HEALTHY FAMILY CONNECTIONS addresses the many dilemmas facing parents, couples and kids, offering out of the box solutions that empower listeners to confidently meet their parenting challenges.Being a family in our era is challenging under the best of circumstances. Parents contend with a culture in transition and competing ideas for parenting. Neil Brown, author of parenting hit Ending the Parent-Teen Control Battle, is a master family therapist with a talent for providing clarity amidst the confusion, addressing common concerns as well as serious problems.
Is Our Parenting All Wrong?
07/04/2021 Duración: 20minIn this episode, Neil shares powerful insights from the book Hunt, Gather, Parent by Michaeleen Doucleff. In this groundbreaking book, Michaeleen, an investigative reporter writes what she learns living in three different hunting and gathering cultures with her hard to manage toddler in tow. Her experiences and insights contradict much of what we believe about good parenting.
Don’t Set Your Struggling Teenager Up For Failure
31/03/2021 Duración: 16minIn this episode, Neil responds to a Dad whose son has been suspended twice in his first year of high school. Dad is concerned at multiple levels seeing his son as lacking remorse and seeking recognition in very destructive ways. Neil identifies the critical issues likely going on with this young man and offers the two major elements a school environment will need to provide for him to succeed. Most importantly though, Neil emphasizes the need for Dad to be a powerful ally and advocate for his son.
A Royally Dysfunctional Family
24/03/2021 Duración: 16minIn this episode, Neil looks at the Royal Family through a Family Therapist’s eyes. Neil reveals two important characteristics of families that lead to dysfunction or family wellness.
Help Your Teen Grow Their Executive Function
17/03/2021 Duración: 32minIn this episode, Neil interviews psychologist, ADHD and Executive Function expert, and author of 6 Super Skills For Executive Functioning, Dr. Lara Honos-Webb. In this powerful interview, Dr. Lara and Neil discuss the importance of adolescence as a time for growing executive function. In it, they identify the best ways to engage teens in this critical developmental process. Additionally, they offer numerous specific tools to help kids without lecturing and fighting.
I’m Tired Of Micromanaging My Teenager
10/03/2021 Duración: 17minIn this episode, Neil responds to a Mom concerned that her 16 year-old son will never be able to manage his adult life. Mom has tried a lot of ways to motivate him, but he continues to procrastinate, not get things done, and not turn them in when he does. Neil offers Mom a two-pronged approach to help him grow his executive functioning and end the parent-teen control battle.
How Do You Set Limits With A Depressed Teenager?
03/03/2021 Duración: 15minIn this episode Neil responds to a therapist working with a family with a depressed, non-compliant teenager. The therapist is using Neil’s Parenting Course and wants guidance for how to conduct The Talk when the teenager’s world is so limited. What can they take away when he needs everything for school and even a minimal social life?
Essential Steps To Prevent or Cure Destructive Teen Behavior
24/02/2021 Duración: 14minIn this episode Neil reviews a blog post where a Mom shares her story of turning her painful relationship with her teen daughter around. Neil appreciates her approach yet recognizes that 1) It can be harder than it sounds and why, and 2) Often, destructive teen behavior has to be called out and immediately addressed. Neil explains that like the Mom in the story ending her Control Battle, calling out destructive behavior must be done in a way that is outside of and is part of ending a Parent-Teen Control Battle. Neil shares his powerful method for doing just that.
How Can I Hold My 17 Yr.-Old Accountable?
17/02/2021 Duración: 16minIn this episode Neil responds to a Mom whose previously successful and responsible 17 year-old son is smoking and vaping marijuana and his school performance is going down as well. Neil helps this Mom understand what might be going on with her son given a recent divorce, a pandemic and at-home learning, as well as entering a new stage of development. Neil then provides a healthy way to engage him while maintaining accountability.
My Son’s Probation Officer Is Making Things Worse
10/02/2021 Duración: 15minIn this episode, Neil responds to a Mom whose 15-year-old son is on probation for theft and feels undermined by the Probation Officer. Neil explains the importance of helping professionals and agencies in supporting families and healthy family structure. In addition to providing insight into the workings of probation departments, Neil helps this Mom advocate for herself and her needs to provide her son the structure and support he desperately needs.
I Hate You, Get Out, Don’t Touch Me
03/02/2021 Duración: 17minIn this episode Neil responds to a Mom looking for ways to help her 13 year-old raging, cutting daughter. Neil shows Mom how being reasonable with an emotionally out of control daughter is unreasonable and offers Mom four steps to action instead.
Does My Son Have Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
22/12/2020 Duración: 19minWhat do you do when your 16-year-old son turns your house upside down with drama and emotion, displays defiance, is argumentative, aggressive, loud, has provoking behaviors, and fits the description of Narcissistic Personality Disorder? In this week's episode, I answer a question from a mom who wonders whether her teenage son has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). After doing some research, Mom discovered that her son's behavior exactly lines up with the traits of an individual with NPD. She wants to know if there is a solution to helping her son ditch these negative traits. What can Mom do to help her son turn things around and build healthy personality traits into his young adulthood? Listen in to learn: → The two necessary elements for a healthy personality → How a difference in temperaments can result in Control Battles → Tips for addressing critical issues with your teenager ...and more! Visit our website for the full show notes:
The Therapist Says "Back Off." Should I?
