Rabbi Daniel Lapin



Rabbi Daniel Lapin reveals how the world REALLY works and reminds us that the more things change, the more we need to depend upon those things that never change.


  • Ep 185 | Would You Rather Have Intelligence (IQ) or Wisdom?

    30/01/2023 Duración: 42min

     How would you explain the difference between intelligence and wisdom? Which brings better life success? The story of Chesley Sullenberger and how he landed his airplane on the Hudson River. Why men are overrepresented in the top and bottom of the IQ bell curve. Can one's IQ be changed? Why university isn’t the be all and end all of life. Is the IQ test predictive of certain things? How do we distinguish between areas that respond to IQ and those that respond to wisdom? Become a member of the Happy Warrior community and enjoy connection with other HWs trying to build into their lives just what you are also trying to do. Access so much ancient Jewish wisdom at your convenience. For more information click here: https://wehappywarriors.com/happy-warriors-basic  Which do you want: The One World Government of the United Nations or the God-centric view of the world? Ideally, a world of many different nations trading with one another peacefully.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep 184 | 5 Ways to End Fear of Pentagrams-All Start With F

    21/01/2023 Duración: 01h10min

    How did the pretty five-pointed star become associated with Satanic culture? The surprising impact that money has on women’s married lives.  Why don’t we hear much these days about overpopulation and the Zero Population Movement?  The disturbing effect that over-preoccupation with death has on mental/spiritual health, and what to do about it. Experts tell us that the shrinking population can be corrected by increasing immigration. Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life. Become a member of the Happy Warrior community and enjoy connection with other HWs trying to build into their lives just what you are also trying to do. Access so much ancient Jewish wisdom at your convenience. For more information click here: https://www.wehappywarriors.com/ Tell the truth now, are all people really of equal value to society? What transforms bringing a child into the world from terrifying to joyful? If industrialization, education, and contraception availability are not responsible for the drop i

  • Ep 183 | Is Age Just A Number? Make The Most Of Your 20s

    19/01/2023 Duración: 01h17min

    Oh, age is nothing but a number. Many single women from 28 to 40 tell me this. But why do so many women but so few men repeat that nonsensical phrase—oh, age is nothing but a number? If age is nothing but a meaningless number, why do most news stories and feature articles about people report on their ages? Why do people want to know the real age of those they date? Become a member of the Happy Warrior community and enjoy the connection with other HWs trying to build into their lives just what you are also trying to do. Access so much ancient Jewish wisdom at your convenience. For more information click here: https://www.wehappywarriors.com/ What men should be doing from ages 18 to 28. Why college is not necessary. What women should be doing from age 18. How to preserve both virtue and reputation. Building your Finances, Family, Fitness, Friendships, and Faith. Use your time effectively by learning how to distinguish between things that you can impact and things about which you can do absolutely nothing.  Lear

  • Ep 182 | Revisiting My 2022 Predictions. Did They Come True?

    07/01/2023 Duración: 01h06min

    Welcome to the Rabbi Daniel Lapin Show not intended for clowns, creeps, crooks or cranks, but instead, respectfully offered to one of the highest life forms-you the Happy Warrior. How will the collapse of FTX bitcoin exchange impact blockchain technology? I was right on this one. Make 2023 a fantastic new year. Not with a new year’s resolution. They never work. But with a compilation of 52 separate resolutions with an automatic monitoring system. See it here:  https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/chart-your-course-book-video-bundle/  I explain China and Taiwan and how it will impact your finances. Will China, Russia and India set up their own international funds transfer system? What is the end plan for the Ukrainian war being funded now by the American taxpayer? Where is some of the money being sent to Ukraine ending up? Am I really an Ayatollah You’so ?  Maybe I should keep my day job.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep 181 | Pardon Me, Working for Your F U Money Is a Fiscal Mistake

    02/01/2023 Duración: 33min

    Making money by honestly providing goods and services is never selfish or greedy. Saying you want to improve the world is camouflaging your power grab. You’ll end up using force to get others to accept your vision of improvement. What does Jacob’s dream of the angels’ ladder in Genesis really mean? What does sleeping with someone really mean? Why FU money is such a mistake. How the dream of becoming independent harms your bank account. The Bible that every intelligent and ambitious individual needs https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/koren-jerusalem-bible-hardcover/  Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep 180 | The Untold Truth: Who Really Hates Jews and Why

