Camera Ready With Val Brown



Learn from Emmy Award winner Val Brown about how to look, feel and sound your best in front of the camera. Whether its for social media, headshots or television, learn what you need to know to support your brand and deliver your message effectively with credibility and authenticity to your target Scott Holmes


  • CR 23 - How To Use Gestures Effectively On Camera To Support Your Message

    10/09/2018 Duración: 11min

    Using gestures is an effective way to emphasize a point, add energy to your delivery, increase your confidence and connect with your audience. Used poorly, gestures can have the exact opposite effect and create a disconnect with your audience. Learn: Why you often hate the way you look on camera How to think about using gestures What gestures can help you support your message and your brand. The secret to keeping a great attitude on camera Here's a PDF you can download. Use this to make notes of the gestures that work and those that are distracting. Record yourself and work to eliminate distracting gestures.

  • CR 22 - How To Identify Your Vocal Brand And Sound Great On Camera

    03/09/2018 Duración: 24min

    With podcasts and video being such an important part of your brand platform today, it pays to pay attention to your voice. It’s an important part of your brand. Veteran radio personality and voice actor Jeff Gelder shares some of his vast experience with us about developing your vocal brand and how you can work to make sure you sound your best on camera and on your podcast. Jeff is a big believer in the power and influence of the human voice. He’s worked with Sony, ESPN, Dell, Jenny Craig, and Toyota and interviewed celebrities from Olivia Newton John to Woody Harreslon. This is a big topic, so we are really are going to just scratch the surface and give you some tools to get started.  On this episode you’ll learn: The elements of a vocal brand Why you don’t like the sound of your own voice Voice exercises to make sure you sound your best Here are links referenced in the show where you can find some more resources on this topic. Voice Over Achiever, What Is A Great Podcasting Voice?

  • CR 21 - How To Stop Procrastinating and Get Your Headshots Done Today

    27/08/2018 Duración: 13min

    We’ve all experienced procrastination’s grip when we are trying to do something new.There’s the unknown, learning curves and sometimes it’s just plain hard. This is especially true when it comes to being in front of the camera. If you don’t know what you want to say, or why, where to look, what to wear or how to deliver your message, it can feel like trying to drive a car with a manual transmission. How do you move forward when there are so many moving parts to master? On this episode I share Mel Robbins Five Second Rule - learn about: The two types of procrastination Why we procrastinate How you can stop procrastinating Today and reach for your dreams Here's the link to the Five Second Rule and a link to Mel’s Ted Talk so you can take a listen for yourself.  

  • CR 20 - Pt. 2 How To Identify The Key Elements of Your Visual Brand

    14/06/2018 Duración: 23min

    Interview with graphic designer Jason Clement on how to select your fonts, filters, photo, colors and logo for your visual brand identity. Jason is an art enthusiast, color savant, and unreasonably obsessed with great design. He works with with well known on-line influencers including Ray Edwards and Mike Kim. Jason helps us pull together all of the work we did on How To Find The Key Elements of Your Visual Brand Part 1 (episode 19) so you can start identifying the specific elements of your visual brand.   Resources: Visual Identity Brand Planner   

  • CR 19 - Pt. 1 How to Find The Key Elements of Your Visual Brand

    04/06/2018 Duración: 12min

    Your visual brand identity (combined with your verbal identity and the value you deliver) evokes a certain feeling, memories and emotions when people experience your brand. It’s the visual story you tell to communicate your overall message, values, and brand promise through the images, colors, fonts, filters, and videos you consistently use. Being aware of how your visuals affect your brand is the starting point.  What do you want your visuals to say about you? Learn how these 3 questions will give you the foundation to figure our your visual brand elements: Who is your target audience? What sets you apart from your competitors? How would a friend describe how you make them feel? Learn more about how these questions will help you narrow in on your visual brand elements from fonts to photos and video to the filters, logos and colors you choose.  Reference: Mike Kim's blog: Resource: Visual

  • CR 18 - Use Your Power Stance, Change Bad Habits and Find Your Zone of Genius

    11/05/2018 Duración: 18min

    Some Of My Recent Favorite Reads  Whether you’re looking for a fresh source of inspiration or education, consider checking these out. Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges by Amy Cuddy The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level by Gay Hendricks In the vast sea of wonderful books to choose from, these have been really meaningful to my personal and professional development.   Reference: Mike Kim Resources: TED Talk Amy Cuddy: Your body language may shape who you are  Amy's response to critique of "Power Posing" research

  • CR 17 - How To Look Natural Using A Teleprompter

    30/04/2018 Duración: 08min

    If you think you want to use a teleprompter for video, there're some things you need to know before you do. On this episode of Camera Ready with Val Brown you’ll learn about The importance of: knowing why you are using a teleprompter pacing, volume, pauses and body movement positioning your teleprompter You'll also need to be sure you write conversationally and spend time practicing your script before you hit the record button.  Easy tips you can put to use right away.

