Everybody Hates Rand: A Wheel Of Time Podcast



Just two hyper-critical English majors talking some pretty big game about The Wheel of Time. Co-hosts Emily and Sally gather around their kitchen table each week to serve you up a full fantasy feast of oft-misremembered summary, hot analysis, scraps of literary theory, and a whole lot of hating Rand.


  • Episode 33: Smell Like Bullets

    17/09/2018 Duración: 47min

    It's a tired and giggly episode of EHR! We're talking about how Lan gives terrible advice, how Hurin should be spending time on his post-grad, and how Uno deserves true love, probably with someone brave and manly. And hilarious. And -- okay, it's Gaul. We've already planned the wedding. Transcript 

  • Episode 32: Cool It Down, Couladin

    10/09/2018 Duración: 47min

    This week we're talking about a very important chapter: the one where the Chosen One finds out he's been Chosen. For once, we feel very bad for Rand. We discuss the narrative, symbolic, mythic, psychological, cosmic significance of this moment. And, of course, we argue that it would be even better if Perrin dabbled in pagan witchcraft.  Transcript 

  • Episode 31: My Goblin Jesus

    03/09/2018 Duración: 45min

    This episode, in which we primarily discuss dark prophecies, question Padan Fain's reasoning, and collectively gag over The Great Hunt's weird penchant for graphic violence, we introduce two new characters to our Updated, Revised, and All-Around Better Version of WoT: Larry the Good Trolloc and Ilyeno.  Transcript

  • Episode 30: Bodcast: Ninety Push-Ups

    27/08/2018 Duración: 42min

    In which Rand would totally be a Soul Cycle cult leader, Elaida is Donald Trump, Moiraine's ego is an unstoppable force, Robert Jordan uses RateMyAesSedai dot com, and we humbly suggest that you Do Not Do A War Crime.  Transcript

  • Episode 29: Jerkins DON'T Have Sleeves!

    20/08/2018 Duración: 50min

    We're joined by professional costumer and Yu-Gi-Oh! enthusiast Sarah McClintock to talk about clothes, fantasy, and denim on denim. She helps answer questions like: Why is Robert Jordan obsessed with butts and breeches? Why is the boob situation in Tel'aran'rhiod so important? What happens when you dress a farm boy like a fancy lord and give him responsibility? Transcript

  • Episode 28: Janet McBible

    13/08/2018 Duración: 49min

    Please excuse the background hum of AC in this week's episode -- it's 95 degrees in Utah! And a balmy 70 in Fal Dara when the Amyrlin Seat arrives. We talk about Tigger: Rap God, Alien v. Sexual Predator, a Flannel of Lesbians, and get this: we finally consult the pronunciation guide.  Transcript 

  • Episode 27: Wagonpool to Satan

    09/08/2018 Duración: 46min

    Hey, hey, we're kicking off season two -- and The Great Hunt -- with a ten-minute intro about our homelessness and other misfortunes. Then we talk about Acne and Assholery, Drunk Uncles and Fish Metaphors, and new game show Are You Taller Than a Cello? Transcript 

  • EHR Extra: The Sagittarius-est To Ever Sagittarii

    30/07/2018 Duración: 48min

    With Sally out of town, this week Emily is joined by guest co-host Cambria Hobbs, our Wheel of Time progenitor and resident astrology expert. We tackle topics like Rand's so-called sex appeal, Gawyn's Gemini-ness, and Robert Jordan's whole anti-birthday thing. Transcript

  • Q&A Episode: Wot?!

    23/07/2018 Duración: 57min

    You have questions, and we have answers, on every topic imaginable, from Emily's less-than-stellar academic career to books as murder weapons to Jude Law's true place in the Wheel of Time-verse. Thanks for the questions!​ Transcript

  • Episode 26: BIG BATTLE LADY

    09/07/2018 Duración: 01h01min

    Hey there, welcome to our season finale! It's longer and crazier than usual as we wrap up the Eye of the World - discussion topics include Chop-Chop Guy, the Frequency of Cliffs, everyone's Signature Drinks, and Sally's bold argument in favor of Mat's sociopathy. Transcript

  • Episode 25: Jude Law

    02/07/2018 Duración: 55min

    This is not actually episode 24 as Sally claims it is, but episode 25 where we discuss such important things as the curse of Laura Ingalls Wilder, Just Pure Magic™, what it means to DTR in the Mad Max desert, and Wheel of Time’s most important character: Jude Law. Transcript

  • Episode 24: Perrin ... Took a Different Class

    25/06/2018 Duración: 51min

    Like Lan's entire country of origin, the entire twenty-minute intro of this episode was deleted. It's fine. This episode is weird enough without it. We talk about Chumbawamb​a: Portal Guardians, our gay uncle Agelmar, and the academic AU. Transcript

  • Episode 23: Magic Space Hell

    18/06/2018 Duración: 47min

    ​In this episode we talk about our heroes' journey through the Ways, but more importantly, we also discuss Mentor Resumes, Edgelord Loial, the Best Shark Attack, Village Idiots, the Shared Kirby Air Ride Consciousness, and Egg Head. Transcript

  • Episode 22: Hand al'Thor

    11/06/2018 Duración: 50min

    ​This episode got a little out of . . . hand. Ha ha! Just a little hand joke for you, about ten books too early for puns like these. But seriously, we should have been talking about the Ways, and instead we complained about this book's weird plot. So it goes. Transcript

  • Episode 21: xBrian

    04/06/2018 Duración: 52min

    ​This is the episode where we Fix Wheel of Time. Of course Rand is in a coma, Mat is illiterate, and everything is gayer, but we also devote about four hundred percent more screen time to the most underrated character in the series: Lamgwin's cat. Transcript

  • Episode 20: That is NOT Dope

    28/05/2018 Duración: 47min

    We've now recorded twenty episodes of this podcast, which is crazy. Fittingly, we meet about twenty more main characters in this section, most of whom we hate. At least Galad is there!​ Transcript

  • Episode 19: Where Did the Water Go?

    21/05/2018 Duración: 51min

    We spent the last ten minutes of this episode Googling that whole Luc/Isam thing that Robert Jordan never really explained. Other discussion topics this week include Galad Appreciation, Thom IS The Entree, and Sally Puts Emily On Blast. Transcript

  • Episode 18: From the Chin Down

    14/05/2018 Duración: 47min

    The boys are off the road and straight into Basel Gill's downtown hotel for wayward and semi-demonically-possessed teens. We talk about arbitrary political decisions, Thom's loan sharks, and how Loial is the world's most precious and perfect boy. Transcript

  • Episode 17: It's Better Than Nothing

    07/05/2018 Duración: 54min


  • Episode 16: What Are They, Mormons?

    30/04/2018 Duración: 53min

    ​We're on the HIIIIGHWAAAY TO HELL. Or Caemlyn, or whatever. This week we're joining Rand and Mat as they spread the gleeman's gospel with a bunch of farmers and inn patrons. There's cow whispering. There's deus ex machina. Most of all, there's the power of friendship. Transcript

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