#spiritchat By Jennifer O'neill

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 148:06:00
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Where spiritual guidance and life strategies meet in a way that fits into your everyday life. #SpiritChat Radio is a radio show offering spiritual mentorship to those who are interested in learning more about spiritual awareness. Jennifer is your source for spiritual and practical advice bringing you her expertise live on the air. The focus is to simplify the process of using the spiritual tools and gifts you were born with in a way that fits into your everyday life. She has spent the last twenty years as a professional psychic and spiritual teacher helping people all over the world with their spiritual growth. For more information on online classes and FB Live Streaming #SpiritChat sessions you can go to www.keystothespiritworld.com or ask for an invite at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/405615596232631/


  • Mercury Retrograde...Does It Affect Everyone?

    02/09/2016 Duración: 22min

    Do Mercury Retrogrades really affect you? Do they affect the people around you? What if you are "sensitive" to energies...is it worse? These are some really great questions that I've gotten lately, people are wondering if they are more suseptable to planetary changes when they are developing themselves psychically. If you are one of those people you will enjoy todays show as I talk about that and more such as, the things that I do when I'm feeling off balance. My mental checklist is a go to for me, find out what's on that list!  

  • Do You Think You're A Healer?

    19/07/2016 Duración: 30min

    Many people are feeling the urge to help or heal others in a way that they just don't quite understand. They are fascinated with learning how to raise their vibration and becoming more "in tune" with their spiritual bodies. But this also leads them to want to do even more...Are you one of these people? Are you feeling an inner drive or passion towards helping or healing others?Do you feel a recent or sudden urge to learn as much as you can about health/healing?Are you feeling a push to be more "in tune" with your spiritual body?Are you feeling compelled to raise everyone's vibration around you?Do you feel like being a healer is something you should be doing professionally? In today's show I will be talking to those of you who find yourselves feeling many of these things. I will also give you some guidance and some tips on some things you should know. Things that you most likely have not thought about. If you think you might be a healer...this show is for you :)

  • How To Keep A High Vibration During Stressful Times

    12/07/2016 Duración: 32min

    People are feeling the urge to raise their vibration and get in touch with a higher self more than ever before...This is so fantasic! But just when people are figuring out how to raise their vibration, the next thing they need to learn is how to keep it that way. This can be even more difficult than learning how to raise it in the first place.  Lately, I've had many people come to me and ask, "How do I keep a high vibration with all of the stuff going on in the world?" While they were initially excited at learning how to raise their vibration, they felt a little confused and hopeless when it came to learning how to keep it raised. I thought, what a great question! It's actually easier than you'd think, but there's a bit of restructuring and awareness involved. So I decided to do a podcast on how to keep your vibration high during stressful times. Enjoy :)

  • Does Your Pet Go To Heaven?

    28/04/2016 Duración: 46min

    Do you ever wonder if your pets go to heaven? Well many people do and there's been an increased interest from pet owners pertaining to animal spirits, and questions about their own pet’s spirituality lately. Animal Spirits are in full force right now and their energy is radiating from the other side like something I've never seen before. Along with this heightening of animal energy there has been a sudden surge in interest from pet owners about their pets own spirituality. They are asking a lot of questions about things such as: ·      When they cross over are they met by anyone? ·      Do animals have spirit guides? ·      Do they have angels? ·      Do animals reincarnate? ·      Can animals reincarnate as humans? So I’ve decided to do a radio show answering many of these questions as discussing spirit communication with animals. If you any questions regarding animal spirituality and your pets, this is will be a fascinating show!

  • How Spiritual Health Affects Your Physical Health

    25/02/2016 Duración: 32min

    Did you know that your spiritual body and your spiritual health mirror your physical health? In fact, your spirtual health plays a very significant role when dealing with your physical health and how healthy you actually ar. Stressors of everyday life such as, doing things you hate doing on a daily basis, anger, frustration, these things all take a tool on your spritual body first. That's the good thing. Because this is the perfect time to address and define "stressors" in your life before they become a bigger problem. A problem that will take a tolll on both bodies. The bad new is if these "stressors" are not addressed and contiuisly ignored, the toll it takes on your spiritual body will then be transfered to your physical body and manifest into physical symptoms such as: High Blood PressureAnxietyBreathing IssuesStomache IssuesHeart Issues That's just to name a few. Why does this happen? Because this is when people pay attention! This is your bodies last ditch effort to get you to pay attention to what you

  • 6 Ways Spirits Communicate With You!

