin Again and Again
30/07/2018 Duración: 29minDo you ever feel like a spiritual loser? Having trouble with a bad habit? Learn how to face and accept spiritual failure - and find out how failure can lead to holiness. Segment Two: A mom who gave up her cellphone...for good.
Ep_026 Mary's Parents Aren't In the Bible
26/07/2018 Duración: 30minWho were Ann and Joachim and why does the Catholic Church celebrate their feast? Email Inbox: A teen wants a tat and a husband thinks he has a good reason to get a vasectomy.
Ep_025 How to Fight Fair
23/07/2018 Duración: 28minIf you're married, you fight. Take time to make fair fighting rules so that fights can be resolved and lead to a closer relationship. Segment Two: Healing and forgiveness on the Way of St. James. (El Camino)
Ep_024 Start Saving Money Today!
19/07/2018 Duración: 30minNo one is too poor to save money. Learn these strategies on how to start and maintain a savings account today. Email Inbox: How to break free from social media slavery.
Ep_023 Are Millennial Parents Too Focused on the Kids?
16/07/2018 Duración: 26minIs your marriage too focused on the kids? Know the signs of over-focus and the steps you can take to put your marriage back on the right track. Segment Two: Conceived in rape, and thankful to be alive.
Ep_022 Is This Friendship Toxic?
12/07/2018 Duración: 28minEight signs that you might be in a toxic relationship. Email Inbox: Getting over constant anxiety, and what to do with Dad's ashes.
Ep_021 No, He's Not Your Girlfriend
09/07/2018 Duración: 29minGuest Leila Miller talks about how toxic thinking about men and marriage has tainted a whole generation of young women. Segment Two: Take steps to spend less time on your phone.
Ep_020 The Religion of Beginning Again
05/07/2018 Duración: 28minFeeling like a failure? Repentance is the gift of beginning again. God never tires of letting you start over. Email Inbox: Is it ok if I go to a Baptist Bible study?
Ep_019 Criticism: Don't Kill the Messenger
02/07/2018 Duración: 25minHow do you respond to constructive criticism from your boss or your spouse? Learn from King David. Segment Two: Someone you meet today is probably dying on the inside. How to become more compassionate.
Ep_018 Ditch Your Bad Communication Habits
28/06/2018 Duración: 29minImprove your relationships by ditching bad communication habits and forming effective communication habits instead. Email Inbox: Is God punishing me for my abortions?