Rabbi Daniel Lapin

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 485:48:15
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Rabbi Daniel Lapin reveals how the world REALLY works and reminds us that the more things change, the more we need to depend upon those things that never change.


  • How “Make Love Not War” Nearly Took Down America and Who Came Up With The Plan? 11/26/16


    Discover what socialists, Occupy Wall Street, Isis, universities, rioters, progressives, and pirates all have in common. The early 20th century communist dream of workers all uniting and overthrowing capitalism didn’t quite work in the U.S. So 65 years ago, the barbarian chiefs planned to enlist who? That’s right! And in 2008 those “special agents” elected BHO and in 2016 they very nearly elected Hillary. Why would anyone actually want to overthrow capitalism and destroy all that civilization has accomplished? Can you really find soldiers for your nefarious plans just by giving them sex and money?rabbidaniellapin.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Rabbi Short Clip: How the World Really Works


    The world works a little differently than many know. Some even wish to undermine civilization. Find out why and how.rabbidaniellapin.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Trump’s Magnanimity in Victory And The One Thing That Could Sink Him 11/19/16


    The biggest threat confronting the Trump administration. How would your life be impacted by the shutting down of all American universities? I’m joking of course but I am also making a point. This will tear the wings off a flying airliner and it will also imperil a promising political revolution. Did you know political correctness was designed 90 years ago as a tool of Marxism? The Jews of the Frankfurt School and the war on the west. Who would want barbarism to beat the west? Many, as it turns out. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Rabbi Short Clip: Reshaping America's Universities


    Cities in areas near college campuses are predominately progressive. Might President Trump reshape our universities so student aren't handed loans and other handouts to party and get them to learn and work?rabbidaniellapin.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Revenge of the Redneck Rabbi—A Novel Explanation 11/12/16


    A country music radio station on which I used to do a weekly ‘word-of-wisdom’ once dubbed me “The Redneck Rabbi”, an appellation which I still carry with pride. If Redneck means I think God is more important than government, count me in. If Redneck means wanting the independence that earning good money gives you, count me in. If Redneck means that when push comes to shove I want to defend myself with my weapons rather than dial 911, count me in. If Redneck means believing that it is wonderful that God created men and women, count me in. And if Redneck means that I want to speak my mind regardless of who it offends, count me in. Apparently there were quite a few other Rednecks in America last Tuesday. That’s the good news. The bad news is that 50% of voters supported Team Clinton. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, Tuesday was not the end. It wasn’t even the beginning of the end. But it might have been the end of the beginning. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Rabbi Short Clip: The End of the Beginning


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  • Living Together in Marriage Must Have a Common System of Ethics & Morality 11/5/16


    You’ve heard people sanctimoniously speak of their ethics. What does this actually mean? Just because you’ve decided that something is unethical, why should that bind me? Would you buy a car pre-programmed to kill others? Is it more moral to program your car to sacrifice your life in an emergency? Here’s something to baffle your friends: The runaway train ethical dilemma-is it ethical for us to save five lives at the cost of sacrificing one? The first thing we notice and the last thing we forget: a person’s sex. Shocking news: the World Health Organization is utterly politicized. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Rabbi Short Clip: The Ethics Behind Autonomous Cars


    rabbidaniellapin.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • The Obituary for America’s Way of Life: Propaganda Blitzkrieg Against Christianity 10/29/16


    Germany is paying up to $400,000/year to some Muslim immigrants. (Those with 4 wives and 23 children) Could it happen in America? Could mass incarceration and persecution against a minority (Guess who? Clue: Not Jews) happen in America? Are we too docile and obedient to “Authority”? Why I am comfortable flying Lufthansa and visiting Cologne, Koblenz, and Mainz. Books are published and jokes are made against Christianity that would never be allowed if they were equally hostile to Islam. A rabbi’s serious warning to American Christians. Ignore it and we all face a dark and dangerous abyss. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Rabbi Short Clip: Forgiving Germany


    rabbidaniellapin.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Only The Preacher From Pale Rider Can Punish Postal Workers Who Dump The Mail 10/22/16