  • CR 16 - For Your Eyes Only - What You Need To Know About Wearing Sunglasses On Camera

    23/04/2018 Duración: 08min

    Have you ever had a conversation with someone who was wearing sunglasses and you weren’t? How did it make you feel not to be able to see their eyes? When you look into a person’s eyes you get an idea of who they are. And their eyes tell you things about them that their words might not - it's part of their body language. William Shakespeare said your eyes are the window to your soul.  So when is it ok to wear sunglasses on camera? Learn about: How context and purpose affects whether you wear sunglasses Things you can do to minimize glare when you are on camera Lighting tips to help look your best without squinting   References: Travel Brinkley Casey Neistat Resources: Photo and Video Planner  

  • CR 15 - Look Great On Stage When You Are Speaking: 3 Simple but Effective Tips

    16/04/2018 Duración: 10min

    Learn to pay attention to the details that will help you attract the types of audiences you'd like to speak to in the future and what you need to do ahead of time to make sure you look, feel and sound your best on stage including: Who is in the audience Where you are in the room  What you will wear With a little planning and some homework, you can make sure your audience focuses on you and not what you are wearing. References: Nick Morgan Study - Psychology of Objectification Rando Martins Resources: CR 5 -  What to Never, Ever Wear on Camera... pdf CR 6  - Are You Ready For Your Close Up? pdf

  • CR 14 - 5 Easy Steps To Writing Your Next Video Script And Creating More Content

    09/04/2018 Duración: 07min

    Learn how to write a script quickly and consistently and create more content!  Using a script template makes to a lot easier to be consistent in getting your content out on time. Having a format to write your videos is a great way to make sure you are including essential information.  It also gives you the freedom to write in your own voice and connect with your viewers.  Learn how to  create an effective opening identify your key points write a close that gets your audience to take action  And using video also increases your traffic from search engines and ups your click through rates.   pdf script template 

  • CR 13 - What Messages Are You Sending To Your Audience?

    02/04/2018 Duración: 08min

    Key messages are the top 3-5 key ideas you want your audience to know about your product, topic or issue.  Your visual and verbal messages need to align with your brand.  Learn a simple process to identify and create your key messages to make sure you are communicating the right message to your audience. 
 When you use key messages, they Help you stay on track in implementing your communication or marketing plan Create consistency
 Help your audience gain a greater understanding of your product or topic P.S. In this episode, I give you some cool tools to help you write effective key messages.

  • CR 12 - Are Your Self Limiting Beliefs Keeping You Off Camera?

    26/03/2018 Duración: 08min

    The number one reason I see keeping people from being on camera is the stories they tell themselves about themselves!  They usually go something like
 I: hate the way I look on camera
 don’t know what to say
 always forget what I’m going to say
 mess up and then people will think I’m stupid  
 I’ll share some of the things I’ve learned about self limiting beliefs and how they hold us back from doing the very things we need to do to move us toward our goals and dreams. Especially, being on camera. 
 Learn about how you:  choose your thoughts and shape your reality
 determine whether those thoughts are holding you back from your goals and dreams
 can reframe and re-write your story to increase your self awareness and confidence Reference: Kary Oberbrunner Resource: How to Rewrite Your Self-Limiting Beliefs

  • CR 11 - How To Choose A Photographer To Support Your Brand

    18/03/2018 Duración: 25min

    Photos and video are how people connect with you. And when there is a connection, it builds trust.Photos and video are how people connect with you. And when there is a connection, it builds trust.Finding a good photographer you are comfortable working with who "gets you" and your brand isn't always easy.Investing in a good set of headshots or personality shots can make a huge difference in your business.Last week's podcast was all about how to look your best.  This week's interview is with photographer Stephanie Marie. Learn: Steps you need to take before calling a photographer What you should ask a prospective photographer Determining the process for your photo shoot Stephanie also shares what she does to help her clients relax and look their best in front of the camera. Her interview is packed with useful information you can put to use right away. Here's some of Stephanie's work - enjoy!    