15/12/2020 Duración: 15minWhat do you do when you’re 15-year-old is avoiding responsibilities and smoking weed, and the therapist you’re going to says as parents, you need to back off? In this week's episode, I answer a question from a father who is questioning the advice he's getting from his son's therapist. Dad is stuck in a Control Battle with his son, who's developing some unhealthy habits. We don't want these habits to become character traits in his son's adult life. The advice Dad is getting from his son's therapist is that he and his wife need to back off. But is this the right step to take for a healthy path forward? Listen in to learn: • How to “back off” the right way • How to work together towards a common goal • Tips for moving forward collaboratively for everyone involved ...and more! Visit our website for the full show notes: Follow us on social media: http
Is Better Good Enough?
08/12/2020 Duración: 18minWhat do you do when you’ve taken some good parenting steps and your previously violent 13-year-old daughter is back in control? Is that enough, or is there more to do? In this week's episode, I answer a question from a grandmother who is raising her 13-year-old granddaughter. Her granddaughter used to exhibit violent, destructive behavior. But, after utilizing the tools outlined in my book, Ending the Parent-Teen Control Battle, and my course of the same name, she saw some great results. The work isn't over yet, though. Her granddaughter still has some areas of improvement. Grandma wonders if she should expect more from her granddaughter and help her grow or simply live with her improved-upon behavior. So, what steps should this grandmother take moving forward? Listen in to learn: → About the necessity of accountability to benevolent parental authority → The importance of validating and showing empathy for your teen's feelings when “raising the bar” → How my Parenting Course can help your family, too ..
Get Off This Enablement Train!
03/12/2020 Duración: 20minWhat do you do when your husband is letting his very disturbed adult son take him and his business downhill? This week, I address concerns from a woman who is facing some pretty tough challenges with her husband, their small business, and her adult stepson. Her husband has been enabling his adult son since he was a teenager. His son has some severe issues and his deteriorating condition and behavior are destroying the business. Dad has turned to alcohol to handle the stress, which, of course, is not a healthy coping mechanism. His wife loves him but doesn’t want to tolerate the situation. She wants to know if there is anything she can do to turn things around. So, what can this family, who is on an enablement train, do to create desperately need change? Listen in to learn: • Standards for successfully mixing family and business • How to set limits and address critical issues in a failing marriage • How to ask for the help you need in therapy ...and more! Visit our website for the full show notes: http
"Give" Your Teenager the Joy of Success
24/11/2020 Duración: 17minWhat do you do when your relationship with your truly terrific teenage daughter with learning disabilities has turned into a daily battle over homework? This week, I answer a question from a Mom who is struggling to support her teenage daughter in getting her schoolwork completed. Mom has provided ample support to her daughter who has struggled with a learning disability since elementary school. She has stayed on top of her daughter's needs, resourced her needs, been her advocate in the schools, and filled in the gaps in her executive functioning at home. But, it can be quite a challenge to support a special needs teenager in the area of her or his disability and support their independence at the same time. So, what steps can this mom and other parents of teens with disabilities take to teach their child how to manage responsibilities? Listen in to learn: → About the intricacies of the transitional years of adolescence → The importance of teaching your teenager with disabilities to be their own ad
Our Very Normal 17 Year Old Is Failing
17/11/2020 Duración: 13minWhat do you do when your very normal 17-year-old starts to fail in their senior year? In this week's episode, I answer a question from a Dad who is trying to help his 17-year-old son, who suddenly seems to no longer care about school or college. There are many challenges at play, like failing grades and a lack of motivation to attend college, but the most concerning is his son's substance abuse. What started out as "normal teen behavior" that was never addressed appears to have turned into a destructive issue. Dad and Mom are now at a loss for what steps to take next to get their son back on track. With the times we're living in, many parents may be faced with teenagers who are in a downward spiral. So, what can we do? Listen in to learn: → Why substance abuse is a challenge that needs to be addressed first → Tips on how parents can address issues early to avoid major problems later → How my new Parenting Course can provide guidance on moving forward ...and more! Visit our website for the full sh
50% Custody and 100% Responsibility
10/11/2020 Duración: 20minHow do you keep your son caught up with his work when you only have 50% custody, he won’t do it on his own, and his father won’t take responsibility? In this week's episode, I answer a question from a Mom having a challenging time getting her 15-year-old son to take responsibility for his school work. Unfortunately, she's not getting any support from her ex-husband. She's stuck in a Control Battle with her son and needs advice on how to teach her son to be accountable for his actions. Many families are distancing learning right now, and a lot of them are also splitting custody. You could be facing a very similar situation with your teenagers. So, what can parents do to set healthy limits while feeling undermined by the other custodial parent? Listen in to learn: • Why your teenager needs to be responsible for their own motivation • How to motivate students who aren't academically talented • Ways my new Parenting Course can help you and your family ...and more! Visit our website for the full show notes
Meds, Counseling, and No Change
03/11/2020 Duración: 20minWhat do you do when your daughter is hibernating in her room, has a history of cutting, is on meds, in counseling, but remains depressed? This week, I answer a question from a mom who is concerned about her daughter’s mental health problems. She feels lost and doesn't know what else she can do to help her daughter thrive. There are lots of parents out there who can relate to this Mom's concerns, especially given the current pandemic and changes in our sense of normalcy. So, what steps can this mom and parents like her take to help their teenagers achieve mental health? Listen in to learn: • How the way we frame a problem helps or hinders the solution • The critical elements necessary for mental health • Ways my new Parenting Course can help you and your family ...and more! Visit our website for the full show notes: Follow us on social media: https://inst