    How money is brought into existence and the scarcity of time. My speeches are more useful than HRC’s but you’d be crazy to pay me $250,000. The growth of the government gang and how it uses “bread & circuses” to distract the populace (that’s you and me!) Materialistic obsession and entertainment make every new government seizure of power and money more palatable to the populace. (That’s us!) The life story of James Comey and how he has been a long-time faithful servant of the Clinton Gang and of all those who rule over the ruled…(That’s you and me!) Look at loss of freedom and the decline of Americanism only through a video camera never through a snapshot camera. That way you’ll see what is REALLY happening. The moral message of the classic American western movie and how the Stranger from High Plains Drifter just might save our town. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Rabbi Short Clip: Speech from Jerusalem on Sukkot


    Rabbi Daniel Lapin's speech from Jerusalem on Sukkot. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • From a Dallas Suburb to a Mountain Top in Judea-God’s Uncertain World & How to Thrive In It 10/15/16


    In order to combat the destructive progressivism that imperils us all, America needs politicians who are pit bulls not poodles. Increasingly hyper-left wing prosecutors use the almost unlimited power of their offices to destroy conservative leaders, candidates, and organizations. What they did to Gov. Scott Walker, they are doing to Trump and others. I speak with four young American couples living the consumer dream of luxury and security who picked up their young families and left their homes and careers behind in San Francisco, Seattle, Dallas, and Chicago to immigrate to a mountain-top settlement situated dangerously and controversially on the west bank of the Jordan River-beyond the “Green Line.” They inspired Mrs. Lapin and me. What makes so many Americans behave altruistically and idealistically rather than expediently and rationally? In other words, what produces human greatness? How knowing that we live in an uncertain world makes us better and more successful people. Learn more about your ad choic

  • Rabbi Short Clip: Fulfilling The Prophecy with Greg


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  • Dueling VPs Reveal More Than Enough For The Wise 10/8/16


    When is the truth not the truth? “Abortion is a moral decision!” Huh? Really? “Defending homosexual marriage is part of my faith!” Come again? Learn to interpret the ‘tells’ in political pronouncements. What ‘Tikun Olam’ means to the George Soros’ of the world. A homosexual synagogue for homosexual Jews? How about a pork-eating synagogue for pork-eating Jews? The difference between an action and an identity. You can survive times of turbulence if your family is unified and your finances are sound. You can’t be an economic conservative and a social liberal. Why I respect thoughtful atheists and honest homosexuals far more than mendacious rabbis and posturing priests. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Rabbi Short Clip: Is Homosexuality a Sin?


    rabbidaniellapin.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Some People Never Laugh - Why Won’t They Laugh? + Report from Jerusalem & Peres Funeral 10/1/16


    The president of Ceylon, Dingiri Banda Wijetunga, died eight years ago in 2008. How many world leaders came to his funeral? Let’s see…..well, about zero. The president of Bangladesh, Ahsanuddin Chowdhury, died fifteen years ago in 2001. How many world leaders came to his funeral? Well, it is hard to be exact but approximately zero. Both countries have populations many times larger than Israel. Yet this past Friday, why was a former president of Israel, Shimon Peres, laid to rest in the presence of one of the biggest and most illustrious gatherings of world leaders ever seen this century? Let’s explore that. Furthermore, this Sunday night starts the Hebrew new year of 5777. What is Jewish New Year and how is it different from Jewish Head of the Year? And finally, the true reason that secular liberalism destroys humor. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Rabbi Short Clip: Reporting From Jerusalem


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  • Wonderful Women Married to Mediocre Men 9/24/16


    Most women want to give themselves to men they consider worthy of their surrender. What if the man of your dreams turns out to lack ambition, masculine mastery, and money-sense? Most women would like to be married to a man taller, smarter, and richer than they are? Settle for 2 out of 3? How a prosecutor found happiness as a nursery school teacher. Physical affection increases masculinity. The perils of 19 year-old bikini babes. Any divorced couples in the Bible? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Rabbi Short Clip: How Women REALLY Work


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