Savage Nation With Michael Savage



Hosted by Dr. Michael Savage, multimedia icon of the conservative movement, The Savage Nation® delivers a bold perspective on American ideals and culture. Michael Savage has unparalleled determination to unearth the truth about liberalism and national security. His passion for traditional values such as the English language keep listeners tuned-in wherever they are. Savage has repeatedly been named by Talk Stream Live as one of the most influential and most listened-to streaming talk show hosts.



    19/03/2024 Duración: 53min

    Investigative reporter and best-selling author Peter Schweizer shares the BOMBSHELL revelations he uncovered in his new book Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans. Savage and Schweizer dig into the shocking details, revealing the deep influence China wields on America today. Learn about China's strategy of "cognitive" and "disintegration" warfare and how it is being employed to fragment American society; Why American tech companies like Meta are pushing the sale of TikTok; China's alleged involvement in the production and distribution of fentanyl in the United States; The long-term strategy for China to get revenge on the West for the Opium Wars; How Hollywood studios have co-financing deals with Chinese propagandists; The increasing influence of Chinese financing on Hollywood films and streaming services like Netflix; How Chinese-funded groups are linked to the Party for Socialism and Liberation, Black Lives Matter, and other left-wing organizations; And which politicians

  • The Diversity Con with Best-Selling Author Kent Heckenlively - #697

    15/03/2024 Duración: 53min

    Savage and best-selling author Kent Heckenlively expose the systemic cancer of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) which has poisoned universities and communities worldwide. Savage shares his personal struggle for academic opportunities due to affirmative action during his time at the University of California, Berkeley. Heckenlively exposes how these policies have been pervasive in corporate America for decades and have now moved into universities, creating a dangerous divide among people. They argue that DEI policies aim to separate people and create hatred, preventing them from recognizing their similarities and uniting against the real oppressors in society. Heckenlively expresses optimism that transparency and open discussions about these issues can help turn the tide against DEI policies and restore the pursuit of excellence in society. They discuss the resignation of Harvard President Claudine Gay and the quick fall of phony leaders along with the consequences of their actions. They emphasize the nec

  • SAVAGE: The Independent-Minded Individualist - #696

    14/03/2024 Duración: 38min

    In this rare radio broadcast from 2007, Savage explains why he resonates with independents and the nonconformists of America. Politicians fear him and his audience who want to hear the truth instead of talking points. Then, he moves between a myriad of topics; Why dogs and animals understand a dimension that we do not; How sex and 'free love' is actually a tactic by the communist Left to destroy the family; How the media debases womanhood in modern America. Known for legendary callers, enjoy some classic calls on animals, politics, nutrition and more! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


    12/03/2024 Duración: 49min

    Savage expresses surprise at Pope Francis' call for Ukraine to negotiate peace with Russia and wave the white flag of negotiations, despite his previous criticisms of the Pope's liberal views. The Pope's unexpected stance on the conflict, which has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and the decimation of Ukraine, has caused controversy. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has rejected the idea of giving up any territory. Then, Savage discusses how the concept of Freud's penis envy theory drives today's politics and expresses his disinterest in engaging in political debates. He reflects on the mortality of all beings, emphasizing that we are all made of flesh and God made it that way. He also shares his thoughts on President Biden's anger during The State of the Union address. He then shifts to discussing plants, expressing his belief that they have feelings and emotions, and warning against the evaporation of plant cell walls, which he sees as a metaphor for the destruction of nation


    08/03/2024 Duración: 50min

    Is it possible to have hope in hopeless times? Dr. Savage doesn’t think so with King Biden running the country, but he tries to bring listeners some hope by reading from his bestselling book God Faith and Reason, including his remarkable story "I climbed Rain Mountain, in Samoa to visit Robert Louis Stevenson's grave." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


    07/03/2024 Duración: 22min

    Soaring inflation... fears in the stock market... rumors of war... With all this uncertainty, where can we turn to protect our assets? Savage speaks with Phillip Patrick of the Birch Gold Group to answer the top financial questions for 2024. Will we see a federal government shutdown in the near future? Will the Federal Reserve start cutting interest rates this year? Is the dollar really in jeopardy? How have global central banks prepared for a financial crisis? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


