Vaughn Park Church Of Christ (sermons)



Weekly messages from Vaughn Park Church in Montgomery, Alabama.


  • God Focused


    Want to complete the mission — or win the race? Keep your focus on God. As we begin Vacation Bible School, Tim turns to Numbers 13 for a lesson about 10 men who had everything necessary to be winners, but they failed to see God's power in their circumstances. 

  • Try Asking


    Do you need help in applying knowledge to practical situations? Try asking! In today's lesson, Tim explores James 1:5-8 and the power of a prayer offered in faith. 

  • Joyful Problems


    We may not rejoice for our problems, but we can rejoice in our problems — because they help us develop patience, faith and character. As we begin a series on the book of James, Tim challenges us to reflect on the pressures in our lives and how we are responding in faith. 

  • Where the Healing Begins


    How are you holding up against the winds of our fallen world? In today's lesson, John Mark takes us to James 5 to rediscover the power of prayer and the role confession plays in helping us heal. 

  • Why Pray?


    Why do we pray? In today's lesson, Tim turns to scripture to remind us prayer changes things — from circumstances, to others and especially the one doing the praying.

  • Never Alone


    On Senior Sunday, Donovan challenges our graduates and the church to Be Connected and Be Connectors.

  • The Universal Church and Our Mission


    As we near the end of the Our Foundation series, Tim discusses the mission of the church and how Vaughn Park's ministries are reaching out to share the gospel. 

  • What Do U C?


    How is our vision? Do we see others with the eyes of Jesus, or is our sight impaired by preconceptions and assumptions? In today's lesson, Baron takes us to Mark 5:21-34 to help us see others and ourselves as God does. 

  • Overcoming Sin


    How do we defeat sin in our lives? In today's lesson, Tim encourages us to balance personal responsibility with dependence on God as we use the tools of the Bible, Holy Spirit and Circumstances to change. 

  • Living A Zoe Life


    Living a Zoe life involves loving God passionately and loving people tangibly. As we continue the Our Foundation series, Tim provides an opportunity for us to embrace God's vision for Vaughn Park by getting involved in worship, service and outreach. 

  • Baptism: The Christian's Lie Detector


    Have you been back to the water? In today's lesson, Tim encourages us to remember our baptism as we confront the lies we hear from Satan and our human nature. 

  • Attempted Explanations


    Over the centuries, many have tried to disprove Christ's resurrection with other explanations for the empty tomb. As Tim concludes three lessons on Jesus' death, burial and resurrection, he exposes the fallacy of these arguments. 

  • The Resurrection of Jesus


    He is Risen, indeed! On this Easter Sunday, Tim asks us to join him on a journey to the tomb as we explore reasons to believe in the resurrection of Jesus and why that single event is the key to not only eternal life but also full, abundant, overflowing life (Zoe!). 

  • The Gospel: Proof He Died


    What's the most important event in history? The Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus — or as Tim says, the DBR. As we unpack the Gospel over three weeks, Tim begins with a lesson on reasons we can have confidence that Jesus not only lived, but died. 

  • Do I Look Like Jesus?


    What do people see in you? In the church? In today's lesson, Cowboy Tim illustrates how outward appearances can lead others to make a judgement about inward qualities. As we strive to look more like Jesus, Paul's first letter to the church at Corinth challenges us to meet others where they are, so we may win some to Christ. 

  • Jesus: Don't Miss Him


    Do you see Jesus? Do you recognize His house? Have you found the Gateway? In the first of two lessons on Jesus in Our Foundation series, Tim turns to the story of Jacob's ladder in Genesis to help make sure we Don't Miss Him. 

  • Yes, We are Talking About Soap


    As we continue the Our Foundation series, Tim encourages us to dive into scripture. HIs favorite tool: SOAP, or Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer. 

  • An Amazing Book


    Are you reading the Book? In today's lesson, Tim encourages us to develop a deeper desire for God's Word. 

  • His Greatest Miracle


    What is God's greatest miracle? Creation? Parting the Red Sea? Healing? Resurrection? In today's lesson, Tim challenges us to consider the impact of God's peace, strength and forgiveness in our lives. 

  • Who is God?


    What is your picture of God? Is it the same as God's picture of God? As we begin the Our Foundation series, Tim turns to scripture for a clearer view of who God says He is. 

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