Speak Up With Laura Camacho



Laura Camacho, PhD, is a expert in interpersonal communication and career hacks for introverts. Her clients learn how to think, speak and listen to get ahead at work (& make bank). Laura teaches how to read people (emotional intel), growth mindset and critical conversations will catapult your career success.


  • Episode 28 You Can Do 20X What You Think

    30/03/2018 Duración: 05min

    Decision fatigue is real so if you want to perform at a higher level, you need to address decision fatigue. This podcast gives a few tips on reducing the number of daily decisions and goes through the top 10 topics covered in Mixonian Learning Labs.

  • Episode 27 Unlock Your Team's Potential with a Theme

    30/03/2018 Duración: 06min

    Goals are binary, you either make them or you don't. Choosing a theme can help your team persist in their efforts, even when they don't reach all their goals. You can choose a theme for the year, a quarter or a month -- the theme sets the tone for how everyone shows up.

  • Episode 26 Introvert Ways That Win People Over

    05/03/2018 Duración: 05min

    Listen to this if you are interested in leveraging the qualities introverts normally have especially in developing personal relationships. Winning people over seems more challenging for introverts who are often drained by too much conversation. But today, competition for attention is out of control for everyone. When you see someone looking at their watch, you know they're reading texts, not checking the time (aka not listening to you.) Even so, there are introvert ways that win people over. See www.mixonian.com.

  • Episode 25 Personal Branding And Why You Need To Take Control Of Your Career

    02/10/2017 Duración: 07min

    In today's global work world the idea that you have to take the reins of your career development is more important than ever. To have your way, you need to think like a free agent no matter who employs you. Sign up for the free 5-day #brandyou challenge and get help developing your own personal brand statement and bio at www.mixonian.com/the-brandyou-challenge

  • Episode 24 It's Pro Time Feedback And Extreme Ownership

    18/09/2017 Duración: 06min

    You can't get better at something without feedback. However, most of it is amateur — including what often passes for feedback at work. Feedback you get on the Internet from people you don’t know (and most Internet content) is not pro. Comments that get back to you from third parties, is not pro. Would you accept a medical diagnosis from the colleague of a colleague who never attended medical school? Professionals seek feedback from people who are able to help you (because they do what you aspire to do). That intimate clan of pro’s may or may not include your boss. For more see http://mixonian.com.

  • Episode 23 Specifically How To Deal With The Dwight Schrute At Your Office

    02/09/2017 Duración: 06min

    Listen to this if you work with a toxic, negative, narcsicisstic or volatile person. Working with a know-it-all like Dwight Schrute in The Office is not always fun. Accepting the fact that they exist in every company with more than 2 employees is healthy. These are the people who excel at job interviews. You can't change them; you can be clever and creative in dealing with them in areas where you disagree. See more at www.mixonian.com

  • Episode 22 Our Times Our Challenges and How You Can Help

    19/08/2017 Duración: 07min

    Don't let today's (or last week's) news bring you down. Yes, what we hear feels frustrating, exhausting and sad. These are challenging times and we are here to deal with that, together. Here are 2 specific things you can do to make work better right here, right now. Being part of the solution builds your personal brand. To sign up for the free 5-day #brandyou challenge visit http://mixonian.com/the-brandyou-challenge

  • Episode 21 Ask Yourself This When Work Feels Like Punishment

    08/07/2017 Duración: 06min

    It all starts with how you talk to yourself. This is about when you feel nauseated about going to work, not (only) because there is so much to do but because the people there are... not your trusted favorites. It doesn't look promising. Ask helpful questions.

  • Episode 20 Accelerate Or Reassess: A Mid - Year Reflection On Fast Things

    26/06/2017 Duración: 05min

    he fastest year is this one right now. It just started a minute ago and now it’s halfway over. Right? Before I blink and it's all over, I thought it would be good to take a time out and take a little inventory. Consider what you want to accelerate and what to reassess....and what to drop off your plate. You're invited to answer these questions in your journal, discuss with your team, your mentor, your BFF or even with your family at dinner. Read it and access more personal branding savvy at www.mixonian.com

  • Episode 19 When It Pays More To Make Less

    10/06/2017 Duración: 05min

    The mission of the Mixonian is teach technial professionals how to create more value and make more money. Yet it sometimes pays to make less. [Likewise it can be profitable to take on low profile projects at work.] In 2012 I took a pay cut to work as a contract software trainer. The investment paid off as I learned the inner workings of the hot healthcare tech scene and what it's like to work in a huge company. In the process I became the go-to communications person for technical professionals. Learn more at www.mixonian.com.

