Tyler Woods Phd Holistic Mental Health



Tyler Woods believes in a holistic approach to mental health care. That is because it does much more than just manage symptoms, it's an approach that emphasizes the interrelationship between mind, body, and spirit and can be any form of practice that is outside the realm of conventional western medicine. Holistic mental health and healing is an ongoing journey of discovery and ultimately is about living better, being healthier, and striving for wholeness and will offer great insight on this topic.


  • Like Who You Like Your Choice

    08/06/2023 Duración: 11min

    Join Tyler Woods PhD as she talks about think how a big part of our development is to recognize our own decisions.  We measure ourselves and consciously choose people for ourselves not because someone “warned” you. She believes we judge and when we need to consider that people’s opinions come from their own experiences, their own judgements, their own disliking. If we listen to their “personal warnings” we become puppets on a string. Go ahead, move ahead and be friendly with a person they “warned” you about.  

  • Let's Talk About Death

    28/05/2023 Duración: 10min

    Welcome and join Dr Tyler Woods as she talks about American being a death-denying culture. Tyler says we must stop avoiding talking about death. It is quite common in our culture to avoid openly talking about mortality, which harms people in so many ways and it leaves many unprepared in some of their most difficult life transitions. There is a deep-seated discomfort with death. Join her to find out more.

  • Learning About Chronic Pain

    25/04/2023 Duración: 09min

    Join Tyler Woods PhD as she talks about people with chronic pain. They often feel exhausted and feel judged or neglected by family, friends and medical professionals. They never want to upset someone but because they are in pain they live on pain time, which is all the time! They are exhausted from trying so many things that don’t work. Pain creates conditions, like anxiety, depression, stress, substance abuse of some sort, mood swings and more. Join Tyler Today as she talks about Chronic pain.

  • Powerless to Powerful

    15/04/2023 Duración: 10min

    Join Tyler Woods PhD today as she talks about powerless and powerful. She understands that life is going to throw us curve balls and it will be easy to feel powerless. Did you know that feeling powerless is not an emotion like fear, hurt, anger, sadness, or joy? Powerlessness is a decision. No matter how powerless we feel, we have to learn and understand that that we never lose our right and ability to choose our responses. Just because you feel powerless or helpless doesn’t mean you are. In fact, it can be the steppingstone to feel powerful! Join her today to talk about powerless to powerful.

  • Being Your Authentic Self

    07/04/2023 Duración: 09min

    Join Tyler Woods as she talks about greeting your authentic self. Recently a friend told her she did not like the real Tyler and basically preferred the sugar coated version of people where they people please because being authentic is very upsetting to people who need you to be people pleasers rather than the real you. Join Tyler as she shares the value of showing up and expressing yourself and being authentic and greeting the “real you” and owning the privilege of a lifetime is being who you are and not people pleasing.

  • Grief is a Journey

    27/03/2023 Duración: 09min

    Join Tyler Woods today as she talks about grief and how it is not a Prozac deviancy and there are no medications that make this natural occurrence go away. In fact grief is not even a destination, it is simply a journey that at some point we will all experience because there is no escaping grief. Grief is simple yet complicated. In its simplest form, it is an involuntary reaction to loss.

  • Not Everyone Will Like You

    11/03/2023 Duración: 09min

    Join Tyler Woods today as she talks about how not everyone is going to like us. !  Whatever is happening with someone’s else’s opinion of you has nothing to do with you, with who you are or what you have said or done. You as a person with all your qualities and flaws don't factor at all in whatever is going on with the other person. We all have a purpose, a reason we are here on this planet and that is what it is about. We are not here to be liked by everyone.

  • Learning Not to Dislike Others

    24/02/2023 Duración: 11min

    Join Tyler Woods Ph.D. today as she talks about how research has found that people form stronger bonds when they are able to talk about their dislike towards others. Disliking someone forms stronger bonds and gives us a connection. We need to remember that a connection based on a negative emotion is bound to have a negative outcome down the road. She talks about several things you can do to avoid the negativity trap and how to pay attention to your own emotions and dislike of self rather than getting other people to dislike the same people you do.

  • Holding Onto Grudges

    10/02/2023 Duración: 10min

    Join Tyler Woods today as she talks about how holding a grudge allows you to harbor anger, bitterness, resentment, and other negative feelings long after someone has done something to hurt you. She talks about how when you chose to hold onto hurt, pain and grudges, there will not be much left to you to hold onto because grudges are heavy. You are holding so tight your hands are not free to hold onto more precious things. Join her today and learn a few ways you can let go of grudges and walk a happier healthier life.

  • Discovering Patience

    09/02/2023 Duración: 09min

    Join Tyler Woods as she talks about how patience is power. It is strong and some people have to learn and discover it because they were never taught it.  Patience grows and it grows in the rocky terrain. The rockier it gets the more opportunity patience give you to practice it. Tyler says she heard somewhere patience is the soulmate of compassion and much like compassion we can never learn patience until we are patient with our own self. So practice it on you first! 

