Kevin Whitsitt

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 38:22:59
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Hey, This podcast is going to be about Books I'm reading, travel and the ups and downs of affiliate marketing! I Hope you Enjoy it!


  • Acquiese Definition and How the Stoics Used the Word!

    10/06/2018 Duración: 08min

    Click on the link below to view the top #1 or #2 skill in order to make money online! Hello, today I want to talk about acquiese definition and how the stoics used the word to better themselves. There are only so many things in our control. Not many. When the cause of our problem lies outside of us, we are better for accepting it and moving on. Instead of fighting against it, you come to terms with it, which is what the stoics believed in. Acquiese means accepting something without protest. What the heck is a stoic you might be thinking? The Dictionary definition is a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining. It's really a Greek philosophy about living life with just a few central teachings. One that our main source of dissatisfaction lies in our impulsive dependency on our reflexive senses rather than logic. The stoics believed alll external events can be equally beneficial to us because we ca

  • 08/06/2018 Duración: 07min

    Click on the link below to discover the most valuable skill in making money online! Hello, today I want to talk about what is meant by Entrepreneur and what one is. It seems that being an entrepreneur is the coolest thing right now right? Especially with how crazy the world being an entrepreneur is a good thing. . During my fathers generation he got a nice cushy job and worked there until he got a pension and that was it. During those times there was more job security. Now with the world changing as it is it's almost like you have to catch different waves and riding 1 wave the rest of your life isn't going to cut it. What is meant by being an entrepreneur? I just started reading Lori Greiner's book, she is the lady on Shark Tank who created over 400 products and she explains being an Entrepreneur fairly well. It means there is no one around to tell you what to do and no one to make sure you do it. Some people love this and some people it's

  • Genious Synonym and a Strange Idea on Becoming One!

    07/06/2018 Duración: 07min

    Click on the link below to view the top skill to learn when it comes to making money online! Hello, today I want to talk about genius synonym, and a really nifty idea on becoming one. Why am I making a video on becoming a genious. I'm no genious and I've failed so many times and a lot. I just got done with the book “The Obsticle is the Way” and there was a section in there about becoming a genious that I thought was very interesting and I wanted to share it with you. When you hear the word genious what image first comes to mind? I think of someone in a labcoat inventing things like Elon Musk right? Another example is Thomas Edison who had nearly 1,100 patents. Interestingly enough I'm reading a book about lori Greiner who is the female on shark tank and she says that 1% of patents actually create a product. In 1878, Thomas Edison wasn’t the only person experimenting with creating the light bulb. But he was the only man willing to test six

  • ☑️ Why is Decision Making Important and How to Make Better Ones! ☑️

    07/06/2018 Duración: 08min

    Click on the link below to view the top skills to learn in Internet Marketing! Hello, today I want to talk about why is decision making important, and a few tips on making better decisions. One of the things that many people struggle with is making a decision. In fact there is a term that I really like called half-pregnancy. I want to do it and I sort of don't. I have a friend who is burnt out with his job, he sort of wants to quit and sort of doesn't, so he may put his leave of abscess in. How do you get anywhere in life if you can't make a decision? You can't, you will just disintegrate. Decisions are important because without them nothing happens. I was thinking about this the other day, and I think a lot of it is fear based. We are scared to screw up. One of the best things I've ever done is walk the Pacific Crest Trail and I looked forward to little things like finding water and rest. By facing that fear, even if I lose everything I k

  • 05/06/2018 Duración: 08min

    Click on the link below to view the number #1 most valuable skill in Internet Marketing! Hey, today I want to talk about what is the meaning of pragmatic and how it's a good thing. So, what is pragmatic? To help explain it I would like to start with a story, because we all love stories right? In 1915 deep in the jungles of South America 2 rival fruit companies came to an epic clash. Each desperately wanted to own the same 5 thousand acres of much valuable land to grow fruit. The problem was that 2 different locals claimed to own the land. One company was big and powerful and dispatched a team of high-powered lawyers to search every file and scrap of paper in the country to find the owner. The second company was tiny and went to each owner and paid for the land. He paid twice, sure but it was over and he owned the land. Here is another example, maybe a better one. The owner of this fruit company his land was on one side of the river and a railroad on the

  • 04/06/2018 Duración: 08min

    Click on the link below to view the top skill in Internet Marketing! Hello, today I want to talk about the best motto in life and this is not easy, so I chose 5 I really enjoy. There are a a few life motto's that I really like, so I want to share with you them and tell you why I like them so much. The first motto is from Yoda in the Star Wars Original Trilogy. Do you know what the motto is? Do or do not there is not try. The reason I really like this motto is because many people are somewhat into things or somewhat not into things. I like the term half-pregnant to define it. It's either you are going to do it or not. Like build a business or be in a relationship. If you are sort of going to build a business it's probably not going to happen. Same with a relationship when people say it's complicated I look at it as they want to be in a relationship or they don't want to be in one. It also reminds me to go all the way at something. The next motto I