  • Episode 18 Have More Light Bulb Moments When You're Crazy Busy

    29/05/2017 Duración: 05min

    Find solutions to those annoying issues you face! To get unstuck from any context, you need a light bulb moment. There are things you can to have more light-bulb moments on a consistent basis, without going to art class. For more see www.mixonian.com.

  • Episode 17 What Do You Stand For? Use Your POV to Move Forward

    14/05/2017 Duración: 05min

    Strong points of view attract leaders like paparazzi to Kate Middleton. If you are ready to move up, to move forward in your career, it's time to get ready to receive. That is, to receive that promotion or job offer or juicy project. Think of it as preparing to catch the ball, but in a league one step higher. Learn how your point of view makes you stand out as someone who adds more value. See www.mixonian.com for more.

  • Episode 16 The Most Persuasive Word Ever

    29/04/2017 Duración: 06min

    Listen to this if you want to learn how to win people over to your ideas more quickly. Successful people are able to persuade others to accept their proposal, vision or point of view. Learn the magic word for semi-instant buy-in to your idea. It's particularly important for introverts who want more leverage from their word choices. See www.mixonian.com for more personal branding and public speaking savvy.

  • Episode 15 Switch From CrankyPants To Cheerful

    01/04/2017 Duración: 06min

    The best thing you can bring to your team is positive energy. Here's what to to when you wake up in a crankypants mood. Take charge of your energy level, manage yourself like a boss and those cranky moods will become shorter and scarcer. For more see www.mixonian.com.

  • Episode 14 Three Tips To Craft A Compelling Data Story

    18/03/2017 Duración: 08min

    Oh Data, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Actually data never tells you anything, unless you can craft an accurate and compelling story with it. Data without a compelling move to action has no value. Learn the 3 elements of crafting a compelling data story. For more conversation savvy visit www.mixonian.com

  • Episode 11 Find Your Best Voice and a Practical Exercise #mythbusters

    04/02/2017 Duración: 07min

    As you progress in your career, your advancement becomes more about the person you are (or that people think you are) compare to your actual skill set. Find your best voice so you can feel more comfortable and have more impact. For more tips directed to quiet high achievers see www.mixonian.com

  • Episode 10 The Google Effect and the Brand Called You

    21/01/2017 Duración: 06min

    Listen to this if you want to learn how Google has changed effective communication because people now have shorter attention spans and higher expectations. Use your personality to have a stronger personal brand. Google changed everything and now your Point of View is your key differentiator. Your personal brand is not the socially-acceptable wrapping paper for your body but the essence of who you really are. That's where you can add more value. See more at www.mixonian.com.

  • Episode 9 Give Your Boss Constructive Feedback and Keep Your Head Attached

    07/01/2017 Duración: 07min

    Listen to this if you want to learn how to manage your boss more effectively, especially in giving him/her needed feedback. Upward communication is the most delicate kind, in any corporation. Excellent communication doesn't happen by accident and upward communication is the most delicate kind. Start with building a strong relationship and manage your boss along the way by having a clear goal in mind and a strategy to get there. Make the boss look good and that light will reflect back on you. For more career communication savvy visit www.mixonian.com.

  • Episode 8 Cheers to 2017! Here are 17 things I wish for you

    28/12/2016 Duración: 06min

    What Laura Camacho, CEO & Founder of Mixonian Institute, wishes for you in the upcoming year. For more career communication savvy visit www.mixonian.com.

  • Episode 7 No More Boring Presentations! Get the Free Handbook too!

    10/12/2016 Duración: 06min

    Did you ever wish that business presentation were longer? I didn't think so. Editing down a message to make it interesting for the audience is not a new problem, but it's a skill that matters if you have career goals. Check out No More Boring Presentations and download the free handbook today. For more career communication savvy visit www.mixonian.com.

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