    05/03/2024 Duración: 51min

    This month, shocking images of a black George Washington, Asian Nazis and more emerged from Google's Gemini AI. Professor and Author Jeff Flynn-Paul joins Savage to illustrate how history and Western Civilization is under threat from radical progressives. Flynn-Paul reveals how revisionist ideology has pervaded universities in Europe and North America. They debunk the lies spread by the Left. Could we make a return to the Dark Ages? How Marxism has influenced modern Academia. How The 1619 Project distorts American history. Both Savage and Flynn-Paul have faced persecution in higher learning and the media for their commitment to the truth. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


    01/03/2024 Duración: 55min

    The film "Oppenheimer" has earned an impressive 13 Academy Award nominations, more than any other title this year. The epic film depicts The Manhattan Project and the making of the atomic bomb. In 1999, Savage interviewed two renowned physicists who worked with Oppenheimer at Los Alamos. In these legendary interviews, he speaks with Dr. Edward Teller, "Father of the Hydrogen Bomb" and Dr. Samuel Cohen, "Father of the Neutron Bomb". A conversation preceded by a detailed account of Teller's life leavened with Savage's comments. Teller shared his views on missile defense, nuclear "secrets", the neutron bomb, and how religion & science can be reconciled. Then, Cohen added his own perspective on the future of nuclear weaponry, foreign policy, and the disarmament of battlefield nuclear weapons. Cohen reveals how America voluntarily gave nuclear secrets to China. Listen to these historic interviews and share them with the freethinkers in your life! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


    29/02/2024 Duración: 38min

    In this golden oldie radio broadcast from 2007, Savage shares a freewheeling conversation with members of The Savage Nation. They cover the weighty topics still plaguing America today including the two-tiered justice system and war profiteering. Weaving the serious and lighthearted, he jumps from politics to love and relationships with his signature style millions have admired for three decades. Sit back and enjoy this rare classic from The Savage Nation! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • J6 PRISONERS: AMERICA HELD HOSTAGE with Attorney Ed Martin - #689

    27/02/2024 Duración: 57min

    Thousands have been arrested in response to the riots at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Even today, authorities continue to make arrests nationwide. Still, many Americans are too afraid to discuss these prisoners or speculate on the mysteries surrounding January 6th. Ed Martin, J6 Attorney and president of the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, joins Savage to uncover the political showdown taking place in federal courts. Savage and Martin discuss how President Biden and Democrats are committed to making an example of J6 defendants with Biden staking his re-election on the issue. Is there any hope for America or are we too far gone? How have Democrats and the media influenced the jury pool and the American people with nonstop exaggerated coverage of the event? Learn why we must protect the sacred nature of due process and why it's now at risk. Why are lawyers being targeted and are afraid to speak out? Where is the outcry from the Left, especially the ACLU? How is the law being manipulated for political persecution? A

  • IS UKRAINE ABOUT TO FALL? WILL ZELENKSY BE REPLACED? with Stephen Bryen (defense expert) - #688

    23/02/2024 Duración: 47min

    While the West is committed to deposing Putin, regime change may happen in Ukraine first. Zelensky staked his reputation on Avdiivka, but outgunned and outnumbered, Ukrainian troops were forced out by Russia after a costly four-month battle. Defense expert Stephen Bryen joins Savage to analyze this crucial new phase of the war in Ukraine. This month, Zelensky replaced Gen. Valery Zaluzhny with Oleksandr Syrsky to be Ukraine's next military chief in a risky leadership shake-up that is likely to be unpopular with troops. As the stakes rise, Zelensky has now turned on his fiercest fighters, targeting those not loyal to his leadership. How would the Ukrainian opposition oust Zelensky? Who might replace him? Why is this more than just a territorial war? How can Ukraine survive the loss of life? Why Biden does not want to make concessions to Russia in 2024. What are the origins of Nazi sentiments in Ukraine and Putin's calls to "denazify" Ukraine? Bryen and Savage unravel the Western propaganda and give the unvarni


