Dare Great Things



To form, unite, and inspire young Catholics for the new evangelization.


  • DGT Episode 55 - Paul Alone And With Friends - St. Paul Part 4

    07/10/2019 Duración: 24min

    I don’t think any of us have any doubt that leadership can be lonely.  It’s like they say, “It’s lonely at the top.”  St. Paul knew this from the inside and at times in his writings even mentions how hard it was for him to be alone.  And at the same time St. Paul cultivated friendships and had deep and profound relationships.   This becomes a model for us – the lonely, befriended leader.

  • DGT Episode 54 - Paul's Hardship In Leadership - St. Paul Part 3

    30/09/2019 Duración: 27min

    Nobody doubts that leadership can be lonely at times.  And yet even the greatest of leaders had friends.  In the story of St. Paul and his leadership in Acts, St. Barnabas plays an essential role.  Why would God have wanted St. Paul to have a friend like St. Barnabas?  What role does God want our friendships to play in our lives as leaders?

  • DGT Episode 53 - Paul, A Leader In Uncertain Times - St. Paul Part 2

    23/09/2019 Duración: 27min

    All of us like to lead when we know what we are doing.  But when foundations are shaken or assumptions that we hold are questioned, it can be difficult and challenging to persevere in leadership.  St. Paul had the same challenge.  In today’s talk I would like to examine with you how we can persevere in leadership even in uncertain times.

  • DGT Episode 52 - Paul, A Saint With A Past - St. Paul Part 1

    16/09/2019 Duración: 27min

    I’d like to share about the leadership of St. Paul.  This man’s incredible passion and drive changed the Church.  But like so many great men he had a past.  How did Paul deal with what he had done towards God and God’s people?  How did his past shape his future?  And what can we do when we realize that we too are guilty of doing wrong?  How does it affect our leadership?

  • DGT Episode 51 - Peter's Confidence - St. Peter Part 14

    09/09/2019 Duración: 27min

    Leaders are caught between two worlds.  On the one hand it seems like our faith wants us to be meek and humble.  On the other hand the challenges that we face require us to be courageous and bold.  How do we find the balance between these two?  St. Peter had to face the same challenges.  Let’s see how he met them.

  • DGT Episode 50 - Peter's Visionary Leadership - St. Peter Part 13

    02/09/2019 Duración: 27min

    Leaders are those who make a difference.  But making a difference requires having a vision.  What was the vision inside of St. Peter?  What was driving him as he led the Church?  Understanding and getting a glimpse into God’s purpose for St. Peter we can better understand the role of vision in our own lives as leaders and how we can capture it.

  • DGT Episode 49 - Peter And A Leader's Vulnerability - St. Peter Part 12

    26/08/2019 Duración: 27min

    I think leaders often get a bad name.  We are portrayed as people whose vision makes us hard and whose clarity makes us intransient. But a Christian leader is called to be something more.  The Acts Of The Apostles show us St. Peter as a leader who is vulnerable, who is emotionally engaged and, therefore, who is even more effective.

  • DGT Episode 48 - Peter And Paul - St. Peter Part 11

    19/08/2019 Duración: 27min

    Without a doubt St. Peter and St. Paul dominate Church history – their names are as synonymous with Christianity as Our Lord’s own name or that of His Blessed Mother.  But how did the two get along and what was their relationship like?  If you were a leader how would you lead a church with someone like St. Paul in it? St. Peter gives us an example of a charismatic leadership – humble and empowering.

  • DGT Episode 47 - Leading In Time Of Trial - St. Peter Part 10

    12/08/2019 Duración: 27min

    A lot of people expect leadership to go smoothly and when it doesn’t they think that they have done something wrong.  This can of course be true but is it always this way?  How do we lead in a suffering and tragic situation?  Simon Peter shows us in the Acts of The Apostles - giving us a great example.

  • DGT Episode 46 - St. Peter And St. Stephen - St. Peter Part 9

    05/08/2019 Duración: 27min

    Every leader has to face trials.  Every leader has to face suffering.  Even St. Peter in his leadership in Acts of The Apostles goes through very hard times. What are the secrets that his leadership shows us about how to cope with the sufferings involved?

