Dr. Jim Richards

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 225:09:30
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Podcast by ImpactMinistries


  • 2. The Way of Peace

    09/11/2017 Duración: 28min

    The way of peace is the process God provided for the believer to always abide in God’s peace, which is the precursor for hearing God and experiencing all His benefits and resources. If you’re ready to leave a life of stress and chaos, join me this week and discover what God calls the way of peace.

  • 1. Not Just Any Peace

    02/11/2017 Duración: 28min

    Jesus offers a peace that’s different from any other kind of peace. By knowing the difference between the peace of God and all other kinds of peace, the believer can not only avoid deception, but recognize the kind of peace that is supposed to rule our hearts. Join me this week and begin to experience the incredible difference between the peace of God and all other kinds of peace.

  • 4. Faith and Grace: First to Last

    26/10/2017 Duración: 28min

    The Bible teaches that every aspect of our connection to God is faith and grace. It starts with faith and grace, and every step along the path of this journey is faith and grace. Faith and grace are in no way opposing one another. In fact, either one is meaningless without the other. Join me this week and discover great insights that will make your journey with God easy and light as we explore Faith and Grace: First to Last!

  • 3. The Blood of Jesus

    19/10/2017 Duración: 28min

    The blood of Jesus is for more than washing us clean at salvation. The Bible teaches that faith in the blood of Jesus is the solution for a defiled conscience. Sometimes our heart condemns us, sometimes we know issues that need to be dealt with, but the Bible actually teaches how we can deal with a defiled conscience: the vague sense of distance from God, or the feeling that something just isn’t right. Join me this week and look at what the blood of Jesus did so you could have a clear conscience! A violated conscience cannot receive all that God is freely offering.

  • 2. The Path of Peace

    12/10/2017 Duración: 28min

    One of the most anticipated and celebrated rituals of the Old Covenant was the peace offering. This celebration occurred when the worshiper had made peace with God by dealing with his or her guilty conscience. Today we have that peace through Jesus. Yet, the Bible defines a very specific process whereby we experience that peace. Join me this week to examine the path of peace. Discover the secrets of allowing peace to rule in your heart.

  • 1. The Place of Exchange

    05/10/2017 Duración: 28min

    God always seeks to protect us from harm. Since we are free-will beings, He cannot force His protection on us. There are two primary things that make it possible to experience God’s protection: first, we must be vigilant. When we see or sense trouble, turning to Him should be our first option. Next, we run to Him. We are not running to Him just as a place to hide. When we run to Him we reconnect to His heart and harmonize with His truth. Then His wisdom becomes ours and His strength replaces our weakness. Join me this week to discover new realities in running to God for protection.

  • 4. Recovering Your Destiny

    28/09/2017 Duración: 28min

    Religion has made us believe that once we have failed, we may get forgiveness, but our calling and destiny is over! One of the most crucial factors in motivating people to get up when they fail is the hope of recovering their call and destiny. If we lose the hope of our dreams, we lose all motivation. After all, who wants to live the rest of their life with no purpose, no hope of living their dreams? I’ve spent many decades helping recover those who had given up on themselves and their future. Just because society has given up on you and you’ve given up on yourself, doesn’t mean God has given up on you. Join me this week and discover God’s plan to recover your destiny and restore your dreams!

  • 3. Connecting to the Heart of God

    21/09/2017 Duración: 28min

    In the original language of the Bible, the psalmist tells us God is chasing us… not to hurt us, not because He’s angry, but to draw us into an intimate heart-to-heart relationship where we are protected, provided for, given direction and most important: deeply and personally connected to Him. Mercy isn’t just getting by with something; it’s not just getting better than we deserve. Mercy is an expression of love designed to draw us back to God! Join me this week and discover God’s ultimate plan for you: a loving, intimate heart-to-heart connection with your Creator!

  • 2. The Sin Job Didn't Commit

    14/09/2017 Duración: 28min

    There is one particular sin the Bible indicates may be the one from which you can’t recover. I’m not saying it cannot be forgiven; I’m saying it is so devastating to the heart that we cannot recover. The Bible says the reason Job was able to be recovered is because he did not commit this particular sin. Job didn’t let himself become so overwhelmed by his painful circumstances that he gave up hope and lost his sense of purpose and destiny. Join me this week as we talk about the sin Job didn’t commit. I want to help you keep hope alive in your heart. Hope is the confident expectation of good things! God not only has a good outcome for you, He also wants you to live your destiny, no matter what your past has been.

  • 1. The Most Important Decision of Your Life

    07/09/2017 Duración: 28min

    When you’re standing at a crossroads there are so many factors that flood your mind telling you which way to go. God wants to help you make the decision that will ensure your life is filled with peace and the promises of God. But life is often so complicated that we can’t weigh out all the factors. As hard as we try we often fail to make the best decision. Wisdom comes from the mouth of God. Wisdom is the practical application of truth. Join me this week for a message of hope that will show you how to always make the decision that will keep you on the path for your life and destiny!

  • 5. The Ultimate Revelation

    31/08/2017 Duración: 28min

    More than anything else Jesus came to reveal God’s true character and nature. Everything He did was exactly what the Father would have done; everything He said was exactly what the Father would have said; every person He healed is what the Father would have done! Jesus made it possible to cut through all the religious perversion of God’s nature and see God in the flesh!   Join me this week for The Ultimate Revelation. In Jesus you can see the only perfect representation of God’s nature; the only perfect explanation of what God meant in every Word He ever spoke; and the perfect revelation of God’s will for your life!