  • CR 10 - How to Take A Headshot You Love

    07/03/2018 Duración: 14min

    You need a good headshot whether it’s for your LinkedIn profile, Facebook or Twitter, marketing materials, a website banner or personality shots for your website. And your headshot needs to support your brand visually and verbally.  When people look at your photo, they are looking for an emotional connection. Your headshot invites them to learn more, it says I’m approachable. That emotional connection builds trust and that’s why it’s so important to have good headshot and the right photographer take them. Learn about: defining the purpose for your photo shoot brainstorming and planning locations matching your camera presence supports your brand Be sure to join us next week when I interview photographer Stephanie Marie about how to choose a photographer that's right for you and how to work with them to maximize your investment. Reference: John Lee Dumas Ann Vertel Resource: Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 8

  • CR 9 - How to Find the Threads of Your Story In 3 Simple Steps

    28/02/2018 Duración: 12min

    Finding the threads in your story can be challenging, yet it is one of the most freeing things you can do. And, it’s critical you get clear about this as you begin building your personal brand.  Everything you do will pivot off of your story. Learn about: Why your story is important to your brand How to find your story using a simple 3 step story structure Why your story matters to your business going forward To make it easier to get started I’m posting a story guide worksheet in the show notes to help you find the threads of your story.   Reference: STORY SMART: Using the Science of Story to Persuade, Influence, Inspire, and Teach  STORY PROOF: The Science Behind the Startling Power of Story  Mike Kim Resource: Find Your Story Guide Worksheet

  • CR 8 - How to Calm Your On Camera Jitters Like A Pro

    21/02/2018 Duración: 09min

    Wouldn’t it be amazing to know how to use your nervous energy to fuel you, not hinder you when you are on camera? Imagine how would it feel to be able to get in the right emotional place, where you can’t wait to share your message - every time you are on camera? Get clear about your on camera jitters and how to calm them. Learn about: why we get nervous what you can do to get over it exercises to help you crank up your energy. It’s a quick listen and you can pick up some tips to use right away in your next video or photo shoot. When you know your purpose and have a plan - you can go from being shy and scared to feeling fearless and confident on camera every time! References:Barbara Niven Resource:Camera Ready Planner

  • CR 7 - Three Things You Must Know Before You Pick a Location For Your Next Video or Photo Shoot

    14/02/2018 Duración: 09min

    Depending on the purpose and message for your video and photos, location makes a big difference. Learn what you need know when you choose a location for your video or photo shoot including what: the location you choose says about your brand time of day is best to shoot a video or photos to do ahead of time before you select a location  Here are links to the videos I referenced in this podcast. Mike Kim video Jeff Walker  

  • CR 6 - Are You Ready For Your Close Up?

    31/01/2018 Duración: 10min

    Looking good on camera consistently, whether it’s for photos or video is all about paying attention to the details. There are definite things you can do to enhance your appearance and things you want to avoid. You'll learn industry best practices for men and women from my 30 years working in television. Get practical information you can use right away about: hair make-up accessories The tips in this podcast are for men and women. You can download your pdf below.  References:  Amy Porterfield Application Resources - pdf download: How To Put Your Best Face Forward On Camera  

  • CR 5 - What to Never, Ever Wear on Camera When Shooting A Marketing Video

    24/01/2018 Duración: 10min

    Learn about how people judge you by what you are wearing, the importance of taking the time to plan your wardrobe and what to NEVER, ever wear on camera when you are shooting a marketing video and why.   These are tried and true guidelines that will help you when you are deciding what to wear in front of the camera.  And once you know the rules, it’s up to you to decide if you want to break them. Your purpose, message and brand need to be in alignment and by taking some time to plan and following these guidelines, you can look and feel great in front of the camera. References: Chris Brogan Gary Vaynerchuk Michael Hyatt Jasmine Star Resources: How to Prepare For Your Next Photo or Video Shoot  

  • CR 4 - What is YOUR on Camera Presence?

    17/01/2018 Duración: 08min

    Learn about the elements that that create your on camera Presence and how you can ensure that you are in alignment with your brand. Learn about the visual, verbal and value aspects of presence Exercises you can do to define your brand presence How to ensure your authentic self shines through when you are in front of the camera. If you aren’t sure what your brand presence is, listen to today’s podcast and go through the exercise to define your on camera presence in the .pdf download. References: Michael Hyatt Jasmine Star Resources:  Color Psychology  Contact Val 

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