  • 02/06/2018 Duración: 07min

    Click on the link below to view the top skill to have to make money online! Hello, today I want to define apathetic and talk about how to eliminate it. Apathetic is when someone shows or feels no interest, enthusiasm or concern. You could say that person has lost hope. It's the classic case of a burnout at a job. The first thing that comes to mind is Joe Vs The Valcano movie with Tom Hanks. Where Tom works a lousy job, is miserable and someone comes with a proposition to save a village by throwing himself into a volcano. It's like Tom has finally been given meaning to his life. You can see that on this journey he becomes apathetic. This is another reason why having pets, plants or family increase someone's happiness, enthusiasm for life because they are thinking about something other than themselves. You have a reason to be alive. I recently read a book called the “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck.” it was a very interesting book and somewhat depre

  • 01/06/2018 Duración: 09min

    Click on the link below to view the top skill to learn in Digital Marketing! Hey, today I want to talk about scarce meaning in marketing and common scams people use with scarcity and why it's so effective. One of the most powerful tools we have as marketers is scarcity and something being scarce. Scarce is when there isn't a lot of it, think of a diamond and therefore the price goes up. We just want what is scarce, it is the basic principle of economics and that is supply and demand. Diamonds are scarce and therefore the price is high. I used to sale cars at a Honda dealership and the company would only make so many s2000 the little sports car just so we could command a higher price. While the Honda Civic's they would sometimes sale below invoice price, just because there was so many of them. As a marketer there is a correct way to use scarcity in marking and that is if it makes sense. I know a very good internet marketer who creates a product and only

  • How to Take Control of your Life and be Happy!

    01/06/2018 Duración: 08min

    Click on the link below to learn the most valuable skill in Internet Marketing! Hello, today I want to talk about how to take control of your life and be happy. About a year ago I was in the country of Cambodia and got into a fight with a neighbor and was thrown in jail. In my jail cell was this poem and it was very good. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference. The most harmful dragon we chase is the one that makes us think we can change things that are simply not ours to change. Let's start with what is in our control. Our emotions Our judgments Our creativity Our attitude Our perspective Our desires Our decisions Our determination Even in jail we have power and control over these things. For all species other than us humans, things just are what they are. Our problem is that we’re always trying to figure out what things mean—why things are the

  • 31/05/2018 Duración: 08min

    Click on the link below to view the most valuable skills to make money online! Hello in this video I'm going to talk about what to do when having a panic attack and how to stop it. When America raced to send the first men into space, they trained the astronauts in one skill more than in any other. What do you think that skill was? It was the art of not panicking. When people panic, they make mistakes. They override systems. They disregard procedures, ignore rules. They deviate from the plan. They become unresponsive and stop thinking clearly. They just react—not to what they need to react to, but to the survival hormones that are coursing through their veins. Panic isn't good especially at 150 miles above Earth in a tiny spaceship. Panic is suicide. So panic has to be trained out with astronauts and even ourselves. And it does not go easily. With astronauts, before the first launch, NASA re-created the fateful day for the astronauts over and over, step

  • 29/05/2018 Duración: 08min

    Click on the link below to view the top skill someone should have when trying to make money online! Hey, today I want to talk about how to turn negative into positive to get what you want. One of the things I've always admired is when people turn a negative into a positive. It's when someone looks at the glass as being half full and not half-empty. They look at the positive of things. Our actions may be impeded, but there can be no impeding our intentions or dispositions. Because we can accommodate and adapt. The mind adapts and converts to its own purposes the obstacle to our acting. The impediment to action advances action, what stands in the way becomes the way. This was a poem from Marcus Araleus who was a Roman Empire after Julius Ceasar. It's very similar to turning a problem into a money making opportunity, which is one of my favorite sayings. I used to live in Cambodia and one of the things I noticed is there was no ATM machines. Did you you

  • What Does Complicated Mean and How to Simplify Things

    28/05/2018 Duración: 08min

    Click on the link below for view the top skills someone should have when making money online. Hello, today I want to talk about what does complicated mean when it comes to relationships and our world and and a few ideas to simplify things. When someone says their relationship is complicated they are probably half-pregnant. This means they are a relationship and they are not in a relationship. So, you have to make a decision. This reminds me of Dennis Hof who owns many of the brothels in Nevada. He would have a girl who he loved and others just for sex. No girl could handle it because he was half-pregnant. Guess what happens when you are half-pregnant? It usually results in no pregnancy, yea it kills the relationship or anything you involved with. How many people start digital business's that are somewhat into them? Nearly everyone. One of the ways to make everything more simple is to eliminate things and not have shiny object complex. To be good at a

  • Nice Ways to Say No so You Can Reach Your Goals!