    02/01/2023 Duración: 01h09min

    What happened when your rabbi delivered an illegal live speech during 2020’s covid lockdown. Which community in America was the first to achieve herd-immunity from covid? Is it remotely possible that your kid’s dangerous peanut allergy was caused by infant vaccination? How the Washington Post told its readers that Jewish people poisoned the village well. What happened in a Paris park on January 5, 1895? Clue: the 1973 Steve McQueen movie, “Papillon”. There is only book that for over 500 years, just refuses to go Out-of-Print, the Bible. You deserve an authentic glimpse into it through the lens of the original Hebrew text. See it here (free) shorturl.at/fuCL8 and discover how the People of the Book have been extracting priceless life lessons in the 5Fs. Famous Harvard biologist tells the shocking truth about science.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep 179 | Things Wise People Do Not Share With Their Spouses

    02/01/2023 Duración: 55min

    Yes, there are things you can share with a friend but never with your spouse. There are indeed many different ways to be miserable and unhappy. But the road to success and happiness takes pretty much the same route for everyone. That route is revealed in this podcast show. Family is overvalued when we’re young and undervalued as we grow older. Fragmenting your life seriously handicaps you. What should you do if you seriously want to improve every aspect of your life? Simple. Join our community of Happy Warriors to find strength and share strength https://www.wehappywarriors.com/   The surprising Fs that make aging much easier. Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep 178 | Why The Founders of Psychology Were All Jews

    26/11/2022 Duración: 59min

    Sigmund Freud was a fraud. He was also Jewish. As were 100 other big names in psychology. For over 125 years with the exceptions of Carl Jung and William James pretty much all the big names in psychology, psychiatry & psychoanalysis have all been Jewish. Does being Jewish have anything to do with God? Is psychology a science? Can anything to do with human minds, hearts, and souls be calculated and predicted in a lab the way a reaction in a test tube can? Can every human ailment be cured with a pill? What should you do if you experience anxiety? Join our community of Happy Warriors to find strength and share strength https://www.wehappywarriors.com/ How psychology murders morality. Why talking about yourself to a therapist might be about the worst thing you can do. Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep 177 | Shacking Up Is for Financial Fools

    19/11/2022 Duración: 01h06min

    The Wall Street Journal is utterly baffled why married couples make much more money than couples living together. All the data confirms that single people, divorced people, and couples who cohabit make much less money than married couples. In fact, the literature is irrefutable on this. If you care about poverty, you need to care about marriage. The colossal question is why. How does your back account or your budget, or your credit card balance know or care whether you and your significant other signed a piece of paper? The compelling answer will astound you. It has something to do with the Bro-Code—never date your buddy’s ex-girlfriend. It has to do with why guys care about a girl’s ‘body-count’. It has to do with the miracle of exponential arithmetic.  Don’t miss this offer of a free lesson in Scrolling Through Scripture just for Happy Warriors  https://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-free-lesson Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life. Instead, we find joy i

  • Ep 176 | The Right Fights The Left. Populists Fight Elitists. Progressives Fight Conservatives. Here Is The Truth!

    05/11/2022 Duración: 01h11min

    Whatever country you live in a culture war is being fought. Is it nationalists against globalists? Is it socialists against capitalists? In war, if a soldier wears a false uniform, he might be viewed as a spy. In this war, almost all the soldiers are wearing camouflage. Sometimes the battle lines get obscured by the clouds of confusion. You can better focus on your 5Fs if you know who really is fighting and what they are fighting for. In this show, your rabbi reveals the true antagonists and what the battlefield really looks like. Above all, with this information, you will understand where your interests are being threatened and how to effectively defend them.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep 175 | Stop Talking About Your Health Issues—Nobody Cares; & What’s More…

    17/10/2022 Duración: 37min

    Each of your 5F Fundamentals can power the other 4 if you understand the ten linkages. Learn how your Finances will impact your Fitness and, inversely, how your physical health will almost certainly impact your financial condition. Have you checked out our Happy Warriors membership page? See here  www.WeHappyWarriors.com   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep 174 | How Money and Marriage Intersect