    22/02/2024 Duración: 40min

    In this 2012 golden oldie broadcast, Savage reveals how the Left are wolves in sheep's clothing. The progressives cloak themselves in "peace" and "love" while hiding their vicious nature. He reflects on the importance of connecting with the natural world. Sharing about his trip to a nursery in early spring, he recognizes the importance of survival. He exposes Obama's desire to dismantle the Constitution. He then speculates on Obama's motives, pointing to the 'accidental' seizure of a U.S. drone in Iran, his enabling of the Muslim Brotherhood, and his destabilizing of the Arab world. Then, callers speak with Savage about his novel Abuse of Power. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


    20/02/2024 Duración: 01h01min

    New York Post columnist and best-selling author Miranda Devine is back to expose the Democrat scheme to hoodwink the American people. From Russia to the border crisis, learn how the Democrats are guilty of every accusation they cast on conservatives. First, how NY Judge Engoron and others have abandoned justice in the pursuit of political retribution. Governor Hochul revealed the deliberate take down of Trump. How the Dems have become the modern day Jacobins of the French Revolution. What motivates George Soros to create chaos in the United States? Why does Putin consider President Biden an asset? How the media has been co-opted by the Left to spout Marxist talking points and how it influences the average American. How Americans have turned to cheap dopamine to escape the realities that threaten our future. Will Trump be able to rise above the constant legal assaults? Who would replace Trump if he has to drop out of the race? How class warfare fuels the animosity against Trump and his supporters. And why we s

  • Liberalism REALLY Is A Mental Disorder - #685

    16/02/2024 Duración: 01h12min

    Long before anyone else, Savage predicted the chaos that progressives would inflict on America. Today, Glenn Beck and other conservatives have admitted that Savage was RIGHT when he stated, "Liberalism is a mental disorder." Learn how Liberalism REALLY is a mental disorder as he delivers a riveting free-association wrap on politics, health, and more! Savage voices his discontent with American politics and society, particularly under President Biden. He laments the loss of control, chaotic cities, and lack of peace negotiations. Freedom now hangs in the balance as we inch closer to total tyranny. He then reflects on the importance of staying true to oneself and the desire to live a long life, sharing personal stories and unconventional methods for longevity. He reveals his own near-death experiences and emphasizes the virtue of authenticity. He advocates for individual freedom and responsibility in contrast to groupthink spouted by the Left. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


    15/02/2024 Duración: 43min

    In this rare radio broadcast from 2013, Savage predicted that our vulnerable borders and the progressive movement would weaken America. He voiced his concerns about the current state of the nation, drawing parallels between the country and Cuba under Castro. He expressed feelings of depression and hopelessness, citing high levels of public assistance, homelessness, and government manipulation of the media. Savage also criticized modern music for losing its "soul" and lamented the loss of American spirit. Discussing depression, Savage recommended natural alternatives like Vitamin C instead of antidepressant medication. On politics, Savage accused President Obama of appealing to the basest instincts and using class warfare, comparing him to Marxist leaders. He expressed frustration with the lack of resistance to Obama's policies and criticized the media, believing America to be a one-party system. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


    13/02/2024 Duración: 55min

    Rapping on the top headlines and topics affecting the nation. First, Savage discusses President Biden's continued mental decline, reflecting on his important work with Alzheimer's. He summarized his research in his 1987 book Reducing the Risk of Alzheimer's. He concludes that any medical student could recognize that Biden's condition has progressed significantly since his inauguration. Why has Jill Biden allowed this to continue? How can we recover from Biden's rupturing of our borders and cities? Is America shot? How can we deport over 10 million illegal aliens? Then, Savage offers his coverage of the Super Bowl. He explains how we've devolved from Jonathan Swift to Taylor Swift... He recalls his own firsthand experience of the Super Bowl and how he walked out during Beyoncé's halftime performance in New Orleans. Don't miss Savage's hilariously funny take on the Taylor Swift drama and the media storm surrounding the pop star and football phenom's romance. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoice

