Omc: Family Chapel



OMC: Family Chapel featuring speaker Pastor Joshua Lim


  • Training in Godliness

    13/05/2018 Duración: 39min

    We saw last week the importance of godliness and how it is fueled by the Gospel. We will be continuing to look at the topic of godliness, and we will see that in order to build godliness in our lives, we must train ourselves up in it. In order to train ourselves in godliness, Paul calls us to two things, which are to live with integrity and to be committed to God's Word.

  • Gospel-Driven Godliness

    06/05/2018 Duración: 42min

    Here we see the importance of godliness since we are the church of the living God entrusted with the truth. And we'll see that the key to godly living is the Gospel. Resting in the finished work of Christ is what gives us the strength to live lives of godliness (3:14-16). When we lose the Gospel, we will also distort our lives towards ungodliness (4:1-5). We can pursue a deep godliness by deeply resting in the Gospel.

  • Deacons

    29/04/2018 Duración: 38min

    With this passage, we'll be looking at the role of deacons in the life of the church. And we're going to see that deacons are ministers of mercy who are to meet the practical needs of the people. Given the role of a deacon at a local church, one must have a character of integrity.

  • Elders

    22/04/2018 Duración: 46min

    With this passage, we'll be looking at the role of elders in the life of the church. And we're going to see that elders are the pastors of the church who are to teach the church, lead the church, and protect the church. Given the role of an elder at a local church, one must have a character that is above reproach since he will be overseeing the household of God and subject to Satan’s temptations.

  • Men and Women in the Church

    15/04/2018 Duración: 36min

    In our passage this week, Paul addresses Timothy concerning the structure of church leadership, and indicates that the role of teaching and leadership in the church has been entrusted to men. This is not to say that women cannot teach or be leaders within the church, but is speaking specifically in the context of Eldership. Though this may be a controversial passage in our current cultural climate, we will see that this model is God's good design for the protection and flourishing of the church.

  • Prayer for All People

    08/04/2018 Duración: 37min

    With this passage, we'll be looking at Paul's call to prayer for all people. And we're going to see that we should pray for the salvation of all peoples because (1) God’s heart is for all peoples, (2) Christ’s work on the cross was for all peoples, and (3) the Church has been commissioned to reach all peoples.

  • The Good Shepherd

    01/04/2018 Duración: 30min

    For Easter Sunday, we'll be seeing how Jesus is the Good Shepherd who provides his people new life by giving up His life. We're so often searching for life in all the wrong places. In Christ, we receive abundant life through his life, death, and resurrection! Hallelujah!

  • The Purpose of the Law

    25/03/2018 Duración: 31min

    In our passage this week, Paul continues to address Timothy concerning the false teachers in the church, and we see a glimpse of the nature at what these false teachers were teaching: that right standing before God could be attained through the keeping of the law. Paul writes to affirm the message of the gospel, that the law is not to be used that way. According to Paul, the law does two things: 1) reveals our sin (1:8-13a), but 2) highlights the depths of God's grace and mercy in Christ Jesus (1:13a-16). This is the teaching that the church is to be built upon, and that we are to guard. This is the gospel, that it is not by the keeping of the law that we are saved, but by the grace, mercy, and perfect patience of Christ Jesus. The ultimate purpose of the Law is to reveal the need for our Savior.

  • Danger: False Teachers!

    18/03/2018 Duración: 33min

    The book of 1 Timothy hones in on what the church is supposed to be like. We want to build the family and in the next few years, we'll be undergoing some pretty big structural changes. So we're hoping to lay a solid foundation and a common understanding for our congregation as we move forward together! With our first sermon, we'll see that the church needs to be aware of the danger of false teachers. The church needs to know the marks of false teachers (teaching devoid of truth; life devoid of love) and rightly respond to them (recognize responsibility, hold on to integrity, and exercise church discipline).

  • Walking with Otheres in Their Suffering

    11/03/2018 Duración: 41min

    We are wrapping up our short series on Suffering this Sunday. We'll be looking at how we are to walk with others in their suffering. We'll see that the way we walk with others is by showing up (Galatians 6:2), listening (Job 13:5), praying (Philippians 4:6-7), providing practical support (1 John 3:16-18), giving the gift of hope (Hebrews 6:19-20), and waiting (Isaiah 40:30-31). As a family, God calls upon us to walk well with one another in seasons of suffering.

  • Our Response in Suffering

    04/03/2018 Duración: 41min

    As we continue our series on Suffering, we'll be looking at how we should respond when we are in times of suffering. Though we may understand the biblical framework for suffering and God's purposes in suffering, we often find ourselves not knowing how to respond when suffering hits. Naturally, we tend to deal with suffering by denying it, oversimplifying it, or despairing in it, which ultimately do not work. Rather, we'll see that the Bible gives us a healthier, more robust way to respond to suffering, rooted in the hope we have in Christ.

  • God's Purpose in Suffering

    25/02/2018 Duración: 43min

    While suffering is not a good thing, certain good things can only come through suffering. The goal of this sermon is not necessarily so that you can look at the suffering you are going through right now or at suffering that you have gone through in the past and try to pinpoint exactly why God did what He did. (That’s a fool’s errand!) Rather, the goal of this sermon is to give us some general guidelines so that we can trust that God is working for our good and for His glory in the midst of our suffering.

  • A Biblical Framework for Suffering

    19/02/2018 Duración: 41min

    Creation: Suffering was not a part of God's original design Fall: Suffering is a result of sin Redemption: Suffering is ultimately experienced and overcome by God at the cross Restoration: Suffering will be no more one day

  • Heart of Compassion

    12/02/2018 Duración: 37min

    We will be wrapping up our short series in Jonah this upcoming Sunday. We'll see the surprising reason why Jonah ran away when God first called him, and that's because He did not want the Ninevites to receive God's mercy! (Jonah was a nationalistic racist!!) While he rejoiced in receiving God's mercy, he could not bear to see others receive God's mercy. From our passage, we'll see that we ought to have God's heart of compassion towards those we see as "others". As we have received mercy, we ought to show others mercy.

  • Gods Grace in Repentance

    04/02/2018 Duración: 40min

    As we continue in the book of Jonah, in chapter 3, we'll see God graciously call upon Nineveh to repent. And then we'll see how God graciously responds to Nineveh's repentance with mercy. Repentance, from beginning to end, is an act of grace - the call to repentance, the act of repentance, and the response to repentance are all truly God's gracious gifts to us!

  • The Call of God

    21/01/2018 Duración: 08min

    We'll be kicking off a new series (4 weeks) through the book of Jonah. For this Sunday, we'll focus on the call of God. God calls us to obey Him. Oftentimes, it is difficult to obey, but we should obey the call of God placed on our lives because God is the sovereign Lord who is worthy of our obedience and His call will come to pass. Instead of running away, we should obey the call of God by living in the presence of God.

  • Growing Up Together

    14/01/2018 Duración: 49min
  • Member Mentality

    13/01/2018 Duración: 50min
  • We Are Family!

    13/01/2018 Duración: 48min
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