Foundation Church sermons
All In (Audio)
30/07/2017Youth Sunday message that encourages believers to get all in (all heart, all mind and all strength) in living for Christi. Get all in and do not hold anything back!
Embracing a Christian Worldview (Video)
16/07/2017This message explains the importance of embracing a Christian worldview in the context of discipleship.
Embracing a Christian Worldview (Audio)
16/07/2017This message explains the importance of embracing a Christian worldview in the context of discipleship.
Letting IT Go (Audio)
09/07/2017This message explores the importance of choosing God over money and all else.
Authentic Discipleship (Audio)
02/07/2017This message explains what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ.
Faith over-drive: David vs. Goliath (Audio)
18/06/2017Through the life of David, pastor Bailey reveals how to confront GIANT issues through faith in God.
You gotta believe to receive (Audio)
11/06/2017Pastor Bailey teaches on the importance of believing to receive.
The Fundamentals of Faith and Believing God (Audio)
04/06/2017This message covers the fundamentals of faith and believing God. Learn how to bring heaven down to earth through faith!
Missions Sunday with Jeff Nieder (The Gideons International) (Audio)
28/05/2017Jeff Nieder, representative from The Gideons International, speaking during our annual Missions Sunday on the work his organization is doing all around the world.
Discovering Your Fit (Audio)
21/05/2017This message instructs believers on how they can determine where they fit in the body of Christ.
Doing Church as a Team (Audio)
14/05/2017This message reveals the importance of everyone doing their part to build an effective Church.
Becoming a Contagious Church (Audio)
07/05/2017In this message, pastor Bailey explores the fact that contagious churches begin with contagious people committed to reaching a dying world.
The Body and the Resurrection (Audio)
30/04/2017This message concludes our Easter series by exposing how that from the moment Jesus rose again, there has been a perpetuating plot to deny that it ever occurred.
The Denial (Audio)
23/04/2017This message focuses on Peter's denial of Jesus Christ and what we can learn from it. Pastor Bailey explains how we can live a life affirming Jesus instead of denying Him.
The Trial (Audio)
16/04/2017This Resurrection Sunday message examines the trial of Jesus and how He overcame injustice for our benefit.
The Betrayal (Audio)
09/04/2017This message explores how that in the face betrayal, Jesus remained focused and loved his disciples to the end. Jesus didn't allow betrayal and hurt to derail His purpose.
The Great Deception (Audio)
02/04/2017This sermon explores and exposes the methods that Satan uses to deceive the entire world toward death. Our youth will see clearly the traps of Satan and learn to avoid them and walk in newness of life.
Why attend Church? (Audio)
26/03/2017This message answers the question why believers should regularly attend Church.
An excellent Church provides excellent service (Audio)
19/03/2017This message reveals how that great churches provides great service and how it's an important key to reaching the community.