Tarot Bytes



Tarot Bytes: Bite-sized lessons for Tarot beginners. Created by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady.


  • Tarot and the Akashic Records with Leeza Robertson and Pamela Chen

    06/12/2020 Duración: 24min

    Episode 197. I'll admit: I know next to nothing about the Akashic Records. I've never studied them or worked with them in any way. When Leeza Robertson and Pamela Chen suggested this as a topic, I was totally game! In this episode of Tarot Bytes, they enlightened me about Tarot and the Akashic Records. Learn how they work with both to help people heal and rewrite their stories. You'll be fascinated too!

  • The Magic of Color and Tarot with Sarah Potter

    29/11/2020 Duración: 22min

    Episode 196. In our daily lives, colors influence our actions. For example, certain shades of orange and red are used in fast-food restaurants to get us hungry...and moving along quickly. Does this same thing apply to tarot?  The colorful images in the tarot deck certainly capture our imaginations. But were the colors chosen deliberately for interpretation reasons? Or not? And what might the colors convey in a tarot reading? Color Magic practitioner and tarot reader Sarah Potter joins me to talk about how the magic of color adds so much to the cards...and how we interpret them. 

  • Tarot and Angels with Andrew Barker

    22/11/2020 Duración: 25min

    Episode 195. The Tarot is loaded with images of angels: Temperance, The Lovers, Judgement, and more. What messages do these angelic beings add to the interpretations? And what are "angel numbers?" I'm joined with tarot reader and angel expert Andrew Barker for an enlightening conversation about angels and tarot. After this discussion, I'll never look at the Wheel of Fortune the same!

  • Facial Expressions in the Tarot Cards

    15/11/2020 Duración: 04min

    Episode 194. In past episodes, we've looked at postures, gestures, and even the hands to glean information about the tarot cards. What about the faces on the figures? What do they reveal? A lot...and not a lot. Here's the deal: some cards have obvious associations with different emotions while others are rather neutral, leaving the reader to interpret what the figure might be feeling or conveying. Look at the smirk on the Five of Swords - that tells you there is something shady going on. But the inscrutable face of the Queen of Wands leaves your imagination to do the work. Different decks also have images that could give whole new interpretations based on the artist's rendering. I'll talk about all of this in the latest episode. 

  • Tarot and Palmistry with James Divine

    01/11/2020 Duración: 38min

    Episode 193. When Madame Pamita told me about palmist James Divine, I was intrigued. They were teaching a workshop called the Palmistry Tarot Mash-Up, which decodes the hidden messages the hands reveal in the tarot cards. This got my attention (Geminis are always interested in hands!) and I booked him as a guest immediately. The information he shares in this episode of Tarot Bytes blew my mind. Was Pamela Colman Smith a palmist? I found myself asking that question once I learned James' method for divining what the hands meant. This was one of my fave episodes, hands down (LOL).

  • Intuitive Tarot with Mat Auryn

    25/10/2020 Duración: 35min

    Episode 192. What's intuition all about - and what role does it play in tarot? How come some readers don't like the word "psychic?" Mat Auryn, the author of the best-selling book Psychic Witch, joins me today to answer those questions and so much more. Mat has been teaching intuitive tarot skills for many years and shares some of his techniques for tuning in and delivering helpful, accurate readings. I love his wise point of view - and think you will too. (Psst...if you want to be more psychic, get his book!)

  • Tarot for Healing with Leeza Robertson and Pamela Chen

    18/10/2020 Duración: 35min

    Episode 191. I've said this again and again: tarot is not just for divination. It can be used in many ways. In this episode of Tarot Bytes, my favorite dynamic duo, Leeza Robertson and Pamela Chen teaches how tarot can be a wonderful tool for healing. We talk about chakras, tarot, Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping), and more. If you're curious about how tarot might be able to assist your healing journey, you'll love this episode.   

  • Is It Self-Serving to Serve YourSelf? with Shaniqua Leach

    11/10/2020 Duración: 21min

    Episode 190. Tarot readers are so focused on serving others, that they often lose sight of their own needs. What happens when they use their spiritual gifts to heal themselves? In this episode of Tarot Bytes, Shaniqua Leach teaches how tarot readers can work with tarot to give themselves the same loving care that they give to others. Shaniqua talks about how to deliver a helpful reading to yourself in the same way you'd deliver one to a client. She also discusses what to do when you get stuck on a tarot card meaning, cards that keep popping up in the client's readings (there might be a message for YOU), plus some things you can do to get out of your headspace and back to your heart. This conversation is going to help every reader learn how to serve themselves as well as they do everyone else. 

  • Tarot For Confident Decision-Making with Rachel True

    04/10/2020 Duración: 36min

    Episode 189. When you have an idea of what's up, you can make better decisions. Tarot can help with that. In this episode of Tarot Bytes, actress and tarot reader Rachel True talks about how tarot can be used for confident decision-making. Rachel shares some of the ways tarot has helped her - and how it can help you too. We also talk about her uh-may-zing new True Heart Intuitive Tarot, a gorgeous new deck filled with modern interpretations and stories from her life. This is a must-have deck for tarot lovers and fans of Rachel's work. 

