Sabbath Thoughts And Reflections

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 102:03:37
  • Mas informaciones



Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections is a podcast that examines the topics and issues most affecting members of the Hebrew Roots/Messianic Faith Community. The purpose and goal of the program is to inform, enlighten and edify the Body of Messiah while glorifying our Father which is in heaven. All are welcome.


  • The Thirst-Quenching Waters of Sukkot-The Feast of Tabernacles-The Fall Feasts of the LORD 2022 Series

    06/10/2022 Duración: 53min

    God's people are commanded to be joyful during Sukkot-The Feast of Tabernacles. But given the challenging-difficult times we're living, where do we find true joy? Well, the Feast of Tabernacles holds the secret to the season of our joy.

  • The Heart of Yom Kippur-The Day of Atonement

    01/10/2022 Duración: 43min

    When you think about Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, what goes through your mind? No doubt the required fast. Right? But would you be shocked to know that the LORD requires far more from us than a fast?  We're going to get to the heart of Yom Kippur in this discussion.

  • The Realities of Yom Teruah 2022

    24/09/2022 Duración: 01h24min

    What are the realities of the Feast of Trumpets, otherwise known as Yom Teruah to God's people? Why should this day matter to you? We discuss and learn the salvific issues associated with this set-apart day of the LORD.

  • An Overview of the Fall Feasts of the LORD 2022

    17/09/2022 Duración: 01h35min

    As I'm posting this installment of TMTO, the Fall Feasts of the LORD will be upon us in a little more than a week. So, in preparation I've elected to conduct a general overview of the Fall Feasts to prepare us to receive these set-apart days.

  • Resurrection Truth vs. Rapture Error

    10/09/2022 Duración: 01h39min

    In this final installment to our death, the grave, and the resurrection series, we separate the error of the rapture error from the truth of the resurrection of the dead.

  • Even the Small Things Matter to God

    03/09/2022 Duración: 01h11min

    The mysterious story contained in our Torah Reading this week of Zipporah circumcising her son to save the life of Moses highlights for us the central truth that even the small things of covenant and Torah matter to God.

  • 6th Rosh Chodesh 2022

    29/08/2022 Duración: 45min

    News Flash! The Renewed Moon WAS sighted over the land of Isra'el today, S-nday, 8/28/2022. Therefore, wherever you may reside on the earth, at sundown on 8/28/2022, we will begin the 6th Month of Father's Sacred Calendar year. Chag Semeach Rosh Chodesh. Blow the Shofar and Rejoice!

  • Gods Holy Character--A Messianic Study of Exodus 3:1-4:13

    27/08/2022 Duración: 01h38min

    This 47th Torah Portion of the 3-year reading cycle highlights Moses' encounter with God. We learn from this historic encounter about one of God's greatest character traits: that He is Holy. We discuss the ramifications that God's holiness poses to Messianics in various areas of their faith walk.

  • Death-The Grave-The Resurrection-Part 2

    19/08/2022 Duración: 01h21min

    In this 45th Torah Reading we learn of the deaths of the Patriarchs Jacob and Joseph. From their story we gain an essential understanding of death, the grave, and the afterlife, especially as it relates to God's set-apart people. This is part 2 of a discussion on the subject of death, the grave, and the resurrection.

  • He Was Gathered Unto His People-Death-The Grave-The Resurrection--Part-1

    13/08/2022 Duración: 01h09min

    In this 45th Torah Reading we learn of the deaths of the Patriarchs Jacob and Joseph. From their story we gain an essential understanding of death, the grave, and the afterlife, especially as it relates to God's set-apart people. This is part-1 of a discussion on the subject of death, the grave, and the afterlife.

  • The 9th of Av-He Called You by Name

    06/08/2022 Duración: 01h29min

    In this TMTO Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections, we discuss the practical elements of the Jewish Memorial Day of the 9th of Av (aka Tisha B'Av) as well as how we who are the redeemed of God relate and identify with Israel, who God called by name.

  • Let No Man Judge You in Your Keeping of Torah

    05/07/2022 Duración: 01h26min

    The denominationalists have used Colossians 2:16-17, along with similar passages, to promote their anti-Torah agenda. These have ignored the context in which this passage was originally written and have fashioned a false narrative that strips away the elements of God's righteous Way of Life He gifted for His chosen people. But in this installment of TMTO, we expose the error of their twisted interpretations and set straight the true purpose and meaning of this key Pauline passage.

  • Did the Apostle Paul Permit the Eating of All Meats

    25/06/2022 Duración: 01h10min

    Many have used 1 Timothy 4:1-5 as proof that God's dietary laws have been done away with along with the rest of Torah, making the consumption of any meats permissible by the would-be child of God. But is this Pauline passage actually releasing God's people to eat whatever they want? We examine this passage to see if the Church's teachings on this passage are indeed true.

  • Does Torah Cause Someone to Sin More?

    18/06/2022 Duración: 01h10min

    Paul writes in Romans 5:20 that Torah was given to increase sin so that grace may increase even more. Is the apostle saying that Torah causes people to sin or sin more than if Torah was not present in their lives? We examine this key Pauline passage from a Messianic perspective to see if indeed Torah has the effect of increasing sin in our lives.

  • Finding Peace with God

    11/06/2022 Duración: 01h21min

    One thing that is missing in just about every individual's life outside of those who possess a true covenant relationship with the Almighty is peace or shalom. We're talking about peace or shalom with the Eternal from an inward assurance standpoint and peace/shalom from a righteousness and eternal security standpoint.  It is vitally important for everyone to be at peace with their Creator. But how does one go about obtaining this peace. We discuss what is needed to find this peace in this installment of TMTO: Finding Peace with God-Eternal Life and a Blessed Assurance.

  • Shavuot-Pentecost 2022 in Focus

    03/06/2022 Duración: 01h16min

    Shavuot-Pentecost is upon us, and we must come to terms as to what this set-apart day on Father's calendar has to do with us today. So, we set out in this post to discover the Messianic implications and applications of Shavuot for the 2022 Netzari.

  • The Inapplicability of Torah

    27/05/2022 Duración: 01h11min

    The Apostle Paul wrote "Where there is no Law there is no transgression." Some believe this verse proves that God abolished any need for His people to keep Torah.  But is this really what the apostle is saying here? We dig deep and uncover the truth as it relates to this critical Pauline statement.

  • Where There is no Law There is no Transgression-Part 2

    20/05/2022 Duración: 59min

    The Apostle Paul wrote "Where there is no Law there is no transgression." Some believe this verse proves that God abolished any need for His people to keep Torah.  But is this really what the apostle is saying here? We dig deep and uncover the truth as it relates to this critical Pauline statement.

  • Where There is no Law There is no Transgression-Part 1

    13/05/2022 Duración: 54min

    Paul wrote to the Messianic Assembly in Rome that where there is no law, there is no transgression. Was this shocking statement another example of Paul being against Torah? That Torah was done away with? Or was the apostle to the Gentiles telling us something else here? We discuss. You're invited.

  • The Exceeding Kingdom Qualifying Righteousness that takes us From Passover to Tabernacles-Part 2

    06/05/2022 Duración: 54min

    The journey from Passover to Tabernacles is extremely difficult and only a precious few will ever make it to the end. What is necessary for a disciple of Yeshua to make it to the Kingdom of God? We discuss a few of those keys to the Kingdom.

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