HEALTHY FAMILY CONNECTIONS addresses the many dilemmas facing parents, couples and kids, offering out of the box solutions that empower listeners to confidently meet their parenting challenges.Being a family in our era is challenging under the best of circumstances. Parents contend with a culture in transition and competing ideas for parenting. Neil Brown, author of parenting hit Ending the Parent-Teen Control Battle, is a master family therapist with a talent for providing clarity amidst the confusion, addressing common concerns as well as serious problems.
What Happened To Our Young Adults?
17/05/2022 Duración: 27minEpisode Description: In this episode Neil, along with his co-host Robin, responds to a mom who is wondering if she should send her graduating son to college or not. Although he was accepted, he shows no enthusiasm or motivation, and Mom is needing to push him to graduate. He sees a counselor but nothing is changing. Neil and Robin give Mom a way to address this with her son and take on the larger issue of the effect of remote learning on young adults. Have a question for Neil? Submit it now for discussion on a future episode of The Healthy Family Connections Podcast:
When Positivity & Earned Privileges Aren't Enough
10/05/2022 Duración: 21minEpisode Description: In this episode, Neil along with his co-host Robin, respond to a mother struggling with her 17 year old daughter. Mom, who is divorced and remarried, has full custody of her daughter and has a second child with her current husband. Mom requires daughter to do her schoolwork before she gets her privileges and feels frustrated that daughter argues and complains and isn’t stepping up to be more responsible. Neil and Robin offer some insight into what might be missing in this mother / daughter relationship and how they might get things on a healthy path forward. Have a question for Neil? Submit it now for discussion on a future episode of The Healthy Family Connections Podcast:
Can We Help Our Adult Daughter Out of An Abusive Relationship?
20/04/2022 Duración: 18minIn this episode, Neil, along with his cohost Robin, respond to a mom concerned about her 30 year old daughter who asked for help getting out of an "emotionally abusive relationship" with a boyfriend, and then did a "turnaround" and decided to stay with him. Have a question for Neil? Submit it now for discussion as a future episode of The Healthy Family Connections Podcast:
What More Can A Step Parent Do?
16/04/2022 Duración: 25minEpisode Description: In this episode, Neil, along with his co-host Robin, responds to a stepmom wondering what to do about her 14-year-old stepson. The courts have awarded the father and her full custody of the stepson and his sister. But the stepson remains withdrawn, uncooperative, and unproductive. Neil and Robin offer recognition for the challenges of step-parenting. Neil explains what this young man might be going through and offers a prescription for helping him move forward. Have a question for Neil? Submit it now for discussion on a future episode of The Healthy Family Connections Podcast at
Let Someone Else Own The Problem
13/04/2022 Duración: 25minEpisode Description: In this episode Neil, along with his co-host Robin, respond to a mother wondering what to do about her verbally abusive husband. A lot of friends and family are telling her to get divorced, but she knows her husband has his good points and is hoping for a better solution. Neil offers a way to shift the burden of the decision onto her husband and empowers Mom to set her standards and see what he how chooses to respond.
When You Find Yourself In A Hole, Stop Digging
05/04/2022 Duración: 25minEpisode Description: In this episode Neil, along with his co-host Robin, responds to a mother wondering what to do about her young adult daughter. Seemingly out of nowhere, her daughter has multiple complaints, uses a lot of psychobabble labels against Mom, they fight, and daughter moves out. Have a question for Neil? Submit it now for discussion on a future episode of The Healthy Family Connections Podcast:
Change Your Family Culture
16/03/2022 Duración: 26minIn this episode, Neil is joined by co-host Robin Holland. Together they respond to a Mom who does everything in the home for her husband and three young teens. Mom grew up in a family where everyone pitched in and can’t understand why the family she’s raising is so separated and disconnected. Her kids are good kids and doing well, so Mom wonders if her desire for more connection and support is reasonable. Robin and Neil explore the changes in family life in today’s world, yet they are validating Mom's needs and expectations. Neil shows Mom how to create the desired changes in her family without engendering resistance.