  • Learning Life's Lessons

    05/02/2023 Duración: 11min

    Join Tyler Woods as she talks about the lessons we learn from our mistakes, our choices, and our lifestyle. The lesson that teaches us that life is not a checklist rather a practice. We are all here to learn the lessons life offers us. Life lessons offer us these wonderful little nuggets of knowledge and wisdom. If we learn life lessons, we begin to make choices and decisions and get the outcome we wanted instead of the one we didn't. It's called  life's compost, we learn the lesson, we compost it and turn it into fresh growth and positive experience. Join her today as she talks about how to not avoid learning life's lessons.

  • Spirituality and Mental Health

    21/01/2023 Duración: 12min

    Join Tyler Woods as she talks about how spirituality, not religion, rather spirituality can help with mental health and wellbeing. Spirituality can help us feel more grounded, feel better about ourselves, which reduces anxiety and depression.  It is about connecting the mind, the body and the spirit for a more holistic approach to mental health. 

  • The Three Pillars of Depression and Anxiety

    01/01/2023 Duración: 14min

    Join Dr. Tyler Woods today as she talks about how she views depression and anxiety as three pillars. She believes that we forget that the mind, body and spirit do not allow us to stand alone with depression and anxiety. It has us stand on three very solid pillars. The first pillar is the thought process which is the product of our mind. The second pillar is the physical aspect which is about our health and the existence which is our body and finally the spiritual pillar which is our life force. It is with these three forces that we can conquer depression and anxiety. Join her today

  • Bariatric Surgery and the Lack of Mental Health Part 1

    10/10/2019 Duración: 17min

    Bariatric surgery is an effective tool for long-term weight loss in patients with obesity; however, There seems to be a huge taboo with the medical profession with weight loss surgery and mental health. It's important for all patients to receive counseling before and after weight-loss surgery and afterward to set realistic expectations and learn to navigate the very drastic changes that occur. Join Dr. Tyler Woods as she talks about the lack of mental health with the ever growing industry of surgical weight loss. 

  • Narcissist The Catch-all For Anyone Who’s Wronged Us.

    18/07/2019 Duración: 11min

    Every few years a new psychological term enters popular consciousness and is misused and misunderstood. This year’s term is “Narcissist.” It now seems that “Narcissist” is now a catch-all for anyone who’s wronged us. The term has been misused and overused so flagrantly that it’s now all but meaningless when it comes to labeling truly destructive tendencies. Join Dr Tyler Woods as she talks one of the biggest problem with becoming obsessed with the label “narcissist”.  It distracts us from the real truth. People who have emotional issues are often the ones slinging narcissist around. If they make others look bad they can look good. 

  • Coping with Dysfunctional Families

    23/05/2019 Duración: 15min

      Join Tyler Woods Ph.D. as she talks about dysfunctional families.  She explains how a family is dysfunctional if they regularly experience conflict, misbehavior, or abuse in a way that creates harm. The impacts of growing up in a dysfunctional family can be long-lasting. However, it doesn't have to determine your destiny and you can learn to heal. Join Dr. Woods as she talks about ways to heal from dysfunctional family and ways to empower yourself.  She talks about using dysfunctional family to gain strength and become a better person for it.

  • Understanding Narcissism

    14/03/2019 Duración: 16min

      Join Dr Tyler Woods as she talks about narcissists. She is very active in recovery with narcissistic people. She believes narcissists aren’t looking for friends or family rather they’re looking for obedient admirers. She explains that narcissists crave admiration and attention like a junkie crave their drug. Attention is their drug of choice. Narcissists need constant food for their ego, so they surround themselves with people who are willing to cater to their obsessive craving for affirmation. They become impatient or angry when they don't receive special treatment. Join Tyler as she talks about ways you can better cope with the narcissist and how you can better understand and protect yourself from them.

  • Fear of Missing Out FOMO

    27/02/2019 Duración: 14min

    Join Dr Tyler Woods as she talks about a real new issues called Fear of Missing Out (FOMO). It is an anxiety over the idea that other people might be having fulfilling experiences without you.  FOMO often originates in unhappiness and low self-esteem, anxiety disorder and higher levels of fear of missing out. The problem with FOMO is the individuals it impacts spend their time looking for others to give them happiness and joy rather than looking inward to get it. Dr. Woods shares her recent experience with it and how it helped introduce her to this new problem in today's world. 

  • Medical Marijuana in Recovery

    07/01/2019 Duración: 12min

       Should people in recovery from alcohol or drugs use medical marijuana? For people in recovery, there is a big difference between needs vs. wants. For a person in a normal healthy state, there is no need to take a substance with mind-altering components… that would be considered a “want.” However, for people in recovery who have health issues, surgeries and even life threatening diseases, the use of cannabis becomes a big “need.” Join Tyler Woods today as she talks about medical marijuana compared with recreational marijuana, medical cannabis has higher levels of CBD and lower levels of THC, the ingredient in cannabis that produces euphoric effects. Learn why medical marijuana does not affect your sobriety. 

  • Kindfulness and Mental Health

    12/12/2018 Duración: 09min

    Random acts of kindness and expressing gratitude can go a long way in improving your mental health. Science confirms that pro-social behaviors generate positive moods, particularly in people with anxiety or depression. By doing something nice for someone else, you’re also helping yourself at the same time. Join Dr Tyler Woods as she talks about kindness and how it can help you with depression , anxiety and other issues.

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