White Hall Umc



White Hall UMC is a passionate local church dedicated to casting nets, making disciples, and changing the world.


  • The Way: The Way Home

    28/03/2017 Duración: 32min

    The Way Home--Luke 15:11-32 No matter what we call “home” in this physical world, we yearn for a spiritual home within that offers serenity, acceptance, belonging. The extravagant acceptance of the father for the son in Jesus’ parable of the wandering son is difficult for us to believe sometimes... that no matter what we have done, who we are, how far we are from what we want to become, we are welcomed home by the Loving Parent.

  • The Way: The High Way

    20/03/2017 Duración: 26min

    The High Way--Isaiah 55:1-9 We are taught that everything costs. But our ways are not God’s ways. There are higher ways. We are all invited, without price, to the table of God’s grace. This is the high way that we are invited to embody to others.

  • The Way: The Way Around

    13/03/2017 Duración: 24min

    The Way Around Luke 13:31-35 An obstacle can stop us in our tracks or make us turn around and go home, or we can choose to reconsider, reorient, reroute, or recalculate our heading. What is important, is that we don’t let the obstacle stop our journey. In Christ, there are no dead ends!

  • The Way: The Wandering Way

    06/03/2017 Duración: 22min

    The Wandering Way--Luke 4:1-13 After Jesus’ baptism, he went on a pilgrimage into the wilderness. A common practice among spiritual leaders of his day, this was a time to dig deep into the humanity of his soul. Along the way he encounters what we all encounter along the paths of life–temptations to stray from the path that God has intended for us. But “all who wander are not lost”–for it is in the wandering that we find our true selves.

  • Fixer-Upper: Revealed

    27/02/2017 Duración: 19min

    Revealed-- Mark 5:1-2, 6-20 Jesus tells us the same thing he told this tormented tomb dweller, "Go home to your friends and family and share your story." That's the most powerful story of good news we know, our own story of how much the Lord has done for us, and what mercy he has shown each of us! That's the big reveal that Jesus asks each of us to show others!

  • Fixer-Upper: Repaired

    21/02/2017 Duración: 25min

    Fixer-Upper: Repaired * Mark 9:33-37 No matter who you are, Jesus scoops us up in his arms as if we’re the most important person in the world, because we are. Thanks be to God!

  • Fixer-Upper: Restored

    13/02/2017 Duración: 24min

    Feb 12: -Restored - Mark 10:46-52 You and I have a God who hears our cry, “Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me!” And responds, “What do you want me to do for you?” Can you imagine Jesus asking this question? What would be your response?

  • Fixer-Upper: Reclaimed

    06/02/2017 Duración: 21min

    Who doesn’t love a before and after story? When ugly, unlivable houses are reclaimed and transformed into beautiful, inviting homes it’s amazing! And when God’s deep love does its work on the raw materials of our lives - the possibilities are absolutely beautiful. We are never a dilapidated disaster in Jesus’ eyes but just a fixer-upper in need of a little grace and TLC. Do YOU have the guts to take on a full–life renovation? Reclaimed Mark 2:13-17

  • iQuit: Living in the Past

    23/01/2017 Duración: 20min

    iQuit: Living in the Past Isaiah 43:16-21 Letting go of the past, we can embrace a hope-filled future standing on these promises. God’s greatest work is still being done in you and me.

  • iQuit: Living in Fear

    17/01/2017 Duración: 24min

    Living in Fear Isaiah 43:1-7 “Do not fear. I have redeemed you. I call you by name; you are mine. I am with you. I will be with you. I am your God and your Savior. You are precious in my sight, and I love you! Do not fear, for I am with you!”

  • iQuit: Complainig

    09/01/2017 Duración: 21min

    What if in this new year we say, “I quit” to complaining? Start with trying to not complain for 1 week, then try to go for a month, then a year. It could likely help our personal physical, mental, and spiritual health, as well as improving our relationships with others.

  • iQuit: Making Excuses

    03/01/2017 Duración: 23min

    Making Excuses Luke 14:15-24 What if we used this time of year, not to add, but to eliminate those things that prevented us from becoming devoted disciples of Jesus Christ? What if we inventoried our lives, and just quit some things?

  • A Christmas Carol: Ghost of Christmas Future

    19/12/2016 Duración: 23min

    GHOST OF CHRISTMAS FUTURE JOHN 1: 1-14 The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come  -  The third and final spirit to visit Scrooge, a silent phantom clad in a hooded black robe. He presents Scrooge with an ominous view of his lonely death.

  • A Christmas Carol: Ghost of Christmas Present

    12/12/2016 Duración: 16min

    GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT MATTHEW 2: 1-12 The Ghost of Christmas Present  -  The second spirit to visit Scrooge, a majestic giant clad in a green robe. His lifespan is restricted to Christmas Day. He escorts Scrooge on a tour of his contemporaries' Holiday celebrations.

  • A Christmas Carol: Ghost of Christmas Past

    05/12/2016 Duración: 20min

    GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST MATTHEW 1: 1-6, 17 The Ghost of Christmas Past  -  The first spirit to visit Scrooge, a curiously childlike apparition with a glowing head. He takes Scrooge on a tour of Christmases in his past. Ebenezer Scrooge's past, his hardships and scandals, have come to define him. The ghost of Christmas past, represented by a candle, seeks to open his eyes to these past dramas in order to help Scrooge heal, shining light in his darkness.

  • A Christmas Carol: Marley's Ghost

    28/11/2016 Duración: 24min

    MARLEY’S GHOST MARK 13: 24-37 Jacob Marley -  In the living world, Ebenezer Scrooge's equally greedy partner. Marley died seven years before the narrative opens. He appears to Scrooge as a ghost condemned to wander the world bound in heavy chains. Marley hopes to save his old partner from suffering a similar fate.

  • shiny gods: Be faithful, Save, and Give

    21/11/2016 Duración: 26min

    Be Faithful, Save, and Give-2 Corinthians 9:6-12 Earning money? Check. Saving money? Check. Giving money? Really? The call of God on our lives invades our finances, urging us toward healthy practices that extend our life- influence beyond what we ever thought possible. “This most generous God is more than extravagant with you. [God] gives you something you can then give away....” What we do with what we’ve got makes all the difference in the world. In fact, what we do with what we’ve got has the power to change the world. True worship calls us to offer our lives, gifts, and resources to God, for use beyond our wildest dreams.

  • shiny gods: Money, Work, and Debt

    14/11/2016 Duración: 28min

    Money, Work, and Debt-Deuteronomy 28:12-14 Exactly how much is enough? In a culture guided chiefly by shiny, life-promising distractions, “enough” seems elusive and keeps us indebted to that next source of satisfaction. What if the Giver of Life offered freedom from this downward spiral? Would you take it?

  • shiny gods: Naming Our Idols

    07/11/2016 Duración: 24min

    Naming Our Idols Let me give you my definition of an idol: anything, or anyone, that receives the primary focus of my energy or resources, which should first belong to God. The Bible calls this having a divided heart. Instead of making it our primary life passion to worship the Lord our God and to serve only him, we begin to separate our spiritual life from the practical aspects of life. We use our idols, instead of God, to provide identity or meaning in our lives. This is especially easy to do when those idols are positive things, or even people we love. The danger is that even our virtues can become vices—or idols—if they are not directed toward God.

  • Moral of the Story: Equal Pay for Unequal Work

    31/10/2016 Duración: 19min

    Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard; Matthew 20:1-16

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