    28/05/2018 Duración: 09min

    Click on the link below to view the top skills to make money online! Hey, today I want to talk about nice ways to say no so you can reach your own goals. This may sound like a silly topic, how to say no. I need training on how to say no. It is easy to get sucked up into everyone elses plan and their goals. This is why having goals in your own damn life is important. If you don't have goals it's easier to get sucked up into someone else's plan. The truth is we hate saying no. I hate saying no. Sometimes I feel guilty saying no. Does that happen to you. I read Tribe this book called Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferris a while ago where he interviews the top people in many industries and one of the questions he asked people is “how do you say no.” This is a good thing to know. My personal favorite way to say no to a request is “I appreciate the offer, but I will pass.” Then the next step is very important and that is to walk away. In fact I used to go to b

  • How Height Impacts Wealth and Love

    26/05/2018 Duración: 07min

    Click on the link below to Discover very Helpful Skill to Earning Money Online! Hey today I want to talk about the world average when it comes to height and how tall you are makes a difference. I believe the average height of a man worldwide is around 5 foot 7. This is my height. The average height of a woman is 5 foot 3. One of my most favorite places to live was Cambodia. One of the reasons I liked living there was everyone is short. Usually in America I'm a short, while bald guy. I'm nothing special. Over there I'm treated differently sure I got a target on my back, but maybe it's the attention. Plus most of the women are shorter than me.

  • Why Do Some People Go Nutty with Sports?

    25/05/2018 Duración: 08min

    Click on the link below to view the number 1 or 2 skill to make money online! Hello, today I want to talk about why in the heck do some people like sports and go crazy. Obviously there are many reasons, might I found a few that were really interesting to me and I wanted to share them with you. . Before I begin. Down below is a link where you can view what I truly believe is the number 1 or number 2 skill to make money using the Internet. In my own life growing up, I pay attention to some sports somewhat into football, My favorite game was when the Giants beat the undefeated Patriots at the super bowl. Some people go fucking crazy over it. To each their own, it's just that I've always been a little curious on why some people go nuts. Here is an example... In the 1980 Winter Olympics after the U.S. Hockey team had upset the vastly favored Soviet team people went crazy. In Cambridge, Massachusetts, a quiet supermarket erupted at the news into a riot of

  • How Authority Influences People

    23/05/2018 Duración: 10min

    Click on the link below to view the Number 1 skill in Internet Marketing! Hey, today I want to talk about what does authority mean and how it can be used with influencing someone! Right now for some reason I'm interested in influence and persuasion. One of the most powerful forces when it comes to influencing someone really is authority. Authority is when someone is given the right to give orders and make decisions in an area. If you don't believe me look at the Milgram experiment which was a famous study. The teacher in a white lab coat told a random person to give a student a shock if they gave a wrong answer.

  • The Most Powerful Technique in Affiliate Marketing!

    21/05/2018 Duración: 08min

    Click on the link below to view the Number 1# skill in Internet Marketing! Hey, today I want to talk about what does consistent mean as a sales technique, some people call this the foot in the door approach and how it works. I used to be in the car business a long time ago. Of course I was new so I was stuck selling new cars while the veterans were selling used cars because there was more markup. One of the things I remembered about the business was that there was a desk, there was me and there was the buyer. Before any negotiations happened I had to get the buyer to sign a peace of paper that if everything was rainbows and lollipops, the price was right, the car was right that they would take the car home.

  • How to Gain Trust in a Short Amount of Time

    20/05/2018 Duración: 09min

    Click on the link below to view the most valuable skill in Internet Marketing! Hey today I want to talk about trustworthy meaning and how it applies to business. I would argue that being trustworthy is everything. If you can't take a person by their word, who is that person? Exactly someone you can't do business with. Trust is the currency. We trust that this dollar will be worth so much. It's the same thing with these crypto currencies, some people trust them and well some people don't. To be trustworthy comes down to branding as well. Everyone really is a brand. We live in the information age so people can look up a product or person and find a wealth of information maybe too much information.

  • 19/05/2018 Duración: 08min

    Click on the link below to discover the most valuable skill to view when making money online! Hey today I want to talk about the classic sales technique known as the lowballing the psychology, how it works and why it's so effective. I used to sale cars so I am going to apply the lowball technique for selling vehicles. What happens is a person is shopping around and say he wants a new car. With the power of the Internet he can find out the price, so to trap the customer the car salesman offers the person the same vehicle as the competition, but at $400 less for example. The price isn't genuine the point of the offer is to lock the customer into buying a vehicle. Once the decision is made a number of activities develop the customer's sense of personal commitment to the car. Many purchase forms are filled out, extensive financing terms are arranged. The customer can be encouraged to drive the car for a few days and show it around the neighborhood. The cust

  • 18/05/2018 Duración: 11min

    Click on the link below to view the Number 1 skill to earn money online! Hey, today I want to talk about psychology tricks to get someone to like you when it comes to marketing and sales not with romance. One of the marketers I most admire is Joe Girard. Do you know who Joe Girard is? Well, he was a car salesman, but not just any car salesman he won the Guinness Book of World Records for selling the most cars. He said the secret to his success was getting customers to like him. One of the ways to get people to like him you are going to laugh. Each month he sent every one of his more than thirteen thousand former customers a holiday greeting card containing a personal message. The holiday greeting changed from month to month (Happy New Year or Happy Thanksgiving, etc.), but the message printed on the face of the card never varied. It read, “I like you.” As Joe explained it, “There’s nothing else on the card. Nothin’ but my name. He is just telling ’em t

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