  • Astrology, Tarot and Journaling as Self-Care with Gabriela Herstik

    27/09/2020 Duración: 26min

    Episode 188. Keeping a journal is one of the best practices for self-care. In this episode of Tarot Bytes, Gabriela Herstik teaches how to add astrology and tarot to your journaling. Learn how Gaby blends these sacred arts into her own practice - and how you can add them to yours. (Psst...Gabriela's new Embody Your Magick journal is a fab place to start!)

  • Yearly Cards with Mary Greer

    13/09/2020 Duración: 29min

    Episode 187. In a previous episode of Tarot Bytes, Mary Greer talked about "birth cards," a numerology technique where you add up your birth date and connect the final number to a tarot card. This can tell you a lot about yourself and your destiny. Mary joins me again to explore "yearly cards," which connects each year to a Major Arcana. We discuss personal year cards as well as yearly cards for the collective. 

  • Tarot for Truth Seeking with Whitney Bowen Abrams

    06/09/2020 Duración: 29min

    Episode 186. What is your truth? How can you be your most authentic self? Whitney Bowen Abrams of Vita Lumen joins me today to talk about how the tarot can answer those questions. Learn how Whitney approaches tarot - and what truth means to her. We also discuss which tarot card best represents the truth. 

  • Tarot and the Law of Attraction with Chantele Francis

    30/08/2020 Duración: 22min

    Episode 185. Most of us have heard about the "Law of Attraction," the belief that our thoughts create our reality. Chantele Francis is a Law of Attraction Life Coach who uses the Tarot to help her clients manifest their biggest dreams. She joins me today to talk about what you need to know about the Law of Attraction and how to bring it into your Tarot practice to create the life you want. 

  • Tarot and Folk Magic with Lex Ritchie

    16/08/2020 Duración: 23min

    Episode 183. Long time tarot readers know that the cards can be a potent tool for transformation. Combine them with folk magic and you've got a recipe for healing and radical change. In this episode of Tarot Bytes, folk magic educator Lex Ritchie joins me to talk about how tarot and folk magic create the perfect blend for an empowered life. 

  • Reading Without Tarot Spreads with Desiree of Intuitive Gems

    09/08/2020 Duración: 21min

    Episode 182. Tarot spreads can add structure to a reading. But are they necessary? Desiree of Intuitive Gems doesn't think so. In this episode of Tarot Bytes, Desiree shares why you don't need a spread to deliver a great reading. Her techniques for reading without tarot spreads will make it easy to give up the structure and find your free flow!

  • Ancestral Tarot with Nancy Hendrickson

    02/08/2020 Duración: 17min

    In this episode of Tarot Bytes, author and genealogist Nancy Hendrickson joins me to talk about using tarot for ancestral work. Learn why you might want to use tarot to connect with your departed loved ones, what to do when those relatives aren't nice people and more. Nancy also shares her experiences about ancestral tarot work and talks a bit about her upcoming book on the subject. This topic fascinates me - and I think you'll find it intriguing too!

  • Why You Should Use Tarot Spreads with Melda Hughes

    26/07/2020 Duración: 10min

    Episode 180. Have you ever asked this question: do I really need to use a tarot spread? Tarot spread creator Melda Hughes has the answer to that. She believes a layout can help you learn tarot and deliver a more direct reading. In this episode, she shares her thoughts as well as her simple process for creating spreads. 

  • Reading Tarot in the Pandemic with Liz Worth

    19/07/2020 Duración: 42min

    Episode 179. We are living in uncertain times. Covid-19 has wreaked havoc on many business owners, including professional tarot readers, many who rely on face-to-face interactions through events and metaphysical storefronts. With shops closing and the safety concerns that come with in-person sessions, tarot pros are being forced to adapt - and so are their clients. But how do you do that? What might an in-person reading look like now? Will everyone be masked up? How do you read tarot when sitting six feet apart? Is it even safe to welcome clients into your home or office? And if you don't want to offer that, how do you deal with customers who insist and try to push past your boundaries?  Liz Worth joins me to discuss all of that and more. Reading tarot in a pandemic can be totally doable and safe. We share our thoughts on what to do, how to stay safe, setting boundaries, and why we both think phone sessions are always a better option, pandemic or not. If you're a tarot professional or a client, you'll want t

  • Professionalism for Tarot Readers with Gina Thies

    12/07/2020 Duración: 40min

    Episode 178. If you've decided to start a tarot business, then you need to go pro from the jump. In this episode of Tarot Bytes, I'm joined by Gina Thies, who has been writing the business column for the Tarot School’s Tarot Tips Newsletter for years. Gina shares her thoughts on professionalism and gives tips on how tarot readers can up their game.

  • What to do when a Tarot reading doesn’t feel “clear.”

    05/07/2020 Duración: 13min

    Episode 177. I’m going to approach this topic from two perspectives. I’ll start by talking about what to do when you get a reading that doesn’t feel clear - followed by what to do when you’re giving a tarot reading and can’t seem to find a cohesive message. I'll share my best tips so that you can find your way through the fog - or learn from the experience. 

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