    11/02/2016 Duración: 37min

    Have you ever wondered about spirit communication? Well I get asked a lot of questions surrounding this subject. Questions such as: How do spirits communicate?Can I communicate with spirits?How do I get guidance from spirits/spirit guides?Can loved ones communicate once they've passed over? On todays show I'm going to talk about 6 Ways Spirits & Spirit Guides Communicate With You. I will talk about how to "hear" spirits, what time of day is best to communicate with spirits, and what are the most common ways spirits communicate with you. If you've ever wondered about spirit or sprit guide communication, this is a great show for you!

  • 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Meditating

    04/02/2016 Duración: 33min

    I have been asked a lot of questions about meditation over the past few years. As people are feeling the urge to raise their vibration and get in touch with a higher self, they turn to medititation. However, there is so much information on the subject of meditation and so many things that tend to contridict one another, that they are left with a lot of confusion. Not to mention those who have been mediating for years who are not seeing the results they desire. So I decided to do a show and help clear up a lot of this confusion. Today I am going to be discussing the 5 biggest mistakes and misconceptions people make when meditating. Whether you are new to meditation or you've been doing it for years, this is a show you don't want to miss!

  • Have You Ever Had A Spirit Poke You?

    14/01/2016 Duración: 31min

    Have you ever been poked by a spirit? I mean literally poked? Usually it's night time when you are in and out of sleep, which makes you even more freaked out when you realize you are alone, or the person next to you is dead asleep. Then there is the hair touch, or whisper. Do you ever find yourself wondering is this real? What is happening right now? If so this show is for you. Join in as we discuss "spirit pokes" and other forms of spirit communication as well as what message they are trying to communicate to you!  

  • Breaking Old Energetic Habits & Patterns

    08/01/2016 Duración: 36min

    Well it's a new year and with the new year usually comes some type of New Years Resolution. Followed by the let down of what happens when those resolutions fall to the way side and the same life patterns emerge. Why? Your smart enough, and strong enough, and many times commited enough. So why does this happen to you over and over again? It's simple. You can't change the future if you hold onto the past...energetically. Listen in to learn 5 tips on how to release old energetic habits & patterns and start the New Year out right!

  • Let's Face It, Your Life Could Be Better...

    26/08/2014 Duración: 42min

    Why do people have such a hard time with the Law of Allowing? Are they afraid of an outcome they don't desire?Do they resist a good outcome, or better life, because they are afraid of good things happening to them?Or do they simply not "believe"? People are very good micro managers of their own lives. Or so they think. They know it all! Their wants, desires, and needs. So they must make sure the Universe does too! And when things begin to veer off path, they can't just ALLOW it to happen. Right before their very eyes... So what do they do? The thing people do best. Panic. They panic and grab the steering wheel of life and try to yank it back on course. Where do most of these people end up? In the ditch. For those of you who are in the ditch, let's face it, your life could be better... Tune in if you wish to learn more :)  

  • Channeling & Spirit Communication

    01/07/2014 Duración: 45min

    Have you ever heard of channeling? Many people have and it causes plenty of confusion. I recieved a question in the Soul Mate Circle the other day from someone asking me, "Channeling....that means a lot of different things to different people. How do *you* define it?" I think this is such a great question! So much so that I decided to dedicate a radio show to this subject. Some things you may or may not know: There are several different types of "channeling".Everyone is capable of channeling in some fashion.Most likely you've done it before and don't realize what it is you are doing.Channeling is receiving information from the spiritual dimension. If you are interested in learning more about channeling, what it is, how you do it, or if you've done it before. Make sure to tune into todays show!  

  • Manifestation & The Law of Attraction

    24/06/2014 Duración: 46min

    I've been getting a lot of questions about manifestation or manifesting. You've heard of it! The Law of Attraction? People are so facinated yet so confused about what "it" is. Do you ever find yourself wondering any of these things? What is manifesting?Why isn't it working?What's the difference between manifesting & fate?Are The Law of Attraction and manifesting the same thing?I don't understand it.How do I keep from getting frustrated?Do I have to meditate to manifest? If so join me as I address these questions and more. If you have questions on manifesting call in! 

  • Are You Sensitive?