  • DGT Episode 45 - Belonging To The Community You Serve - St. Peter Part 8

    29/07/2019 Duración: 27min

    There are many philosophies about leadership.  Some hold that the leader needs to keep themselves at a distance from the people that they lead – that the leader always needs to stay aloof and one step above. Others hold that leadership needs to be an exercise from within a community – almost like a shared charge that’s passed around.  What’s the truth?  How do we reconcile the need to lead forward and at the same time belong to the people that we serve?

  • DGE Episode 44 - Peter And The High Priest - St. Peter Part 7

    22/07/2019 Duración: 27min

    Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.  It’s the same with the business leader today.  If we look backwards we can sometimes allow our mistakes to overcome and overcloud our vision for the future.  Simon Peter obviously had to do the same.  How did he deal with his own sinfulness and brokenness?  How did he become a leader through it all? 

  • DGT Episode 43 - Peter The Flexible - St. Peter Part 6

    15/07/2019 Duración: 27min

    Bruce Lee once famously quipped that in order to win in martial arts you had to be like water.  Willing to find any crack, any way and being irresistible in your motion forward.  We see the same thing in the life of St. Peter and we see the same thing in the life of every successful business leader.  Let’s look at how this applies at our spirituality today.

  • DGT Episode 42 - A Leader Of Hope - St. Peter Part 5

    08/07/2019 Duración: 27min

    There are so many reasons for us to be upset today – to be discouraged today – but there are even more reasons for us to be hopeful.  And St. Peter, the leader, demonstrates the role of leadership in inspiring and encouraging hope even in the darkest times.

  • DGT Episode 41 - A Bold Proclamation - St Peter Part 4

    01/07/2019 Duración: 27min

    We all know the value of diplomacy.  We all know the value of consideration and tolerance.  There is also a value in the ability to speak clearly what is on our mind in a persuasive fashion.  St. Peter demonstrates this the day of Pentecost and Fr. Nathan wants to look at that with you!

  • DGT Episode 40 - The Strength Of Initiative - St. Peter Part 3

    24/06/2019 Duración: 27min

    Every leader needs to take initiative.  It’s the same for St. Peter and for the apostles of his day.  How did St. Peter move the church forward during her darkest times?  Let’s take a look at the Acts of The Apostles, Chapter 1 verses 12 and following to find out. 

  • DGT Episode 39 - The Leader's Call In St. Peter - St. Peter Part 2

    10/06/2019 Duración: 27min

    Every leader has a call. Every call has a story.  St. Peter was called by Christ to dare great things, but he was called to dare great things because he was loved by Christ and knew it.  Discovering Christ’s love for you gives courage and incentive to strike out and follow him on the paths where he leads.

  • DGT Episode 38 - St. Peter Rock Of The Church Part 1

    03/06/2019 Duración: 27min

    In my work helping cultural and business leaders grow deeper in their faith, I have had the occasion to preach several times on the life of St. Peter.  I would like to share some of my thoughts with you now – looking at Peter and asking ourselves what was his leadership style?  How did God use and form him to be the rock upon which he built his church? 

  • DGT Episode 37 - May, Month of Mary Queen

    27/05/2019 Duración: 27min

    Without a doubt the Virgin Mary remains one of the central figures that defines the Christian faith. But what does Mary have to say to leaders?  In this month of May, dedicated to her, I would like to explore with you some thoughts about Mary and leadership.

  • DGT Episode 36 - Missionary Disciples In Leadership - Part 5 - Intercession of Business Leaders

    20/05/2019 Duración: 27min

    One of the hot topics today is that of the priesthood.  People think all the time that priests are those who lead Mass, who preach, who distribute the sacraments.  But sometimes they forget what the bible teaches – that all of us are priests in Jesus. What does this mean for us who are business leaders?  How can we live out our function as priests of Jesus Christ in the world? 

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