  • NEWS OF THE WHORLED; why people are avoiding the News - #682

    09/02/2024 Duración: 46min

    Savage is back to offer his trusted insight on the news of the week. First, he blasts the useless Republican traitors who failed to impeach Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas. How can America survive as President Biden continues to embarrass the nation on the world stage? How did we get here? How long will we allow crime and corruption to hold our cities hostage? Savage expresses how physical ailments force us to examine the meaning of life. Why are we here? What matters in the eternal sense? He reads a Jewish prayer about health that demonstrates the wisdom of the Bible. He acknowledges that people are fed up and tired of politics and choosing to tune out the news. He dissects the most pressing topics of the day, speaking on Tucker Carlson's interview with Vladimir Putin, Senator Chuck Schumer's calls to send Ukraine more aid, and the threat of liberalism nationwide. Then, he gives an inside look into some of his upcoming podcasts. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • WHY DO SO MANY YOUNG AMERICANS HATE ISRAEL? with author and professor Dr. Rafael Medoff - #681

    06/02/2024 Duración: 01h02min

    Ignorant anti-Israel protesters have taken to the streets nationwide. Rather than rebuking the uninformed masses, President Biden has placated the protesters’ shouts as reasonable, persuasive arguments. Savage speaks with author and professor Dr. Rafael Medoff to analyze the historical parallels between the anti-Semitic sentiments during the 1930s and the current anti-Israel sentiment among young Americans, specifically on college campuses. Medoff contrasts the strong response of then President FDR to Biden's weak gesturing. They discuss how some students' apathy toward Israel undermines public resolve to support the nation and criticizes the use of genocidal slogans during pro-Hamas protests. They explore the origins of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, debunking the lies cited by anti-Semitic pundits. They highlight the historical connection between the Nazi era and the Hamas movement in Palestine. Finally, they criticize political leaders for their hypocritical stance on Israel and the role of education sy

  • THE MUGGER AND THE DEAD POET & THE LOST LANDS OF SILK AND MONEY - How the Illegal Immigrant Invasion Decimates America - #680

    02/02/2024 Duración: 41min

    Savage reflects on a story ahead of its time "The Mugger and The Beatnik Poet" from his 2002 book A Savage Nation. In this incredible chapter, he predicted the decline of once great American cities. He laments recent events, including American troops being killed in the Middle East, and expresses fear that these events will drag America into ongoing conflicts. He then shares poems expressing despair and queries the relevance of prayers during chaotic times. He acknowledges the belief in prayer by historical figures like General Patton. Then, he speculates on the integrity of the legal system after a court ordered Trump to pay $83 million to E. Jean Carroll. He emphasizes the significance of children learning to have faith in God and to obey his Commandments. How can we stop the weakening of America's cultural foundations and the rise of radical leftist ideologies? He warns against Democratic socialism, particularly figureheads like Bernie Sanders, a modern day Trotskyite. Savage urges the importance of educat


    01/02/2024 Duración: 01h07min

    Savage catches up with jazz musician Sam Gendel for an update on his music career in 2024. The pair first met in 2013 when Gendel sent Savage a collection of poetry titled "The Found Poetry of Michael Savage." Gendel creatively transformed Savage's words into poetry adding musical compositions. Gendel reflects on touring in Japan, describing its appreciation for offbeat and avant-garde music. The two discuss their love of jazz including Buddy Rich, Charlie Parker, Roland Kirk, and Herb Alpert. They ponder the trend of voyeurism in the social media age as Savage highlights the popularity of his cooking videos. Savage shares his own experience as a writer and emphasizes that there are no shortcuts to success or happiness, instead encouraging the importance of hard work and perspiration. The conversation then shifts to the balance between the spiritual and the animalistic aspects of life, concluding that true happiness comes from bringing them together. Listen and find out what it's like to be a musician in the

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