    24/09/2022 Duración: 43min

    When President Biden took office early in 2021, the average price of diesel fuel in the U.S. was $2.50. Within eighteen months it had doubled to about $5:00 a gallon. Of that, about $0.25 a gallon is federal tax, while states tax on average another $0:50. California taxes diesel at the rate of $0:94 per gallon. Diesel fuel is used for almost everything. It has doubled in price in less than 2 years. Yet we are told that inflation is running at “only” 8.3%. Don’t be a sap; augment your income with a raise, another job, a side-hustle, or whatever you can. Blueprint for fantastic marriage involves man supporting his wife. Your rabbi knows that this may not be practical for every couple. But when a woman grants her husband the privilege of supporting her while she focuses on building a home and family she is also assisting his financial abilities. 70% of high earning men have a stay-at-home wife. Subscribe to Thought Tools https://rabbidaniellapin.com/category/thought-tools/  Knowing that he is working not just fo

  • Ep 173 | Succeed By Overcoming Your Destructive Desire to Sacrifice

    17/09/2022 Duración: 55min

    One of the most conspicuous distinctions between mammals and humans is that no animal sacrifices for abstract ideals. Many female mammals will imperil themselves to save their young. This is an instinct without which the species would not survive. But humans will sacrifice for a belief or an idea. Why, humans will even sacrifice their very children for an often bizarre and false idea. They will send their children to GIC’s (Government Indoctrination Camps) where they not only fail to obtain an education but their bodies as well as their souls are endangered—This sacrifice of their children is done in the name of equity. They sacrifice their economy’s viability in the name of climate change and environmentalism. Beware you Happy Warriors, do not fall victim to this kind of sacrificial ritual in your pursuit of excellence in your 5Fs, your Family, Faith, Finances, Fitness, and Friendships. Find out how you can learn more and subscribe to Thought Tools for free here: https://rabbidaniellapin.com/category/thought

  • Ep 172 | Should You Consider Investing In China? What Would the Queen Have Said?

    10/09/2022 Duración: 53min

    Inflation is really about double the official figure. What should you do? How do you get some of your money out of dollars that lose 1% of their value every single month? The Queen is dead; Long live the King! The role the queen really played in building an empire. How a society’s deteriorating sexual morals are a sigh of impending extinction. Learn more here: The Gathering Storm https://www.wehappywarriors.com/the-gathering-storm?seg_id=01G7AVA808RQ225VH1FD4HQZ98.12051.1662746200768  In real terms, who has more of a free market, the USA or China? Why did migrants from Middle East and North Africa fail to replace the missing Swedes, Frenchmen, and Germans? Happy Warriors are NOT tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep 171 | Should You Be Free To Be Your Authentic Self?

    29/08/2022 Duración: 01h01min

    Happy Warriors are NOT tennis balls floating down the gutter of life. Marriage is the finest educational institution. Not that there is much competition these days. Life Rule #94: You must know this one if you ever try a repair of your plumbing, your tooth, your business, your marriage or any other area of life. Before you see improvement, you WILL see…? Discover the one and only way to enjoy the respect of your children. A free lesson in Scrolling Through Scripture https://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-free-lesson?seg_id=01G7AVA808RQ225VH1FD4HQZ98.12051.1661549705303  Does your marriage (or relationship!) ever make you do something that you do not feel like doing? If yes, you need this show. Onwards and upwards.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Ep 170 | Fake Relationship Advice-Can You Spot The Mistakes?

    20/08/2022 Duración: 32min

    Mrs. Susan Lapin joins me to unravel a rats nest of baffling and bewildering relationship recommendations. How many male female relationship types are there? Do most women first and foremost seek a nice, kind, sweet & caring man? Ladies, are those attributes top of your list? Do you know your authentic self? Do you even have an authentic self? Would your relationship partner like your authentic self? Does your relationship partner know your hopes and dreams? Do you want greater understanding of how the world REALLY works? Do you sometimes feel like the world is coming to an end? Well, it might just be time for you to build your own ark. Take a good look at Noah right here, right now:  https://www.wehappywarriors.com/the-gathering-storm?seg_id=01G7AVA808RQ225VH1FD4HQZ98.12051.1660496731013   The qualities that a man seeks in a wife are quite different from those a woman seeks in a husband. But if you think men and women are identical, you wouldn’t understand that. The secret of successful lying.  Learn more ab