    17/06/2014 Duración: 35min

    Are you feeling sensitive lately? Or do you think you are what people call "a sensitive"? Are your emotions out of control? Do you find that things feel different to you than they did before? Your not alone, this is happening acrosse the world and it's getting more and more intense. Empathic senses are higher than ever before. If you'd like to be clued in on what's actually happening, join me for todays show!

  • 4 Facts About Spiritual Development You Should Know

    03/06/2014 Duración: 37min

    Everyone thinks it's going to be so great with they develop themselves spiritually. They think they will feel balanced and experience a zen environment. It's exciting! You want to leave the chaotic nature of everyday life behind... But it's not exactly zen, roses, and calmness. In fact it often shocks people when they don't like what they are feeling. Then they begin to think: "This is a lot harder than it seems.""Maybe I'm doing it wrong? Am I not doing this right?""There's obviously more to this that I'm not getting.""Why is everyone being so mean?" People are really caught off guard as they begin this journey, so I've put together a list and today we are going to discuss this list on the show. So if you are interested in spiritual development, or you are already beginning that journey, you do not want to miss this :)

  • Negative Entities & Addiction

    27/05/2014 Duración: 45min

    Have you ever wondered about negative entities that attach themselves to people who are weakened by addictions? If you have, you may have wondered things like: What are they?What do they have to gain from this?How can this be distinguished from ordinary negativity associated with drug/alcohol abuse?What can be done about it? This is actually a very good question that I had by a Soul Mate Circle member and today I'm going to address this subject further. This is going to be a very interesting show... So join me as I will be answering these questions and taking calls!

  • Spirits, Spirit Guides, & Guardian Angels

    20/05/2014 Duración: 44min

    Do you ever wonder what the difference is between spirits, spirit guides, and guardian angels? Did you know that there is a difference? Do you know which ones to call upon when you: Need guidanceNeed protectionReaching out to loved ones who have passedTrying to raise your vibration Did you know that they have different jobs and responsibilities? If you wish to learn more, or even have questions about spirit contact you've had in the past and what it means, tune in to this show. I will be talking about this subject, taking calls and answering questions!

  • Soul Mates, Twin Souls, Twin Flames & Past Life Connections

    13/05/2014 Duración: 46min

    It’s not uncommon for people to find themselves experiencing a strong connection with someone who they’ve only just met. So much so, that in some instances it can become addictive, or even paralyzing. Not in the physical sense, but in a spiritual aspect. Have you ever met someone who you’ve had an instant connection with?Have you ever met someone only to discover that you feel like you’ve known them forever?Or do you have a relationship in your life you know is not good for you, but somehow this person has an “unexplainable” hold over you?Do you ever wonder if they’re your Soul Mate? Or a past life connection? Is there even a difference? Yes there is. And it doesn’t matter what you do, or who you are, they can leave an imprint on you forever… Join me for a new radio show as I talk more about this subject. I will also clarify the difference between Soul Mates, Twin Souls, and Twin Flames (which most people are confuesed about), as well as taking your calls!  

  • Learn How to Read Peoples Energy...Correctly!

    06/05/2014 Duración: 36min

    Did you ever want to learn how to read people's energy? Well if you have, I've got some good news and some bad news. The good news is you've probably been doing it for years. The bad news is, most likely you've been doing it wrong. If you wish to learn more, such as what it means to read people's energy, how to do it correctly, and how it actually affects your life (even at this very moment), tune in. I will be taking calls, and answering questions as usual :)  

  • Misconceptions About Astral Travel or Astral Projection

    29/04/2014 Duración: 30min

    Do you ever find yourself wondering about astral travel or astral projection? Does it make you concerned, worried, or just plain curious? I find that most people are confused when it comes to astral travel or astral projection. They don't understand it, or what they have learned about it is not exactly accurate. Join me to learn more about it. I will be explaining it in more detail and I will even be taking a few phone calls to answer your questions!

  • 6 Common Blocks That Keeps You From Manifesting Your Desires

    17/04/2013 Duración: 32min

    There are several "secrets" when it comes to working with the Law of Attraction or manifesting your desires. However, many of them are not even talked about in current movies or books when explaining the Law of Attraction, which is quite baffling to me. Because I don't know how anyone expects people to understand how to manifest their desires if they're only given part of the information. So today you are going to learn about manifestation and what's some of the most common blocks are. Yes, I'm finally back :)

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