Fifty Ways To Say “NO”
09/03/2022 Duración: 34minIn this episode, Neil responds to a Mom whose teen son does the minimum, treats his parents disrespectfully, won’t do a chore, and takes all his parents' support for granted. Neil is joined by business associate and parent of young adults Robin Holland to discuss this situation and bring a parental perspective.
Should We Fund Our Young Adult’s Business Idea?
02/03/2022 Duración: 29minIn this episode, Neil responds to a Mom who’s 22 year old daughter is living at home and wants her parents to fund her idea to start a food truck business. Mom is very frustrated with her daughter’s messiness and disrespectful behavior while Dad is more positive and giving. As Indian parents, they struggle with their daughter not taking advantage of the opportunity to go to college and become a professional. Neil is joined by business associate and parent of young adults, Robin Holland to discuss this situation and bring a parental perspective.
Two Things A Youth and Family Therapist Needs To Do
23/02/2022 Duración: 20minIn this episode, Neil responds to a Mom struggling with her 14-year-old over homework. Neil shows Mom how to recruit her son into a collaborative approach and offers that to effectively help this family, a therapist needs to address two critical areas.
It’s Never Enough!
16/02/2022 Duración: 17minIn this episode, Neil responds to a dad whose wife complains that he doesn’t support her. No matter how much he does to support her, it’s never enough. Dad wants to know how to convince his wife that he does support her and that she should be more positive.
No! No Devices On This Trip!
02/02/2022 Duración: 16minIn this episode, Neil responds to a mom who wants to enjoy a trip with her young teen daughter, and not struggle with getting her daughter off of her device. Neil shares what he’s learned from the book The Shallows, by Nicholas Carr and his clinical experience and then offers his guidance.
I Want My Kids To Like Me
26/01/2022 Duración: 15minIn this episode, Neil responds to a Dad whose wife is angry that he won’t support her limits and expectations of their teenagers. Dad feels Mom is too angry and critical in her style and he wants to enjoy his kids. He feels his wife isn’t open to negotiation.
Will Someone Please Help Our Family!!
19/01/2022 Duración: 16minIn this episode, Neil responds to a mother whose teen daughter has anxiety, depression, and an eating disorder. Even though her daughter is in an intensive outpatient program and Mom and Dad are in the parent education and support groups, Mom can’t get anyone to address long standing family dynamics. Neil helps Mom see the bigger picture and addresses the critical differences between family education and support and family therapy
I Always Felt Unloved
12/01/2022 Duración: 23minIn this episode, Neil responds to a mother who as an adult, continues to feel unloved with an empty feeling inside. She’s looking to understand why her parents would indulge her younger sister and her children, and slight her and her children.
Unlocking The Secrets of The Talk
15/12/2021 Duración: 20minIn this episode, Neil responds to a mother amazed by the positive impact of a major tool in Ending The Parent-Teen Control Battle. This mother wants to better understand why it works and how to avoid backsliding.
When Negotiation Becomes Meaningless
08/12/2021 Duración: 20minIn this episode, Neil responds to a mother who is a single parent to her only child. Mom wonders what went wrong when her delightful son turned into a difficult, contrary teenager. Neil speaks to a common dynamic of single parent/only child families and gives Mom the tools to put a rapidly deteriorating situation back on track.
Strategies for Thanksgiving Success
24/11/2021 Duración: 13minIn this episode, Neil offers strategies for managing the many people challenges that come along with this special Holiday. Parent needs first, establishing expectations with children, teens and young adults, and dealing with difficult family member behaviors.
My Family Is Stuck And It’s Killing My Husband
17/11/2021 Duración: 22minIn this episode, Neil responds to a mom who struggles against a coalition of her husband and young adult kids. Unfortunately, there is a lot at stake because Dad has significant health risks. Neil introduces three family assessment criteria and shows how they apply and how, with this knowledge, Mom can create change.
When Is It Okay To Reward Our Kids?
03/11/2021 Duración: 19minIn this episode, Neil responds to a question about paying kids for good grades. Neil addresses the question of how and when to reward kids without undermining intrinsic motivation.