  • Ep 169 | The Mysterious Motive: Why He Tried To Kill Him

    15/08/2022 Duración: 01h13min

    Flatline means death. Vibration means life. Even the very beginning of life, its conception, involves vibration. Heartbeat and breathing are vibrations. Speech, communication and music are all vibrations. Are you wondering why every Happy Warrior needs to know this? Just wait! There are other kinds of vibrations. Red, blue, and green are vibrations, so is what cooks food in your microwave. Different instruments measure different kinds of vibrations. The wrong instrument does not mean there is no vibration. It just means you used the wrong instrument. Why did Hadi Matar try to murder Salman Rashdie? The New York Times cannot know the motive. They use the wrong instrument. They fail because their worldview excludes Faith; it is the religion of Secular Materialistic Fundamentalism. But every Happy Warrior understands Hadi’s motive. Do you want greater understanding of how the world REALLY works? Take a look at Noah right here, right now:  https://www.wehappywarriors.com/the-gathering-storm?seg_id=01G7AVA808RQ225

  • Ep 168 | How To Beat The Experts And Get It Right Every Time!

    08/08/2022 Duración: 01h07min

    Experts get it wrong over 60% of the time. Scientists who ‘followed the science” and predicted global cooling only 50 years ago were wrong then just as scientists today who predict global warming calamity are wrong now. To get your own life decisions right and your own important predictions accurate, acquire wisdom. Learn how the world REALLY works. That is what this show is all about. Interested in hearing how I sound speaking to an Orthodox Jewish audience? Try this interview on Kosher Money:  https://youtu.be/Sx3S2bzQlIg  It is important to learn how the world REALLY works. That is just another way of saying Wisdom. Try Scrolling Through Scripture for a dose of wisdom  https://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-free-lesson?seg_id=01G7AVA808RQ225VH1FD4HQZ98.12051.1659136044970   Some laws are proscriptive. Don’t worry too much about those. But watch out for descriptive laws. This show teaches you how to tell the difference. Happy Warriors are NOT tennis balls floating down the gutter of lif

  • Ep 167 | Don’t Think. Just Do!

    01/08/2022 Duración: 51min

    Why the most important line in the 2022 movie Top Gun is the most important line. Ants are known for what? Why would one smart man walk for the first part of his trip before climbing aboard transport? What S. American frog is not scared of you? The point of William Gilbert’s hilarious poem, Etiquette. Who did not just ogle the pretty girl? Who did not appoint a wingman to approach her? Who just kissed her? Interested in hearing how I sound speaking to an Orthodox Jewish audience? Try this interview on Kosher Money:  https://youtu.be/Sx3S2bzQlIg  It is important to learn how to become proactive and it is also important to learn how the world REALLY works. That is just another way of saying Wisdom. Try Scrolling Through Scripture for a dose of wisdom  https://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-free-lesson?seg_id=01G7AVA808RQ225VH1FD4HQZ98.12051.1659136044970  Wives, learn the secrets of becoming happy by being happy. You have no idea! Waiting to marry till you’re almost out of choices. Happy Wa

  • Ep 166 | I Do WANT To Change. But How?

    18/07/2022 Duración: 01h06min

    With the real inflation rate over 15% it makes sense to change your financial reality and increase revenue. But is it possible?  Do your actions change your beliefs? Do your beliefs regulate your actions? Couldn’t you use more friends and better friendships? More rewarding family relationships? Improve all these things. Contrary to what many try to tell you, indeed you can bring about change in your life. You have to balance what the culture around you tells you is true and what ancient Jewish wisdom tells you is true on this special show. Why you should know what happens when oxygen and hydrogen combine.  Why you should try one lesson from Scrolling Thru Scripture for Free!   https://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-free-lesson  Why there are few women working on the construction site I watch. No commandment to believe in God. What to do when you’re mad at your spouse. Interested in improving your Finances? Want a better Family life? Want better Fysical health? Learn to change. This show g

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