  • 4. Revelation Brings Manifestation

    24/08/2017 Duración: 28min

    God asked the question, whose report will you believe? There are two reports about the nature, character, and true identity of God: there is God’s report and everyone else’s! God’s power manifests in our life based on what we believe about Him. Faith is more about what we believe about God than it is what we believe about what God will do. When we know His character and nature we know, without a doubt, what He will do! God has given us what the Bible calls revealed knowledge; when we believe what God has revealed about Himself the manifestation will occur in our life. Join me this week for: Revelation Brings Manifestation!

  • 3. The Name of God Revealed

    17/08/2017 Duración: 28min

    One of God’s names indicates that He is self-revealing. In other words no one can accurately show us God other than God Himself. Thankfully He has given us specific ways we can see Him as He is! One of the most unique ways God has chosen to reveal His true nature and character is through His names. All of God’s names reveal His loving, nurturing, caring passion for mankind. When you know God’s name you know what to expect; you know what you can trust Him to do and you know what He will not do! Join me this week for an empowering message: The Name of God Revealed, and enter a new place of peace and confidence!

  • 2. Becoming One with God

    14/08/2017 Duración: 29min

    Jesus was the perfect model of God and the perfect model of a man yielded to God. When we look at His life and believe God’s account of who He is we can do the things He did and even more (Jn. 14:12)! Jesus’ secret to moving in the power of God was rooted in being one with God; i.e. the same character, the same nature, the same truth, and the same actions. In order to become one with God we must clearly see who He has revealed Himself to be! Join me this week for a powerful message about becoming one with God!

  • 1. A Problem with Perception

    10/08/2017 Duración: 29min

    Seeing God as He really is ends all problems with faith, peace, and relationship. The prophet Isaiah said that the failure to see God as He is causes people to blaspheme His name continually. People blame God for things because of what religion has taught them. But at some point we must decide if we will believe God’s revelation of Himself or religion’s deception! God is good and only good; when we see Him as He has chosen to reveal Himself, all we see of Him is lovable, trustworthy, and faithful. Join me this week with a short message about the problem with perception.

  • 9. Wrath Satisfied: Love Revealed

    27/07/2017 Duración: 29min

    What would change if you thought someone was angry with you and then found out they stood up for you and even protected you when others meant to hurt you? The first thing that might change is the way you felt about that person. Not only did you find out they weren’t mad at you; you found out that they cared enough to fight for you! This is what happens when people discover how God really feels about them and what He has done for them! Join me this week for one of the most important revelations of your life. It could change everything you believe about God! It could open you up to an entirely new world of peace, faith, and joy!

  • 8. Why Can't I Feel God's Love

    20/07/2017 Duración: 28min

    The Bible warns of reaching a place where we are past feeling, sensing, and hearing the voice and presence of God in our heart. When that happens we think God isn’t speaking to us or leading us; it seems that He is never protecting us. Religion wants you to believe God has left you. But the truth is, any time we can’t sense or recognize God speaking and ministering to us in our heart we have reached that place of either not being able to hear or not willing to hear. But God never quits speaking or leading, even when we stop listening! He wants to lead us in paths of righteousness; beside still waters; in green, lush pastures; to a place of peace, protection, and provision. Join me this week and let’s talk about opening our heart to God in a way that we hear His every whisper and experience His every expression of love.

  • 7. Choosing the Love You Desire to Experience

    13/07/2017 Duración: 29min

    When the Bible says, “God so loved the world,” that is not the same type of love He expresses to those who love Him back. The Bible speaks of a relationship with God where He shares His secrets; He shows us things to come; He reveals His ways, and so much more! That’s not the relationship He has with everyone. It is the relationship He offers to everyone, but that is not the relationship everyone wants. The person who doesn’t open his or her heart to God can’t hear the intimate secrets God is attempting to express. As Jesus said, let him who has ears hear what the Spirit is saying. If we’re not hearing these wonderful realities that God seeks to share, it doesn’t mean He isn’t attempting to share them, it means we don’t have a heart to hear them! It’s like a committed, single man dating someone who is dropping hints about marriage; they’re just not into that. Join me this week and let’s discover more about moving into that intimate place where we always hear His voice, feel His love, and experience His leade

  • 6. Love or Doctrine

    06/07/2017 Duración: 28min

    Anything we talk about but don’t actually experience soon becomes boring and uninteresting. In fact, something happens to us psychologically after we have talked about something for a time but not really experienced it; we convince ourselves that we actually tried it and it wasn’t that great! Many people talk about the love of God for years and then find themselves disillusioned, empty, and searching for things to satisfy their longing for His deep love. If asked why they walked away from God, they would say something like this, “I tried that God thing; it just wasn’t what I was looking for!” Those are always the words of someone who had the doctrine without the experience. Join me this week and begin the shift from talking about God’s love to experiencing it!

  • 5. The Root of Emotional Stability

    29/06/2017 Duración: 29min

    In a world filled with terrorism, and political and corporate corruption, Young people are giving themselves away sexually, women are spending millions on plastic surgery, men are body building and buying expensive cars, everyone wants to wear the latest, hottest clothes. Why? Everyone is trying to attract attention in hopes of finding love. Only God’s love can fill the deep void and hunger we have for a perfect love. Knowing and Feeling God’s perfect love is the solution for all that plagues our society. Join me this week and let’s discover how God’s love is the root of emotional stability!

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